1 | @use 'sass:map';
2 | @use 'sass:meta';
3 | @use '../core/theming/theming';
4 | @use '../core/style/private';
5 | @use '../core/typography/typography';
6 | @use '../core/typography/typography-utils';
7 |
8 | $_ripple-opacity: 0.1;
9 |
10 | // Applies a focus style to an mat-button element for each of the supported palettes.
11 | @mixin _focus-overlay-color($config-or-theme) {
12 | $config: theming.get-color-config($config-or-theme);
13 | $primary: map.get($config, primary);
14 | $accent: map.get($config, accent);
15 | $warn: map.get($config, warn);
16 |
17 | &.mat-primary .mat-button-focus-overlay {
18 | background-color: theming.get-color-from-palette($primary);
19 | }
20 |
21 | &.mat-accent .mat-button-focus-overlay {
22 | background-color: theming.get-color-from-palette($accent);
23 | }
24 |
25 | &.mat-warn .mat-button-focus-overlay {
26 | background-color: theming.get-color-from-palette($warn);
27 | }
28 |
29 | &.mat-button-disabled .mat-button-focus-overlay {
30 | background-color: transparent;
31 | }
32 | }
33 |
34 | // Applies the background color for a ripple. If the value provided is not a Sass color,
35 | // we assume that we've been given a CSS variable. Since we can't perform alpha-blending
36 | // on a CSS variable, we instead add the opacity directly to the ripple element.
37 | @mixin _ripple-background($palette, $hue, $opacity) {
38 | $background-color: theming.get-color-from-palette($palette, $hue, $opacity);
39 | background-color: $background-color;
40 | @if (meta.type-of($background-color) != color) {
41 | opacity: $opacity;
42 | }
43 | }
44 |
45 | @mixin _ripple-color($theme, $hue, $opacity: $_ripple-opacity) {
46 | $primary: map.get($theme, primary);
47 | $accent: map.get($theme, accent);
48 | $warn: map.get($theme, warn);
49 |
50 | &.mat-primary .mat-ripple-element {
51 | @include _ripple-background($primary, $hue, $opacity);
52 | }
53 |
54 | &.mat-accent .mat-ripple-element {
55 | @include _ripple-background($accent, $hue, $opacity);
56 | }
57 |
58 | &.mat-warn .mat-ripple-element {
59 | @include _ripple-background($warn, $hue, $opacity);
60 | }
61 | }
62 |
63 | // Applies a property to an mat-button element for each of the supported palettes.
64 | @mixin _theme-property($theme, $property, $hue) {
65 | $primary: map.get($theme, primary);
66 | $accent: map.get($theme, accent);
67 | $warn: map.get($theme, warn);
68 | $background: map.get($theme, background);
69 | $foreground: map.get($theme, foreground);
70 |
71 | &.mat-primary {
72 | #{$property}: theming.get-color-from-palette($primary, $hue);
73 | }
74 | &.mat-accent {
75 | #{$property}: theming.get-color-from-palette($accent, $hue);
76 | }
77 | &.mat-warn {
78 | #{$property}: theming.get-color-from-palette($warn, $hue);
79 | }
80 |
81 | &.mat-primary, &.mat-accent, &.mat-warn, &.mat-button-disabled {
82 | &.mat-button-disabled {
83 | $palette: if($property == 'color', $foreground, $background);
84 | #{$property}: theming.get-color-from-palette($palette, disabled-button);
85 | }
86 | }
87 | }
88 |
89 | @mixin color($config-or-theme) {
90 | $config: theming.get-color-config($config-or-theme);
91 | $primary: map.get($config, primary);
92 | $accent: map.get($config, accent);
93 | $warn: map.get($config, warn);
94 | $background: map.get($config, background);
95 | $foreground: map.get($config, foreground);
96 |
97 | .mat-button, .mat-icon-button, .mat-stroked-button {
98 | // Buttons without a background color should inherit the font color. This is necessary to
99 | // ensure that the button is readable on custom background colors. It's wrong to always assume
100 | // that those buttons are always placed inside of containers with the default background
101 | // color of the theme (e.g. themed toolbars).
102 | color: inherit;
103 | background: transparent;
104 |
105 | @include _theme-property($config, 'color', text);
106 | @include _focus-overlay-color($config);
107 |
108 | // Setup the ripple color to be based on the text color. This ensures that the ripples
109 | // are matching with the current theme palette and are in contrast to the background color
110 | // (e.g in themed toolbars).
111 | .mat-ripple-element {
112 | opacity: $_ripple-opacity;
113 | background-color: currentColor;
114 | }
115 | }
116 |
117 | .mat-button-focus-overlay {
118 | background: map.get($foreground, base);
119 | }
120 |
121 | // Note: this needs a bit extra specificity, because we're not guaranteed the inclusion
122 | // order of the theme styles and the button reset may end up resetting this as well.
123 | .mat-stroked-button:not(.mat-button-disabled) {
124 | border-color: theming.get-color-from-palette($foreground, divider);
125 | }
126 |
127 | .mat-flat-button, .mat-raised-button, .mat-fab, .mat-mini-fab {
128 | // Default font and background color when not using any color palette.
129 | color: theming.get-color-from-palette($foreground, text);
130 | background-color: theming.get-color-from-palette($background, raised-button);
131 |
132 | @include _theme-property($config, 'color', default-contrast);
133 | @include _theme-property($config, 'background-color', default);
134 | @include _ripple-color($config, default-contrast);
135 | }
136 |
137 | .mat-stroked-button, .mat-flat-button {
138 | @include private.private-theme-overridable-elevation(0, $config);
139 | }
140 |
141 | .mat-raised-button {
142 | @include private.private-theme-overridable-elevation(2, $config);
143 |
144 | &:not(.mat-button-disabled):active {
145 | @include private.private-theme-overridable-elevation(8, $config);
146 | }
147 |
148 | &.mat-button-disabled {
149 | @include private.private-theme-overridable-elevation(0, $config);
150 | }
151 | }
152 |
153 | .mat-fab, .mat-mini-fab {
154 | @include private.private-theme-overridable-elevation(6, $config);
155 |
156 | &:not(.mat-button-disabled):active {
157 | @include private.private-theme-overridable-elevation(12, $config);
158 | }
159 |
160 | &.mat-button-disabled {
161 | @include private.private-theme-overridable-elevation(0, $config);
162 | }
163 | }
164 | }
165 |
166 | @mixin typography($config-or-theme) {
167 | $config: typography.private-typography-to-2014-config(
168 | theming.get-typography-config($config-or-theme));
169 | .mat-button, .mat-raised-button, .mat-icon-button, .mat-stroked-button,
170 | .mat-flat-button, .mat-fab, .mat-mini-fab {
171 | font: {
172 | family: typography-utils.font-family($config, button);
173 | size: typography-utils.font-size($config, button);
174 | weight: typography-utils.font-weight($config, button);
175 | }
176 | }
177 | }
178 |
179 | @mixin _density($config-or-theme) {}
180 |
181 | @mixin theme($theme-or-color-config) {
182 | $theme: theming.private-legacy-get-theme($theme-or-color-config);
183 | @include theming.private-check-duplicate-theme-styles($theme, 'mat-button') {
184 | $color: theming.get-color-config($theme);
185 | $density: theming.get-density-config($theme);
186 | $typography: theming.get-typography-config($theme);
187 |
188 | @if $color != null {
189 | @include color($color);
190 | }
191 | @if $density != null {
192 | @include _density($density);
193 | }
194 | @if $typography != null {
195 | @include typography($typography);
196 | }
197 | }
198 | }