source: trip-planner-front/node_modules/@angular/cdk/bundles/cdk-overlay.umd.js@ 6fe77af

Last change on this file since 6fe77af was e29cc2e, checked in by Ema <ema_spirova@…>, 3 years ago

primeNG components

  • Property mode set to 100644
File size: 177.1 KB
1(function (global, factory) {
2 typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('@angular/cdk/scrolling'), require('@angular/common'), require('@angular/core'), require('@angular/cdk/coercion'), require('@angular/cdk/platform'), require('@angular/cdk/bidi'), require('@angular/cdk/portal'), require('rxjs'), require('rxjs/operators'), require('@angular/cdk/keycodes')) :
3 typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define('@angular/cdk/overlay', ['exports', '@angular/cdk/scrolling', '@angular/common', '@angular/core', '@angular/cdk/coercion', '@angular/cdk/platform', '@angular/cdk/bidi', '@angular/cdk/portal', 'rxjs', 'rxjs/operators', '@angular/cdk/keycodes'], factory) :
4 (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(( = || {}, = || {}, = {}),,,,,,,, global.rxjs, global.rxjs.operators,;
5}(this, (function (exports, i1, i1$1, i0, coercion, i2, bidi, portal, rxjs, operators, keycodes) { 'use strict';
7 function _interopNamespace(e) {
8 if (e && e.__esModule) return e;
9 var n = Object.create(null);
10 if (e) {
11 Object.keys(e).forEach(function (k) {
12 if (k !== 'default') {
13 var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, k);
14 Object.defineProperty(n, k, d.get ? d : {
15 enumerable: true,
16 get: function () {
17 return e[k];
18 }
19 });
20 }
21 });
22 }
23 n['default'] = e;
24 return Object.freeze(n);
25 }
27 var i1__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespace(i1);
28 var i1__namespace$1 = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespace(i1$1);
29 var i0__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespace(i0);
30 var i2__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespace(i2);
32 /*! *****************************************************************************
33 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
35 Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
36 purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
45 ***************************************************************************** */
46 /* global Reflect, Promise */
47 var extendStatics = function (d, b) {
48 extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
49 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
50 function (d, b) { for (var p in b)
51 if (, p))
52 d[p] = b[p]; };
53 return extendStatics(d, b);
54 };
55 function __extends(d, b) {
56 if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)
57 throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");
58 extendStatics(d, b);
59 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
60 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
61 }
62 var __assign = function () {
63 __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
64 for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
65 s = arguments[i];
66 for (var p in s)
67 if (, p))
68 t[p] = s[p];
69 }
70 return t;
71 };
72 return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
73 };
74 function __rest(s, e) {
75 var t = {};
76 for (var p in s)
77 if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
78 t[p] = s[p];
79 if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
80 for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
81 if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 &&, p[i]))
82 t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
83 }
84 return t;
85 }
86 function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) {
87 var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
88 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function")
89 r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
90 else
91 for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
92 if (d = decorators[i])
93 r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
94 return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
95 }
96 function __param(paramIndex, decorator) {
97 return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); };
98 }
99 function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) {
100 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function")
101 return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue);
102 }
103 function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
104 function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
105 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
106 function fulfilled(value) { try {
107 step(;
108 }
109 catch (e) {
110 reject(e);
111 } }
112 function rejected(value) { try {
113 step(generator["throw"](value));
114 }
115 catch (e) {
116 reject(e);
117 } }
118 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
119 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
120 });
121 }
122 function __generator(thisArg, body) {
123 var _ = { label: 0, sent: function () { if (t[0] & 1)
124 throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;
125 return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }), g;
126 function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }
127 function step(op) {
128 if (f)
129 throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
130 while (_)
131 try {
132 if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done)
133 return t;
134 if (y = 0, t)
135 op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];
136 switch (op[0]) {
137 case 0:
138 case 1:
139 t = op;
140 break;
141 case 4:
142 _.label++;
143 return { value: op[1], done: false };
144 case 5:
145 _.label++;
146 y = op[1];
147 op = [0];
148 continue;
149 case 7:
150 op = _.ops.pop();
151 _.trys.pop();
152 continue;
153 default:
154 if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) {
155 _ = 0;
156 continue;
157 }
158 if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) {
159 _.label = op[1];
160 break;
161 }
162 if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) {
163 _.label = t[1];
164 t = op;
165 break;
166 }
167 if (t && _.label < t[2]) {
168 _.label = t[2];
169 _.ops.push(op);
170 break;
171 }
172 if (t[2])
173 _.ops.pop();
174 _.trys.pop();
175 continue;
176 }
177 op =, _);
178 }
179 catch (e) {
180 op = [6, e];
181 y = 0;
182 }
183 finally {
184 f = t = 0;
185 }
186 if (op[0] & 5)
187 throw op[1];
188 return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };
189 }
190 }
191 var __createBinding = Object.create ? (function (o, m, k, k2) {
192 if (k2 === undefined)
193 k2 = k;
194 Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function () { return m[k]; } });
195 }) : (function (o, m, k, k2) {
196 if (k2 === undefined)
197 k2 = k;
198 o[k2] = m[k];
199 });
200 function __exportStar(m, o) {
201 for (var p in m)
202 if (p !== "default" && !, p))
203 __createBinding(o, m, p);
204 }
205 function __values(o) {
206 var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
207 if (m)
208 return;
209 if (o && typeof o.length === "number")
210 return {
211 next: function () {
212 if (o && i >= o.length)
213 o = void 0;
214 return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
215 }
216 };
217 throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");
218 }
219 function __read(o, n) {
220 var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
221 if (!m)
222 return o;
223 var i =, r, ar = [], e;
224 try {
225 while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r =
226 ar.push(r.value);
227 }
228 catch (error) {
229 e = { error: error };
230 }
231 finally {
232 try {
233 if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"]))
235 }
236 finally {
237 if (e)
238 throw e.error;
239 }
240 }
241 return ar;
242 }
243 /** @deprecated */
244 function __spread() {
245 for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
246 ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
247 return ar;
248 }
249 /** @deprecated */
250 function __spreadArrays() {
251 for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++)
252 s += arguments[i].length;
253 for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
254 for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
255 r[k] = a[j];
256 return r;
257 }
258 function __spreadArray(to, from, pack) {
259 if (pack || arguments.length === 2)
260 for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {
261 if (ar || !(i in from)) {
262 if (!ar)
263 ar =, 0, i);
264 ar[i] = from[i];
265 }
266 }
267 return to.concat(ar || from);
268 }
269 function __await(v) {
270 return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v);
271 }
272 function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) {
273 if (!Symbol.asyncIterator)
274 throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
275 var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = [];
276 return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
277 function verb(n) { if (g[n])
278 i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; }
279 function resume(n, v) { try {
280 step(g[n](v));
281 }
282 catch (e) {
283 settle(q[0][3], e);
284 } }
285 function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); }
286 function fulfill(value) { resume("next", value); }
287 function reject(value) { resume("throw", value); }
288 function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length)
289 resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); }
290 }
291 function __asyncDelegator(o) {
292 var i, p;
293 return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw", function (e) { throw e; }), verb("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
294 function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: n === "return" } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; }
295 }
296 function __asyncValues(o) {
297 if (!Symbol.asyncIterator)
298 throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
299 var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i;
300 return m ? : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i);
301 function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; }
302 function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function (v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); }
303 }
304 function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) {
305 if (Object.defineProperty) {
306 Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw });
307 }
308 else {
309 cooked.raw = raw;
310 }
311 return cooked;
312 }
313 ;
314 var __setModuleDefault = Object.create ? (function (o, v) {
315 Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
316 }) : function (o, v) {
317 o["default"] = v;
318 };
319 function __importStar(mod) {
320 if (mod && mod.__esModule)
321 return mod;
322 var result = {};
323 if (mod != null)
324 for (var k in mod)
325 if (k !== "default" &&, k))
326 __createBinding(result, mod, k);
327 __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
328 return result;
329 }
330 function __importDefault(mod) {
331 return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod };
332 }
333 function __classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, state, kind, f) {
334 if (kind === "a" && !f)
335 throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter");
336 if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver))
337 throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it");
338 return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);
339 }
340 function __classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, state, value, kind, f) {
341 if (kind === "m")
342 throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable");
343 if (kind === "a" && !f)
344 throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter");
345 if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver))
346 throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it");
347 return (kind === "a" ?, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value;
348 }
350 /**
351 * @license
352 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
353 *
354 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
355 * found in the LICENSE file at
356 */
357 var scrollBehaviorSupported = i2.supportsScrollBehavior();
358 /**
359 * Strategy that will prevent the user from scrolling while the overlay is visible.
360 */
361 var BlockScrollStrategy = /** @class */ (function () {
362 function BlockScrollStrategy(_viewportRuler, document) {
363 this._viewportRuler = _viewportRuler;
364 this._previousHTMLStyles = { top: '', left: '' };
365 this._isEnabled = false;
366 this._document = document;
367 }
368 /** Attaches this scroll strategy to an overlay. */
369 BlockScrollStrategy.prototype.attach = function () { };
370 /** Blocks page-level scroll while the attached overlay is open. */
371 BlockScrollStrategy.prototype.enable = function () {
372 if (this._canBeEnabled()) {
373 var root = this._document.documentElement;
374 this._previousScrollPosition = this._viewportRuler.getViewportScrollPosition();
375 // Cache the previous inline styles in case the user had set them.
376 this._previousHTMLStyles.left = || '';
377 = || '';
378 // Note: we're using the `html` node, instead of the `body`, because the `body` may
379 // have the user agent margin, whereas the `html` is guaranteed not to have one.
380 = coercion.coerceCssPixelValue(-this._previousScrollPosition.left);
381 = coercion.coerceCssPixelValue(;
382 root.classList.add('cdk-global-scrollblock');
383 this._isEnabled = true;
384 }
385 };
386 /** Unblocks page-level scroll while the attached overlay is open. */
387 BlockScrollStrategy.prototype.disable = function () {
388 if (this._isEnabled) {
389 var html = this._document.documentElement;
390 var body = this._document.body;
391 var htmlStyle =;
392 var bodyStyle =;
393 var previousHtmlScrollBehavior = htmlStyle.scrollBehavior || '';
394 var previousBodyScrollBehavior = bodyStyle.scrollBehavior || '';
395 this._isEnabled = false;
396 htmlStyle.left = this._previousHTMLStyles.left;
397 =;
398 html.classList.remove('cdk-global-scrollblock');
399 // Disable user-defined smooth scrolling temporarily while we restore the scroll position.
400 // See
401 // Note that we don't mutate the property if the browser doesn't support `scroll-behavior`,
402 // because it can throw off feature detections in `supportsScrollBehavior` which
403 // checks for `'scrollBehavior' in`.
404 if (scrollBehaviorSupported) {
405 htmlStyle.scrollBehavior = bodyStyle.scrollBehavior = 'auto';
406 }
407 window.scroll(this._previousScrollPosition.left,;
408 if (scrollBehaviorSupported) {
409 htmlStyle.scrollBehavior = previousHtmlScrollBehavior;
410 bodyStyle.scrollBehavior = previousBodyScrollBehavior;
411 }
412 }
413 };
414 BlockScrollStrategy.prototype._canBeEnabled = function () {
415 // Since the scroll strategies can't be singletons, we have to use a global CSS class
416 // (`cdk-global-scrollblock`) to make sure that we don't try to disable global
417 // scrolling multiple times.
418 var html = this._document.documentElement;
419 if (html.classList.contains('cdk-global-scrollblock') || this._isEnabled) {
420 return false;
421 }
422 var body = this._document.body;
423 var viewport = this._viewportRuler.getViewportSize();
424 return body.scrollHeight > viewport.height || body.scrollWidth > viewport.width;
425 };
426 return BlockScrollStrategy;
427 }());
429 /**
430 * @license
431 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
432 *
433 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
434 * found in the LICENSE file at
435 */
436 /**
437 * Returns an error to be thrown when attempting to attach an already-attached scroll strategy.
438 */
439 function getMatScrollStrategyAlreadyAttachedError() {
440 return Error("Scroll strategy has already been attached.");
441 }
443 /**
444 * Strategy that will close the overlay as soon as the user starts scrolling.
445 */
446 var CloseScrollStrategy = /** @class */ (function () {
447 function CloseScrollStrategy(_scrollDispatcher, _ngZone, _viewportRuler, _config) {
448 var _this = this;
449 this._scrollDispatcher = _scrollDispatcher;
450 this._ngZone = _ngZone;
451 this._viewportRuler = _viewportRuler;
452 this._config = _config;
453 this._scrollSubscription = null;
454 /** Detaches the overlay ref and disables the scroll strategy. */
455 this._detach = function () {
456 _this.disable();
457 if (_this._overlayRef.hasAttached()) {
458 () { return _this._overlayRef.detach(); });
459 }
460 };
461 }
462 /** Attaches this scroll strategy to an overlay. */
463 CloseScrollStrategy.prototype.attach = function (overlayRef) {
464 if (this._overlayRef && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
465 throw getMatScrollStrategyAlreadyAttachedError();
466 }
467 this._overlayRef = overlayRef;
468 };
469 /** Enables the closing of the attached overlay on scroll. */
470 CloseScrollStrategy.prototype.enable = function () {
471 var _this = this;
472 if (this._scrollSubscription) {
473 return;
474 }
475 var stream = this._scrollDispatcher.scrolled(0);
476 if (this._config && this._config.threshold && this._config.threshold > 1) {
477 this._initialScrollPosition = this._viewportRuler.getViewportScrollPosition().top;
478 this._scrollSubscription = stream.subscribe(function () {
479 var scrollPosition = _this._viewportRuler.getViewportScrollPosition().top;
480 if (Math.abs(scrollPosition - _this._initialScrollPosition) > _this._config.threshold) {
481 _this._detach();
482 }
483 else {
484 _this._overlayRef.updatePosition();
485 }
486 });
487 }
488 else {
489 this._scrollSubscription = stream.subscribe(this._detach);
490 }
491 };
492 /** Disables the closing the attached overlay on scroll. */
493 CloseScrollStrategy.prototype.disable = function () {
494 if (this._scrollSubscription) {
495 this._scrollSubscription.unsubscribe();
496 this._scrollSubscription = null;
497 }
498 };
499 CloseScrollStrategy.prototype.detach = function () {
500 this.disable();
501 this._overlayRef = null;
502 };
503 return CloseScrollStrategy;
504 }());
506 /**
507 * @license
508 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
509 *
510 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
511 * found in the LICENSE file at
512 */
513 /** Scroll strategy that doesn't do anything. */
514 var NoopScrollStrategy = /** @class */ (function () {
515 function NoopScrollStrategy() {
516 }
517 /** Does nothing, as this scroll strategy is a no-op. */
518 NoopScrollStrategy.prototype.enable = function () { };
519 /** Does nothing, as this scroll strategy is a no-op. */
520 NoopScrollStrategy.prototype.disable = function () { };
521 /** Does nothing, as this scroll strategy is a no-op. */
522 NoopScrollStrategy.prototype.attach = function () { };
523 return NoopScrollStrategy;
524 }());
526 /**
527 * @license
528 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
529 *
530 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
531 * found in the LICENSE file at
532 */
533 // TODO(jelbourn): move this to live with the rest of the scrolling code
534 // TODO(jelbourn): someday replace this with IntersectionObservers
535 /**
536 * Gets whether an element is scrolled outside of view by any of its parent scrolling containers.
537 * @param element Dimensions of the element (from getBoundingClientRect)
538 * @param scrollContainers Dimensions of element's scrolling containers (from getBoundingClientRect)
539 * @returns Whether the element is scrolled out of view
540 * @docs-private
541 */
542 function isElementScrolledOutsideView(element, scrollContainers) {
543 return scrollContainers.some(function (containerBounds) {
544 var outsideAbove = element.bottom <;
545 var outsideBelow = > containerBounds.bottom;
546 var outsideLeft = element.right < containerBounds.left;
547 var outsideRight = element.left > containerBounds.right;
548 return outsideAbove || outsideBelow || outsideLeft || outsideRight;
549 });
550 }
551 /**
552 * Gets whether an element is clipped by any of its scrolling containers.
553 * @param element Dimensions of the element (from getBoundingClientRect)
554 * @param scrollContainers Dimensions of element's scrolling containers (from getBoundingClientRect)
555 * @returns Whether the element is clipped
556 * @docs-private
557 */
558 function isElementClippedByScrolling(element, scrollContainers) {
559 return scrollContainers.some(function (scrollContainerRect) {
560 var clippedAbove = <;
561 var clippedBelow = element.bottom > scrollContainerRect.bottom;
562 var clippedLeft = element.left < scrollContainerRect.left;
563 var clippedRight = element.right > scrollContainerRect.right;
564 return clippedAbove || clippedBelow || clippedLeft || clippedRight;
565 });
566 }
568 /**
569 * @license
570 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
571 *
572 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
573 * found in the LICENSE file at
574 */
575 /**
576 * Strategy that will update the element position as the user is scrolling.
577 */
578 var RepositionScrollStrategy = /** @class */ (function () {
579 function RepositionScrollStrategy(_scrollDispatcher, _viewportRuler, _ngZone, _config) {
580 this._scrollDispatcher = _scrollDispatcher;
581 this._viewportRuler = _viewportRuler;
582 this._ngZone = _ngZone;
583 this._config = _config;
584 this._scrollSubscription = null;
585 }
586 /** Attaches this scroll strategy to an overlay. */
587 RepositionScrollStrategy.prototype.attach = function (overlayRef) {
588 if (this._overlayRef && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
589 throw getMatScrollStrategyAlreadyAttachedError();
590 }
591 this._overlayRef = overlayRef;
592 };
593 /** Enables repositioning of the attached overlay on scroll. */
594 RepositionScrollStrategy.prototype.enable = function () {
595 var _this = this;
596 if (!this._scrollSubscription) {
597 var throttle = this._config ? this._config.scrollThrottle : 0;
598 this._scrollSubscription = this._scrollDispatcher.scrolled(throttle).subscribe(function () {
599 _this._overlayRef.updatePosition();
600 // TODO(crisbeto): make `close` on by default once all components can handle it.
601 if (_this._config && _this._config.autoClose) {
602 var overlayRect = _this._overlayRef.overlayElement.getBoundingClientRect();
603 var _a = _this._viewportRuler.getViewportSize(), width = _a.width, height = _a.height;
604 // TODO(crisbeto): include all ancestor scroll containers here once
605 // we have a way of exposing the trigger element to the scroll strategy.
