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16 | <p th:if="${noPosts}">No posts</p>
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24 | <option value="numReports">Number of reports</option>
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37 | <div class="col" th:each="post : ${postList}">
38 | <div class="card shadow-sm">
39 | <img class="card-img" style="object-fit: contain" width="100%" height="225"
40 | th:src="${post.donationPost.imagesPath[0]}">
41 | <div class="card-body overflow-hidden">
42 | <h4 th:text="${post.donationPost.title}" style="height: 60px"></h4>
43 | <p class="card-text text-truncate" style="height: 45px" th:text="${post.donationPost.description}"></p>
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46 | <a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary" th:href="@{/moderator/reportPost(postid=${post.id})}">Open</a>
47 | </div>
48 | <span class="text-muted">Number of reports: <small th:text="${post.numReports}"></small></span>
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