1 | /**
2 | * @license
3 | * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
4 | *
5 | * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
6 | * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
7 | */
8 | import { InterpolationConfig } from '../ml_parser/interpolation_config';
9 | import { AbsoluteSourceSpan, AST, AstVisitor, ASTWithSource, Binary, BindingPipe, Chain, Conditional, FunctionCall, ImplicitReceiver, Interpolation, KeyedRead, KeyedWrite, LiteralArray, LiteralMap, LiteralPrimitive, MethodCall, NonNullAssert, ParserError, ParseSpan, PrefixNot, PropertyRead, PropertyWrite, Quote, RecursiveAstVisitor, SafeKeyedRead, SafeMethodCall, SafePropertyRead, TemplateBinding, TemplateBindingIdentifier, ThisReceiver, Unary } from './ast';
10 | import { Lexer, Token } from './lexer';
11 | export interface InterpolationPiece {
12 | text: string;
13 | start: number;
14 | end: number;
15 | }
16 | export declare class SplitInterpolation {
17 | strings: InterpolationPiece[];
18 | expressions: InterpolationPiece[];
19 | offsets: number[];
20 | constructor(strings: InterpolationPiece[], expressions: InterpolationPiece[], offsets: number[]);
21 | }
22 | export declare class TemplateBindingParseResult {
23 | templateBindings: TemplateBinding[];
24 | warnings: string[];
25 | errors: ParserError[];
26 | constructor(templateBindings: TemplateBinding[], warnings: string[], errors: ParserError[]);
27 | }
28 | export declare class Parser {
29 | private _lexer;
30 | private errors;
31 | constructor(_lexer: Lexer);
32 | simpleExpressionChecker: typeof SimpleExpressionChecker;
33 | parseAction(input: string, location: string, absoluteOffset: number, interpolationConfig?: InterpolationConfig): ASTWithSource;
34 | parseBinding(input: string, location: string, absoluteOffset: number, interpolationConfig?: InterpolationConfig): ASTWithSource;
35 | private checkSimpleExpression;
36 | parseSimpleBinding(input: string, location: string, absoluteOffset: number, interpolationConfig?: InterpolationConfig): ASTWithSource;
37 | private _reportError;
38 | private _parseBindingAst;
39 | private _parseQuote;
40 | /**
41 | * Parse microsyntax template expression and return a list of bindings or
42 | * parsing errors in case the given expression is invalid.
43 | *
44 | * For example,
45 | * ```
46 | * <div *ngFor="let item of items">
47 | * ^ ^ absoluteValueOffset for `templateValue`
48 | * absoluteKeyOffset for `templateKey`
49 | * ```
50 | * contains three bindings:
51 | * 1. ngFor -> null
52 | * 2. item -> NgForOfContext.$implicit
53 | * 3. ngForOf -> items
54 | *
55 | * This is apparent from the de-sugared template:
56 | * ```
57 | * <ng-template ngFor let-item [ngForOf]="items">
58 | * ```
59 | *
60 | * @param templateKey name of directive, without the * prefix. For example: ngIf, ngFor
61 | * @param templateValue RHS of the microsyntax attribute
62 | * @param templateUrl template filename if it's external, component filename if it's inline
63 | * @param absoluteKeyOffset start of the `templateKey`
64 | * @param absoluteValueOffset start of the `templateValue`
65 | */
66 | parseTemplateBindings(templateKey: string, templateValue: string, templateUrl: string, absoluteKeyOffset: number, absoluteValueOffset: number): TemplateBindingParseResult;
67 | parseInterpolation(input: string, location: string, absoluteOffset: number, interpolationConfig?: InterpolationConfig): ASTWithSource | null;
68 | /**
69 | * Similar to `parseInterpolation`, but treats the provided string as a single expression
70 | * element that would normally appear within the interpolation prefix and suffix (`{{` and `}}`).
71 | * This is used for parsing the switch expression in ICUs.