606 var parentRects = [{ width: width, height: height, bottom: height, right: width, top: 0, left: 0 }];
607 if (isElementScrolledOutsideView(overlayRect, parentRects)) {
608 _this.disable();
609 () { return _this._overlayRef.detach(); });
610 }
611 }
612 });
613 }
614 };
615 /** Disables repositioning of the attached overlay on scroll. */
616 RepositionScrollStrategy.prototype.disable = function () {
617 if (this._scrollSubscription) {
618 this._scrollSubscription.unsubscribe();
619 this._scrollSubscription = null;
620 }
621 };
622 RepositionScrollStrategy.prototype.detach = function () {
623 this.disable();
624 this._overlayRef = null;
625 };
626 return RepositionScrollStrategy;
627 }());
629 /**
630 * @license
631 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
632 *
633 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
634 * found in the LICENSE file at
635 */
636 /**
637 * Options for how an overlay will handle scrolling.
638 *
639 * Users can provide a custom value for `ScrollStrategyOptions` to replace the default
640 * behaviors. This class primarily acts as a factory for ScrollStrategy instances.
641 */
642 var ScrollStrategyOptions = /** @class */ (function () {
643 function ScrollStrategyOptions(_scrollDispatcher, _viewportRuler, _ngZone, document) {
644 var _this = this;
645 this._scrollDispatcher = _scrollDispatcher;
646 this._viewportRuler = _viewportRuler;
647 this._ngZone = _ngZone;
648 /** Do nothing on scroll. */
649 this.noop = function () { return new NoopScrollStrategy(); };
650 /**
651 * Close the overlay as soon as the user scrolls.
652 * @param config Configuration to be used inside the scroll strategy.
653 */
654 this.close = function (config) { return new CloseScrollStrategy(_this._scrollDispatcher, _this._ngZone, _this._viewportRuler, config); };
655 /** Block scrolling. */
656 this.block = function () { return new BlockScrollStrategy(_this._viewportRuler, _this._document); };
657 /**
658 * Update the overlay's position on scroll.
659 * @param config Configuration to be used inside the scroll strategy.
660 * Allows debouncing the reposition calls.
661 */
662 this.reposition = function (config) { return new RepositionScrollStrategy(_this._scrollDispatcher, _this._viewportRuler, _this._ngZone, config); };
663 this._document = document;
664 }
665 return ScrollStrategyOptions;
666 }());
667 ScrollStrategyOptions.ɵprov = i0__namespace.ɵɵdefineInjectable({ factory: function ScrollStrategyOptions_Factory() { return new ScrollStrategyOptions(i0__namespace.ɵɵinject(i1__namespace.ScrollDispatcher), i0__namespace.ɵɵinject(i1__namespace.ViewportRuler), i0__namespace.ɵɵinject(i0__namespace.NgZone), i0__namespace.ɵɵinject(i1__namespace$1.DOCUMENT)); }, token: ScrollStrategyOptions, providedIn: "root" });
668 ScrollStrategyOptions.decorators = [
669 { type: i0.Injectable, args: [{ providedIn: 'root' },] }
670 ];
671 ScrollStrategyOptions.ctorParameters = function () { return [
672 { type: i1.ScrollDispatcher },
673 { type: i1.ViewportRuler },
674 { type: i0.NgZone },
675 { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: i0.Inject, args: [i1$1.DOCUMENT,] }] }
676 ]; };
678 /**
679 * @license
680 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
681 *
682 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
683 * found in the LICENSE file at
684 */
686 /** Initial configuration used when creating an overlay. */
687 var OverlayConfig = /** @class */ (function () {
688 function OverlayConfig(config) {
689 var e_1, _a;
690 /** Strategy to be used when handling scroll events while the overlay is open. */
691 this.scrollStrategy = new NoopScrollStrategy();
692 /** Custom class to add to the overlay pane. */
693 this.panelClass = '';
694 /** Whether the overlay has a backdrop. */
695 this.hasBackdrop = false;
696 /** Custom class to add to the backdrop */
697 this.backdropClass = 'cdk-overlay-dark-backdrop';
698 /**
699 * Whether the overlay should be disposed of when the user goes backwards/forwards in history.
700 * Note that this usually doesn't include clicking on links (unless the user is using
701 * the `HashLocationStrategy`).
702 */
703 this.disposeOnNavigation = false;
704 if (config) {
705 // Use `Iterable` instead of `Array` because TypeScript, as of 3.6.3,
706 // loses the array generic type in the `for of`. But we *also* have to use `Array` because
707 // typescript won't iterate over an `Iterable` unless you compile with `--downlevelIteration`
708 var configKeys = Object.keys(config);
709 try {
710 for (var configKeys_1 = __values(configKeys), configKeys_1_1 =; !configKeys_1_1.done; configKeys_1_1 = {
711 var key = configKeys_1_1.value;
712 if (config[key] !== undefined) {
713 // TypeScript, as of version 3.5, sees the left-hand-side of this expression
714 // as "I don't know *which* key this is, so the only valid value is the intersection
715 // of all the posible values." In this case, that happens to be `undefined`. TypeScript
716 // is not smart enough to see that the right-hand-side is actually an access of the same
717 // exact type with the same exact key, meaning that the value type must be identical.
718 // So we use `any` to work around this.
719 this[key] = config[key];
720 }
721 }
722 }
723 catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
724 finally {
725 try {
726 if (configKeys_1_1 && !configKeys_1_1.done && (_a = configKeys_1.return));
727 }
728 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
729 }
730 }
731 }
732 return OverlayConfig;
733 }());
735 /**
736 * @license
737 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
738 *
739 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
740 * found in the LICENSE file at
741 */
742 /** The points of the origin element and the overlay element to connect. */
743 var ConnectionPositionPair = /** @class */ (function () {
744 function ConnectionPositionPair(origin, overlay,
745 /** Offset along the X axis. */
746 offsetX,
747 /** Offset along the Y axis. */
748 offsetY,
749 /** Class(es) to be applied to the panel while this position is active. */
750 panelClass) {
751 this.offsetX = offsetX;
752 this.offsetY = offsetY;
753 this.panelClass = panelClass;
754 this.originX = origin.originX;
755 this.originY = origin.originY;
756 this.overlayX = overlay.overlayX;
757 this.overlayY = overlay.overlayY;
758 }
759 return ConnectionPositionPair;
760 }());
761 /**
762 * Set of properties regarding the position of the origin and overlay relative to the viewport
763 * with respect to the containing Scrollable elements.
764 *
765 * The overlay and origin are clipped if any part of their bounding client rectangle exceeds the
766 * bounds of any one of the strategy's Scrollable's bounding client rectangle.
767 *
768 * The overlay and origin are outside view if there is no overlap between their bounding client
769 * rectangle and any one of the strategy's Scrollable's bounding client rectangle.
770 *
771 * ----------- -----------
772 * | outside | | clipped |
773 * | view | --------------------------
774 * | | | | | |
775 * ---------- | ----------- |
776 * -------------------------- | |
777 * | | | Scrollable |
778 * | | | |
779 * | | --------------------------
780 * | Scrollable |
781 * | |
782 * --------------------------
783 *
784 * @docs-private
785 */
786 var ScrollingVisibility = /** @class */ (function () {
787 function ScrollingVisibility() {
788 }
789 return ScrollingVisibility;
790 }());
791 /** The change event emitted by the strategy when a fallback position is used. */
792 var ConnectedOverlayPositionChange = /** @class */ (function () {
793 function ConnectedOverlayPositionChange(
794 /** The position used as a result of this change. */
795 connectionPair,
796 /** @docs-private */
797 scrollableViewProperties) {
798 this.connectionPair = connectionPair;
799 this.scrollableViewProperties = scrollableViewProperties;
800 }
801 return ConnectedOverlayPositionChange;
802 }());
803 ConnectedOverlayPositionChange.ctorParameters = function () { return [
804 { type: ConnectionPositionPair },
805 { type: ScrollingVisibility, decorators: [{ type: i0.Optional }] }
806 ]; };
807 /**
808 * Validates whether a vertical position property matches the expected values.
809 * @param property Name of the property being validated.
810 * @param value Value of the property being validated.
811 * @docs-private
812 */
813 function validateVerticalPosition(property, value) {
814 if (value !== 'top' && value !== 'bottom' && value !== 'center') {
815 throw Error("ConnectedPosition: Invalid " + property + " \"" + value + "\". " +
816 "Expected \"top\", \"bottom\" or \"center\".");
817 }
818 }
819 /**
820 * Validates whether a horizontal position property matches the expected values.
821 * @param property Name of the property being validated.
822 * @param value Value of the property being validated.
823 * @docs-private
824 */
825 function validateHorizontalPosition(property, value) {
826 if (value !== 'start' && value !== 'end' && value !== 'center') {
827 throw Error("ConnectedPosition: Invalid " + property + " \"" + value + "\". " +
828 "Expected \"start\", \"end\" or \"center\".");
829 }
830 }
832 /**
833 * @license
834 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
835 *
836 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
837 * found in the LICENSE file at
838 */
839 /**
840 * Service for dispatching events that land on the body to appropriate overlay ref,
841 * if any. It maintains a list of attached overlays to determine best suited overlay based
842 * on event target and order of overlay opens.
843 */
844 var BaseOverlayDispatcher = /** @class */ (function () {
845 function BaseOverlayDispatcher(document) {
846 /** Currently attached overlays in the order they were attached. */
847 this._attachedOverlays = [];
848 this._document = document;
849 }
850 BaseOverlayDispatcher.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
851 this.detach();
852 };
853 /** Add a new overlay to the list of attached overlay refs. */
854 BaseOverlayDispatcher.prototype.add = function (overlayRef) {
855 // Ensure that we don't get the same overlay multiple times.
856 this.remove(overlayRef);
857 this._attachedOverlays.push(overlayRef);
858 };
859 /** Remove an overlay from the list of attached overlay refs. */
860 BaseOverlayDispatcher.prototype.remove = function (overlayRef) {
861 var index = this._attachedOverlays.indexOf(overlayRef);
862 if (index > -1) {
863 this._attachedOverlays.splice(index, 1);
864 }
865 // Remove the global listener once there are no more overlays.
866 if (this._attachedOverlays.length === 0) {
867 this.detach();
868 }
869 };
870 return BaseOverlayDispatcher;
871 }());
872 BaseOverlayDispatcher.ɵprov = i0__namespace.ɵɵdefineInjectable({ factory: function BaseOverlayDispatcher_Factory() { return new BaseOverlayDispatcher(i0__namespace.ɵɵinject(i1__namespace$1.DOCUMENT)); }, token: BaseOverlayDispatcher, providedIn: "root" });
873 BaseOverlayDispatcher.decorators = [
874 { type: i0.Injectable, args: [{ providedIn: 'root' },] }
875 ];
876 BaseOverlayDispatcher.ctorParameters = function () { return [
877 { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: i0.Inject, args: [i1$1.DOCUMENT,] }] }
878 ]; };
880 /**
881 * Service for dispatching keyboard events that land on the body to appropriate overlay ref,
882 * if any. It maintains a list of attached overlays to determine best suited overlay based
883 * on event target and order of overlay opens.
884 */
885 var OverlayKeyboardDispatcher = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
886 __extends(OverlayKeyboardDispatcher, _super);
887 function OverlayKeyboardDispatcher(document) {
888 var _this =, document) || this;
889 /** Keyboard event listener that will be attached to the body. */
890 _this._keydownListener = function (event) {
891 var overlays = _this._attachedOverlays;
892 for (var i = overlays.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
893 // Dispatch the keydown event to the top overlay which has subscribers to its keydown events.
894 // We want to target the most recent overlay, rather than trying to match where the event came
895 // from, because some components might open an overlay, but keep focus on a trigger element
896 // (e.g. for select and autocomplete). We skip overlays without keydown event subscriptions,
897 // because we don't want overlays that don't handle keyboard events to block the ones below
898 // them that do.
899 if (overlays[i]._keydownEvents.observers.length > 0) {
900 overlays[i];
901 break;
902 }
903 }
904 };
905 return _this;
906 }
907 /** Add a new overlay to the list of attached overlay refs. */
908 OverlayKeyboardDispatcher.prototype.add = function (overlayRef) {
909, overlayRef);
910 // Lazily start dispatcher once first overlay is added
911 if (!this._isAttached) {
912 this._document.body.addEventListener('keydown', this._keydownListener);
913 this._isAttached = true;
914 }
915 };
916 /** Detaches the global keyboard event listener. */
917 OverlayKeyboardDispatcher.prototype.detach = function () {
918 if (this._isAttached) {
919 this._document.body.removeEventListener('keydown', this._keydownListener);
920 this._isAttached = false;
921 }
922 };
923 return OverlayKeyboardDispatcher;
924 }(BaseOverlayDispatcher));
925 OverlayKeyboardDispatcher.ɵprov = i0__namespace.ɵɵdefineInjectable({ factory: function OverlayKeyboardDispatcher_Factory() { return new OverlayKeyboardDispatcher(i0__namespace.ɵɵinject(i1__namespace$1.DOCUMENT)); }, token: OverlayKeyboardDispatcher, providedIn: "root" });
926 OverlayKeyboardDispatcher.decorators = [
927 { type: i0.Injectable, args: [{ providedIn: 'root' },] }
928 ];
929 OverlayKeyboardDispatcher.ctorParameters = function () { return [
930 { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: i0.Inject, args: [i1$1.DOCUMENT,] }] }
931 ]; };
933 /**
934 * Service for dispatching mouse click events that land on the body to appropriate overlay ref,
935 * if any. It maintains a list of attached overlays to determine best suited overlay based
936 * on event target and order of overlay opens.
937 */
938 var OverlayOutsideClickDispatcher = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
939 __extends(OverlayOutsideClickDispatcher, _super);
940 function OverlayOutsideClickDispatcher(document, _platform) {
941 var _this =, document) || this;
942 _this._platform = _platform;
943 _this._cursorStyleIsSet = false;
944 /** Store pointerdown event target to track origin of click. */
945 _this._pointerDownListener = function (event) {
946 _this._pointerDownEventTarget = i2._getEventTarget(event);
947 };
948 /** Click event listener that will be attached to the body propagate phase. */
949 _this._clickListener = function (event) {
950 var target = i2._getEventTarget(event);
951 // In case of a click event, we want to check the origin of the click
952 // (e.g. in case where a user starts a click inside the overlay and
953 // releases the click outside of it).
954 // This is done by using the event target of the preceding pointerdown event.
955 // Every click event caused by a pointer device has a preceding pointerdown
956 // event, unless the click was programmatically triggered (e.g. in a unit test).
957 var origin = event.type === 'click' && _this._pointerDownEventTarget
958 ? _this._pointerDownEventTarget : target;
959 // Reset the stored pointerdown event target, to avoid having it interfere
960 // in subsequent events.
961 _this._pointerDownEventTarget = null;
962 // We copy the array because the original may be modified asynchronously if the
963 // outsidePointerEvents listener decides to detach overlays resulting in index errors inside
964 // the for loop.
965 var overlays = _this._attachedOverlays.slice();
966 // Dispatch the mouse event to the top overlay which has subscribers to its mouse events.
967 // We want to target all overlays for which the click could be considered as outside click.
968 // As soon as we reach an overlay for which the click is not outside click we break off
969 // the loop.
970 for (var i = overlays.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
971 var overlayRef = overlays[i];
972 if (overlayRef._outsidePointerEvents.observers.length < 1 || !overlayRef.hasAttached()) {
973 continue;
974 }
975 // If it's a click inside the overlay, just break - we should do nothing
976 // If it's an outside click (both origin and target of the click) dispatch the mouse event,
977 // and proceed with the next overlay
978 if (overlayRef.overlayElement.contains(target) ||
979 overlayRef.overlayElement.contains(origin)) {
980 break;
981 }
983 }
984 };
985 return _this;
986 }
987 /** Add a new overlay to the list of attached overlay refs. */
988 OverlayOutsideClickDispatcher.prototype.add = function (overlayRef) {
989, overlayRef);
990 // Safari on iOS does not generate click events for non-interactive
991 // elements. However, we want to receive a click for any element outside
992 // the overlay. We can force a "clickable" state by setting
993 // `cursor: pointer` on the document body. See:
994 //
995 //
996 if (!this._isAttached) {
997 var body = this._document.body;
998 body.addEventListener('pointerdown', this._pointerDownListener, true);
999 body.addEventListener('click', this._clickListener, true);
1000 body.addEventListener('auxclick', this._clickListener, true);
1001 body.addEventListener('contextmenu', this._clickListener, true);
1002 // click event is not fired on iOS. To make element "clickable" we are
1003 // setting the cursor to pointer
1004 if (this._platform.IOS && !this._cursorStyleIsSet) {
1005 this._cursorOriginalValue =;
1006 = 'pointer';
1007 this._cursorStyleIsSet = true;
1008 }
1009 this._isAttached = true;
1010 }
1011 };
1012 /** Detaches the global keyboard event listener. */
1013 OverlayOutsideClickDispatcher.prototype.detach = function () {
1014 if (this._isAttached) {
1015 var body = this._document.body;
1016 body.removeEventListener('pointerdown', this._pointerDownListener, true);
1017 body.removeEventListener('click', this._clickListener, true);
1018 body.removeEventListener('auxclick', this._clickListener, true);
1019 body.removeEventListener('contextmenu', this._clickListener, true);
1020 if (this._platform.IOS && this._cursorStyleIsSet) {
1021 = this._cursorOriginalValue;
1022 this._cursorStyleIsSet = false;
1023 }
1024 this._isAttached = false;
1025 }
1026 };
1027 return OverlayOutsideClickDispatcher;
1028 }(BaseOverlayDispatcher));
1029 OverlayOutsideClickDispatcher.ɵprov = i0__namespace.ɵɵdefineInjectable({ factory: function OverlayOutsideClickDispatcher_Factory() { return new OverlayOutsideClickDispatcher(i0__namespace.ɵɵinject(i1__namespace$1.DOCUMENT), i0__namespace.ɵɵinject(i2__namespace.Platform)); }, token: OverlayOutsideClickDispatcher, providedIn: "root" });
1030 OverlayOutsideClickDispatcher.decorators = [
1031 { type: i0.Injectable, args: [{ providedIn: 'root' },] }
1032 ];
1033 OverlayOutsideClickDispatcher.ctorParameters = function () { return [
1034 { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: i0.Inject, args: [i1$1.DOCUMENT,] }] },
1035 { type: i2.Platform }
1036 ]; };
1038 /**
1039 * @license
1040 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
1041 *
1042 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
1043 * found in the LICENSE file at
1044 */
1045 /** Container inside which all overlays will render. */
1046 var OverlayContainer = /** @class */ (function () {
1047 function OverlayContainer(document, _platform) {
1048 this._platform = _platform;
1049 this._document = document;
1050 }
1051 OverlayContainer.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
1052 var container = this._containerElement;
1053 if (container && container.parentNode) {
1054 container.parentNode.removeChild(container);
1055 }
1056 };
1057 /**
1058 * This method returns the overlay container element. It will lazily
1059 * create the element the first time it is called to facilitate using
1060 * the container in non-browser environments.
