1 | <!DOCTYPE html>
2 | <html lang="en">
3 | <head>
4 | <meta charset="UTF-8">
5 | <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
6 | <title>Home</title>
7 |
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13 | <style>
14 | /* Custom styles for the content */
15 | body {
16 | background-color: #f8f9fa;
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18 |
19 | .content {
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29 | <body>
30 | <div th:replace="appBar"></div>
31 |
32 | <div class="content">
33 | <h2 class="text-center">Today: <span th:text="${day.getDate()}"></span></h2>
34 |
35 | <!-- Workouts Section with Remove Buttons -->
36 | <div class="mb-4">
37 | <h4>Workouts</h4>
38 | <ul class="list-group">
39 | <li class="list-group-item" th:each="workout : ${day.getWorkouts()}">
40 | <form th:action="@{/day/removeWorkout/{workoutID}(workoutID=${workout.wID})}" method="post">
41 | <input type="hidden" name="dayID" th:value="${day.dID}" />
42 | <span th:text="${workout.getName()}"></span>
43 | <button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm float-right">
44 | Remove
45 | </button>
46 | </form>
47 | </li>
48 | </ul>
49 | </div>
50 |
51 | <!-- Meals Section with Remove Buttons -->
52 | <div>
53 | <h4>Meals</h4>
54 | <ul class="list-group">
55 | <li class="list-group-item" th:each="meal, mealIndex : ${day.getMeals()}">
56 | <form th:action="@{/day/removeMeal/{mealID}(mealID=${meal.mID})}" method="post">
57 | <input type="hidden" name="dayID" th:value="${day.dID}" />
58 | <span th:text="${meal.getName()}"></span>
59 | (<span th:text="${meal.getCalories()}"></span>kcal)
60 | <button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm float-right">
61 | Remove
62 | </button>
63 | </form>
64 | </li>
65 | </ul>
66 | </div>
67 | </div>
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