1 | import React from 'react'
2 |
3 | import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux'
4 | import { setStyle } from '../redux/reducers/styleSlice';
5 |
6 | import { AiOutlineClose } from 'react-icons/ai';
7 | import { setPlayer } from '../redux/reducers/playerSlice';
8 |
9 | import axios from 'axios';
10 |
11 | const ManageCredits = () => {
12 | const playerState = useSelector(state => state.player);
13 | const styleState = useSelector(state => state.style);
14 |
15 | const dispatch = useDispatch();
16 |
17 | function close(action = '') {
18 | dispatch(setStyle({
19 | ...styleState.style,
20 | displayManageCreditsScreen: false,
21 | displayDepositModal: false,
22 | displayWithdrawModal: false,
23 | depositModalInputs: {
24 | name: '',
25 | card: '',
26 | expire: '',
27 | ccv: '',
28 | amount: '',
29 | },
30 | displayWithdrawModal: false,
31 | withdrawModalInputs: {
32 | citibank: '',
33 | iban: '',
34 | bic: '',
35 | beneficiary: '',
36 | address: '',
37 | amount: '',
38 | },
39 | inlineAlertText: '',
40 | notification: action === 'deposit' ? {
41 | show: true,
42 | text: `Deposited $${styleState.style.depositModalInputs.amount} successfully`,
43 | status: 'success',
44 | } : action === 'withdraw' ? {
45 | show: true,
46 | text: `Withdrew $${Math.min(styleState.style.withdrawModalInputs.amount, playerState.player.credits)} successfully`,
47 | status: 'success',
48 | } : {
49 | show: false,
50 | text: '',
51 | status: ''
52 | },
53 | }))
54 | }
55 |
56 |
57 | function openDepositModal() {
58 | dispatch(setStyle({
59 | ...styleState.style,
60 | displayDepositModal: true,
61 | displayWithdrawModal: false,
62 | inlineAlertText: '',
63 | }))
64 | }
65 |
66 | function openWithdrawModal() {
67 | dispatch(setStyle({
68 | ...styleState.style,
69 | displayDepositModal: false,
70 | displayWithdrawModal: true,
71 | inlineAlertText: '',
72 | }))
73 | }
74 |
75 | function buyCredits() {
76 | axios.post(`/api/postgre`, {
77 | action: 'deposit',
78 | session_id: localStorage.CAESSINO_SESSION_ID,
79 | data: styleState.style.depositModalInputs
80 | })
81 | .then(res => {
82 | if (res.data?.success) {
83 | dispatch(setPlayer({
84 | ...playerState.player,
85 | credits: res.data.credits,
86 | }))
87 |
88 | close('deposit');
89 | }
90 | else {
91 | dispatch(setStyle({
92 | ...styleState.style,
93 | displayManageCreditsScreen: true,
94 | inlineAlertText: res.data?.message,
95 | }));
96 | }
97 | })
98 | }
99 |
100 | function sellCredits() {
101 | axios.post(`/api/postgre`, {
102 | action: 'withdraw',
103 | session_id: localStorage.CAESSINO_SESSION_ID,
104 | data: styleState.style.withdrawModalInputs
105 | })
106 | .then(res => {
107 | if (res.data?.success) {
108 | dispatch(setPlayer({
109 | ...playerState.player,
110 | credits: res.data.credits,
111 | }))
112 |
113 | close('withdraw');
114 | }
115 | else {
116 | dispatch(setStyle({
117 | ...styleState.style,
118 | displayManageCreditsScreen: true,
119 | inlineAlertText: res.data?.message,
120 | }));
121 | }
122 | })
123 | }
124 |
125 | return (
126 | <div className="fullscreen fs-centered manageCreditsScreen" style={{display: styleState.style.displayManageCreditsScreen ? 'block' : 'none'}}>
127 | <AiOutlineClose onClick={() => close()} style={{position: 'absolute', top: '20px', right: '20px'}}/>
128 | <div>
129 | <div>
130 | <h2>Manage (In-Game) Credits:</h2>
131 | <p>You currently have: ${playerState.player.credits}</p>
132 | </div>
133 | <div className="main">
134 | <div>
135 | { styleState.style.displayDepositModal && styleState.style.inlineAlertText.length > 0 && <span className="inlineAlert">{styleState.style.inlineAlertText}</span>}
136 | { !styleState.style.displayDepositModal && <button className="primaryButton" onClick={() => openDepositModal()}>Deposit From Credit Card<br/><span>Buy (In-Game) Credits</span></button> }
137 | { styleState.style.displayDepositModal && (
138 | <div className="fs-inputs-container">
139 | <div>
140 | <label>Name and Surname</label>
141 | <input type="text" className="primaryInput" onChange={(e) => {onChangeDeposit(e, 'name')}} value={styleState.style.depositModalInputs.name} placeholder="John Doe"/>
142 | <label>Card Number</label>