1061 * @returns the container element
1062 */
1063 OverlayContainer.prototype.getContainerElement = function () {
1064 if (!this._containerElement) {
1065 this._createContainer();
1066 }
1067 return this._containerElement;
1068 };
1069 /**
1070 * Create the overlay container element, which is simply a div
1071 * with the 'cdk-overlay-container' class on the document body.
1072 */
1073 OverlayContainer.prototype._createContainer = function () {
1074 var containerClass = 'cdk-overlay-container';
1075 // TODO(crisbeto): remove the testing check once we have an overlay testing
1076 // module or Angular starts tearing down the testing `NgModule`. See:
1077 //
1078 if (this._platform.isBrowser || i2._isTestEnvironment()) {
1079 var oppositePlatformContainers = this._document.querySelectorAll("." + containerClass + "[platform=\"server\"], " +
1080 ("." + containerClass + "[platform=\"test\"]"));
1081 // Remove any old containers from the opposite platform.
1082 // This can happen when transitioning from the server to the client.
1083 for (var i = 0; i < oppositePlatformContainers.length; i++) {
1084 oppositePlatformContainers[i].parentNode.removeChild(oppositePlatformContainers[i]);
1085 }
1086 }
1087 var container = this._document.createElement('div');
1088 container.classList.add(containerClass);
1089 // A long time ago we kept adding new overlay containers whenever a new app was instantiated,
1090 // but at some point we added logic which clears the duplicate ones in order to avoid leaks.
1091 // The new logic was a little too aggressive since it was breaking some legitimate use cases.
1092 // To mitigate the problem we made it so that only containers from a different platform are
1093 // cleared, but the side-effect was that people started depending on the overly-aggressive
1094 // logic to clean up their tests for them. Until we can introduce an overlay-specific testing
1095 // module which does the cleanup, we try to detect that we're in a test environment and we
1096 // always clear the container. See #17006.
1097 // TODO(crisbeto): remove the test environment check once we have an overlay testing module.
1098 if (i2._isTestEnvironment()) {
1099 container.setAttribute('platform', 'test');
1100 }
1101 else if (!this._platform.isBrowser) {
1102 container.setAttribute('platform', 'server');
1103 }
1104 this._document.body.appendChild(container);
1105 this._containerElement = container;
1106 };
1107 return OverlayContainer;
1108 }());
1109 OverlayContainer.ɵprov = i0__namespace.ɵɵdefineInjectable({ factory: function OverlayContainer_Factory() { return new OverlayContainer(i0__namespace.ɵɵinject(i1__namespace$1.DOCUMENT), i0__namespace.ɵɵinject(i2__namespace.Platform)); }, token: OverlayContainer, providedIn: "root" });
1110 OverlayContainer.decorators = [
1111 { type: i0.Injectable, args: [{ providedIn: 'root' },] }
1112 ];
1113 OverlayContainer.ctorParameters = function () { return [
1114 { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: i0.Inject, args: [i1$1.DOCUMENT,] }] },
1115 { type: i2.Platform }
1116 ]; };
1118 /**
1119 * @license
1120 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
1121 *
1122 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
1123 * found in the LICENSE file at
1124 */
1125 /**
1126 * Reference to an overlay that has been created with the Overlay service.
1127 * Used to manipulate or dispose of said overlay.
1128 */
1129 var OverlayRef = /** @class */ (function () {
1130 function OverlayRef(_portalOutlet, _host, _pane, _config, _ngZone, _keyboardDispatcher, _document, _location, _outsideClickDispatcher) {
1131 var _this = this;
1132 this._portalOutlet = _portalOutlet;
1133 this._host = _host;
1134 this._pane = _pane;
1135 this._config = _config;
1136 this._ngZone = _ngZone;
1137 this._keyboardDispatcher = _keyboardDispatcher;
1138 this._document = _document;
1139 this._location = _location;
1140 this._outsideClickDispatcher = _outsideClickDispatcher;
1141 this._backdropElement = null;
1142 this._backdropClick = new rxjs.Subject();
1143 this._attachments = new rxjs.Subject();
1144 this._detachments = new rxjs.Subject();
1145 this._locationChanges = rxjs.Subscription.EMPTY;
1146 this._backdropClickHandler = function (event) { return; };
1147 /** Stream of keydown events dispatched to this overlay. */
1148 this._keydownEvents = new rxjs.Subject();
1149 /** Stream of mouse outside events dispatched to this overlay. */
1150 this._outsidePointerEvents = new rxjs.Subject();
1151 if (_config.scrollStrategy) {
1152 this._scrollStrategy = _config.scrollStrategy;
1153 this._scrollStrategy.attach(this);
1154 }
1155 this._positionStrategy = _config.positionStrategy;
1156 }
1157 Object.defineProperty(OverlayRef.prototype, "overlayElement", {
1158 /** The overlay's HTML element */
1159 get: function () {
1160 return this._pane;
1161 },
1162 enumerable: false,
1163 configurable: true
1164 });
1165 Object.defineProperty(OverlayRef.prototype, "backdropElement", {
1166 /** The overlay's backdrop HTML element. */
1167 get: function () {
1168 return this._backdropElement;
1169 },
1170 enumerable: false,
1171 configurable: true
1172 });
1173 Object.defineProperty(OverlayRef.prototype, "hostElement", {
1174 /**
1175 * Wrapper around the panel element. Can be used for advanced
1176 * positioning where a wrapper with specific styling is
1177 * required around the overlay pane.
1178 */
1179 get: function () {
1180 return this._host;
1181 },
1182 enumerable: false,
1183 configurable: true
1184 });
1185 /**
1186 * Attaches content, given via a Portal, to the overlay.
1187 * If the overlay is configured to have a backdrop, it will be created.
1188 *
1189 * @param portal Portal instance to which to attach the overlay.
1190 * @returns The portal attachment result.
1191 */
1192 OverlayRef.prototype.attach = function (portal) {
1193 var _this = this;
1194 var attachResult = this._portalOutlet.attach(portal);
1195 // Update the pane element with the given configuration.
1196 if (!this._host.parentElement && this._previousHostParent) {
1197 this._previousHostParent.appendChild(this._host);
1198 }
1199 if (this._positionStrategy) {
1200 this._positionStrategy.attach(this);
1201 }
1202 this._updateStackingOrder();
1203 this._updateElementSize();
1204 this._updateElementDirection();
1205 if (this._scrollStrategy) {
1206 this._scrollStrategy.enable();
1207 }
1208 // Update the position once the zone is stable so that the overlay will be fully rendered
1209 // before attempting to position it, as the position may depend on the size of the rendered
1210 // content.
1211 this._ngZone.onStable
1212 .pipe(operators.take(1))
1213 .subscribe(function () {
1214 // The overlay could've been detached before the zone has stabilized.
1215 if (_this.hasAttached()) {
1216 _this.updatePosition();
1217 }
1218 });
1219 // Enable pointer events for the overlay pane element.
1220 this._togglePointerEvents(true);
1221 if (this._config.hasBackdrop) {
1222 this._attachBackdrop();
1223 }
1224 if (this._config.panelClass) {
1225 this._toggleClasses(this._pane, this._config.panelClass, true);
1226 }
1227 // Only emit the `attachments` event once all other setup is done.
1229 // Track this overlay by the keyboard dispatcher
1230 this._keyboardDispatcher.add(this);
1231 if (this._config.disposeOnNavigation) {
1232 this._locationChanges = this._location.subscribe(function () { return _this.dispose(); });
1233 }
1234 this._outsideClickDispatcher.add(this);
1235 return attachResult;
1236 };
1237 /**
1238 * Detaches an overlay from a portal.
1239 * @returns The portal detachment result.
1240 */
1241 OverlayRef.prototype.detach = function () {
1242 if (!this.hasAttached()) {
1243 return;
1244 }
1245 this.detachBackdrop();
1246 // When the overlay is detached, the pane element should disable pointer events.
1247 // This is necessary because otherwise the pane element will cover the page and disable
1248 // pointer events therefore. Depends on the position strategy and the applied pane boundaries.
1249 this._togglePointerEvents(false);
1250 if (this._positionStrategy && this._positionStrategy.detach) {
1251 this._positionStrategy.detach();
1252 }
1253 if (this._scrollStrategy) {
1254 this._scrollStrategy.disable();
1255 }
1256 var detachmentResult = this._portalOutlet.detach();
1257 // Only emit after everything is detached.
1259 // Remove this overlay from keyboard dispatcher tracking.
1260 this._keyboardDispatcher.remove(this);
1261 // Keeping the host element in the DOM can cause scroll jank, because it still gets
1262 // rendered, even though it's transparent and unclickable which is why we remove it.
1263 this._detachContentWhenStable();
1264 this._locationChanges.unsubscribe();
1265 this._outsideClickDispatcher.remove(this);
1266 return detachmentResult;
1267 };
1268 /** Cleans up the overlay from the DOM. */
1269 OverlayRef.prototype.dispose = function () {
1270 var isAttached = this.hasAttached();
1271 if (this._positionStrategy) {
1272 this._positionStrategy.dispose();
1273 }
1274 this._disposeScrollStrategy();
1275 this._disposeBackdrop(this._backdropElement);
1276 this._locationChanges.unsubscribe();
1277 this._keyboardDispatcher.remove(this);
1278 this._portalOutlet.dispose();
1279 this._attachments.complete();
1280 this._backdropClick.complete();
1281 this._keydownEvents.complete();
1282 this._outsidePointerEvents.complete();
1283 this._outsideClickDispatcher.remove(this);
1284 if (this._host && this._host.parentNode) {
1285 this._host.parentNode.removeChild(this._host);
1286 this._host = null;
1287 }
1288 this._previousHostParent = this._pane = null;
1289 if (isAttached) {
1291 }
1292 this._detachments.complete();
1293 };
1294 /** Whether the overlay has attached content. */
1295 OverlayRef.prototype.hasAttached = function () {
1296 return this._portalOutlet.hasAttached();
1297 };
1298 /** Gets an observable that emits when the backdrop has been clicked. */
1299 OverlayRef.prototype.backdropClick = function () {
1300 return this._backdropClick;
1301 };
1302 /** Gets an observable that emits when the overlay has been attached. */
1303 OverlayRef.prototype.attachments = function () {
1304 return this._attachments;
1305 };
1306 /** Gets an observable that emits when the overlay has been detached. */
1307 OverlayRef.prototype.detachments = function () {
1308 return this._detachments;
1309 };
1310 /** Gets an observable of keydown events targeted to this overlay. */
1311 OverlayRef.prototype.keydownEvents = function () {
1312 return this._keydownEvents;
1313 };
1314 /** Gets an observable of pointer events targeted outside this overlay. */
1315 OverlayRef.prototype.outsidePointerEvents = function () {
1316 return this._outsidePointerEvents;
1317 };
1318 /** Gets the current overlay configuration, which is immutable. */
1319 OverlayRef.prototype.getConfig = function () {
1320 return this._config;
1321 };
1322 /** Updates the position of the overlay based on the position strategy. */
1323 OverlayRef.prototype.updatePosition = function () {
1324 if (this._positionStrategy) {
1325 this._positionStrategy.apply();
1326 }
1327 };
1328 /** Switches to a new position strategy and updates the overlay position. */
1329 OverlayRef.prototype.updatePositionStrategy = function (strategy) {
1330 if (strategy === this._positionStrategy) {
1331 return;
1332 }
1333 if (this._positionStrategy) {
1334 this._positionStrategy.dispose();
1335 }
1336 this._positionStrategy = strategy;
1337 if (this.hasAttached()) {
1338 strategy.attach(this);
1339 this.updatePosition();
1340 }
1341 };
1342 /** Update the size properties of the overlay. */
1343 OverlayRef.prototype.updateSize = function (sizeConfig) {
1344 this._config = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this._config), sizeConfig);
1345 this._updateElementSize();
1346 };
1347 /** Sets the LTR/RTL direction for the overlay. */
1348 OverlayRef.prototype.setDirection = function (dir) {
1349 this._config = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this._config), { direction: dir });
1350 this._updateElementDirection();
1351 };
1352 /** Add a CSS class or an array of classes to the overlay pane. */
1353 OverlayRef.prototype.addPanelClass = function (classes) {
1354 if (this._pane) {
1355 this._toggleClasses(this._pane, classes, true);
1356 }
1357 };
1358 /** Remove a CSS class or an array of classes from the overlay pane. */
1359 OverlayRef.prototype.removePanelClass = function (classes) {
1360 if (this._pane) {
1361 this._toggleClasses(this._pane, classes, false);
1362 }
1363 };
1364 /**
1365 * Returns the layout direction of the overlay panel.
1366 */
1367 OverlayRef.prototype.getDirection = function () {
1368 var direction = this._config.direction;
1369 if (!direction) {
1370 return 'ltr';
1371 }
1372 return typeof direction === 'string' ? direction : direction.value;
1373 };
1374 /** Switches to a new scroll strategy. */
1375 OverlayRef.prototype.updateScrollStrategy = function (strategy) {
1376 if (strategy === this._scrollStrategy) {
1377 return;
1378 }
1379 this._disposeScrollStrategy();
1380 this._scrollStrategy = strategy;
1381 if (this.hasAttached()) {
1382 strategy.attach(this);
1383 strategy.enable();
1384 }
1385 };
1386 /** Updates the text direction of the overlay panel. */
1387 OverlayRef.prototype._updateElementDirection = function () {
1388 this._host.setAttribute('dir', this.getDirection());
1389 };
1390 /** Updates the size of the overlay element based on the overlay config. */
1391 OverlayRef.prototype._updateElementSize = function () {
1392 if (!this._pane) {
1393 return;
1394 }
1395 var style =;
1396 style.width = coercion.coerceCssPixelValue(this._config.width);
1397 style.height = coercion.coerceCssPixelValue(this._config.height);
1398 style.minWidth = coercion.coerceCssPixelValue(this._config.minWidth);
1399 style.minHeight = coercion.coerceCssPixelValue(this._config.minHeight);
1400 style.maxWidth = coercion.coerceCssPixelValue(this._config.maxWidth);
1401 style.maxHeight = coercion.coerceCssPixelValue(this._config.maxHeight);
1402 };
1403 /** Toggles the pointer events for the overlay pane element. */
1404 OverlayRef.prototype._togglePointerEvents = function (enablePointer) {
1405 = enablePointer ? '' : 'none';
1406 };
1407 /** Attaches a backdrop for this overlay. */
1408 OverlayRef.prototype._attachBackdrop = function () {
1409 var _this = this;
1410 var showingClass = 'cdk-overlay-backdrop-showing';
1411 this._backdropElement = this._document.createElement('div');
1412 this._backdropElement.classList.add('cdk-overlay-backdrop');
1413 if (this._config.backdropClass) {
1414 this._toggleClasses(this._backdropElement, this._config.backdropClass, true);
1415 }
1416 // Insert the backdrop before the pane in the DOM order,
1417 // in order to handle stacked overlays properly.
1418 this._host.parentElement.insertBefore(this._backdropElement, this._host);
1419 // Forward backdrop clicks such that the consumer of the overlay can perform whatever
1420 // action desired when such a click occurs (usually closing the overlay).
1421 this._backdropElement.addEventListener('click', this._backdropClickHandler);
1422 // Add class to fade-in the backdrop after one frame.
1423 if (typeof requestAnimationFrame !== 'undefined') {
1424 this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(function () {
1425 requestAnimationFrame(function () {
1426 if (_this._backdropElement) {
1427 _this._backdropElement.classList.add(showingClass);
1428 }
1429 });
1430 });
1431 }
1432 else {
1433 this._backdropElement.classList.add(showingClass);
1434 }
1435 };
1436 /**
1437 * Updates the stacking order of the element, moving it to the top if necessary.
1438 * This is required in cases where one overlay was detached, while another one,
1439 * that should be behind it, was destroyed. The next time both of them are opened,
1440 * the stacking will be wrong, because the detached element's pane will still be
1441 * in its original DOM position.
1442 */
1443 OverlayRef.prototype._updateStackingOrder = function () {
1444 if (this._host.nextSibling) {
1445 this._host.parentNode.appendChild(this._host);
1446 }
1447 };
1448 /** Detaches the backdrop (if any) associated with the overlay. */
1449 OverlayRef.prototype.detachBackdrop = function () {
1450 var _this = this;
1451 var backdropToDetach = this._backdropElement;
1452 if (!backdropToDetach) {
1453 return;
1454 }
1455 var timeoutId;
1456 var finishDetach = function () {
1457 // It may not be attached to anything in certain cases (e.g. unit tests).
1458 if (backdropToDetach) {
1459 backdropToDetach.removeEventListener('click', _this._backdropClickHandler);
1460 backdropToDetach.removeEventListener('transitionend', finishDetach);
1461 _this._disposeBackdrop(backdropToDetach);
1462 }
1463 if (_this._config.backdropClass) {
1464 _this._toggleClasses(backdropToDetach, _this._config.backdropClass, false);
1465 }
1466 clearTimeout(timeoutId);
1467 };
1468 backdropToDetach.classList.remove('cdk-overlay-backdrop-showing');
1469 this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(function () {
1470 backdropToDetach.addEventListener('transitionend', finishDetach);
1471 });
1472 // If the backdrop doesn't have a transition, the `transitionend` event won't fire.
1473 // In this case we make it unclickable and we try to remove it after a delay.
1474 = 'none';
1475 // Run this outside the Angular zone because there's nothing that Angular cares about.
1476 // If it were to run inside the Angular zone, every test that used Overlay would have to be
1477 // either async or fakeAsync.
1478 timeoutId = this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(function () { return setTimeout(finishDetach, 500); });
1479 };
1480 /** Toggles a single CSS class or an array of classes on an element. */
1481 OverlayRef.prototype._toggleClasses = function (element, cssClasses, isAdd) {
1482 var classList = element.classList;
1483 coercion.coerceArray(cssClasses).forEach(function (cssClass) {
1484 // We can't do a spread here, because IE doesn't support setting multiple classes.
