
Version 5 (modified by 226030, 13 days ago) ( diff )


Relational Mapping - Partial Transformation


  • Primary keys are marked with bold and underlined letters
  • Foreign keys are marked with *

Relational Schema

  1. User(id, email, street, city, phone_number, password)
  2. Employee(user_id*, net_salary, gross_salary)
  3. Customer(user_id*)
  4. Manager(user_id*)
  5. FrontStaff(employee_id*, tip_percent, staff_role_id*)
  6. BackStaff(employee_id*, staff_role_id*)
  7. StaffRole(staff_role_id, name)
  8. Shift(shift_id, date, start, end, manager_id*)
  9. Assignment(id, clock_in_time, clock_out_time, manager_id*, employee_id*, shift_id*)
  1. Reservation(id, stay_length, datetime, creation_timestamp, number_of_people, user_id*)
  2. Reservation_managed_FrontStaff(reservation_id*, employee_id*, table_number*)
  1. Category(id, name, is_available)
  2. Product(id, name, price, tax_class, description, manage_inventory, category_id*)
  3. Inventory(product_id*, quantity, restock_level)
  4. OrderItem(id, quantity, price, is_processed, timestamp, product_id*, order_id*)
  1. Order(id, timestamp, status)
  2. TabOrder(order_id*, table_number*, frontstaff_id*)
  3. OnlineOrder(order_id*, customer_id*, delivery_adress)
  4. Table(table_number, seat_capacity)
  5. Payment(id, tip_amount, timestamp, payment_type, amount, order_id*)

DDL Script for Dropping and Creating Tables


DML Script for Populating Tables with Data



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