1 | // Forwards all public API mixins so they can be imported from a single entry point.
2 | // Note that we have to forward the `.import` files for backwards-compatibility with
3 | // projects that don't use Sass modules and include the `mat-`-prefixed mixins.
4 |
5 | @forward '../cdk/a11y/index.import';
6 | @forward '../cdk/overlay/index.import';
7 | @forward '../cdk/text-field/index.import';
8 |
9 | @forward './core/core-legacy-index';
10 | @forward './autocomplete/autocomplete-legacy-index';
11 | @forward './badge/badge-legacy-index';
12 | @forward './bottom-sheet/bottom-sheet-legacy-index';
13 | @forward './button-toggle/button-toggle-legacy-index';
14 | @forward './button/button-legacy-index';
15 | @forward './card/card-legacy-index';
16 | @forward './checkbox/checkbox-legacy-index';
17 | @forward './chips/chips-legacy-index';
18 | @forward './datepicker/datepicker-legacy-index';
19 | @forward './dialog/dialog-legacy-index';
20 | @forward './divider/divider-legacy-index';
21 | @forward './expansion/expansion-legacy-index';
22 | @forward './form-field/form-field-legacy-index';
23 | @forward './grid-list/grid-list-legacy-index';
24 | @forward './icon/icon-legacy-index';
25 | @forward './input/input-legacy-index';
26 | @forward './list/list-legacy-index';
27 | @forward './menu/menu-legacy-index';
28 | @forward './paginator/paginator-legacy-index';
29 | @forward './progress-bar/progress-bar-legacy-index';
30 | @forward './progress-spinner/progress-spinner-legacy-index';
31 | @forward './radio/radio-legacy-index';
32 | @forward './select/select-legacy-index';
33 | @forward './sidenav/sidenav-legacy-index';
34 | @forward './slide-toggle/slide-toggle-legacy-index';
35 | @forward './slider/slider-legacy-index';
36 | @forward './snack-bar/snack-bar-legacy-index';
37 | @forward './sort/sort-legacy-index';
38 | @forward './stepper/stepper-legacy-index';
39 | @forward './table/table-legacy-index';
40 | @forward './tabs/tabs-legacy-index';
41 | @forward './toolbar/toolbar-legacy-index';
42 | @forward './tooltip/tooltip-legacy-index';
43 | @forward './tree/tree-legacy-index';