1485 // Also trying to add an empty string to a DOMTokenList will throw.
1486 if (cssClass) {
1487 isAdd ? classList.add(cssClass) : classList.remove(cssClass);
1488 }
1489 });
1490 };
1491 /** Detaches the overlay content next time the zone stabilizes. */
1492 OverlayRef.prototype._detachContentWhenStable = function () {
1493 var _this = this;
1494 // Normally we wouldn't have to explicitly run this outside the `NgZone`, however
1495 // if the consumer is using `zone-patch-rxjs`, the `Subscription.unsubscribe` call will
1496 // be patched to run inside the zone, which will throw us into an infinite loop.
1497 this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(function () {
1498 // We can't remove the host here immediately, because the overlay pane's content
1499 // might still be animating. This stream helps us avoid interrupting the animation
1500 // by waiting for the pane to become empty.
1501 var subscription = _this._ngZone.onStable
1502 .pipe(operators.takeUntil(rxjs.merge(_this._attachments, _this._detachments)))
1503 .subscribe(function () {
1504 // Needs a couple of checks for the pane and host, because
1505 // they may have been removed by the time the zone stabilizes.
1506 if (!_this._pane || !_this._host || _this._pane.children.length === 0) {
1507 if (_this._pane && _this._config.panelClass) {
1508 _this._toggleClasses(_this._pane, _this._config.panelClass, false);
1509 }
1510 if (_this._host && _this._host.parentElement) {
1511 _this._previousHostParent = _this._host.parentElement;
1512 _this._previousHostParent.removeChild(_this._host);
1513 }
1514 subscription.unsubscribe();
1515 }
1516 });
1517 });
1518 };
1519 /** Disposes of a scroll strategy. */
1520 OverlayRef.prototype._disposeScrollStrategy = function () {
1521 var scrollStrategy = this._scrollStrategy;
1522 if (scrollStrategy) {
1523 scrollStrategy.disable();
1524 if (scrollStrategy.detach) {
1525 scrollStrategy.detach();
1526 }
1527 }
1528 };
1529 /** Removes a backdrop element from the DOM. */
1530 OverlayRef.prototype._disposeBackdrop = function (backdrop) {
1531 if (backdrop) {
1532 if (backdrop.parentNode) {
1533 backdrop.parentNode.removeChild(backdrop);
1534 }
1535 // It is possible that a new portal has been attached to this overlay since we started
1536 // removing the backdrop. If that is the case, only clear the backdrop reference if it
1537 // is still the same instance that we started to remove.
1538 if (this._backdropElement === backdrop) {
1539 this._backdropElement = null;
1540 }
1541 }
1542 };
1543 return OverlayRef;
1544 }());
1546 // TODO: refactor clipping detection into a separate thing (part of scrolling module)
1547 // TODO: doesn't handle both flexible width and height when it has to scroll along both axis.
1548 /** Class to be added to the overlay bounding box. */
1549 var boundingBoxClass = 'cdk-overlay-connected-position-bounding-box';
1550 /** Regex used to split a string on its CSS units. */
1551 var cssUnitPattern = /([A-Za-z%]+)$/;
1552 /**
1553 * A strategy for positioning overlays. Using this strategy, an overlay is given an
1554 * implicit position relative some origin element. The relative position is defined in terms of
1555 * a point on the origin element that is connected to a point on the overlay element. For example,
1556 * a basic dropdown is connecting the bottom-left corner of the origin to the top-left corner
1557 * of the overlay.
1558 */
1559 var FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy = /** @class */ (function () {
1560 function FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy(connectedTo, _viewportRuler, _document, _platform, _overlayContainer) {
1561 this._viewportRuler = _viewportRuler;
1562 this._document = _document;
1563 this._platform = _platform;
1564 this._overlayContainer = _overlayContainer;
1565 /** Last size used for the bounding box. Used to avoid resizing the overlay after open. */
1566 this._lastBoundingBoxSize = { width: 0, height: 0 };
1567 /** Whether the overlay was pushed in a previous positioning. */
1568 this._isPushed = false;
1569 /** Whether the overlay can be pushed on-screen on the initial open. */
1570 this._canPush = true;
1571 /** Whether the overlay can grow via flexible width/height after the initial open. */
1572 this._growAfterOpen = false;
1573 /** Whether the overlay's width and height can be constrained to fit within the viewport. */
1574 this._hasFlexibleDimensions = true;
1575 /** Whether the overlay position is locked. */
1576 this._positionLocked = false;
1577 /** Amount of space that must be maintained between the overlay and the edge of the viewport. */
1578 this._viewportMargin = 0;
1579 /** The Scrollable containers used to check scrollable view properties on position change. */
1580 this._scrollables = [];
1581 /** Ordered list of preferred positions, from most to least desirable. */
1582 this._preferredPositions = [];
1583 /** Subject that emits whenever the position changes. */
1584 this._positionChanges = new rxjs.Subject();
1585 /** Subscription to viewport size changes. */
1586 this._resizeSubscription = rxjs.Subscription.EMPTY;
1587 /** Default offset for the overlay along the x axis. */
1588 this._offsetX = 0;
1589 /** Default offset for the overlay along the y axis. */
1590 this._offsetY = 0;
1591 /** Keeps track of the CSS classes that the position strategy has applied on the overlay panel. */
1592 this._appliedPanelClasses = [];
1593 /** Observable sequence of position changes. */
1594 this.positionChanges = this._positionChanges;
1595 this.setOrigin(connectedTo);
1596 }
1597 Object.defineProperty(FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype, "positions", {
1598 /** Ordered list of preferred positions, from most to least desirable. */
1599 get: function () {
1600 return this._preferredPositions;
1601 },
1602 enumerable: false,
1603 configurable: true
1604 });
1605 /** Attaches this position strategy to an overlay. */
1606 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.attach = function (overlayRef) {
1607 var _this = this;
1608 if (this._overlayRef && overlayRef !== this._overlayRef &&
1609 (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
1610 throw Error('This position strategy is already attached to an overlay');
1611 }
1612 this._validatePositions();
1613 overlayRef.hostElement.classList.add(boundingBoxClass);
1614 this._overlayRef = overlayRef;
1615 this._boundingBox = overlayRef.hostElement;
1616 this._pane = overlayRef.overlayElement;
1617 this._isDisposed = false;
1618 this._isInitialRender = true;
1619 this._lastPosition = null;
1620 this._resizeSubscription.unsubscribe();
1621 this._resizeSubscription = this._viewportRuler.change().subscribe(function () {
1622 // When the window is resized, we want to trigger the next reposition as if it
1623 // was an initial render, in order for the strategy to pick a new optimal position,
1624 // otherwise position locking will cause it to stay at the old one.
1625 _this._isInitialRender = true;
1626 _this.apply();
1627 });
1628 };
1629 /**
1630 * Updates the position of the overlay element, using whichever preferred position relative
1631 * to the origin best fits on-screen.
1632 *
1633 * The selection of a position goes as follows:
1634 * - If any positions fit completely within the viewport as-is,
1635 * choose the first position that does so.
1636 * - If flexible dimensions are enabled and at least one satifies the given minimum width/height,
1637 * choose the position with the greatest available size modified by the positions' weight.
1638 * - If pushing is enabled, take the position that went off-screen the least and push it
1639 * on-screen.
1640 * - If none of the previous criteria were met, use the position that goes off-screen the least.
1641 * @docs-private
1642 */
1643 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.apply = function () {
1644 var e_1, _a, e_2, _b;
1645 // We shouldn't do anything if the strategy was disposed or we're on the server.
1646 if (this._isDisposed || !this._platform.isBrowser) {
1647 return;
1648 }
1649 // If the position has been applied already (e.g. when the overlay was opened) and the
1650 // consumer opted into locking in the position, re-use the old position, in order to
1651 // prevent the overlay from jumping around.
1652 if (!this._isInitialRender && this._positionLocked && this._lastPosition) {
1653 this.reapplyLastPosition();
1654 return;
1655 }
1656 this._clearPanelClasses();
1657 this._resetOverlayElementStyles();
1658 this._resetBoundingBoxStyles();
1659 // We need the bounding rects for the origin and the overlay to determine how to position
1660 // the overlay relative to the origin.
1661 // We use the viewport rect to determine whether a position would go off-screen.
1662 this._viewportRect = this._getNarrowedViewportRect();
1663 this._originRect = this._getOriginRect();
1664 this._overlayRect = this._pane.getBoundingClientRect();
1665 var originRect = this._originRect;
1666 var overlayRect = this._overlayRect;
1667 var viewportRect = this._viewportRect;
1668 // Positions where the overlay will fit with flexible dimensions.
1669 var flexibleFits = [];
1670 // Fallback if none of the preferred positions fit within the viewport.
1671 var fallback;
1672 try {
1673 // Go through each of the preferred positions looking for a good fit.
1674 // If a good fit is found, it will be applied immediately.
1675 for (var _c = __values(this._preferredPositions), _d =; !_d.done; _d = {
1676 var pos = _d.value;
1677 // Get the exact (x, y) coordinate for the point-of-origin on the origin element.
1678 var originPoint = this._getOriginPoint(originRect, pos);
1679 // From that point-of-origin, get the exact (x, y) coordinate for the top-left corner of the
1680 // overlay in this position. We use the top-left corner for calculations and later translate
1681 // this into an appropriate (top, left, bottom, right) style.
1682 var overlayPoint = this._getOverlayPoint(originPoint, overlayRect, pos);
1683 // Calculate how well the overlay would fit into the viewport with this point.
1684 var overlayFit = this._getOverlayFit(overlayPoint, overlayRect, viewportRect, pos);
1685 // If the overlay, without any further work, fits into the viewport, use this position.
1686 if (overlayFit.isCompletelyWithinViewport) {
1687 this._isPushed = false;
1688 this._applyPosition(pos, originPoint);
1689 return;
1690 }
1691 // If the overlay has flexible dimensions, we can use this position
1692 // so long as there's enough space for the minimum dimensions.
1693 if (this._canFitWithFlexibleDimensions(overlayFit, overlayPoint, viewportRect)) {
1694 // Save positions where the overlay will fit with flexible dimensions. We will use these
1695 // if none of the positions fit *without* flexible dimensions.
1696 flexibleFits.push({
1697 position: pos,
1698 origin: originPoint,
1699 overlayRect: overlayRect,
1700 boundingBoxRect: this._calculateBoundingBoxRect(originPoint, pos)
1701 });
1702 continue;
1703 }
1704 // If the current preferred position does not fit on the screen, remember the position
1705 // if it has more visible area on-screen than we've seen and move onto the next preferred
1706 // position.
1707 if (!fallback || fallback.overlayFit.visibleArea < overlayFit.visibleArea) {
1708 fallback = { overlayFit: overlayFit, overlayPoint: overlayPoint, originPoint: originPoint, position: pos, overlayRect: overlayRect };
1709 }
1710 }
1711 }
1712 catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
1713 finally {
1714 try {
1715 if (_d && !_d.done && (_a = _c.return));
1716 }
1717 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
1718 }
1719 // If there are any positions where the overlay would fit with flexible dimensions, choose the
1720 // one that has the greatest area available modified by the position's weight
1721 if (flexibleFits.length) {
1722 var bestFit = null;
1723 var bestScore = -1;
1724 try {
1725 for (var flexibleFits_1 = __values(flexibleFits), flexibleFits_1_1 =; !flexibleFits_1_1.done; flexibleFits_1_1 = {
1726 var fit = flexibleFits_1_1.value;
1727 var score = fit.boundingBoxRect.width * fit.boundingBoxRect.height * (fit.position.weight || 1);
1728 if (score > bestScore) {
1729 bestScore = score;
1730 bestFit = fit;
1731 }
1732 }
1733 }
1734 catch (e_2_1) { e_2 = { error: e_2_1 }; }
1735 finally {
1736 try {
1737 if (flexibleFits_1_1 && !flexibleFits_1_1.done && (_b = flexibleFits_1.return));
1738 }
1739 finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; }
1740 }
1741 this._isPushed = false;
1742 this._applyPosition(bestFit.position, bestFit.origin);
1743 return;
1744 }
1745 // When none of the preferred positions fit within the viewport, take the position
1746 // that went off-screen the least and attempt to push it on-screen.
1747 if (this._canPush) {
1748 // TODO(jelbourn): after pushing, the opening "direction" of the overlay might not make sense.
1749 this._isPushed = true;
1750 this._applyPosition(fallback.position, fallback.originPoint);
1751 return;
1752 }
1753 // All options for getting the overlay within the viewport have been exhausted, so go with the
1754 // position that went off-screen the least.
1755 this._applyPosition(fallback.position, fallback.originPoint);
1756 };
1757 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.detach = function () {
1758 this._clearPanelClasses();
1759 this._lastPosition = null;
1760 this._previousPushAmount = null;
1761 this._resizeSubscription.unsubscribe();
1762 };
1763 /** Cleanup after the element gets destroyed. */
1764 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.dispose = function () {
1765 if (this._isDisposed) {
1766 return;
1767 }
1768 // We can't use `_resetBoundingBoxStyles` here, because it resets
1769 // some properties to zero, rather than removing them.
1770 if (this._boundingBox) {
1771 extendStyles(, {
1772 top: '',
1773 left: '',
1774 right: '',
1775 bottom: '',
1776 height: '',
1777 width: '',
1778 alignItems: '',
1779 justifyContent: '',
1780 });
1781 }
1782 if (this._pane) {
1783 this._resetOverlayElementStyles();
1784 }
1785 if (this._overlayRef) {
1786 this._overlayRef.hostElement.classList.remove(boundingBoxClass);
1787 }
1788 this.detach();
1789 this._positionChanges.complete();
1790 this._overlayRef = this._boundingBox = null;
1791 this._isDisposed = true;
1792 };
1793 /**
1794 * This re-aligns the overlay element with the trigger in its last calculated position,
1795 * even if a position higher in the "preferred positions" list would now fit. This
1796 * allows one to re-align the panel without changing the orientation of the panel.
1797 */
1798 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.reapplyLastPosition = function () {
1799 if (!this._isDisposed && (!this._platform || this._platform.isBrowser)) {
1800 this._originRect = this._getOriginRect();
1801 this._overlayRect = this._pane.getBoundingClientRect();
1802 this._viewportRect = this._getNarrowedViewportRect();
1803 var lastPosition = this._lastPosition || this._preferredPositions[0];
1804 var originPoint = this._getOriginPoint(this._originRect, lastPosition);
1805 this._applyPosition(lastPosition, originPoint);
1806 }
1807 };
1808 /**
1809 * Sets the list of Scrollable containers that host the origin element so that
1810 * on reposition we can evaluate if it or the overlay has been clipped or outside view. Every
1811 * Scrollable must be an ancestor element of the strategy's origin element.
1812 */
1813 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.withScrollableContainers = function (scrollables) {
1814 this._scrollables = scrollables;
1815 return this;
1816 };
1817 /**
1818 * Adds new preferred positions.
1819 * @param positions List of positions options for this overlay.
1820 */
1821 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.withPositions = function (positions) {
1822 this._preferredPositions = positions;
1823 // If the last calculated position object isn't part of the positions anymore, clear
1824 // it in order to avoid it being picked up if the consumer tries to re-apply.
1825 if (positions.indexOf(this._lastPosition) === -1) {
1826 this._lastPosition = null;
1827 }
1828 this._validatePositions();
1829 return this;
1830 };
1831 /**
1832 * Sets a minimum distance the overlay may be positioned to the edge of the viewport.
1833 * @param margin Required margin between the overlay and the viewport edge in pixels.
1834 */
1835 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.withViewportMargin = function (margin) {
1836 this._viewportMargin = margin;
1837 return this;
1838 };
1839 /** Sets whether the overlay's width and height can be constrained to fit within the viewport. */
1840 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.withFlexibleDimensions = function (flexibleDimensions) {
1841 if (flexibleDimensions === void 0) { flexibleDimensions = true; }
1842 this._hasFlexibleDimensions = flexibleDimensions;
1843 return this;
1844 };
1845 /** Sets whether the overlay can grow after the initial open via flexible width/height. */
1846 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.withGrowAfterOpen = function (growAfterOpen) {
1847 if (growAfterOpen === void 0) { growAfterOpen = true; }
1848 this._growAfterOpen = growAfterOpen;
1849 return this;
1850 };
1851 /** Sets whether the overlay can be pushed on-screen if none of the provided positions fit. */
1852 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.withPush = function (canPush) {
1853 if (canPush === void 0) { canPush = true; }
1854 this._canPush = canPush;
1855 return this;
1856 };
1857 /**
1858 * Sets whether the overlay's position should be locked in after it is positioned
1859 * initially. When an overlay is locked in, it won't attempt to reposition itself
1860 * when the position is re-applied (e.g. when the user scrolls away).
1861 * @param isLocked Whether the overlay should locked in.
1862 */
1863 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.withLockedPosition = function (isLocked) {
1864 if (isLocked === void 0) { isLocked = true; }
1865 this._positionLocked = isLocked;
1866 return this;
1867 };
1868 /**
1869 * Sets the origin, relative to which to position the overlay.
1870 * Using an element origin is useful for building components that need to be positioned
1871 * relatively to a trigger (e.g. dropdown menus or tooltips), whereas using a point can be
1872 * used for cases like contextual menus which open relative to the user's pointer.
1873 * @param origin Reference to the new origin.
1874 */
1875 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.setOrigin = function (origin) {
1876 this._origin = origin;
1877 return this;
1878 };
1879 /**
1880 * Sets the default offset for the overlay's connection point on the x-axis.
1881 * @param offset New offset in the X axis.
1882 */
1883 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.withDefaultOffsetX = function (offset) {
1884 this._offsetX = offset;
1885 return this;
1886 };
1887 /**
1888 * Sets the default offset for the overlay's connection point on the y-axis.
1889 * @param offset New offset in the Y axis.
1890 */
1891 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.withDefaultOffsetY = function (offset) {
1892 this._offsetY = offset;
1893 return this;
1894 };
1895 /**
1896 * Configures that the position strategy should set a `transform-origin` on some elements
1897 * inside the overlay, depending on the current position that is being applied. This is
1898 * useful for the cases where the origin of an animation can change depending on the
1899 * alignment of the overlay.
1900 * @param selector CSS selector that will be used to find the target
1901 * elements onto which to set the transform origin.
1902 */
1903 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.withTransformOriginOn = function (selector) {
1904 this._transformOriginSelector = selector;
1905 return this;
1906 };
1907 /**
1908 * Gets the (x, y) coordinate of a connection point on the origin based on a relative position.
