= !TrackEye : Real-Time Tracking Of Human Eyes Using a Webcam = ''Description'' !TrackEye is a free software for real-time tracking of human eyes using a webcam. It has three components: face detection, eye detection and eye feature extraction. !TrackEye supports two different face detection algorithms: Haar Face Tracking and CAMSHIFT, two eye-detection algorithms: Adaptive Principal Components Analysis and Template matching. Features of !TrackEye: - !RealTime face tracking with scale and rotation invariance - Tracking eye features - Tracking the eye areas individually - Remote controlling using eye movements - Eye gaze direction finding **URL:** 1. https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/26897/TrackEye-Real-Time-Tracking-Of-Human-Eyes-Using-a **Prerequisites for using this software - !Software/Hardware** : Ordinary webcam == '''Project Anatomy''' == **Community**: Zafer Savas **Leadership**: Zafer Savas **Forking**: No forking is available. **Communication**: The developer can be contacted through e-mail: zafersavas@yahoo.com **Roadmaps**: The aim of this project is real-time eye feature tracking software. **Releases**: 1. Z. Savas. (2012, Sep.) TrackEye: Real-Time Tracking of Human Eyes Using a Webcam. [Online]. Available: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/26897/TrackEye-Real-Time-TrackingOf-Human-Eyes-Using-a **Repositories**: The main repository of !TrackEye is available through code published online at this address: https://www.codeproject.com/script/Articles/ViewDownloads.aspx?aid=26897 **Packaging**: There are three versions of !TrackEye so far, but the packaging sizes have not been specified. **Upstream/downstream**: On the Code Project website you can copy the code, and there is explanation if you want to use it. You can also make a suggestion on the Comments and discussion page: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/26897/TrackEye-Real-Time-Tracking-Of-Human-Eyes-Using-a#_comments. If you want to post update or alternative, i.e. upstream, you can do it here: https://www.codeproject.com/script/Articles/ListAlternatives.aspx?aid=26897 **Version Control**: version 2.0 (12-06-2008) - Latest version **Trackers**: There is comments and discussion page where issues are reported, questions are answered, ideas suggested. It is available at: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/26897/TrackEye-Real-Time-Tracking-Of-Human-Eyes-Using-a#_comments == Project Evaluation == === Fieldtrips === Github: / (!TrackEye is not listed here) Openhub: / (!TrackEye is not listed here) Source Forge: / (!TrackEye is not listed here) === Evaluation === **Licensing:** The Code Project Open License (CPOL) **Language:** OpenCV Library v3.1, .NET framework **Activity:** Active **Number of contributors:** There is one developer but official contributors are not known. **Size:** N/A **Issue tracker:** There is a forum where you can write about an issue: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/26897/TrackEye-Real-Time-Tracking-Of-Human-Eyes-Using-a#_comments **New contributor:** If you want to be a contributor to !TrackEye you can suggest idea here: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/26897/TrackEye-Real-Time-Tracking-Of-Human-Eyes-Using-a#_comments, or make a revision here: https://www.codeproject.com/script/Articles/ListVersions.aspx?aid=26897 **Community norms:** You can report an issue, bug, make suggestion, ask question, answer question, praise or rant here: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/26897/TrackEye-Real-Time-Tracking-Of-Human-Eyes-Using-a#_comments **User base:** The user base is the developer. [ProjectReviewTrackEye ...Review]