1 | package mk.ukim.finki.busngobackend.service
2 |
3 | import mk.ukim.finki.busngobackend.api.requests.StartRouteInstanceRequest
4 | import mk.ukim.finki.busngobackend.api.responses.RouteInstanceResponse
5 | import mk.ukim.finki.busngobackend.domain.entities.InstancaNaLinija
6 | import mk.ukim.finki.busngobackend.domain.enums.RoleEnum
7 | import mk.ukim.finki.busngobackend.events.StartRouteEvent
8 | import mk.ukim.finki.busngobackend.mapper.ClassToDtoMapper
9 | import mk.ukim.finki.busngobackend.repository.*
10 | import mk.ukim.finki.busngobackend.service.exceptions.NotFoundException
11 | import mk.ukim.finki.busngobackend.service.exceptions.UnauthorizedAccessException
12 | import org.springframework.context.ApplicationEventPublisher
13 | import org.springframework.data.repository.findByIdOrNull
14 | import org.springframework.stereotype.Service
15 | import java.sql.Timestamp
16 | import java.time.LocalDateTime
17 |
18 | @Service
19 | class RouteInstanceService(
20 | private val instancaNaLinijaRepository: InstancaNaLinijaRepository,
21 | private val linijaRepository: LinijaRepository,
22 | private val pravecRepository: PravecRepository,
23 | private val linijaPravecRepository: LinijaPravecRepository,
24 | private val avtobusRepository: AvtobusRepository,
25 | private val authService: AuthService,
26 | private val vrabotenRepository: VrabotenRepository,
27 | private val vozacRepository: VozacRepository,
28 | private val dtoMapper: ClassToDtoMapper,
29 | private val publisher: ApplicationEventPublisher,
30 | private val postojkaRepository: PostojkaRepository,
31 | ) {
32 | fun start(request: StartRouteInstanceRequest): RouteInstanceResponse {
33 | if (!authService.isAuthenticated() || !authService.hasAuthority(RoleEnum.ROLE_DRIVER)) {
34 | throw UnauthorizedAccessException("Unauthorized access")
35 | }
36 |
37 | val korisnik = authService.getAuthenticatedUser()
38 | val vraboten = vrabotenRepository.findByKorisnik(korisnik) ?: throw NotFoundException("Korisnik")
39 | val vozac = vozacRepository.findByVraboten(vraboten) ?: throw NotFoundException("Vraboten")
40 |
41 | val linija = linijaRepository.findByIdOrNull(request.lineId) ?: throw NotFoundException("Line not found")
42 | val pravec =
43 | pravecRepository.findByIdOrNull(request.directionId) ?: throw NotFoundException("Direction not found")
44 |
45 | if (!linijaPravecRepository.existsByLinijaAndPravec(linija, pravec)) {
46 | throw NotFoundException("Line does not has the specified direction")
47 | }
48 |
49 | val avtobus = avtobusRepository.findByIdOrNull(request.busId) ?: throw NotFoundException("Bus Not Found")
50 |
51 | val instanca =
52 | InstancaNaLinija(
53 | id = 0L,
54 | startDate = Timestamp.valueOf(LocalDateTime.now()),
55 | linija = linija,
56 | pravec = pravec,
57 | avtobus = avtobus,
58 | vozac = vozac,
59 | endDate = null,
60 | )
61 |
62 | return instancaNaLinijaRepository
63 | .save(instanca)
64 | .let {
65 | publisher.publishEvent(StartRouteEvent(it))
66 | dtoMapper.toRouteInstanceResponse(it)
67 | }
68 | }
69 |
70 | fun findById(id: Long): InstancaNaLinija = instancaNaLinijaRepository.findByIdOrNull(id) ?: throw NotFoundException("id not found")
71 |
72 | fun stop(id: Long): RouteInstanceResponse {
73 | val instance = this.findById(id)
74 | if (instance.endDate != null) throw UnauthorizedAccessException("Unauthorized access")
75 | instance.endDate = Timestamp.valueOf(LocalDateTime.now())
76 | return instancaNaLinijaRepository.save(instance).let { dtoMapper.toRouteInstanceResponse(it) }
77 | }
78 |
79 | fun getById(id: Long): RouteInstanceResponse {
80 | val ri = this.findById(id)
81 | val korisnik = this.authService.getAuthenticatedUser()
82 | if (korisnik.id != ri.vozac.vraboten.korisnik.id) throw UnauthorizedAccessException("Unauthorized access")
83 | return dtoMapper.toRouteInstanceResponse(this.findById(id))
84 | }
85 |
86 | fun getForStation(stationId: Long): List<RouteInstanceResponse> {
87 | val station = postojkaRepository.findByIdOrNull(stationId) ?: throw NotFoundException("Station not found")
88 | // find all route instances heading to the given station
89 | val routeInstanceIds = instancaNaLinijaRepository.findIncomingRouteInstancesForStation(station.id)
90 | val routeInstances = instancaNaLinijaRepository.findAllById(routeInstanceIds)
91 | return routeInstances.map { dtoMapper.toRouteInstanceResponse(it) }
92 | }
93 |
94 | fun getAll(): List<RouteInstanceResponse> =
95 | instancaNaLinijaRepository.findAllByEndDateIsNull().map { dtoMapper.toRouteInstanceResponse(it) }
96 | }