source: bus-n-go-pavel-216049/bus-n-go-backend/src/main/kotlin/mk/ukim/finki/busngobackend/api/responses

Name Size Rev Age Author Last Change
AdminUsersResponse.kt 230 bytes baf4cc4   6 months paunovskipavel split group project and individual project into two separate folders
AuthResponse.kt 101 bytes baf4cc4   6 months paunovskipavel split group project and individual project into two separate folders
CommuteResponse.kt 394 bytes baf4cc4   6 months paunovskipavel split group project and individual project into two separate folders
ControlResponse.kt 240 bytes baf4cc4   6 months paunovskipavel split group project and individual project into two separate folders
FineResponse.kt 433 bytes baf4cc4   6 months paunovskipavel split group project and individual project into two separate folders
RouteInstanceResponse.kt 472 bytes baf4cc4   6 months paunovskipavel split group project and individual project into two separate folders
TicketResponse.kt 317 bytes baf4cc4   6 months paunovskipavel split group project and individual project into two separate folders
UserResponse.kt 195 bytes baf4cc4   6 months paunovskipavel split group project and individual project into two separate folders
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