1909 */
1910 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._getOriginPoint = function (originRect, pos) {
1911 var x;
1912 if (pos.originX == 'center') {
1913 // Note: when centering we should always use the `left`
1914 // offset, otherwise the position will be wrong in RTL.
1915 x = originRect.left + (originRect.width / 2);
1916 }
1917 else {
1918 var startX = this._isRtl() ? originRect.right : originRect.left;
1919 var endX = this._isRtl() ? originRect.left : originRect.right;
1920 x = pos.originX == 'start' ? startX : endX;
1921 }
1922 var y;
1923 if (pos.originY == 'center') {
1924 y = + (originRect.height / 2);
1925 }
1926 else {
1927 y = pos.originY == 'top' ? : originRect.bottom;
1928 }
1929 return { x: x, y: y };
1930 };
1931 /**
1932 * Gets the (x, y) coordinate of the top-left corner of the overlay given a given position and
1933 * origin point to which the overlay should be connected.
1934 */
1935 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._getOverlayPoint = function (originPoint, overlayRect, pos) {
1936 // Calculate the (overlayStartX, overlayStartY), the start of the
1937 // potential overlay position relative to the origin point.
1938 var overlayStartX;
1939 if (pos.overlayX == 'center') {
1940 overlayStartX = -overlayRect.width / 2;
1941 }
1942 else if (pos.overlayX === 'start') {
1943 overlayStartX = this._isRtl() ? -overlayRect.width : 0;
1944 }
1945 else {
1946 overlayStartX = this._isRtl() ? 0 : -overlayRect.width;
1947 }
1948 var overlayStartY;
1949 if (pos.overlayY == 'center') {
1950 overlayStartY = -overlayRect.height / 2;
1951 }
1952 else {
1953 overlayStartY = pos.overlayY == 'top' ? 0 : -overlayRect.height;
1954 }
1955 // The (x, y) coordinates of the overlay.
1956 return {
1957 x: originPoint.x + overlayStartX,
1958 y: originPoint.y + overlayStartY,
1959 };
1960 };
1961 /** Gets how well an overlay at the given point will fit within the viewport. */
1962 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._getOverlayFit = function (point, rawOverlayRect, viewport, position) {
1963 // Round the overlay rect when comparing against the
1964 // viewport, because the viewport is always rounded.
1965 var overlay = getRoundedBoundingClientRect(rawOverlayRect);
1966 var x = point.x, y = point.y;
1967 var offsetX = this._getOffset(position, 'x');
1968 var offsetY = this._getOffset(position, 'y');
1969 // Account for the offsets since they could push the overlay out of the viewport.
1970 if (offsetX) {
1971 x += offsetX;
1972 }
1973 if (offsetY) {
1974 y += offsetY;
1975 }
1976 // How much the overlay would overflow at this position, on each side.
1977 var leftOverflow = 0 - x;
1978 var rightOverflow = (x + overlay.width) - viewport.width;
1979 var topOverflow = 0 - y;
1980 var bottomOverflow = (y + overlay.height) - viewport.height;
1981 // Visible parts of the element on each axis.
1982 var visibleWidth = this._subtractOverflows(overlay.width, leftOverflow, rightOverflow);
1983 var visibleHeight = this._subtractOverflows(overlay.height, topOverflow, bottomOverflow);
1984 var visibleArea = visibleWidth * visibleHeight;
1985 return {
1986 visibleArea: visibleArea,
1987 isCompletelyWithinViewport: (overlay.width * overlay.height) === visibleArea,
1988 fitsInViewportVertically: visibleHeight === overlay.height,
1989 fitsInViewportHorizontally: visibleWidth == overlay.width,
1990 };
1991 };
1992 /**
1993 * Whether the overlay can fit within the viewport when it may resize either its width or height.
1994 * @param fit How well the overlay fits in the viewport at some position.
1995 * @param point The (x, y) coordinates of the overlat at some position.
1996 * @param viewport The geometry of the viewport.
1997 */
1998 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._canFitWithFlexibleDimensions = function (fit, point, viewport) {
1999 if (this._hasFlexibleDimensions) {
2000 var availableHeight = viewport.bottom - point.y;
2001 var availableWidth = viewport.right - point.x;
2002 var minHeight = getPixelValue(this._overlayRef.getConfig().minHeight);
2003 var minWidth = getPixelValue(this._overlayRef.getConfig().minWidth);
2004 var verticalFit = fit.fitsInViewportVertically ||
2005 (minHeight != null && minHeight <= availableHeight);
2006 var horizontalFit = fit.fitsInViewportHorizontally ||
2007 (minWidth != null && minWidth <= availableWidth);
2008 return verticalFit && horizontalFit;
2009 }
2010 return false;
2011 };
2012 /**
2013 * Gets the point at which the overlay can be "pushed" on-screen. If the overlay is larger than
2014 * the viewport, the top-left corner will be pushed on-screen (with overflow occuring on the
2015 * right and bottom).
2016 *
2017 * @param start Starting point from which the overlay is pushed.
2018 * @param overlay Dimensions of the overlay.
2019 * @param scrollPosition Current viewport scroll position.
2020 * @returns The point at which to position the overlay after pushing. This is effectively a new
2021 * originPoint.
2022 */
2023 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._pushOverlayOnScreen = function (start, rawOverlayRect, scrollPosition) {
2024 // If the position is locked and we've pushed the overlay already, reuse the previous push
2025 // amount, rather than pushing it again. If we were to continue pushing, the element would
2026 // remain in the viewport, which goes against the expectations when position locking is enabled.
2027 if (this._previousPushAmount && this._positionLocked) {
2028 return {
2029 x: start.x + this._previousPushAmount.x,
2030 y: start.y + this._previousPushAmount.y
2031 };
2032 }
2033 // Round the overlay rect when comparing against the
2034 // viewport, because the viewport is always rounded.
2035 var overlay = getRoundedBoundingClientRect(rawOverlayRect);
2036 var viewport = this._viewportRect;
2037 // Determine how much the overlay goes outside the viewport on each
2038 // side, which we'll use to decide which direction to push it.
2039 var overflowRight = Math.max(start.x + overlay.width - viewport.width, 0);
2040 var overflowBottom = Math.max(start.y + overlay.height - viewport.height, 0);
2041 var overflowTop = Math.max( - - start.y, 0);
2042 var overflowLeft = Math.max(viewport.left - scrollPosition.left - start.x, 0);
2043 // Amount by which to push the overlay in each axis such that it remains on-screen.
2044 var pushX = 0;
2045 var pushY = 0;
2046 // If the overlay fits completely within the bounds of the viewport, push it from whichever
2047 // direction is goes off-screen. Otherwise, push the top-left corner such that its in the
2048 // viewport and allow for the trailing end of the overlay to go out of bounds.
2049 if (overlay.width <= viewport.width) {
2050 pushX = overflowLeft || -overflowRight;
2051 }
2052 else {
2053 pushX = start.x < this._viewportMargin ? (viewport.left - scrollPosition.left) - start.x : 0;
2054 }
2055 if (overlay.height <= viewport.height) {
2056 pushY = overflowTop || -overflowBottom;
2057 }
2058 else {
2059 pushY = start.y < this._viewportMargin ? ( - - start.y : 0;
2060 }
2061 this._previousPushAmount = { x: pushX, y: pushY };
2062 return {
2063 x: start.x + pushX,
2064 y: start.y + pushY,
2065 };
2066 };
2067 /**
2068 * Applies a computed position to the overlay and emits a position change.
2069 * @param position The position preference
2070 * @param originPoint The point on the origin element where the overlay is connected.
2071 */
2072 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._applyPosition = function (position, originPoint) {
2073 this._setTransformOrigin(position);
2074 this._setOverlayElementStyles(originPoint, position);
2075 this._setBoundingBoxStyles(originPoint, position);
2076 if (position.panelClass) {
2077 this._addPanelClasses(position.panelClass);
2078 }
2079 // Save the last connected position in case the position needs to be re-calculated.
2080 this._lastPosition = position;
2081 // Notify that the position has been changed along with its change properties.
2082 // We only emit if we've got any subscriptions, because the scroll visibility
2083 // calculcations can be somewhat expensive.
2084 if (this._positionChanges.observers.length) {
2085 var scrollableViewProperties = this._getScrollVisibility();
2086 var changeEvent = new ConnectedOverlayPositionChange(position, scrollableViewProperties);
2088 }
2089 this._isInitialRender = false;
2090 };
2091 /** Sets the transform origin based on the configured selector and the passed-in position. */
2092 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._setTransformOrigin = function (position) {
2093 if (!this._transformOriginSelector) {
2094 return;
2095 }
2096 var elements = this._boundingBox.querySelectorAll(this._transformOriginSelector);
2097 var xOrigin;
2098 var yOrigin = position.overlayY;
2099 if (position.overlayX === 'center') {
2100 xOrigin = 'center';
2101 }
2102 else if (this._isRtl()) {
2103 xOrigin = position.overlayX === 'start' ? 'right' : 'left';
2104 }
2105 else {
2106 xOrigin = position.overlayX === 'start' ? 'left' : 'right';
2107 }
2108 for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
2109 elements[i].style.transformOrigin = xOrigin + " " + yOrigin;
2110 }
2111 };
2112 /**
2113 * Gets the position and size of the overlay's sizing container.
2114 *
2115 * This method does no measuring and applies no styles so that we can cheaply compute the
2116 * bounds for all positions and choose the best fit based on these results.
2117 */
2118 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._calculateBoundingBoxRect = function (origin, position) {
2119 var viewport = this._viewportRect;
2120 var isRtl = this._isRtl();
2121 var height, top, bottom;
2122 if (position.overlayY === 'top') {
2123 // Overlay is opening "downward" and thus is bound by the bottom viewport edge.
2124 top = origin.y;
2125 height = viewport.height - top + this._viewportMargin;
2126 }
2127 else if (position.overlayY === 'bottom') {
2128 // Overlay is opening "upward" and thus is bound by the top viewport edge. We need to add
2129 // the viewport margin back in, because the viewport rect is narrowed down to remove the
2130 // margin, whereas the `origin` position is calculated based on its `ClientRect`.
2131 bottom = viewport.height - origin.y + this._viewportMargin * 2;
2132 height = viewport.height - bottom + this._viewportMargin;
2133 }
2134 else {
2135 // If neither top nor bottom, it means that the overlay is vertically centered on the
2136 // origin point. Note that we want the position relative to the viewport, rather than
2137 // the page, which is why we don't use something like `viewport.bottom - origin.y` and
2138 // `origin.y -`.
2139 var smallestDistanceToViewportEdge = Math.min(viewport.bottom - origin.y +, origin.y);
2140 var previousHeight = this._lastBoundingBoxSize.height;
2141 height = smallestDistanceToViewportEdge * 2;
2142 top = origin.y - smallestDistanceToViewportEdge;
2143 if (height > previousHeight && !this._isInitialRender && !this._growAfterOpen) {
2144 top = origin.y - (previousHeight / 2);
2145 }
2146 }
2147 // The overlay is opening 'right-ward' (the content flows to the right).
2148 var isBoundedByRightViewportEdge = (position.overlayX === 'start' && !isRtl) ||
2149 (position.overlayX === 'end' && isRtl);
2150 // The overlay is opening 'left-ward' (the content flows to the left).
2151 var isBoundedByLeftViewportEdge = (position.overlayX === 'end' && !isRtl) ||
2152 (position.overlayX === 'start' && isRtl);
2153 var width, left, right;
2154 if (isBoundedByLeftViewportEdge) {
2155 right = viewport.width - origin.x + this._viewportMargin;
2156 width = origin.x - this._viewportMargin;
2157 }
2158 else if (isBoundedByRightViewportEdge) {
2159 left = origin.x;
2160 width = viewport.right - origin.x;
2161 }
2162 else {
2163 // If neither start nor end, it means that the overlay is horizontally centered on the
2164 // origin point. Note that we want the position relative to the viewport, rather than
2165 // the page, which is why we don't use something like `viewport.right - origin.x` and
2166 // `origin.x - viewport.left`.
2167 var smallestDistanceToViewportEdge = Math.min(viewport.right - origin.x + viewport.left, origin.x);
2168 var previousWidth = this._lastBoundingBoxSize.width;
2169 width = smallestDistanceToViewportEdge * 2;
2170 left = origin.x - smallestDistanceToViewportEdge;
2171 if (width > previousWidth && !this._isInitialRender && !this._growAfterOpen) {
2172 left = origin.x - (previousWidth / 2);
2173 }
2174 }
2175 return { top: top, left: left, bottom: bottom, right: right, width: width, height: height };
2176 };
2177 /**
2178 * Sets the position and size of the overlay's sizing wrapper. The wrapper is positioned on the
2179 * origin's connection point and stetches to the bounds of the viewport.
2180 *
2181 * @param origin The point on the origin element where the overlay is connected.
2182 * @param position The position preference
2183 */
2184 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._setBoundingBoxStyles = function (origin, position) {
2185 var boundingBoxRect = this._calculateBoundingBoxRect(origin, position);
2186 // It's weird if the overlay *grows* while scrolling, so we take the last size into account
2187 // when applying a new size.
2188 if (!this._isInitialRender && !this._growAfterOpen) {
2189 boundingBoxRect.height = Math.min(boundingBoxRect.height, this._lastBoundingBoxSize.height);
2190 boundingBoxRect.width = Math.min(boundingBoxRect.width, this._lastBoundingBoxSize.width);
2191 }
2192 var styles = {};
2193 if (this._hasExactPosition()) {
2194 = styles.left = '0';
2195 styles.bottom = styles.right = styles.maxHeight = styles.maxWidth = '';
2196 styles.width = styles.height = '100%';
2197 }
2198 else {
2199 var maxHeight = this._overlayRef.getConfig().maxHeight;
2200 var maxWidth = this._overlayRef.getConfig().maxWidth;
2201 styles.height = coercion.coerceCssPixelValue(boundingBoxRect.height);
2202 = coercion.coerceCssPixelValue(;
2203 styles.bottom = coercion.coerceCssPixelValue(boundingBoxRect.bottom);
2204 styles.width = coercion.coerceCssPixelValue(boundingBoxRect.width);
2205 styles.left = coercion.coerceCssPixelValue(boundingBoxRect.left);
2206 styles.right = coercion.coerceCssPixelValue(boundingBoxRect.right);
2207 // Push the pane content towards the proper direction.
2208 if (position.overlayX === 'center') {
2209 styles.alignItems = 'center';
2210 }
2211 else {
2212 styles.alignItems = position.overlayX === 'end' ? 'flex-end' : 'flex-start';
2213 }
2214 if (position.overlayY === 'center') {
2215 styles.justifyContent = 'center';
2216 }
2217 else {
2218 styles.justifyContent = position.overlayY === 'bottom' ? 'flex-end' : 'flex-start';
2219 }
2220 if (maxHeight) {
2221 styles.maxHeight = coercion.coerceCssPixelValue(maxHeight);
2222 }
2223 if (maxWidth) {
2224 styles.maxWidth = coercion.coerceCssPixelValue(maxWidth);
2225 }
2226 }
2227 this._lastBoundingBoxSize = boundingBoxRect;
2228 extendStyles(, styles);
2229 };
2230 /** Resets the styles for the bounding box so that a new positioning can be computed. */
2231 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._resetBoundingBoxStyles = function () {
2232 extendStyles(, {
2233 top: '0',
2234 left: '0',
2235 right: '0',
2236 bottom: '0',
2237 height: '',
2238 width: '',
2239 alignItems: '',
2240 justifyContent: '',
2241 });
2242 };
2243 /** Resets the styles for the overlay pane so that a new positioning can be computed. */
2244 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._resetOverlayElementStyles = function () {
2245 extendStyles(, {
2246 top: '',
2247 left: '',
2248 bottom: '',
2249 right: '',
2250 position: '',
2251 transform: '',
2252 });
2253 };
2254 /** Sets positioning styles to the overlay element. */
2255 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._setOverlayElementStyles = function (originPoint, position) {
2256 var styles = {};
2257 var hasExactPosition = this._hasExactPosition();
2258 var hasFlexibleDimensions = this._hasFlexibleDimensions;
2259 var config = this._overlayRef.getConfig();
2260 if (hasExactPosition) {
2261 var scrollPosition = this._viewportRuler.getViewportScrollPosition();
2262 extendStyles(styles, this._getExactOverlayY(position, originPoint, scrollPosition));
2263 extendStyles(styles, this._getExactOverlayX(position, originPoint, scrollPosition));
2264 }
2265 else {
2266 styles.position = 'static';
2267 }
2268 // Use a transform to apply the offsets. We do this because the `center` positions rely on
2269 // being in the normal flex flow and setting a `top` / `left` at all will completely throw
2270 // off the position. We also can't use margins, because they won't have an effect in some
2271 // cases where the element doesn't have anything to "push off of". Finally, this works
2272 // better both with flexible and non-flexible positioning.
2273 var transformString = '';
2274 var offsetX = this._getOffset(position, 'x');
2275 var offsetY = this._getOffset(position, 'y');
2276 if (offsetX) {
2277 transformString += "translateX(" + offsetX + "px) ";
2278 }
2279 if (offsetY) {
2280 transformString += "translateY(" + offsetY + "px)";
2281 }
2282 styles.transform = transformString.trim();
2283 // If a maxWidth or maxHeight is specified on the overlay, we remove them. We do this because
2284 // we need these values to both be set to "100%" for the automatic flexible sizing to work.
2285 // The maxHeight and maxWidth are set on the boundingBox in order to enforce the constraint.
2286 // Note that this doesn't apply when we have an exact position, in which case we do want to
2287 // apply them because they'll be cleared from the bounding box.
2288 if (config.maxHeight) {
2289 if (hasExactPosition) {
2290 styles.maxHeight = coercion.coerceCssPixelValue(config.maxHeight);
2291 }
2292 else if (hasFlexibleDimensions) {
2293 styles.maxHeight = '';
2294 }
2295 }
2296 if (config.maxWidth) {
2297 if (hasExactPosition) {
2298 styles.maxWidth = coercion.coerceCssPixelValue(config.maxWidth);
2299 }
2300 else if (hasFlexibleDimensions) {
2301 styles.maxWidth = '';
2302 }
2303 }
2304 extendStyles(, styles);
2305 };
2306 /** Gets the exact top/bottom for the overlay when not using flexible sizing or when pushing. */
2307 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._getExactOverlayY = function (position, originPoint, scrollPosition) {
2308 // Reset any existing styles. This is necessary in case the
2309 // preferred position has changed since the last `apply`.
