1 | @extends('layouts.app')
2 |
3 | @section('content')
4 | <div class="container">
5 | <div class="row justify-content-center">
6 | <div class="payments-container">
7 | @if(sizeof($payments) !== 0)
8 | <h3 class="mb-3">My Payments</h3>
9 | <table class="table table-hover">
10 | <thead>
11 | <tr>
12 | <th scope="col">#</th>
13 | <th scope="col">Payment ID</th>
14 | <th scope="col">Price (USD)</th>
15 | @if(Auth::user()->type === \App\Enum\UserType::ORGANIZER->value)
16 | <th scope="col">Invoice Number</th>
17 | <th scope="col">Status</th>
18 | @endif
19 | <th scope="col">Paid At</th>
20 | <th scope="col">Offer</th>
21 | @if(Auth::user()->type === \App\Enum\UserType::ORGANIZER->value)
22 | <th scope="col">Download Invoice</th>
23 | @endif
24 | </tr>
25 | </thead>
26 | <tbody>
27 | @foreach($payments as $payment)
28 | @php
29 | if (Auth::user()->type === \App\Enum\UserType::ORGANIZER->value) {
30 | $invoice = Auth::user()->findInvoice($payment->invoice_id);
31 | }
32 | @endphp
33 | <tr>
34 | <td>{{ $loop->index+1 }}</td>
35 | <td>{{ $payment->name }}</td>
36 | <td>@currency($payment->stripe_price)</td>
37 | @if(Auth::user()->type === \App\Enum\UserType::ORGANIZER->value)
38 | <td>{{ $invoice->number }}</td>
39 | <td><span class="badge bg-success">{{ ucfirst($invoice->status) }}</span></td>
40 | @endif
41 | <td>{{ $payment->created_at->isoFormat('DD-MMM-Y HH:mm') }}</td>
42 | <td>
43 | <a href="/offers/{{ $payment->offer->slug }}">
44 | <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">View Offer</button>
45 | </a>
46 | </td>
47 | @if(Auth::user()->type === \App\Enum\UserType::ORGANIZER->value)
48 | <td>
49 | <a href="/invoices/{{ $invoice->id }}">
50 | <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Download</button>
51 | </a>
52 | </td>
53 | @endif
54 | </tr>
55 | @endforeach()
56 | </tbody>
57 | </table>
58 | @else
59 | <h3 class="mb-3">You have no payments at the moment</h3>
60 | @endif
61 | </div>
62 | </div>
63 | </div>
64 | @endsection