package com.wediscussmovies.project.model; import lombok.Data; import javax.persistence.*; import java.sql.Date; import java.util.List; @Data @Entity @Table (name="discussions") public class Discussion { @Id @GeneratedValue private int discussion_id; @ManyToOne @Column(name = "movie_id") private Movie movie; @ManyToOne() @Column(name = "person_id") private Person person; @ManyToOne @Column(name = "user_id") private User user; @Column(name = "text", length = 1000, nullable = false) private String text; @Column(name = "title", length = 1000, nullable = false) private String title; @Column(name = "date", nullable = false) private Date date; @Column(name = "type", nullable = false) private DiscussionType type; @OneToMany private List replies; public Discussion() { } public Discussion(String title, String text, User user, Movie movie, Date valueOf) { this.title = title; this.text = text; this.user = user; = valueOf; = movie; this.type = DiscussionType.M; } public Discussion(String title, String text, User user, Person person, Date valueOf) { this.title = title; this.text = text; this.user = user; = valueOf; this.person = person; this.type = DiscussionType.P; } } /* create table discussions( discussion_id serial primary key, type char(1) not null, text varchar(1000) not null, title varchar(250) not null, date date not null, user_id integer not null, movie_id integer, person_id integer, constraint fk_user_created foreign key (user_id) references users(user_id) on delete cascade on update cascade, constraint ck_type_discussion check( (type = 'M' and movie_id notnull and person_id isnull) or (type='P' and person_id notnull and movie_id isnull)), constraint fk_discussion_movie foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id) on delete cascade on update cascade, constraint fk_discussion_person foreign key (person_id) references persons(person_id) on delete cascade on update cascade ); */