= Pupil - Platform for eye tracking and egocentric vision research. = ''Description'' Pupil is an open source eye tracking software platform for pervasive eye tracking and gaze-based interaction. Pupil comprises 1) a light-weight eye tracking headset, 2) a graphical user interface to playback and visualize video and gaze data. Pupil features high-resolution scene and eye cameras for monocular and binocular gaze estimation. The software and GUI are platform-independent and include state-of-the-art algorithms for real-time pupil detection and tracking, calibration, and accurate gaze estimation. It started as a thesis project at MIT. Pupil has a mobile eye tracking hardware that is accessible, hackable, and affordable. Pupil software is divided into two main parts, Pupil Capture and Pupil Player. Pupil Capture runs in real-time to capture and process images from the two (or more) camera video streams. Pupil Player is used to playback and visualize video and gaze data recorded with Pupil Capture. **URL:** 1. https://pupil-labs.com/ 2. https://github.com/pupil-labs/pupil 3. https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2638728.2641695 (It has to be cited if any info is used) **Prerequsities for using this software - !Software/Hardware**: Hardware: - https://pupil-labs.com/store/ == '''Project Anatomy''' == **Community**: Pupil community (https://docs.pupil-labs.com/#community) **Leadership**: Moritz Kassner **Forking**: Fork your own copy at this address: https://github.com/pupil-labs/pupil/fork, for which you will need a !GitHub account. **Communication**: There are a couple of ways for communicating with Pupil community, one is their contact e-mail: info@pupil-labs.com and other is the Discourd forum, where you can ask questions: https://discordapp.com/invite/gKmmGqy. **Roadmaps**: N/A **Releases**: 1. Pupil: An Open Source Platform for Pervasive Eye Tracking and Mobile Gaze-based Interaction - UBICOMP '14 ADJUNCT, SEPTEMBER 13 - 17, 2014, SEATTLE, WA, USA (Moritz Kassner, William Patera, Andreas Bulling) 1. 2013-08-29 Robert gabriel lupu, Florina ungureanu - A Survey Of Eye Tracking Methods And Applications 2. 2014-02 Sam Sinai - A study in human attention to guide computational action recognition 3. 2014-03-26 Patrick Renner, Thies Pfeiffer - Model-based acquisition and analysis of multimodal interactions for improving human-robot interaction **Repositories**: The main repository of !Pupils is: https://github.com/pupil-labs/pupil , where you can download the source code, clone it to desktop, or even make your own fork. **Packaging**: N/A **Upstream/downstream**: It is open for contributing for upstream, you fork the repository, send your pull request and wait until is revised and approved. **Version Control**: version v1.6 (21/03/2018) - Latest version control **Trackers**: You can see commits and verified changes at this link: https://github.com/pupil-labs/pupil/pulse == Project Evaluation == === Fieldtrips === Github: https://github.com/pupil-labs/pupil Openhub: (Pupil is not listed here) Source Forge: (Pupil is not listed here) === Evaluation === **Licensing:** GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL v3.0) license **Language:** Python and C++ **Activity:** Active **Number of contributors:** There are twenty two official contributors. They are listed on this page: https://github.com/pupil-labs/pupil/graphs/contributors **Size:** N/A **Issue tracker:** There is an issue tracker available at:https://github.com/pupil-labs/pupil/issues **New contributor:** If you want to be a contributor you can fork your own copy at: https://github.com/pupil-labs/pupil/fork **Community norms:** You can report an issue through the !GitHub issue page , help to fix it by forking in the !GitHub repository and commit fixes. **User base:** Their user base is the Pupil community. [ProjectPupil ...Review]