Last change
on this file was baf4cc4, checked in by ppaunovski <paunovskipavel@…>, 6 months ago |
split group project and individual project into two separate folders
Property mode
set to
File size:
1.0 KB
Line | |
1 | # See for more about ignoring files.
2 |
3 | # Compiled output
4 | /dist
5 | /tmp
6 | /out-tsc
7 | /bazel-out
8 |
9 | # Node
10 | /node_modules
11 | npm-debug.log
12 | yarn-error.log
13 |
14 | # IDEs and editors
15 | .idea/
16 | .project
17 | .classpath
18 | .c9/
19 | *.launch
20 | .settings/
21 | *.sublime-workspace
22 |
23 | # Visual Studio Code
24 | .vscode/*
25 | !.vscode/settings.json
26 | !.vscode/tasks.json
27 | !.vscode/launch.json
28 | !.vscode/extensions.json
29 | .history/*
30 |
31 | # Miscellaneous
32 | /.angular/cache
33 | .sass-cache/
34 | /connect.lock
35 | /coverage
36 | /libpeerconnection.log
37 | testem.log
38 | /typings
39 |
40 | # System files
41 | .DS_Store
42 | Thumbs.db
43 |
44 |
45 | .gradle
46 | build/
47 | !gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
48 | !**/src/main/**/build/
49 | !**/src/test/**/build/
50 |
51 | ### STS ###
52 | .apt_generated
53 | .classpath
54 | .factorypath
55 | .project
56 | .settings
57 | .springBeans
58 | .sts4-cache
59 | bin/
60 | !**/src/main/**/bin/
61 | !**/src/test/**/bin/
62 |
63 | ### IntelliJ IDEA ###
64 | .idea
65 | *.iws
66 | *.iml
67 | *.ipr
68 | out/
69 | !**/src/main/**/out/
70 | !**/src/test/**/out/
71 |
72 | ### NetBeans ###
73 | /nbproject/private/
74 | /nbbuild/
75 | /dist/
76 | /nbdist/
77 | /.nb-gradle/
78 |
79 | ### VS Code ###
80 | .vscode/
81 |
82 | ### Kotlin ###
83 | .kotlin
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