2310 var styles = { top: '', bottom: '' };
2311 var overlayPoint = this._getOverlayPoint(originPoint, this._overlayRect, position);
2312 if (this._isPushed) {
2313 overlayPoint = this._pushOverlayOnScreen(overlayPoint, this._overlayRect, scrollPosition);
2314 }
2315 var virtualKeyboardOffset = this._overlayContainer.getContainerElement().getBoundingClientRect().top;
2316 // Normally this would be zero, however when the overlay is attached to an input (e.g. in an
2317 // autocomplete), mobile browsers will shift everything in order to put the input in the middle
2318 // of the screen and to make space for the virtual keyboard. We need to account for this offset,
2319 // otherwise our positioning will be thrown off.
2320 overlayPoint.y -= virtualKeyboardOffset;
2321 // We want to set either `top` or `bottom` based on whether the overlay wants to appear
2322 // above or below the origin and the direction in which the element will expand.
2323 if (position.overlayY === 'bottom') {
2324 // When using `bottom`, we adjust the y position such that it is the distance
2325 // from the bottom of the viewport rather than the top.
2326 var documentHeight = this._document.documentElement.clientHeight;
2327 styles.bottom = documentHeight - (overlayPoint.y + this._overlayRect.height) + "px";
2328 }
2329 else {
2330 = coercion.coerceCssPixelValue(overlayPoint.y);
2331 }
2332 return styles;
2333 };
2334 /** Gets the exact left/right for the overlay when not using flexible sizing or when pushing. */
2335 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._getExactOverlayX = function (position, originPoint, scrollPosition) {
2336 // Reset any existing styles. This is necessary in case the preferred position has
2337 // changed since the last `apply`.
2338 var styles = { left: '', right: '' };
2339 var overlayPoint = this._getOverlayPoint(originPoint, this._overlayRect, position);
2340 if (this._isPushed) {
2341 overlayPoint = this._pushOverlayOnScreen(overlayPoint, this._overlayRect, scrollPosition);
2342 }
2343 // We want to set either `left` or `right` based on whether the overlay wants to appear "before"
2344 // or "after" the origin, which determines the direction in which the element will expand.
2345 // For the horizontal axis, the meaning of "before" and "after" change based on whether the
2346 // page is in RTL or LTR.
2347 var horizontalStyleProperty;
2348 if (this._isRtl()) {
2349 horizontalStyleProperty = position.overlayX === 'end' ? 'left' : 'right';
2350 }
2351 else {
2352 horizontalStyleProperty = position.overlayX === 'end' ? 'right' : 'left';
2353 }
2354 // When we're setting `right`, we adjust the x position such that it is the distance
2355 // from the right edge of the viewport rather than the left edge.
2356 if (horizontalStyleProperty === 'right') {
2357 var documentWidth = this._document.documentElement.clientWidth;
2358 styles.right = documentWidth - (overlayPoint.x + this._overlayRect.width) + "px";
2359 }
2360 else {
2361 styles.left = coercion.coerceCssPixelValue(overlayPoint.x);
2362 }
2363 return styles;
2364 };
2365 /**
2366 * Gets the view properties of the trigger and overlay, including whether they are clipped
2367 * or completely outside the view of any of the strategy's scrollables.
2368 */
2369 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._getScrollVisibility = function () {
2370 // Note: needs fresh rects since the position could've changed.
2371 var originBounds = this._getOriginRect();
2372 var overlayBounds = this._pane.getBoundingClientRect();
2373 // TODO(jelbourn): instead of needing all of the client rects for these scrolling containers
2374 // every time, we should be able to use the scrollTop of the containers if the size of those
2375 // containers hasn't changed.
2376 var scrollContainerBounds = (scrollable) {
2377 return scrollable.getElementRef().nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect();
2378 });
2379 return {
2380 isOriginClipped: isElementClippedByScrolling(originBounds, scrollContainerBounds),
2381 isOriginOutsideView: isElementScrolledOutsideView(originBounds, scrollContainerBounds),
2382 isOverlayClipped: isElementClippedByScrolling(overlayBounds, scrollContainerBounds),
2383 isOverlayOutsideView: isElementScrolledOutsideView(overlayBounds, scrollContainerBounds),
2384 };
2385 };
2386 /** Subtracts the amount that an element is overflowing on an axis from its length. */
2387 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._subtractOverflows = function (length) {
2388 var overflows = [];
2389 for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
2390 overflows[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
2391 }
2392 return overflows.reduce(function (currentValue, currentOverflow) {
2393 return currentValue - Math.max(currentOverflow, 0);
2394 }, length);
2395 };
2396 /** Narrows the given viewport rect by the current _viewportMargin. */
2397 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._getNarrowedViewportRect = function () {
2398 // We recalculate the viewport rect here ourselves, rather than using the ViewportRuler,
2399 // because we want to use the `clientWidth` and `clientHeight` as the base. The difference
2400 // being that the client properties don't include the scrollbar, as opposed to `innerWidth`
2401 // and `innerHeight` that do. This is necessary, because the overlay container uses
2402 // 100% `width` and `height` which don't include the scrollbar either.
2403 var width = this._document.documentElement.clientWidth;
2404 var height = this._document.documentElement.clientHeight;
2405 var scrollPosition = this._viewportRuler.getViewportScrollPosition();
2406 return {
2407 top: + this._viewportMargin,
2408 left: scrollPosition.left + this._viewportMargin,
2409 right: scrollPosition.left + width - this._viewportMargin,
2410 bottom: + height - this._viewportMargin,
2411 width: width - (2 * this._viewportMargin),
2412 height: height - (2 * this._viewportMargin),
2413 };
2414 };
2415 /** Whether the we're dealing with an RTL context */
2416 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._isRtl = function () {
2417 return this._overlayRef.getDirection() === 'rtl';
2418 };
2419 /** Determines whether the overlay uses exact or flexible positioning. */
2420 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._hasExactPosition = function () {
2421 return !this._hasFlexibleDimensions || this._isPushed;
2422 };
2423 /** Retrieves the offset of a position along the x or y axis. */
2424 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._getOffset = function (position, axis) {
2425 if (axis === 'x') {
2426 // We don't do something like `position['offset' + axis]` in
2427 // order to avoid breking minifiers that rename properties.
2428 return position.offsetX == null ? this._offsetX : position.offsetX;
2429 }
2430 return position.offsetY == null ? this._offsetY : position.offsetY;
2431 };
2432 /** Validates that the current position match the expected values. */
2433 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._validatePositions = function () {
2434 if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) {
2435 if (!this._preferredPositions.length) {
2436 throw Error('FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy: At least one position is required.');
2437 }
2438 // TODO(crisbeto): remove these once Angular's template type
2439 // checking is advanced enough to catch these cases.
2440 this._preferredPositions.forEach(function (pair) {
2441 validateHorizontalPosition('originX', pair.originX);
2442 validateVerticalPosition('originY', pair.originY);
2443 validateHorizontalPosition('overlayX', pair.overlayX);
2444 validateVerticalPosition('overlayY', pair.overlayY);
2445 });
2446 }
2447 };
2448 /** Adds a single CSS class or an array of classes on the overlay panel. */
2449 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._addPanelClasses = function (cssClasses) {
2450 var _this = this;
2451 if (this._pane) {
2452 coercion.coerceArray(cssClasses).forEach(function (cssClass) {
2453 if (cssClass !== '' && _this._appliedPanelClasses.indexOf(cssClass) === -1) {
2454 _this._appliedPanelClasses.push(cssClass);
2455 _this._pane.classList.add(cssClass);
2456 }
2457 });
2458 }
2459 };
2460 /** Clears the classes that the position strategy has applied from the overlay panel. */
2461 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._clearPanelClasses = function () {
2462 var _this = this;
2463 if (this._pane) {
2464 this._appliedPanelClasses.forEach(function (cssClass) {
2465 _this._pane.classList.remove(cssClass);
2466 });
2467 this._appliedPanelClasses = [];
2468 }
2469 };
2470 /** Returns the ClientRect of the current origin. */
2471 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype._getOriginRect = function () {
2472 var origin = this._origin;
2473 if (origin instanceof i0.ElementRef) {
2474 return origin.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect();
2475 }
2476 // Check for Element so SVG elements are also supported.
2477 if (origin instanceof Element) {
2478 return origin.getBoundingClientRect();
2479 }
2480 var width = origin.width || 0;
2481 var height = origin.height || 0;
2482 // If the origin is a point, return a client rect as if it was a 0x0 element at the point.
2483 return {
2484 top: origin.y,
2485 bottom: origin.y + height,
2486 left: origin.x,
2487 right: origin.x + width,
2488 height: height,
2489 width: width
2490 };
2491 };
2492 return FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy;
2493 }());
2494 /** Shallow-extends a stylesheet object with another stylesheet object. */
2495 function extendStyles(destination, source) {
2496 for (var key in source) {
2497 if (source.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
2498 destination[key] = source[key];
2499 }
2500 }
2501 return destination;
2502 }
2503 /**
2504 * Extracts the pixel value as a number from a value, if it's a number
2505 * or a CSS pixel string (e.g. `1337px`). Otherwise returns null.
2506 */
2507 function getPixelValue(input) {
2508 if (typeof input !== 'number' && input != null) {
2509 var _a = __read(input.split(cssUnitPattern), 2), value = _a[0], units = _a[1];
2510 return (!units || units === 'px') ? parseFloat(value) : null;
2511 }
2512 return input || null;
2513 }
2514 /**
2515 * Gets a version of an element's bounding `ClientRect` where all the values are rounded down to
2516 * the nearest pixel. This allows us to account for the cases where there may be sub-pixel
2517 * deviations in the `ClientRect` returned by the browser (e.g. when zoomed in with a percentage
2518 * size, see #21350).
2519 */
2520 function getRoundedBoundingClientRect(clientRect) {
2521 return {
2522 top: Math.floor(,
2523 right: Math.floor(clientRect.right),
2524 bottom: Math.floor(clientRect.bottom),
2525 left: Math.floor(clientRect.left),
2526 width: Math.floor(clientRect.width),
2527 height: Math.floor(clientRect.height)
2528 };
2529 }
2531 /**
2532 * @license
2533 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
2534 *
2535 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
2536 * found in the LICENSE file at
2537 */
2538 /**
2539 * A strategy for positioning overlays. Using this strategy, an overlay is given an
2540 * implicit position relative to some origin element. The relative position is defined in terms of
2541 * a point on the origin element that is connected to a point on the overlay element. For example,
2542 * a basic dropdown is connecting the bottom-left corner of the origin to the top-left corner
2543 * of the overlay.
2544 * @deprecated Use `FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy` instead.
2545 * @breaking-change 8.0.0
2546 */
2547 var ConnectedPositionStrategy = /** @class */ (function () {
2548 function ConnectedPositionStrategy(originPos, overlayPos, connectedTo, viewportRuler, document, platform, overlayContainer) {
2549 /** Ordered list of preferred positions, from most to least desirable. */
2550 this._preferredPositions = [];
2551 // Since the `ConnectedPositionStrategy` is deprecated and we don't want to maintain
2552 // the extra logic, we create an instance of the positioning strategy that has some
2553 // defaults that make it behave as the old position strategy and to which we'll
2554 // proxy all of the API calls.
2555 this._positionStrategy = new FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy(connectedTo, viewportRuler, document, platform, overlayContainer)
2556 .withFlexibleDimensions(false)
2557 .withPush(false)
2558 .withViewportMargin(0);
2559 this.withFallbackPosition(originPos, overlayPos);
2560 this.onPositionChange = this._positionStrategy.positionChanges;
2561 }
2562 Object.defineProperty(ConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype, "positions", {
2563 /** Ordered list of preferred positions, from most to least desirable. */
2564 get: function () {
2565 return this._preferredPositions;
2566 },
2567 enumerable: false,
2568 configurable: true
2569 });
2570 /** Attach this position strategy to an overlay. */
2571 ConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.attach = function (overlayRef) {
2572 this._overlayRef = overlayRef;
2573 this._positionStrategy.attach(overlayRef);
2574 if (this._direction) {
2575 overlayRef.setDirection(this._direction);
2576 this._direction = null;
2577 }
2578 };
2579 /** Disposes all resources used by the position strategy. */
2580 ConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.dispose = function () {
2581 this._positionStrategy.dispose();
2582 };
2583 /** @docs-private */
2584 ConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.detach = function () {
2585 this._positionStrategy.detach();
2586 };
2587 /**
2588 * Updates the position of the overlay element, using whichever preferred position relative
2589 * to the origin fits on-screen.
2590 * @docs-private
2591 */
2592 ConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.apply = function () {
2593 this._positionStrategy.apply();
2594 };
2595 /**
2596 * Re-positions the overlay element with the trigger in its last calculated position,
2597 * even if a position higher in the "preferred positions" list would now fit. This
2598 * allows one to re-align the panel without changing the orientation of the panel.
2599 */
2600 ConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.recalculateLastPosition = function () {
2601 this._positionStrategy.reapplyLastPosition();
2602 };
2603 /**
2604 * Sets the list of Scrollable containers that host the origin element so that
2605 * on reposition we can evaluate if it or the overlay has been clipped or outside view. Every
2606 * Scrollable must be an ancestor element of the strategy's origin element.
2607 */
2608 ConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.withScrollableContainers = function (scrollables) {
2609 this._positionStrategy.withScrollableContainers(scrollables);
2610 };
2611 /**
2612 * Adds a new preferred fallback position.
2613 * @param originPos
2614 * @param overlayPos
2615 */
2616 ConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.withFallbackPosition = function (originPos, overlayPos, offsetX, offsetY) {
2617 var position = new ConnectionPositionPair(originPos, overlayPos, offsetX, offsetY);
2618 this._preferredPositions.push(position);
2619 this._positionStrategy.withPositions(this._preferredPositions);
2620 return this;
2621 };
2622 /**
2623 * Sets the layout direction so the overlay's position can be adjusted to match.
2624 * @param dir New layout direction.
2625 */
2626 ConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.withDirection = function (dir) {
2627 // Since the direction might be declared before the strategy is attached,
2628 // we save the value in a temporary property and we'll transfer it to the
2629 // overlay ref on attachment.
2630 if (this._overlayRef) {
2631 this._overlayRef.setDirection(dir);
2632 }
2633 else {
2634 this._direction = dir;
2635 }
2636 return this;
2637 };
2638 /**
2639 * Sets an offset for the overlay's connection point on the x-axis
2640 * @param offset New offset in the X axis.
2641 */
2642 ConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.withOffsetX = function (offset) {
2643 this._positionStrategy.withDefaultOffsetX(offset);
2644 return this;
2645 };
2646 /**
2647 * Sets an offset for the overlay's connection point on the y-axis
2648 * @param offset New offset in the Y axis.
2649 */
2650 ConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.withOffsetY = function (offset) {
2651 this._positionStrategy.withDefaultOffsetY(offset);
2652 return this;
2653 };
2654 /**
2655 * Sets whether the overlay's position should be locked in after it is positioned
2656 * initially. When an overlay is locked in, it won't attempt to reposition itself
2657 * when the position is re-applied (e.g. when the user scrolls away).
2658 * @param isLocked Whether the overlay should locked in.
2659 */
2660 ConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.withLockedPosition = function (isLocked) {
2661 this._positionStrategy.withLockedPosition(isLocked);
2662 return this;
2663 };
2664 /**
2665 * Overwrites the current set of positions with an array of new ones.
2666 * @param positions Position pairs to be set on the strategy.
2667 */
2668 ConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.withPositions = function (positions) {
2669 this._preferredPositions = positions.slice();
2670 this._positionStrategy.withPositions(this._preferredPositions);
2671 return this;
2672 };
2673 /**
2674 * Sets the origin element, relative to which to position the overlay.
2675 * @param origin Reference to the new origin element.
2676 */
2677 ConnectedPositionStrategy.prototype.setOrigin = function (origin) {
2678 this._positionStrategy.setOrigin(origin);
2679 return this;
2680 };
2681 return ConnectedPositionStrategy;
2682 }());
2684 /**
2685 * @license
2686 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
2687 *
2688 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
2689 * found in the LICENSE file at
2690 */
2691 /** Class to be added to the overlay pane wrapper. */
2692 var wrapperClass = 'cdk-global-overlay-wrapper';
2693 /**
2694 * A strategy for positioning overlays. Using this strategy, an overlay is given an
2695 * explicit position relative to the browser's viewport. We use flexbox, instead of
2696 * transforms, in order to avoid issues with subpixel rendering which can cause the
2697 * element to become blurry.
2698 */
2699 var GlobalPositionStrategy = /** @class */ (function () {
2700 function GlobalPositionStrategy() {
2701 this._cssPosition = 'static';
2702 this._topOffset = '';
2703 this._bottomOffset = '';
2704 this._leftOffset = '';
2705 this._rightOffset = '';
2706 this._alignItems = '';
2707 this._justifyContent = '';
2708 this._width = '';
2709 this._height = '';
2710 }
2711 GlobalPositionStrategy.prototype.attach = function (overlayRef) {
2712 var config = overlayRef.getConfig();
2713 this._overlayRef = overlayRef;
2714 if (this._width && !config.width) {
2715 overlayRef.updateSize({ width: this._width });
2716 }
2717 if (this._height && !config.height) {
2718 overlayRef.updateSize({ height: this._height });
2719 }
2720 overlayRef.hostElement.classList.add(wrapperClass);
2721 this._isDisposed = false;
2722 };
2723 /**
2724 * Sets the top position of the overlay. Clears any previously set vertical position.
2725 * @param value New top offset.
2726 */
2727 = function (value) {
2728 if (value === void 0) { value = ''; }
2729 this._bottomOffset = '';
2730 this._topOffset = value;
2731 this._alignItems = 'flex-start';
2732 return this;
2733 };
2734 /**
2735 * Sets the left position of the overlay. Clears any previously set horizontal position.
2736 * @param value New left offset.
2737 */
2738 GlobalPositionStrategy.prototype.left = function (value) {
2739 if (value === void 0) { value = ''; }
2740 this._rightOffset = '';
2741 this._leftOffset = value;
2742 this._justifyContent = 'flex-start';
2743 return this;
2744 };
2745 /**
2746 * Sets the bottom position of the overlay. Clears any previously set vertical position.
2747 * @param value New bottom offset.
2748 */
2749 GlobalPositionStrategy.prototype.bottom = function (value) {
2750 if (value === void 0) { value = ''; }
2751 this._topOffset = '';
2752 this._bottomOffset = value;
2753 this._alignItems = 'flex-end';
2754 return this;
2755 };
2756 /**
2757 * Sets the right position of the overlay. Clears any previously set horizontal position.
