
Version 3 (modified by 171261, 6 months ago) ( diff )


Актуелна верзија

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Податочни побарувања

Customers: Defines all the customers that want to rent a vehicle (Primary key: EMBG - chosen because it is unique for every customer.) Vehicles: Defines all information regarding the vehicles. (Primary key: VIN- unique for every vehicle.) Vehicle types: Defines the types of vehicles. (Primary key: ID- chosen because it's more readable than placing multiple attributes as an entity.) Payments: Defines the payment details of the customers. (Primary key: payment Id- chosen because it is unique for every payment.) Bookings: Defines the booking details. (Primary key: Booking id- chosen because it is unique for every booking.) Booked Vehicles: Defines the booked vehicles per booking. (Primary keys: Booking id, VIN - because we want to keep track of every vehicle and every booking because there can be multiple vehicles on each booking.)

Атрибути Customers: EMBG(varchar), Email(varchar), Name(varchar), Surname(varchar), Phone_number(varchar), Address(varchar), Id_number(varchar). Vehicles: VIN(varchar), Registration_number(varchar), Brand_name(varchar), Fuel_type(varchar), Transmission_type(varchar), Number_doors(int), Number_seats(int), Mileage(int), Vehicle_types_id(int). Vehicle types: Id(int), Name(varchar). Payments: Payment_id(int), Booking_id(int), Total_amount(int), Date(date), Advance_amount(int). Bookings: Booking_id(int), Number_Installments(int), Vehicle_vin(varchar), Status(varchar), Amount(int), Date(date). Booked Vehicles: Booked_id(int), VIN(varchar).

Историјат: V1: Направен е иницијален ЕР дијаграм според дадениот опис на проектот.

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