== ER Diagram == [[Image(ttlrg.png)]] === Entities === * **Entity: User** * **Description**: Contains main information about all users in the system. * **Primary Key**: `id`. * **Attributes**: * **email**: User's email address. * **street**: Street address of the user. * **city**: City of residence. * **phone_number**: Contact phone number. * **password**: Encrypted user password. * **Entity: Employee** * **Description**: Represents employees of the system. * **Primary Key**: `user_id`. * **Attributes**: * **user_id**: Foreign key referencing `User`. * **net_salary**: The net salary of the employee. * **gross_salary**: The gross salary of the employee. * **Entity: Customer** * **Description**: Represents customers in the system. * **Primary Key**: `user_id`. * **Attributes**: * **user_id**: Foreign key referencing `User`. * **Entity: Manager** * **Description**: A disjoint specialization of the `Employee` entity for managers. * **Primary Key**: `employee_id`. * **Entity: FrontStaff** * **Description**: A disjoint specialization of the `Employee` entity for front-facing staff members. * **Primary Key**: `employee_id`. * **Attributes**: * **tip_percent**: Percentage of tips allocated to the staff. * **staff_role_id**: Foreign key referencing `StaffRole`. * **Entity: BackStaff** * **Description**: A disjoint specialization of the `Employee` entity for back-office staff members. * **Primary Key**: `employee_id`. * **Attributes**: * **staff_role_id**: Foreign key referencing `StaffRole`. * **Entity: StaffRole** * **Description**: Defines roles for staff members. * **Primary Key**: `id`. * **Attributes**: * **name**: Name of the staff role. * **Entity: Shift** * **Description**: Represents a work shift in the system. * **Primary Key**: `id`. * **Attributes**: * **date**: Date of the shift. * **start**: Start time of the shift. * **end**: End time of the shift. * **manager_id**: Foreign key referencing `Manager`. * **Entity: Assignment** * **Description**: Represents shift assignment for each employee. * **Primary Key**: `id`. * **Attributes**: * **clock_in_time**: Clock in time of the employee. * **clock_out_time**: Clock out time of the employee. * **manager_id**: Foreign key referencing `Manager`. * **employee_id**: Foreign key referencing `Employee`. * **shift_id**: Foreign key referencing `Shift`. * **Entity: Reservation** * **Description**: Represents reservations made by users. * **Primary Key**: `id`. * **Attributes**: * **stay_length**: Duration of the stay. * **datetime**: Date and time of the reservation. * **creation_timestamp**: Timestamp when the reservation was created. * **number_of_people**: Number of people in the reservation. * **user_id**: Foreign key referencing `User`. * **Entity: Category** * **Description**: Represents product categories. * **Primary Key**: `id`. * **Attributes**: * **name**: Name of the category. * **is_available**: Availability status of the category. * **Entity: Product** * **Description**: Represents items that can be purchased in the system. * **Primary Key**: `id`. * **Attributes**: * **name**: Name of the product. * **price**: Price of the product. * **tax_class**: Tax classification for the product. * **description**: Description of the product. * **category_id**: Foreign key referencing `Category`. * **manage_inventory**: Boolean indicating if inventory is managed. * **Entity: Inventory** * **Description**: Tracks product quantities and restocking levels. * **Primary Key**: `product_id`. * **Attributes**: * **quantity**: Current stock quantity. * **restock_level**: Minimum stock level before restocking is required. * **Entity: OrderItem** * **Description**: Represents items in a customer's order. * **Primary Key**: `id`. * **Attributes**: * **quantity**: Quantity of the product ordered. * **price**: Price of the product in the order. * **is_processed**: Processing status of the item. * **timestamp**: Time when the item was added. * **product_id**: Foreign key referencing `Product`. * **order_id**: Foreign key referencing `Order`. * **Entity: Order** * **Description**: Represents a customer's order in the system. * **Primary Key**: `id`. * **Attributes**: * **timestamp**: Time when the order was placed. * **status**: Status of the order. * **Entity: TabOrder** * **Description**: Represents orders made at a specific table. * **Primary Key**: `order_id`. * **Attributes**: * **table_number**: Foreign key referencing `Table`. * **frontstaff_id**: Foreign key referencing `FrontStaff`. * **Entity: OnlineOrder** * **Description**: Represents orders made online by customers. * **Primary Key**: `order_id`. * **Attributes**: * **customer_id**: Foreign key referencing `Customer`. * **delivery_adress**: Delivery adress for the order. * **Entity: Table** * **Description**: Represents dining tables in the system. * **Primary Key**: `table_number`. * **Attributes**: * **seat_capacity**: Seating capacity of the table. * **Entity: Payment** * **Description**: Represents payments for orders. * **Primary Key**: `id`. * **Attributes**: * **tip_amount**: Amount of tip included. * **timestamp**: Time of payment. * **payment_type**: Type of payment (e.g., cash, card). * **amount**: Total payment amount. * **order_id**: Foreign key referencing `Order`. === Relationships === * **belongs_to** 1:N Relation between `Category` and `Product`. * Description: Indicates which category a product belongs to. * **is_in**: 1:1 Relation between `Product` and `Inventory`. * Description: Indicates the product's record in inventory. * **is**: 1:N Relation between `Product` and `OrderItem`. * Description: Indicates which products are order items. * **has**: 1:M Relation between `Order` and `OrderItem`. * Description: Indicates which order items belong to a given order. * **places_order**: 1:P Relation between `Customer` and `OnlineOrder`. * Description: Indicates which online order a customer placed. * **is_placed_on**: 1:M Relation between `Table` and `TabOrder`. * Description: Indicates which table a tab order is placed on. * **has_payment**: 1:1 Relation between `Order` and `Payment`. * Description: Indicates the payment for the given order. * **creates**: 1:M Relation between `Manager` and `Shift`. * Description: Indicates the manager's created shifts. * **assigns**: 1:N Relation between `Manager`, and `Assignment`. * Description: Indicates a manager making an assignment. * **assigned_to**: 1:N Relation between `Employee`, and `Assignment`. * Description: Indicates which employee has the assignment. * **is_assigned**: 1:N Relation between `Shift`, and `Assignment`. * Description: Indicates which shift is assigned. * **makes**: 1:P Relation between `Customer` and `Reservation`. * Description: Indicates which customer makes the reservation. * **has_role**: 1:N Relation between `StaffRole` and `BackStaff`/`FrontStaff`. * Description: Indicates the role of back-staff/front-staff employees.