Version 4 (modified by 7 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Pupil - Platform for eye tracking and egocentric vision research.
Pupil is an open source eye tracking software platform for pervasive eye tracking and gaze-based interaction. Pupil comprises 1) a light-weight eye tracking headset, 2) a graphical user interface to playback and visualize video and gaze data.
Pupil features high-resolution scene and eye cameras for monocular and binocular gaze estimation. The software and GUI are platform-independent and include state-of-the-art algorithms for real-time pupil detection and tracking, calibration, and accurate gaze estimation. It started as a thesis project at MIT. Pupil has a mobile eye tracking hardware that is accessible, hackable, and affordable.
Pupil software is divided into two main parts, Pupil Capture and Pupil Player. Pupil Capture runs in real-time to capture and process images from the two (or more) camera video streams. Pupil Player is used to playback and visualize video and gaze data recorded with Pupil Capture.
- (It has to be cited if any info is used)
Prerequsities for using this software - Software/Hardware:
Project Anatomy
Community: Pupil community (
Leadership: Moritz Kassner
Forking: Fork your own copy at this address:, for which you will need a GitHub account.
Communication: There are a couple of ways for communicating with Pupil community, one is their contact e-mail: info@… and other is the Discourd forum, where you can ask questions:
- Pupil: An Open Source Platform for Pervasive Eye Tracking and Mobile Gaze-based Interaction - UBICOMP '14 ADJUNCT, SEPTEMBER 13 - 17, 2014, SEATTLE, WA, USA (Moritz Kassner, William Patera, Andreas Bulling)
- 2013-08-29 Robert gabriel lupu, Florina ungureanu - A Survey Of Eye Tracking Methods And Applications
- 2014-02 Sam Sinai - A study in human attention to guide computational action recognition
- 2014-03-26 Patrick Renner, Thies Pfeiffer - Model-based acquisition and analysis of multimodal interactions for improving human-robot interaction
The main repository of !Pupils is: , where you can download the source code, clone it to desktop, or even make your own fork.
It is open for contributing for upstream, you fork the repository, send your pull request and wait until is revised and approved.
Version Control:
version v1.6 (21/03/2018) - Latest version control
You can see commits and verified changes at this link:
Project Evaluation
Openhub: (Pupil is not listed here)
Source Forge: (Pupil is not listed here)
Licensing: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL v3.0) license
Language: Python and C++
Activity: Active
Number of contributors: There are twenty two official contributors. They are listed on this page:
Size: N/A
Issue tracker: There is an issue tracker available at:
New contributor: If you want to be a contributor you can fork your own copy at:
Community norms: You can report an issue through the GitHub issue page , help to fix it by forking in the GitHub repository and commit fixes.
User base: Their user base is the Pupil community