8 | | PsychoPy is an open-source application allowing to run a wide range of neuroscience, psychology and psychophysics experiments. It’s a free, powerful alternative to Presentation™ or e-Prime™, which use the Coder interface to write extremely powerful experiments in the widely-used Python programming language. The platform is independence and that is achieved through the use of the wxPython widget library for the application and OpenGL for graphics calls. PsychoPy runs on a wide variety of hardware, Windows, OS X or Linux, and it really does benefit from a decent graphics card. You should get an ATI or nVidia card that supports OpenGL 2.0, and to avoid built-in Intel graphics chips. |
9 | | The first time PsychoPy was written in 2003 as a proof of concept that a high-level scripring language could generate experimental stimuli in real time. It is continually updated with 5-10 releases each year, containing new features and bug fixes. It has many versions and the last one was released June 2017. |
10 | | There are many advantages to using PsychoPy, such as: |
| 8 | !PsychoPy is an open-source application allowing to run a wide range of neuroscience, psychology and psychophysics experiments. It’s a free, powerful alternative to Presentation™ or e-Prime™, which use the Coder interface to write extremely powerful experiments in the widely-used Python programming language. The platform is independence and that is achieved through the use of the wxPython widget library for the application and OpenGL for graphics calls. !PsychoPy runs on a wide variety of hardware, Windows, OS X or Linux, and it really does benefit from a decent graphics card. You should get an ATI or nVidia card that supports OpenGL 2.0, and to avoid built-in Intel graphics chips. |
| 9 | The first time !PsychoPy was written in 2003 as a proof of concept that a high-level scripring language could generate experimental stimuli in real time. It is continually updated with 5-10 releases each year, containing new features and bug fixes. It has many versions and the last one was released June 2017. |
| 10 | There are many advantages to using !PsychoPy, such as: |
107 | | Jeremy Gray, Sol Simpson, Mike MacAskill, Jonas Lindeløv, Richard Höchenberger, Hiroyuki Sogo, Yaroslav Halchenko, Erik Kastman, William Hogman, Ilixa Ltd., Gary Strangman. For full list of contributors see the folowing link: https://www.openhub.net/p/PsychoPy/contributors |
| 106 | Jeremy Gray, Sol Simpson, Mike !MacAskill, Jonas Lindeløv, Richard Höchenberger, Hiroyuki Sogo, Yaroslav Halchenko, Erik Kastman, William Hogman, Ilixa Ltd., Gary Strangman. For full list of contributors see the folowing link: https://www.openhub.net/p/PsychoPy/contributors |