2758 * @param value New right offset.
2759 */
2760 GlobalPositionStrategy.prototype.right = function (value) {
2761 if (value === void 0) { value = ''; }
2762 this._leftOffset = '';
2763 this._rightOffset = value;
2764 this._justifyContent = 'flex-end';
2765 return this;
2766 };
2767 /**
2768 * Sets the overlay width and clears any previously set width.
2769 * @param value New width for the overlay
2770 * @deprecated Pass the `width` through the `OverlayConfig`.
2771 * @breaking-change 8.0.0
2772 */
2773 GlobalPositionStrategy.prototype.width = function (value) {
2774 if (value === void 0) { value = ''; }
2775 if (this._overlayRef) {
2776 this._overlayRef.updateSize({ width: value });
2777 }
2778 else {
2779 this._width = value;
2780 }
2781 return this;
2782 };
2783 /**
2784 * Sets the overlay height and clears any previously set height.
2785 * @param value New height for the overlay
2786 * @deprecated Pass the `height` through the `OverlayConfig`.
2787 * @breaking-change 8.0.0
2788 */
2789 GlobalPositionStrategy.prototype.height = function (value) {
2790 if (value === void 0) { value = ''; }
2791 if (this._overlayRef) {
2792 this._overlayRef.updateSize({ height: value });
2793 }
2794 else {
2795 this._height = value;
2796 }
2797 return this;
2798 };
2799 /**
2800 * Centers the overlay horizontally with an optional offset.
2801 * Clears any previously set horizontal position.
2802 *
2803 * @param offset Overlay offset from the horizontal center.
2804 */
2805 GlobalPositionStrategy.prototype.centerHorizontally = function (offset) {
2806 if (offset === void 0) { offset = ''; }
2807 this.left(offset);
2808 this._justifyContent = 'center';
2809 return this;
2810 };
2811 /**
2812 * Centers the overlay vertically with an optional offset.
2813 * Clears any previously set vertical position.
2814 *
2815 * @param offset Overlay offset from the vertical center.
2816 */
2817 GlobalPositionStrategy.prototype.centerVertically = function (offset) {
2818 if (offset === void 0) { offset = ''; }
2820 this._alignItems = 'center';
2821 return this;
2822 };
2823 /**
2824 * Apply the position to the element.
2825 * @docs-private
2826 */
2827 GlobalPositionStrategy.prototype.apply = function () {
2828 // Since the overlay ref applies the strategy asynchronously, it could
2829 // have been disposed before it ends up being applied. If that is the
2830 // case, we shouldn't do anything.
2831 if (!this._overlayRef || !this._overlayRef.hasAttached()) {
2832 return;
2833 }
2834 var styles =;
2835 var parentStyles =;
2836 var config = this._overlayRef.getConfig();
2837 var width = config.width, height = config.height, maxWidth = config.maxWidth, maxHeight = config.maxHeight;
2838 var shouldBeFlushHorizontally = (width === '100%' || width === '100vw') &&
2839 (!maxWidth || maxWidth === '100%' || maxWidth === '100vw');
2840 var shouldBeFlushVertically = (height === '100%' || height === '100vh') &&
2841 (!maxHeight || maxHeight === '100%' || maxHeight === '100vh');
2842 styles.position = this._cssPosition;
2843 styles.marginLeft = shouldBeFlushHorizontally ? '0' : this._leftOffset;
2844 styles.marginTop = shouldBeFlushVertically ? '0' : this._topOffset;
2845 styles.marginBottom = this._bottomOffset;
2846 styles.marginRight = this._rightOffset;
2847 if (shouldBeFlushHorizontally) {
2848 parentStyles.justifyContent = 'flex-start';
2849 }
2850 else if (this._justifyContent === 'center') {
2851 parentStyles.justifyContent = 'center';
2852 }
2853 else if (this._overlayRef.getConfig().direction === 'rtl') {
2854 // In RTL the browser will invert `flex-start` and `flex-end` automatically, but we
2855 // don't want that because our positioning is explicitly `left` and `right`, hence
2856 // why we do another inversion to ensure that the overlay stays in the same position.
2857 // TODO: reconsider this if we add `start` and `end` methods.
2858 if (this._justifyContent === 'flex-start') {
2859 parentStyles.justifyContent = 'flex-end';
2860 }
2861 else if (this._justifyContent === 'flex-end') {
2862 parentStyles.justifyContent = 'flex-start';
2863 }
2864 }
2865 else {
2866 parentStyles.justifyContent = this._justifyContent;
2867 }
2868 parentStyles.alignItems = shouldBeFlushVertically ? 'flex-start' : this._alignItems;
2869 };
2870 /**
2871 * Cleans up the DOM changes from the position strategy.
2872 * @docs-private
2873 */
2874 GlobalPositionStrategy.prototype.dispose = function () {
2875 if (this._isDisposed || !this._overlayRef) {
2876 return;
2877 }
2878 var styles =;
2879 var parent = this._overlayRef.hostElement;
2880 var parentStyles =;
2881 parent.classList.remove(wrapperClass);
2882 parentStyles.justifyContent = parentStyles.alignItems = styles.marginTop =
2883 styles.marginBottom = styles.marginLeft = styles.marginRight = styles.position = '';
2884 this._overlayRef = null;
2885 this._isDisposed = true;
2886 };
2887 return GlobalPositionStrategy;
2888 }());
2890 /**
2891 * @license
2892 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
2893 *
2894 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
2895 * found in the LICENSE file at
2896 */
2897 /** Builder for overlay position strategy. */
2898 var OverlayPositionBuilder = /** @class */ (function () {
2899 function OverlayPositionBuilder(_viewportRuler, _document, _platform, _overlayContainer) {
2900 this._viewportRuler = _viewportRuler;
2901 this._document = _document;
2902 this._platform = _platform;
2903 this._overlayContainer = _overlayContainer;
2904 }
2905 /**
2906 * Creates a global position strategy.
2907 */
2908 = function () {
2909 return new GlobalPositionStrategy();
2910 };
2911 /**
2912 * Creates a relative position strategy.
2913 * @param elementRef
2914 * @param originPos
2915 * @param overlayPos
2916 * @deprecated Use `flexibleConnectedTo` instead.
2917 * @breaking-change 8.0.0
2918 */
2919 OverlayPositionBuilder.prototype.connectedTo = function (elementRef, originPos, overlayPos) {
2920 return new ConnectedPositionStrategy(originPos, overlayPos, elementRef, this._viewportRuler, this._document, this._platform, this._overlayContainer);
2921 };
2922 /**
2923 * Creates a flexible position strategy.
2924 * @param origin Origin relative to which to position the overlay.
2925 */
2926 OverlayPositionBuilder.prototype.flexibleConnectedTo = function (origin) {
2927 return new FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy(origin, this._viewportRuler, this._document, this._platform, this._overlayContainer);
2928 };
2929 return OverlayPositionBuilder;
2930 }());
2931 OverlayPositionBuilder.ɵprov = i0__namespace.ɵɵdefineInjectable({ factory: function OverlayPositionBuilder_Factory() { return new OverlayPositionBuilder(i0__namespace.ɵɵinject(i1__namespace.ViewportRuler), i0__namespace.ɵɵinject(i1__namespace$1.DOCUMENT), i0__namespace.ɵɵinject(i2__namespace.Platform), i0__namespace.ɵɵinject(OverlayContainer)); }, token: OverlayPositionBuilder, providedIn: "root" });
2932 OverlayPositionBuilder.decorators = [
2933 { type: i0.Injectable, args: [{ providedIn: 'root' },] }
2934 ];
2935 OverlayPositionBuilder.ctorParameters = function () { return [
2936 { type: i1.ViewportRuler },
2937 { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: i0.Inject, args: [i1$1.DOCUMENT,] }] },
2938 { type: i2.Platform },
2939 { type: OverlayContainer }
2940 ]; };
2942 /**
2943 * @license
2944 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
2945 *
2946 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
2947 * found in the LICENSE file at
2948 */
2949 /** Next overlay unique ID. */
2950 var nextUniqueId = 0;
2951 // Note that Overlay is *not* scoped to the app root because of the ComponentFactoryResolver
2952 // which needs to be different depending on where OverlayModule is imported.
2953 /**
2954 * Service to create Overlays. Overlays are dynamically added pieces of floating UI, meant to be
2955 * used as a low-level building block for other components. Dialogs, tooltips, menus,
2956 * selects, etc. can all be built using overlays. The service should primarily be used by authors
2957 * of re-usable components rather than developers building end-user applications.
2958 *
2959 * An overlay *is* a PortalOutlet, so any kind of Portal can be loaded into one.
2960 */
2961 var Overlay = /** @class */ (function () {
2962 function Overlay(
2963 /** Scrolling strategies that can be used when creating an overlay. */
2964 scrollStrategies, _overlayContainer, _componentFactoryResolver, _positionBuilder, _keyboardDispatcher, _injector, _ngZone, _document, _directionality, _location, _outsideClickDispatcher) {
2965 this.scrollStrategies = scrollStrategies;
2966 this._overlayContainer = _overlayContainer;
2967 this._componentFactoryResolver = _componentFactoryResolver;
2968 this._positionBuilder = _positionBuilder;
2969 this._keyboardDispatcher = _keyboardDispatcher;
2970 this._injector = _injector;
2971 this._ngZone = _ngZone;
2972 this._document = _document;
2973 this._directionality = _directionality;
2974 this._location = _location;
2975 this._outsideClickDispatcher = _outsideClickDispatcher;
2976 }
2977 /**
2978 * Creates an overlay.
2979 * @param config Configuration applied to the overlay.
2980 * @returns Reference to the created overlay.
2981 */
2982 Overlay.prototype.create = function (config) {
2983 var host = this._createHostElement();
2984 var pane = this._createPaneElement(host);
2985 var portalOutlet = this._createPortalOutlet(pane);
2986 var overlayConfig = new OverlayConfig(config);
2987 overlayConfig.direction = overlayConfig.direction || this._directionality.value;
2988 return new OverlayRef(portalOutlet, host, pane, overlayConfig, this._ngZone, this._keyboardDispatcher, this._document, this._location, this._outsideClickDispatcher);
2989 };
2990 /**
2991 * Gets a position builder that can be used, via fluent API,
2992 * to construct and configure a position strategy.
2993 * @returns An overlay position builder.
2994 */
2995 Overlay.prototype.position = function () {
2996 return this._positionBuilder;
2997 };
2998 /**
2999 * Creates the DOM element for an overlay and appends it to the overlay container.
3000 * @returns Newly-created pane element
3001 */
3002 Overlay.prototype._createPaneElement = function (host) {
3003 var pane = this._document.createElement('div');
3004 = "cdk-overlay-" + nextUniqueId++;
3005 pane.classList.add('cdk-overlay-pane');
3006 host.appendChild(pane);
3007 return pane;
3008 };
3009 /**
3010 * Creates the host element that wraps around an overlay
3011 * and can be used for advanced positioning.
3012 * @returns Newly-create host element.
3013 */
3014 Overlay.prototype._createHostElement = function () {
3015 var host = this._document.createElement('div');
3016 this._overlayContainer.getContainerElement().appendChild(host);
3017 return host;
3018 };
3019 /**
3020 * Create a DomPortalOutlet into which the overlay content can be loaded.
3021 * @param pane The DOM element to turn into a portal outlet.
3022 * @returns A portal outlet for the given DOM element.
3023 */
3024 Overlay.prototype._createPortalOutlet = function (pane) {
3025 // We have to resolve the ApplicationRef later in order to allow people
3026 // to use overlay-based providers during app initialization.
3027 if (!this._appRef) {
3028 this._appRef = this._injector.get(i0.ApplicationRef);
3029 }
3030 return new portal.DomPortalOutlet(pane, this._componentFactoryResolver, this._appRef, this._injector, this._document);
3031 };
3032 return Overlay;
3033 }());
3034 Overlay.decorators = [
3035 { type: i0.Injectable }
3036 ];
3037 Overlay.ctorParameters = function () { return [
3038 { type: ScrollStrategyOptions },
3039 { type: OverlayContainer },
3040 { type: i0.ComponentFactoryResolver },
3041 { type: OverlayPositionBuilder },
3042 { type: OverlayKeyboardDispatcher },
3043 { type: i0.Injector },
3044 { type: i0.NgZone },
3045 { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: i0.Inject, args: [i1$1.DOCUMENT,] }] },
3046 { type: bidi.Directionality },
3047 { type: i1$1.Location },
3048 { type: OverlayOutsideClickDispatcher }
3049 ]; };
3051 /**
3052 * @license
3053 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
3054 *
3055 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
3056 * found in the LICENSE file at
3057 */
3058 /** Default set of positions for the overlay. Follows the behavior of a dropdown. */
3059 var defaultPositionList = [
3060 {
3061 originX: 'start',
3062 originY: 'bottom',
3063 overlayX: 'start',
3064 overlayY: 'top'
3065 },
3066 {
3067 originX: 'start',
3068 originY: 'top',
3069 overlayX: 'start',
3070 overlayY: 'bottom'
3071 },
3072 {
3073 originX: 'end',
3074 originY: 'top',
3075 overlayX: 'end',
3076 overlayY: 'bottom'
3077 },
3078 {
3079 originX: 'end',
3080 originY: 'bottom',
3081 overlayX: 'end',
3082 overlayY: 'top'
3083 }
3084 ];
3085 /** Injection token that determines the scroll handling while the connected overlay is open. */
3086 var CDK_CONNECTED_OVERLAY_SCROLL_STRATEGY = new i0.InjectionToken('cdk-connected-overlay-scroll-strategy');
3087 /**
3088 * Directive applied to an element to make it usable as an origin for an Overlay using a
3089 * ConnectedPositionStrategy.
3090 */
3091 var CdkOverlayOrigin = /** @class */ (function () {
3092 function CdkOverlayOrigin(
3093 /** Reference to the element on which the directive is applied. */
3094 elementRef) {
3095 this.elementRef = elementRef;
3096 }
3097 return CdkOverlayOrigin;
3098 }());
3099 CdkOverlayOrigin.decorators = [
3100 { type: i0.Directive, args: [{
3101 selector: '[cdk-overlay-origin], [overlay-origin], [cdkOverlayOrigin]',
3102 exportAs: 'cdkOverlayOrigin',
3103 },] }
3104 ];
3105 CdkOverlayOrigin.ctorParameters = function () { return [
3106 { type: i0.ElementRef }
3107 ]; };
3108 /**
3109 * Directive to facilitate declarative creation of an
3110 * Overlay using a FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.
3111 */
3112 var CdkConnectedOverlay = /** @class */ (function () {
3113 // TODO(jelbourn): inputs for size, scroll behavior, animation, etc.