143 | <input type="text" className="primaryInput" onChange={(e) => {onChangeDeposit(e, 'card')}} value={styleState.style.depositModalInputs.card} placeholder="2333 9298 9821 1111"/>
144 | <label>Expire Date</label>
145 | <input type="text" className="primaryInput" onChange={(e) => {onChangeDeposit(e, 'expire')}} value={styleState.style.depositModalInputs.expire} placeholder="07/24"/>
146 | <label>CCV</label>
147 | <input type="text" className="primaryInput" onChange={(e) => {onChangeDeposit(e, 'ccv')}} value={styleState.style.depositModalInputs.ccv} placeholder="337"/>
148 | <label><span>Amount</span></label>
149 | <input type="text" className="primaryInput" onChange={(e) => {onChangeDeposit(e, 'amount')}} value={styleState.style.depositModalInputs.amount} placeholder="500"/>
150 | <button className="primaryButton" onClick={() => buyCredits()}>Deposit</button>
151 | </div>
152 | </div>
153 | )}
154 | </div>
155 | <div>
156 | { styleState.style.displayWithdrawModal && styleState.style.inlineAlertText.length > 0 && <span className="inlineAlert">{styleState.style.inlineAlertText}</span>}
157 | { !styleState.style.displayWithdrawModal && <button className="primaryButton" onClick={() => openWithdrawModal()}>Withdraw To Personal Account<br/><span>Sell (In-Game) Credits</span></button> }
158 | { styleState.style.displayWithdrawModal && (
159 | <div className="fs-inputs-container">
160 | <div>
161 | <label>Bank name</label>
162 | <input type="text" className="primaryInput" onChange={(e) => {onChangeWithdraw(e, 'citibank')}} value={styleState.style.withdrawModalInputs.citibank} placeholder="Swedbank"/>
163 | <label>IBAN</label>
164 | <input type="text" className="primaryInput" onChange={(e) => {onChangeWithdraw(e, 'iban')}} value={styleState.style.withdrawModalInputs.iban} placeholder="SE45 5000 0000 0583 9825 7466"/>
165 | <label>BIC</label>
166 | <input type="text" className="primaryInput" onChange={(e) => {onChangeWithdraw(e, 'bic')}} value={styleState.style.withdrawModalInputs.bic} placeholder="SWEDSESSXXX"/>
167 | <label>Beneficiary Name</label>
168 | <input type="text" className="primaryInput" onChange={(e) => {onChangeWithdraw(e, 'beneficiary')}} value={styleState.style.withdrawModalInputs.beneficiary} placeholder="John Doe"/>
169 | <label>Bank Address</label>
170 | <input type="text" className="primaryInput" onChange={(e) => {onChangeWithdraw(e, 'address')}} value={styleState.style.withdrawModalInputs.address} placeholder="Landsvägen 40, Sundbyberg"/>
171 | <label><span>Amount</span></label>
172 | <input type="text" className="primaryInput" onChange={(e) => {onChangeWithdraw(e, 'amount')}} value={styleState.style.withdrawModalInputs.amount} placeholder="500"/>
173 | <button className="primaryButton" onClick={() => sellCredits()}>Withdraw</button>
174 | </div>
175 | </div>
176 | )}
177 | </div>
178 | </div>
179 | </div>
180 | </div>
181 | )
182 |
183 | function onChangeDeposit(e, what) {
184 | dispatch(setStyle({
185 | ...styleState.style,
186 | depositModalInputs: {
187 | name: what === 'name' ? e.target.value : styleState.style.depositModalInputs.name,
188 | card: what === 'card' ? e.target.value : styleState.style.depositModalInputs.card,
189 | expire: what === 'expire' ? e.target.value : styleState.style.depositModalInputs.expire,
190 | ccv: what === 'ccv' ? e.target.value : styleState.style.depositModalInputs.ccv,
191 | amount: what === 'amount' ? e.target.value : styleState.style.depositModalInputs.amount,
192 | }
193 | }))
194 | }
195 |
196 | function onChangeWithdraw(e, what) {
197 | dispatch(setStyle({
198 | ...styleState.style,
199 | withdrawModalInputs: {
200 | citibank: what === 'citibank' ? e.target.value : styleState.style.depositModalInputs.citibank,
201 | iban: what === 'iban' ? e.target.value : styleState.style.depositModalInputs.iban,
202 | bic: what === 'bic' ? e.target.value : styleState.style.depositModalInputs.bic,
203 | beneficiary: what === 'beneficiary' ? e.target.value : styleState.style.depositModalInputs.beneficiary,
204 | address: what === 'address' ? e.target.value : styleState.style.depositModalInputs.address,
205 | amount: what === 'amount' ? e.target.value : styleState.style.depositModalInputs.amount,
206 | }
207 | }))
208 | }
209 | }
210 |
211 | export default ManageCredits |