
Version 7 (modified by Monika Rizova, 7 years ago) ( diff )


iTrace – Tracking Eye Movements on Software Artifacts in the Eclipse IDE


iTrace is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE incorporating implicit eye tracking. iTrace interfaces with an eye tracker to determine the type of element one is looking at, for example when you are looking at source code, it will determine the location of eye gaze and map it to the source code element. In order to use iTrace on your system you have to check these requirements:

  • Project must be checked out as "iTrace" in your workspace.
  • Eclipse IDE (Windows users should install Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers)
  • Java development kit (JDK)
  • Apache IvyDE Eclipse Plugin (
  • C++ compiler: g++ on UNIX or Microsoft Visual Studio on Microsoft Windows
  • Java native interface (JNI) headers

iTrace has the following features:

  • Session Creation
  • Calibration
  • Displacement Adjustment
  • Source Code Entity Level Tracking
  • Coarse-grained tracking on text files
  • Raw Data Exports in an easy to understand format
  • Fixation Exports



Prerequsities for using this software - Software/Hardware:

In 2015, when it was published it supported only:

  • Tobii x60
  • Tobii EyeX ,but now it works with variaty of eye-trackers because of the modular architecture of iTrace which allows for easy addition of new devices.

Project Anatomy

Community: iTrace community

Leadership: Bonita Sharif

Forking: Fork your own copy at this address, for which you will need a GitHub account.

Communication: To communicate with iTrace community you can write an email to the leader of the project at this email address: bsharif@….




  1. Shaffer, T., Wise, J., Walters, B., Müller, S., Falcone, M., Sharif B., (2015) “iTrace: Enabling Eye Tracking on Software Artifacts Within the IDE to Support Software Engineering Tasks”, 10th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2015), Tool Track, Bergamo, Italy, August 30 – September 4, 4 pages to appear (preprint)
  2. Kevic, K., Walters, B., Shaffer, T., Sharif B., Fritz, T., Shepherd, D., (2015) “Tracing Software Developers’ Eyes and Interactions for Change Tasks”, 10th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2015), Bergamo, Italy, August 30 – September 4, 12 pages to appear
  3. Walters, B., Shaffer, T., Sharif, B., and Kagdi, H. (2014), “Capturing Software Traceability Links from Developers’ Eye Gazes”, International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC’14), ERA track, Hyderabad, India, June 2 – June 3 2014, pp. 201-204 (Replication package) — Used an earlier version of iTrace
  4. Walters, B., Falcone, M., Shibble, A., Sharif. B., (2013), “Towards an Eye-tracking Enabled IDE for Software Traceability Tasks”, 7th International Workshop on Traceability in Emerging Forms of Software Engineering (TEFSE 2013). San Francisco, CA, May 19 2013. pp 51-54


iTrace's repository is found at: , where you can download the source code, clone it to desktop, or even make your own fork.




To collaborate on this project you can contact Bonita Sharif at bsharif@…, or you can make your own fork and wait for pull request approval (if you want to develop, you should develop all new features as a new branch, master is reserved for stable code.)

Version Control:

v0.1.0 on Jul 30, 2014


You can see commits and verified changes at this link:

Project Evaluation



Openhub: This project is not listed here.

Source Forge: This project is not listed here.


Licensing: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991,

Language: Java

Activity: Active

Number of contributors: There are 6 student contributors and one project supervisor, listed on this page: . On GitHub 7 people has contibuted with commits:

Size: N/A

Issue tracker: The issue tracker at !github is used to keep track of new features and bugs.

New contributor: If you want to be a contributor you can make your own fork and wait for pull request approval (you should develop all new features as a new branch, master is reserved for stable code.)

Community norms: You can report an issue through the issue page on GitHub, help to fix it by forking in the GitHub repository and commit fixes and if you prefer to work via different channels you can contact Bonita Sharif at bsharif@….

User base: The user base are the student contributors and the project superviser,


Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.