**Review of !TrackEye** First thing to do is download the source code, which is packed as a zip archive on code project website's article. Next I unziped it, and as the instruction for instalation on the website, I copied the two pictures, to the C:/ folder, that are going to be used by the algorithms. There are also suggested settings for a user to set before the starting of the eye-tracking, and they are: **Settings to be Done to Perform a Good Tracking** **Settings for Face & Eye Detection** Under !TrackEye Menu --> Tracker Settings Input Source: video Click on Select file and select ..\Avis\Sample.avi Face Detection Algorithm: Haar Face Detection Algorithm Check “Track also Eyes” checkBox Eye Detection Algorithm: Adaptive PCA Uncheck “Variance Check” Number of Database Images: 8 Number of !EigenEyes: 5 Maximum allowable distance from eyespace: 1200 Face width/eye template width ratio: 0.3 !ColorSpace type to use during PCA: CV_RGB2GRAY **Settings for Pupil Detection** Check “Track eyes in details” and then check “Detect also eye pupils”. Click “Adjust Parameters” button: Enter “120” as the “Threshold Value” Click “Save Settings” and then click “Close” **Settings for Snake** Check “Indicate eye boundary using active snakes”. Click “Settings for snake” button: Select !ColorSpace to use: CV_RGB2GRAY Select Simple thresholding and enter 100 as the “Threshold value” Click “Save Settings” and then click “Close”