1 | import React from 'react'
2 |
3 | import { GiTwoCoins, GiReturnArrow, GiCardDraw } from 'react-icons/gi'
4 | import { AiFillCheckCircle } from 'react-icons/ai'
5 |
6 | import { setBlackjackGame, setPlayer } from '../../redux/reducers/playerSlice';
7 | import { setBlackjack, setStyle } from '../../redux/reducers/styleSlice';
8 |
9 | import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux'
10 |
11 | import axios from 'axios';
12 |
13 | const PlayButtons = () => {
14 | const dispatch = useDispatch();
15 |
16 | const playerState = useSelector(state => state.player);
17 | const styleState = useSelector(state => state.style);
18 |
19 | function chooseCoins(e) {
20 | dispatch(setBlackjack({
21 | ...styleState.blackjack,
22 | inputControls: {
23 | ...styleState.blackjack.inputControls,
24 | initialBet: {
25 | ...styleState.blackjack.inputControls.initialBet,
26 | chosenCredits: parseInt(e.target.value),
27 | }
28 | }
29 | }))
30 | }
31 |
32 | function chooseCoinsSideBet(e) {
33 | dispatch(setBlackjack({
34 | ...styleState.blackjack,
35 | inputControls: {
36 | ...styleState.blackjack.inputControls,
37 | sideBet: {
38 | ...styleState.blackjack.inputControls.sideBet,
39 | chosenCredits: parseInt(e.target.value),
40 | }
41 | }
42 | }));
43 | }
44 |
45 | function placeInitialBetClicked() {
46 | axios.get(`/api/blackjack?action=make_initial_bet&session_id=${localStorage.CAESSINO_SESSION_ID}&bet=${styleState.blackjack.inputControls.initialBet.chosenCredits}`);
47 | }
48 |
49 | function placeSideBetsClicked() {
50 | dispatch(setBlackjack({
51 | ...styleState.blackjack,
52 | displays: {
53 | ...styleState.blackjack.displays,
54 | sideBetsModal: true,
55 | sideBetsChooseCreditsModal: false,
56 | },
57 | inputControls: {
58 | ...styleState.blackjack.inputControls,
59 | sideBet: {
60 | ...styleState.blackjack.inputControls.sideBet,
61 | chosenCredits: parseInt(playerState.player.credits/2),
62 | }
63 | }
64 | }))
65 | }
66 |
67 | function splitTexts(text) {
68 | let chooseCreditsText = ''
69 | let paysText = ''
70 |
71 | let allowCopy = true;
72 | let copyToPaysText = false;
73 | for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
74 | if (text[i] === '<') {
75 | allowCopy = false;
76 | }
77 |
78 | if (allowCopy) {
79 | if (text.length - 1 - i >= 4 && text.substring(i, i + 4) === 'Pays') {
80 | copyToPaysText = true;
81 | }
82 |
83 | if (!copyToPaysText) {
84 | chooseCreditsText += text[i];
85 | }
86 | else {
87 | paysText += text[i];
88 | }
89 | }
90 |
91 | if (text[i] === '>') {
92 | allowCopy = true;
93 | }
94 | }
95 |
96 | return {
97 | chooseCreditsText,
98 | paysText,
99 | }
100 | }
101 |
102 | function selectedSideBet(e, sideBetName) {
103 | const texts = splitTexts(e.target.innerHTML);
104 |
105 | dispatch(setBlackjack({
106 | ...styleState.blackjack,
107 | sideBetName: sideBetName,
108 | displays: {
109 | ...styleState.blackjack.displays,
110 | sideBetsModal: false,
111 | sideBetsChooseCreditsModal: true,
112 | },
113 | texts: {
114 | ...styleState.blackjack.texts,
115 | sideBetsChooseCreditsText: texts.chooseCreditsText,
116 | sideBetsPaysText: texts.paysText,
117 | }
118 | }))
119 | }
120 |
121 | function placeSideBetClicked() {
122 | axios.get(`/api/blackjack?action=make_side_bet&session_id=${localStorage.CAESSINO_SESSION_ID}&bet=${styleState.blackjack.inputControls.sideBet.chosenCredits}&betName=${styleState.blackjack.sideBetName}`).then(res => {
123 | if (res.data?.success) {
124 | dispatch(setBlackjack({
125 | ...styleState.blackjack,
126 | displays: {
127 | ...styleState.blackjack.displays,
128 | sideBetsChooseCreditsModal: false,
129 | }
130 | }))
131 |
132 | getCards();
133 | }
134 | });
135 | }
136 |
137 | function skipSideBetsClicked() {
138 | axios.get(`/api/blackjack?action=make_side_bet&session_id=${localStorage.CAESSINO_SESSION_ID}&bet=0&betName=none&skip=true`).then(res => {
139 | if (res.data?.success) {
140 | dispatch(setBlackjack({
141 | ...styleState.blackjack,
142 | displays: {
143 | ...styleState.blackjack.displays,
144 | sideBetsModal: false,
145 | sideBetsChooseCreditsModal: false,
146 | },
147 | }))
148 |
149 | getCards();
150 | }
151 | });
152 | }
153 |
154 | function getCards() {
155 | axios.get(`/api/blackjack?action=get_initial_cards&session_id=${localStorage.CAESSINO_SESSION_ID}`);
156 | }
157 |
158 | function hitClicked() {
159 | axios.get(`/api/blackjack?action=hit_a_card&session_id=${localStorage.CAESSINO_SESSION_ID}`).then(res => {
160 | if (res.data?.success) {
161 | dispatch(setBlackjackGame({
162 | ...playerState.blackjackGame,
163 | status: res.data?.status,
164 | playerCards: res.data?.playerCards,
165 | }))
166 |
167 | if (res.data?.status === '_5_game_over') {
168 | if (res.data?.outcome === 'player_busted') {