72 | */
73 | parseInterpolationExpression(expression: string, location: string, absoluteOffset: number): ASTWithSource;
74 | private createInterpolationAst;
75 | /**
76 | * Splits a string of text into "raw" text segments and expressions present in interpolations in
77 | * the string.
78 | * Returns `null` if there are no interpolations, otherwise a
79 | * `SplitInterpolation` with splits that look like
80 | * <raw text> <expression> <raw text> ... <raw text> <expression> <raw text>
81 | */
82 | splitInterpolation(input: string, location: string, interpolationConfig?: InterpolationConfig): SplitInterpolation;
83 | wrapLiteralPrimitive(input: string | null, location: string, absoluteOffset: number): ASTWithSource;
84 | private _stripComments;
85 | private _commentStart;
86 | private _checkNoInterpolation;
87 | /**
88 | * Finds the index of the end of an interpolation expression
89 | * while ignoring comments and quoted content.
90 | */
91 | private _getInterpolationEndIndex;
92 | /**
93 | * Generator used to iterate over the character indexes of a string that are outside of quotes.
94 | * @param input String to loop through.
95 | * @param start Index within the string at which to start.
96 | */
97 | private _forEachUnquotedChar;
98 | }
99 | export declare class IvyParser extends Parser {
100 | simpleExpressionChecker: typeof IvySimpleExpressionChecker;
101 | }
102 | export declare class _ParseAST {
103 | input: string;
104 | location: string;
105 | absoluteOffset: number;
106 | tokens: Token[];
107 | inputLength: number;
108 | parseAction: boolean;
109 | private errors;
110 | private offset;
111 | private rparensExpected;
112 | private rbracketsExpected;
113 | private rbracesExpected;
114 | private context;
115 | private sourceSpanCache;
116 | index: number;
117 | constructor(input: string, location: string, absoluteOffset: number, tokens: Token[], inputLength: number, parseAction: boolean, errors: ParserError[], offset: number);
118 | peek(offset: number): Token;
119 | get next(): Token;
120 | /** Whether all the parser input has been processed. */
121 | get atEOF(): boolean;
122 | /**
123 | * Index of the next token to be processed, or the end of the last token if all have been
124 | * processed.
125 | */
126 | get inputIndex(): number;
127 | /**
128 | * End index of the last processed token, or the start of the first token if none have been
129 | * processed.
130 | */
131 | get currentEndIndex(): number;
132 | /**
133 | * Returns the absolute offset of the start of the current token.
134 | */
135 | get currentAbsoluteOffset(): number;
136 | /**
137 | * Retrieve a `ParseSpan` from `start` to the current position (or to `artificialEndIndex` if
138 | * provided).
139 | *
140 | * @param start Position from which the `ParseSpan` will start.
141 | * @param artificialEndIndex Optional ending index to be used if provided (and if greater than the
142 | * natural ending index)
143 | */
144 | span(start: number, artificialEndIndex?: number): ParseSpan;
145 | sourceSpan(start: number, artificialEndIndex?: number): AbsoluteSourceSpan;
146 | advance(): void;
147 | /**
148 | * Executes a callback in the provided context.
149 | */
150 | private withContext;
151 | consumeOptionalCharacter(code: number): boolean;
152 | peekKeywordLet(): boolean;
153 | peekKeywordAs(): boolean;
154 | /**
155 | * Consumes an expected character, otherwise emits an error about the missing expected character
156 | * and skips over the token stream until reaching a recoverable point.
157 | *
158 | * See `this.error` and `this.skip` for more details.
