**Review of iTrace** iTrace is a plugin for an Eye-Enabled IDE, more precisely for the Eclipse IDE. It enables us to do eye tracking on software artifacts within the IDE to support further software engineering tasks. iTrace works by implicitly recording developers' eye-movements while the work on change tasks. Supports a variety of eye trackers. Eye-movements can be recorded on various types of software artifacts, like for example Java code, text/html/xml documents, some diagrams, as well as IDE user interface elements. The purpose of iTrace is to help in code summarization, software tracebility, program comprehension tasks and code recommendations based on the developers' gaze. [[Image(2-Figure2-1.png,20%​)]] [[Image(2-Figure1-1.png​)]] [[Image(3-Figure3-1.jpg​,25%)]] **Pic.1 Pic.2 Diagram of the steps from gaze tracking to obtaining data using iTrace and Eclipse IDE** **Pic.3 Data obtained after gaze recording on code** [[Image(i1.jpg,30%)]] **Pic.4 Connecting Tobii tracker with Eclipse and the iTrace plugin** [[Image(i2.jpg,30%)]] **Pic.5 Starting a session info for the tracking** [[Image(i3.jpg)]] **Pic.6 Entering the developers info** [[Image(i4.jpg)]] **Pic.7 The calibration process has began after clicking on the calibrate button on the iTrace controller tab** [[Image(i5.jpg,30%)]] **Pic.8 Appling a fixation filter on the processed data** [[Image(i6.jpg)]] [[Image(i7.jpg)]]