5 | | !PyGaze is an open-source toolbox for eye tracking in Python. It has an uniform and user-friendy syntax and it is aimed for people with minor to advanced programming skills in Python. Pygaze acts as a wrapper around several existing packages, among |
6 | | which !PyGame, !PsychoPy, pylink (for SR Research !EyeLink systems), !SensoMotoric Instruments’ !iViewX API, and the !Tobii SDK. From stimulus presentation to eye-tracker communication: everything can be handled by via !PyGaze scripting. As a a Python |
7 | | library for eye tracking you can use a set of plugins that will allow you to use !PyGaze from within !OpenSesame. You can install !PyGaze on Windows as well as on Ubuntu. |
| 5 | !PyGaze is an open-source toolbox for eye tracking in Python. It has an uniform and user-friendy syntax and it is aimed for people with minor to advanced programming skills in Python. Pygaze acts as a wrapper around several existing packages. From stimulus presentation to eye-tracker communication: everything can be handled by via !PyGaze scripting. As a a Python library for eye tracking you can use a set of plugins that will allow you to use !PyGaze from within !OpenSesame. You can install !PyGaze on Windows as well as on Ubuntu. |