169 | dispatch(setPlayer({
170 | ...playerState.player,
171 | credits: res.data?.credits,
172 | }))
173 |
174 | dispatch(setStyle({
175 | ...styleState.style,
176 | alert: {
177 | show: true,
178 | title: 'You busted!',
179 | subtitle: `You lost $${-1*res.data?.earnings}`,
180 | button: {
181 | text: 'Play again',
182 | action: 'play_again',
183 | }
184 | }
185 | }))
186 | }
187 | }
188 | }
189 | });
190 | }
191 |
192 | function standClicked() {
193 | axios.get(`/api/blackjack?action=stand&session_id=${localStorage.CAESSINO_SESSION_ID}`);
194 | }
195 |
196 | return (
197 | <div className="blackjackButtons">
198 | <div className="blackjackInitialBet" style={{display: playerState.blackjackGame.status.includes('_1_') ? 'flex' : 'none'}}>
199 | <div>
200 | <input type="range" className="primarySlider" min={0} max={playerState.player.credits} step={1} value={styleState.blackjack.inputControls.initialBet.chosenCredits} onChange={(e) => chooseCoins(e)} />
201 | <div style={{marginTop: '15px', marginBottom: '-30px'}}>
202 | <span>${styleState.blackjack.inputControls.initialBet.chosenCredits}</span>
203 | </div>
204 | </div>
205 | <button className="primaryButton" onClick={() => placeInitialBetClicked()}>Place Initial Bet <GiTwoCoins style={{marginTop: '3px', marginBottom: '-3px'}} /></button>
206 | </div>
207 | <div className="blackjackSideBet" style={{display: playerState.blackjackGame.status.includes('_2_') ? 'flex' : 'none'}}>
208 | <button className="primaryButton" onClick={() => placeSideBetsClicked()}>Place Side Bets <GiTwoCoins style={{marginTop: '3px', marginBottom: '-3px'}} /></button>
209 | <button className="primaryButton" onClick={() => skipSideBetsClicked()}>Skip <GiReturnArrow style={{marginTop: '3px', marginBottom: '-3px', transform: 'rotateZ(-15deg)'}} /></button>
210 | </div>
211 | <div className="blackjackHitStand" style={{display: parseInt(playerState.blackjackGame.status.toString().substr(1, 1)) >= 3 ? 'flex' : 'none'}}>
212 | <button className="primaryButton" onClick={() => hitClicked()}>Hit <GiCardDraw style={{marginTop: '3px', marginBottom: '-3px'}} /></button>
213 | <button className="primaryButton" onClick={() => standClicked()}>Stand <AiFillCheckCircle style={{marginTop: '3px', marginBottom: '-3px'}} /></button>
214 | </div>
215 |
216 | <div className="blackjackSideBetsModal" style={{display: styleState.blackjack.displays.sideBetsModal ? 'flex' : 'none'}}>
217 | <div className="blackjackSideBetSelect">
218 | <h1>Perfect Pairs</h1>
219 | <div>
220 | <p onClick={(e) => selectedSideBet(e, 'mixed_pair')}>Mixed pair (two of the same value but different suit and colour)<br/><span>Pays 5:1</span></p>
221 | <p onClick={(e) => selectedSideBet(e, 'coloured_pair')}>Coloured pair (two of the same value and the same colour)<br/><span>Pays 12:1</span></p>
222 | <p onClick={(e) => selectedSideBet(e, 'perfect_pair')}>Perfect pair (two of the same card)<br/><span>Pays 25:1</span></p>
223 | </div>
224 | </div>
225 | <div className="blackjackSideBetSelect">
226 | <h1>21+3</h1>
227 | <div>
228 | <p onClick={(e) => selectedSideBet(e, 'flush')}>Flush (all cards are suited)<br/><span>Pays 5:1</span></p>
229 | <p onClick={(e) => selectedSideBet(e, 'straight')}>Straight (all cards consecutive)<br/><span>Pays 10:1</span></p>
230 | <p onClick={(e) => selectedSideBet(e, 'three_of_a_kind')}>Three of a kind (not the same suit)<br/><span>Pays 30:1</span></p>
231 | <p onClick={(e) => selectedSideBet(e, 'straight_flush')}>Straight flush (consecutive cards same suit)<br/><span>Pays 40:1</span></p>
232 | <p onClick={(e) => selectedSideBet(e, 'suited_triple')}>Suited triple (three of the same card)<br/><span>Pays 100:1</span></p>
233 | </div>
234 | </div>
235 | </div>
236 |
237 | <div className="blackjackSideBetsChooseCreditsModal" style={{display: styleState.blackjack.displays.sideBetsChooseCreditsModal ? 'flex' : 'none'}}>
238 | <p>{styleState.blackjack.texts.sideBetsChooseCreditsText}<br/><span>{styleState.blackjack.texts.sideBetsPaysText}</span></p>
239 | <div>
240 | <div>
241 | <input type="range" className="primarySlider" min={0} max={playerState.player.credits} step={1} value={styleState.blackjack.inputControls.sideBet.chosenCredits} onChange={(e) => chooseCoinsSideBet(e)} />
242 | <div style={{marginTop: '15px', marginBottom: '-30px'}}>
243 | <span>${styleState.blackjack.inputControls.sideBet.chosenCredits}</span>
244 | </div>
245 | </div>
246 | <button style={{marginTop: '40px'}} className="primaryButton" onClick={() => placeSideBetClicked()}>Place Side Bet <GiTwoCoins style={{marginTop: '3px', marginBottom: '-3px'}} /></button>
247 | </div>
248 | </div>
249 | </div>
250 | )
251 | }
252 |
253 | export default PlayButtons |