3114 function CdkConnectedOverlay(_overlay, templateRef, viewContainerRef, scrollStrategyFactory, _dir) {
3115 this._overlay = _overlay;
3116 this._dir = _dir;
3117 this._hasBackdrop = false;
3118 this._lockPosition = false;
3119 this._growAfterOpen = false;
3120 this._flexibleDimensions = false;
3121 this._push = false;
3122 this._backdropSubscription = rxjs.Subscription.EMPTY;
3123 this._attachSubscription = rxjs.Subscription.EMPTY;
3124 this._detachSubscription = rxjs.Subscription.EMPTY;
3125 this._positionSubscription = rxjs.Subscription.EMPTY;
3126 /** Margin between the overlay and the viewport edges. */
3127 this.viewportMargin = 0;
3128 /** Whether the overlay is open. */
3129 = false;
3130 /** Whether the overlay can be closed by user interaction. */
3131 this.disableClose = false;
3132 /** Event emitted when the backdrop is clicked. */
3133 this.backdropClick = new i0.EventEmitter();
3134 /** Event emitted when the position has changed. */
3135 this.positionChange = new i0.EventEmitter();
3136 /** Event emitted when the overlay has been attached. */
3137 this.attach = new i0.EventEmitter();
3138 /** Event emitted when the overlay has been detached. */
3139 this.detach = new i0.EventEmitter();
3140 /** Emits when there are keyboard events that are targeted at the overlay. */
3141 this.overlayKeydown = new i0.EventEmitter();
3142 /** Emits when there are mouse outside click events that are targeted at the overlay. */
3143 this.overlayOutsideClick = new i0.EventEmitter();
3144 this._templatePortal = new portal.TemplatePortal(templateRef, viewContainerRef);
3145 this._scrollStrategyFactory = scrollStrategyFactory;
3146 this.scrollStrategy = this._scrollStrategyFactory();
3147 }
3148 Object.defineProperty(CdkConnectedOverlay.prototype, "offsetX", {
3149 /** The offset in pixels for the overlay connection point on the x-axis */
3150 get: function () { return this._offsetX; },
3151 set: function (offsetX) {
3152 this._offsetX = offsetX;
3153 if (this._position) {
3154 this._updatePositionStrategy(this._position);
3155 }
3156 },
3157 enumerable: false,
3158 configurable: true
3159 });
3160 Object.defineProperty(CdkConnectedOverlay.prototype, "offsetY", {
3161 /** The offset in pixels for the overlay connection point on the y-axis */
3162 get: function () { return this._offsetY; },
3163 set: function (offsetY) {
3164 this._offsetY = offsetY;
3165 if (this._position) {
3166 this._updatePositionStrategy(this._position);
3167 }
3168 },
3169 enumerable: false,
3170 configurable: true
3171 });
3172 Object.defineProperty(CdkConnectedOverlay.prototype, "hasBackdrop", {
3173 /** Whether or not the overlay should attach a backdrop. */
3174 get: function () { return this._hasBackdrop; },
3175 set: function (value) { this._hasBackdrop = coercion.coerceBooleanProperty(value); },
3176 enumerable: false,
3177 configurable: true
3178 });
3179 Object.defineProperty(CdkConnectedOverlay.prototype, "lockPosition", {
3180 /** Whether or not the overlay should be locked when scrolling. */
3181 get: function () { return this._lockPosition; },
3182 set: function (value) { this._lockPosition = coercion.coerceBooleanProperty(value); },
3183 enumerable: false,
3184 configurable: true
3185 });
3186 Object.defineProperty(CdkConnectedOverlay.prototype, "flexibleDimensions", {
3187 /** Whether the overlay's width and height can be constrained to fit within the viewport. */
3188 get: function () { return this._flexibleDimensions; },
3189 set: function (value) {
3190 this._flexibleDimensions = coercion.coerceBooleanProperty(value);
3191 },
3192 enumerable: false,
3193 configurable: true
3194 });
3195 Object.defineProperty(CdkConnectedOverlay.prototype, "growAfterOpen", {
3196 /** Whether the overlay can grow after the initial open when flexible positioning is turned on. */
3197 get: function () { return this._growAfterOpen; },
3198 set: function (value) { this._growAfterOpen = coercion.coerceBooleanProperty(value); },
3199 enumerable: false,
3200 configurable: true
3201 });
3202 Object.defineProperty(CdkConnectedOverlay.prototype, "push", {
3203 /** Whether the overlay can be pushed on-screen if none of the provided positions fit. */
3204 get: function () { return this._push; },
3205 set: function (value) { this._push = coercion.coerceBooleanProperty(value); },
3206 enumerable: false,
3207 configurable: true
3208 });
3209 Object.defineProperty(CdkConnectedOverlay.prototype, "overlayRef", {
3210 /** The associated overlay reference. */
3211 get: function () {
3212 return this._overlayRef;
3213 },
3214 enumerable: false,
3215 configurable: true
3216 });
3217 Object.defineProperty(CdkConnectedOverlay.prototype, "dir", {
3218 /** The element's layout direction. */
3219 get: function () {
3220 return this._dir ? this._dir.value : 'ltr';
3221 },
3222 enumerable: false,
3223 configurable: true
3224 });
3225 CdkConnectedOverlay.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
3226 this._attachSubscription.unsubscribe();
3227 this._detachSubscription.unsubscribe();
3228 this._backdropSubscription.unsubscribe();
3229 this._positionSubscription.unsubscribe();
3230 if (this._overlayRef) {
3231 this._overlayRef.dispose();
3232 }
3233 };
3234 CdkConnectedOverlay.prototype.ngOnChanges = function (changes) {
3235 if (this._position) {
3236 this._updatePositionStrategy(this._position);
3237 this._overlayRef.updateSize({
3238 width: this.width,
3239 minWidth: this.minWidth,
3240 height: this.height,
3241 minHeight: this.minHeight,
3242 });
3243 if (changes['origin'] && {
3244 this._position.apply();
3245 }
3246 }
3247 if (changes['open']) {
3248 ? this._attachOverlay() : this._detachOverlay();
3249 }
3250 };
3251 /** Creates an overlay */
3252 CdkConnectedOverlay.prototype._createOverlay = function () {
3253 var _this = this;
3254 if (!this.positions || !this.positions.length) {
3255 this.positions = defaultPositionList;
3256 }
3257 var overlayRef = this._overlayRef = this._overlay.create(this._buildConfig());
3258 this._attachSubscription = overlayRef.attachments().subscribe(function () { return _this.attach.emit(); });
3259 this._detachSubscription = overlayRef.detachments().subscribe(function () { return _this.detach.emit(); });
3260 overlayRef.keydownEvents().subscribe(function (event) {
3262 if (event.keyCode === keycodes.ESCAPE && !_this.disableClose && !keycodes.hasModifierKey(event)) {
3263 event.preventDefault();
3264 _this._detachOverlay();
3265 }
3266 });
3267 this._overlayRef.outsidePointerEvents().subscribe(function (event) {
3269 });
3270 };
3271 /** Builds the overlay config based on the directive's inputs */
3272 CdkConnectedOverlay.prototype._buildConfig = function () {
3273 var positionStrategy = this._position =
3274 this.positionStrategy || this._createPositionStrategy();
3275 var overlayConfig = new OverlayConfig({
3276 direction: this._dir,
3277 positionStrategy: positionStrategy,
3278 scrollStrategy: this.scrollStrategy,
3279 hasBackdrop: this.hasBackdrop
3280 });
3281 if (this.width || this.width === 0) {
3282 overlayConfig.width = this.width;
3283 }
3284 if (this.height || this.height === 0) {
3285 overlayConfig.height = this.height;
3286 }
3287 if (this.minWidth || this.minWidth === 0) {
3288 overlayConfig.minWidth = this.minWidth;
3289 }
3290 if (this.minHeight || this.minHeight === 0) {
3291 overlayConfig.minHeight = this.minHeight;
3292 }
3293 if (this.backdropClass) {
3294 overlayConfig.backdropClass = this.backdropClass;
3295 }
3296 if (this.panelClass) {
3297 overlayConfig.panelClass = this.panelClass;
3298 }
3299 return overlayConfig;
3300 };
3301 /** Updates the state of a position strategy, based on the values of the directive inputs. */
3302 CdkConnectedOverlay.prototype._updatePositionStrategy = function (positionStrategy) {
3303 var _this = this;
3304 var positions = (currentPosition) { return ({
3305 originX: currentPosition.originX,
3306 originY: currentPosition.originY,
3307 overlayX: currentPosition.overlayX,
3308 overlayY: currentPosition.overlayY,
3309 offsetX: currentPosition.offsetX || _this.offsetX,
3310 offsetY: currentPosition.offsetY || _this.offsetY,
3311 panelClass: currentPosition.panelClass || undefined,
3312 }); });
3313 return positionStrategy
3314 .setOrigin(this.origin.elementRef)
3315 .withPositions(positions)
3316 .withFlexibleDimensions(this.flexibleDimensions)
3317 .withPush(this.push)
3318 .withGrowAfterOpen(this.growAfterOpen)
3319 .withViewportMargin(this.viewportMargin)
3320 .withLockedPosition(this.lockPosition)
3321 .withTransformOriginOn(this.transformOriginSelector);
3322 };
3323 /** Returns the position strategy of the overlay to be set on the overlay config */
3324 CdkConnectedOverlay.prototype._createPositionStrategy = function () {
3325 var strategy = this._overlay.position().flexibleConnectedTo(this.origin.elementRef);
3326 this._updatePositionStrategy(strategy);
3327 return strategy;
3328 };
3329 /** Attaches the overlay and subscribes to backdrop clicks if backdrop exists */
3330 CdkConnectedOverlay.prototype._attachOverlay = function () {
3331 var _this = this;
3332 if (!this._overlayRef) {
3333 this._createOverlay();
3334 }
3335 else {
3336 // Update the overlay size, in case the directive's inputs have changed
3337 this._overlayRef.getConfig().hasBackdrop = this.hasBackdrop;
3338 }
3339 if (!this._overlayRef.hasAttached()) {
3340 this._overlayRef.attach(this._templatePortal);
3341 }
3342 if (this.hasBackdrop) {
3343 this._backdropSubscription = this._overlayRef.backdropClick().subscribe(function (event) {
3344 _this.backdropClick.emit(event);
3345 });
3346 }
3347 else {
3348 this._backdropSubscription.unsubscribe();
3349 }
3350 this._positionSubscription.unsubscribe();
3351 // Only subscribe to `positionChanges` if requested, because putting
3352 // together all the information for it can be expensive.
3353 if (this.positionChange.observers.length > 0) {
3354 this._positionSubscription = this._position.positionChanges
3355 .pipe(operators.takeWhile(function () { return _this.positionChange.observers.length > 0; }))
3356 .subscribe(function (position) {
3357 _this.positionChange.emit(position);
3358 if (_this.positionChange.observers.length === 0) {
3359 _this._positionSubscription.unsubscribe();
3360 }
3361 });
3362 }
3363 };
3364 /** Detaches the overlay and unsubscribes to backdrop clicks if backdrop exists */
3365 CdkConnectedOverlay.prototype._detachOverlay = function () {
3366 if (this._overlayRef) {
3367 this._overlayRef.detach();
3368 }
3369 this._backdropSubscription.unsubscribe();
3370 this._positionSubscription.unsubscribe();
3371 };
3372 return CdkConnectedOverlay;
3373 }());
3374 CdkConnectedOverlay.decorators = [
3375 { type: i0.Directive, args: [{
3376 selector: '[cdk-connected-overlay], [connected-overlay], [cdkConnectedOverlay]',
3377 exportAs: 'cdkConnectedOverlay'
3378 },] }
3379 ];
3380 CdkConnectedOverlay.ctorParameters = function () { return [
3381 { type: Overlay },
3382 { type: i0.TemplateRef },
3383 { type: i0.ViewContainerRef },
3384 { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: i0.Inject, args: [CDK_CONNECTED_OVERLAY_SCROLL_STRATEGY,] }] },
3385 { type: bidi.Directionality, decorators: [{ type: i0.Optional }] }
3386 ]; };
3387 CdkConnectedOverlay.propDecorators = {
3388 origin: [{ type: i0.Input, args: ['cdkConnectedOverlayOrigin',] }],
3389 positions: [{ type: i0.Input, args: ['cdkConnectedOverlayPositions',] }],
3390 positionStrategy: [{ type: i0.Input, args: ['cdkConnectedOverlayPositionStrategy',] }],
3391 offsetX: [{ type: i0.Input, args: ['cdkConnectedOverlayOffsetX',] }],
3392 offsetY: [{ type: i0.Input, args: ['cdkConnectedOverlayOffsetY',] }],
3393 width: [{ type: i0.Input, args: ['cdkConnectedOverlayWidth',] }],
3394 height: [{ type: i0.Input, args: ['cdkConnectedOverlayHeight',] }],
3395 minWidth: [{ type: i0.Input, args: ['cdkConnectedOverlayMinWidth',] }],
3396 minHeight: [{ type: i0.Input, args: ['cdkConnectedOverlayMinHeight',] }],
3397 backdropClass: [{ type: i0.Input, args: ['cdkConnectedOverlayBackdropClass',] }],
3398 panelClass: [{ type: i0.Input, args: ['cdkConnectedOverlayPanelClass',] }],
3399 viewportMargin: [{ type: i0.Input, args: ['cdkConnectedOverlayViewportMargin',] }],
3400 scrollStrategy: [{ type: i0.Input, args: ['cdkConnectedOverlayScrollStrategy',] }],
3401 open: [{ type: i0.Input, args: ['cdkConnectedOverlayOpen',] }],
3402 disableClose: [{ type: i0.Input, args: ['cdkConnectedOverlayDisableClose',] }],
3403 transformOriginSelector: [{ type: i0.Input, args: ['cdkConnectedOverlayTransformOriginOn',] }],
3404 hasBackdrop: [{ type: i0.Input, args: ['cdkConnectedOverlayHasBackdrop',] }],
3405 lockPosition: [{ type: i0.Input, args: ['cdkConnectedOverlayLockPosition',] }],
3406 flexibleDimensions: [{ type: i0.Input, args: ['cdkConnectedOverlayFlexibleDimensions',] }],
3407 growAfterOpen: [{ type: i0.Input, args: ['cdkConnectedOverlayGrowAfterOpen',] }],
3408 push: [{ type: i0.Input, args: ['cdkConnectedOverlayPush',] }],
3409 backdropClick: [{ type: i0.Output }],
3410 positionChange: [{ type: i0.Output }],
3411 attach: [{ type: i0.Output }],
3412 detach: [{ type: i0.Output }],
3413 overlayKeydown: [{ type: i0.Output }],
3414 overlayOutsideClick: [{ type: i0.Output }]
3415 };
3416 /** @docs-private */
3418 return function () { return overlay.scrollStrategies.reposition(); };
3419 }
3420 /** @docs-private */
3423 deps: [Overlay],
3425 };
3427 /**
3428 * @license
3429 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
3430 *
3431 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
3432 * found in the LICENSE file at
3433 */
3434 var OverlayModule = /** @class */ (function () {
3435 function OverlayModule() {
3436 }
3437 return OverlayModule;
3438 }());
3439 OverlayModule.decorators = [
3440 { type: i0.NgModule, args: [{
3441 imports: [bidi.BidiModule, portal.PortalModule, i1.ScrollingModule],
3442 exports: [CdkConnectedOverlay, CdkOverlayOrigin, i1.ScrollingModule],
3443 declarations: [CdkConnectedOverlay, CdkOverlayOrigin],
3444 providers: [
3445 Overlay,
3447 ],
3448 },] }
3449 ];
3451 /**
3452 * @license
3453 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
3454 *
3455 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
3456 * found in the LICENSE file at
3457 */
3459 /**
3460 * Alternative to OverlayContainer that supports correct displaying of overlay elements in
3461 * Fullscreen mode
3462 *
3463 *
3464 * Should be provided in the root component.
3465 */
3466 var FullscreenOverlayContainer = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
3467 __extends(FullscreenOverlayContainer, _super);
3468 function FullscreenOverlayContainer(_document, platform) {
3469 return, _document, platform) || this;
3470 }
3471 FullscreenOverlayContainer.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
3473 if (this._fullScreenEventName && this._fullScreenListener) {
3474 this._document.removeEventListener(this._fullScreenEventName, this._fullScreenListener);
3475 }
3476 };
3477 FullscreenOverlayContainer.prototype._createContainer = function () {
3478 var _this = this;
3480 this._adjustParentForFullscreenChange();
3481 this._addFullscreenChangeListener(function () { return _this._adjustParentForFullscreenChange(); });
3482 };
3483 FullscreenOverlayContainer.prototype._adjustParentForFullscreenChange = function () {
3484 if (!this._containerElement) {
3485 return;
3486 }
3487 var fullscreenElement = this.getFullscreenElement();
3488 var parent = fullscreenElement || this._document.body;
3489 parent.appendChild(this._containerElement);
3490 };
3491 FullscreenOverlayContainer.prototype._addFullscreenChangeListener = function (fn) {
3492 var eventName = this._getEventName();
3493 if (eventName) {
3494 if (this._fullScreenListener) {
3495 this._document.removeEventListener(eventName, this._fullScreenListener);
3496 }
3497 this._document.addEventListener(eventName, fn);
3498 this._fullScreenListener = fn;
3499 }
3500 };
3501 FullscreenOverlayContainer.prototype._getEventName = function () {
3502 if (!this._fullScreenEventName) {
3503 var _document = this._document;
3504 if (_document.fullscreenEnabled) {
3505 this._fullScreenEventName = 'fullscreenchange';
3506 }
3507 else if (_document.webkitFullscreenEnabled) {
3508 this._fullScreenEventName = 'webkitfullscreenchange';
3509 }
3510 else if (_document.mozFullScreenEnabled) {
3511 this._fullScreenEventName = 'mozfullscreenchange';
3512 }
3513 else if (_document.msFullscreenEnabled) {
3514 this._fullScreenEventName = 'MSFullscreenChange';
3515 }
3516 }
3517 return this._fullScreenEventName;
3518 };
3519 /**
3520 * When the page is put into fullscreen mode, a specific element is specified.
3521 * Only that element and its children are visible when in fullscreen mode.
3522 */
3523 FullscreenOverlayContainer.prototype.getFullscreenElement = function () {
3524 var _document = this._document;
3525 return _document.fullscreenElement ||
3526 _document.webkitFullscreenElement ||
3527 _document.mozFullScreenElement ||
3528 _document.msFullscreenElement ||
3529 null;
3530 };
3531 return FullscreenOverlayContainer;
3532 }(OverlayContainer));
3533 FullscreenOverlayContainer.ɵprov = i0__namespace.ɵɵdefineInjectable({ factory: function FullscreenOverlayContainer_Factory() { return new FullscreenOverlayContainer(i0__namespace.ɵɵinject(i1__namespace$1.DOCUMENT), i0__namespace.ɵɵinject(i2__namespace.Platform)); }, token: FullscreenOverlayContainer, providedIn: "root" });
3534 FullscreenOverlayContainer.decorators = [
3535 { type: i0.Injectable, args: [{ providedIn: 'root' },] }
3536 ];
3537 FullscreenOverlayContainer.ctorParameters = function () { return [
3538 { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: i0.Inject, args: [i1$1.DOCUMENT,] }] },
3539 { type: i2.Platform }
3540 ]; };
3542 /**
3543 * @license
3544 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
3545 *
3546 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
3547 * found in the LICENSE file at
3548 */
3550 /**
3551 * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.
3552 */
3554 Object.defineProperty(exports, 'CdkScrollable', {
3555 enumerable: true,
3556 get: function () {
3557 return i1.CdkScrollable;
3558 }
3559 });
3560 Object.defineProperty(exports, 'ScrollDispatcher', {
3561 enumerable: true,
3562 get: function () {
3563 return i1.ScrollDispatcher;
3564 }
3565 });
3566 Object.defineProperty(exports, 'ViewportRuler', {
3567 enumerable: true,
3568 get: function () {
3569 return i1.ViewportRuler;
3570 }
3571 });
3572 exports.BlockScrollStrategy = BlockScrollStrategy;
3573 exports.CdkConnectedOverlay = CdkConnectedOverlay;
3574 exports.CdkOverlayOrigin = CdkOverlayOrigin;
3575 exports.CloseScrollStrategy = CloseScrollStrategy;
3576 exports.ConnectedOverlayPositionChange = ConnectedOverlayPositionChange;
3577 exports.ConnectedPositionStrategy = ConnectedPositionStrategy;
3578 exports.ConnectionPositionPair = ConnectionPositionPair;
3579 exports.FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy = FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy;
3580 exports.FullscreenOverlayContainer = FullscreenOverlayContainer;
3581 exports.GlobalPositionStrategy = GlobalPositionStrategy;
3582 exports.NoopScrollStrategy = NoopScrollStrategy;
3583 exports.Overlay = Overlay;
3584 exports.OverlayConfig = OverlayConfig;
3585 exports.OverlayContainer = OverlayContainer;
3586 exports.OverlayKeyboardDispatcher = OverlayKeyboardDispatcher;
3587 exports.OverlayModule = OverlayModule;
3588 exports.OverlayOutsideClickDispatcher = OverlayOutsideClickDispatcher;
3589 exports.OverlayPositionBuilder = OverlayPositionBuilder;
3590 exports.OverlayRef = OverlayRef;
3591 exports.RepositionScrollStrategy = RepositionScrollStrategy;
3592 exports.ScrollStrategyOptions = ScrollStrategyOptions;
3593 exports.ScrollingVisibility = ScrollingVisibility;
3594 exports.validateHorizontalPosition = validateHorizontalPosition;
3595 exports.validateVerticalPosition = validateVerticalPosition;
3596 exports.ɵangular_material_src_cdk_overlay_overlay_a = CDK_CONNECTED_OVERLAY_SCROLL_STRATEGY;
3597 exports.ɵangular_material_src_cdk_overlay_overlay_b = CDK_CONNECTED_OVERLAY_SCROLL_STRATEGY_PROVIDER_FACTORY;
3598 exports.ɵangular_material_src_cdk_overlay_overlay_c = CDK_CONNECTED_OVERLAY_SCROLL_STRATEGY_PROVIDER;
3599 exports.ɵangular_material_src_cdk_overlay_overlay_d = BaseOverlayDispatcher;
3601 Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.