159 | */
160 | expectCharacter(code: number): void;
161 | consumeOptionalOperator(op: string): boolean;
162 | expectOperator(operator: string): void;
163 | prettyPrintToken(tok: Token): string;
164 | expectIdentifierOrKeyword(): string | null;
165 | expectIdentifierOrKeywordOrString(): string;
166 | parseChain(): AST;
167 | parsePipe(): AST;
168 | parseExpression(): AST;
169 | parseConditional(): AST;
170 | parseLogicalOr(): AST;
171 | parseLogicalAnd(): AST;
172 | parseNullishCoalescing(): AST;
173 | parseEquality(): AST;
174 | parseRelational(): AST;
175 | parseAdditive(): AST;
176 | parseMultiplicative(): AST;
177 | parsePrefix(): AST;
178 | parseCallChain(): AST;
179 | parsePrimary(): AST;
180 | parseExpressionList(terminator: number): AST[];
181 | parseLiteralMap(): LiteralMap;
182 | parseAccessMemberOrMethodCall(receiver: AST, start: number, isSafe: boolean): AST;
183 | parseCallArguments(): BindingPipe[];
184 | /**
185 | * Parses an identifier, a keyword, a string with an optional `-` in between,
186 | * and returns the string along with its absolute source span.
187 | */
188 | expectTemplateBindingKey(): TemplateBindingIdentifier;
189 | /**
190 | * Parse microsyntax template expression and return a list of bindings or
191 | * parsing errors in case the given expression is invalid.
192 | *
193 | * For example,
194 | * ```
195 | * <div *ngFor="let item of items; index as i; trackBy: func">
196 | * ```
197 | * contains five bindings:
198 | * 1. ngFor -> null
199 | * 2. item -> NgForOfContext.$implicit
200 | * 3. ngForOf -> items
201 | * 4. i -> NgForOfContext.index
202 | * 5. ngForTrackBy -> func
203 | *
204 | * For a full description of the microsyntax grammar, see
205 | * https://gist.github.com/mhevery/d3530294cff2e4a1b3fe15ff75d08855
206 | *
207 | * @param templateKey name of the microsyntax directive, like ngIf, ngFor,
208 | * without the *, along with its absolute span.
209 | */
210 | parseTemplateBindings(templateKey: TemplateBindingIdentifier): TemplateBindingParseResult;
211 | parseKeyedReadOrWrite(receiver: AST, start: number, isSafe: boolean): AST;
212 | /**
213 | * Parse a directive keyword, followed by a mandatory expression.
214 | * For example, "of items", "trackBy: func".
215 | * The bindings are: ngForOf -> items, ngForTrackBy -> func
216 | * There could be an optional "as" binding that follows the expression.
217 | * For example,
218 | * ```
219 | * *ngFor="let item of items | slice:0:1 as collection".
220 | * ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
221 | * keyword bound target optional 'as' binding
222 | * ```
223 | *
224 | * @param key binding key, for example, ngFor, ngIf, ngForOf, along with its
225 | * absolute span.
226 | */
227 | private parseDirectiveKeywordBindings;
228 | /**
229 | * Return the expression AST for the bound target of a directive keyword
230 | * binding. For example,
231 | * ```
232 | * *ngIf="condition | pipe"
233 | * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ bound target for "ngIf"
234 | * *ngFor="let item of items"
235 | * ^^^^^ bound target for "ngForOf"
236 | * ```
237 | */
238 | private getDirectiveBoundTarget;
239 | /**
240 | * Return the binding for a variable declared using `as`. Note that the order
241 | * of the key-value pair in this declaration is reversed. For example,
242 | * ```
243 | * *ngFor="let item of items; index as i"
244 | * ^^^^^ ^
245 | * value key
246 | * ```
247 | *
248 | * @param value name of the value in the declaration, "ngIf" in the example
249 | * above, along with its absolute span.
250 | */
251 | private parseAsBinding;
252 | /**
253 | * Return the binding for a variable declared using `let`. For example,
254 | * ```
255 | * *ngFor="let item of items; let i=index;"
256 | * ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^
257 | * ```
258 | * In the first binding, `item` is bound to `NgForOfContext.$implicit`.
259 | * In the second binding, `i` is bound to `NgForOfContext.index`.
260 | */
261 | private parseLetBinding;
262 | /**
263 | * Consume the optional statement terminator: semicolon or comma.
264 | */
265 | private consumeStatementTerminator;
266 | /**
267 | * Records an error and skips over the token stream until reaching a recoverable point. See
268 | * `this.skip` for more details on token skipping.
269 | */
270 | error(message: string, index?: number | null): void;
271 | private locationText;
272 | /**
273 | * Records an error for an unexpected private identifier being discovered.
274 | * @param token Token representing a private identifier.
275 | * @param extraMessage Optional additional message being appended to the error.
276 | */
277 | private _reportErrorForPrivateIdentifier;
278 | /**
279 | * Error recovery should skip tokens until it encounters a recovery point.
280 | *
281 | * The following are treated as unconditional recovery points:
282 | * - end of input
283 | * - ';' (parseChain() is always the root production, and it expects a ';')
284 | * - '|' (since pipes may be chained and each pipe expression may be treated independently)
285 | *
286 | * The following are conditional recovery points:
287 | * - ')', '}', ']' if one of calling productions is expecting one of these symbols
288 | * - This allows skip() to recover from errors such as '(a.) + 1' allowing more of the AST to
289 | * be retained (it doesn't skip any tokens as the ')' is retained because of the '(' begins
290 | * an '(' <expr> ')' production).
291 | * The recovery points of grouping symbols must be conditional as they must be skipped if
292 | * none of the calling productions are not expecting the closing token else we will never
293 | * make progress in the case of an extraneous group closing symbol (such as a stray ')').
294 | * That is, we skip a closing symbol if we are not in a grouping production.
295 | * - '=' in a `Writable` context
296 | * - In this context, we are able to recover after seeing the `=` operator, which
297 | * signals the presence of an independent rvalue expression following the `=` operator.
298 | *
299 | * If a production expects one of these token it increments the corresponding nesting count,
300 | * and then decrements it just prior to checking if the token is in the input.
301 | */
302 | private skip;
303 | }
304 | declare class SimpleExpressionChecker implements AstVisitor {
305 | errors: string[];
306 | visitImplicitReceiver(ast: ImplicitReceiver, context: any): void;
307 | visitThisReceiver(ast: ThisReceiver, context: any): void;
308 | visitInterpolation(ast: Interpolation, context: any): void;
309 | visitLiteralPrimitive(ast: LiteralPrimitive, context: any): void;
310 | visitPropertyRead(ast: PropertyRead, context: any): void;
311 | visitPropertyWrite(ast: PropertyWrite, context: any): void;
312 | visitSafePropertyRead(ast: SafePropertyRead, context: any): void;
313 | visitMethodCall(ast: MethodCall, context: any): void;
314 | visitSafeMethodCall(ast: SafeMethodCall, context: any): void;
315 | visitFunctionCall(ast: FunctionCall, context: any): void;
316 | visitLiteralArray(ast: LiteralArray, context: any): void;
317 | visitLiteralMap(ast: LiteralMap, context: any): void;
318 | visitUnary(ast: Unary, context: any): void;
319 | visitBinary(ast: Binary, context: any): void;
320 | visitPrefixNot(ast: PrefixNot, context: any): void;
321 | visitNonNullAssert(ast: NonNullAssert, context: any): void;
322 | visitConditional(ast: Conditional, context: any): void;
323 | visitPipe(ast: BindingPipe, context: any): void;
324 | visitKeyedRead(ast: KeyedRead, context: any): void;
325 | visitKeyedWrite(ast: KeyedWrite, context: any): void;
326 | visitAll(asts: any[], context: any): any[];
327 | visitChain(ast: Chain, context: any): void;
328 | visitQuote(ast: Quote, context: any): void;
329 | visitSafeKeyedRead(ast: SafeKeyedRead, context: any): void;
330 | }
331 | /**
332 | * This class implements SimpleExpressionChecker used in View Engine and performs more strict checks
333 | * to make sure host bindings do not contain pipes. In View Engine, having pipes in host bindings is
334 | * not supported as well, but in some cases (like `!(value | async)`) the error is not triggered at
335 | * compile time. In order to preserve View Engine behavior, more strict checks are introduced for
336 | * Ivy mode only.
337 | */
338 | declare class IvySimpleExpressionChecker extends RecursiveAstVisitor implements SimpleExpressionChecker {
339 | errors: string[];
340 | visitPipe(): void;
341 | }
342 | export {};