1 | @use 'sass:map';
2 | @use '../core/theming/theming';
3 | @use '../core/typography/typography';
4 | @use '../core/typography/typography-utils';
5 | @use '../core/style/private';
6 |
7 |
8 | // Theme styles that only apply to the fill appearance of the form-field.
9 |
10 | @mixin fill-color($config-or-theme) {
11 | $config: theming.get-color-config($config-or-theme);
12 | $foreground: map.get($config, foreground);
13 | $is-dark-theme: map.get($config, is-dark);
14 |
15 | $fill-background:
16 | theming.get-color-from-palette($foreground, base, if($is-dark-theme, 0.1, 0.04));
17 | $fill-disabled-background:
18 | theming.get-color-from-palette($foreground, base, if($is-dark-theme, 0.05, 0.02));
19 | $underline-color:
20 | theming.get-color-from-palette($foreground, divider, if($is-dark-theme, 0.5, 0.42));
21 | $label-disabled-color: theming.get-color-from-palette($foreground, disabled-text);
22 |
23 | .mat-form-field-appearance-fill {
24 | .mat-form-field-flex {
25 | background-color: $fill-background;
26 | }
27 |
28 | &.mat-form-field-disabled .mat-form-field-flex {
29 | background-color: $fill-disabled-background;
30 | }
31 |
32 | .mat-form-field-underline::before {
33 | background-color: $underline-color;
34 | }
35 |
36 | &.mat-form-field-disabled {
37 | .mat-form-field-label {
38 | color: $label-disabled-color;
39 | }
40 |
41 | .mat-form-field-underline::before {
42 | background-color: transparent;
43 | }
44 | }
45 | }
46 | }
47 |
48 | // Used to make instances of the _mat-form-field-label-floating mixin negligibly different,
49 | // and prevent Google's CSS Optimizer from collapsing the declarations. This is needed because some
50 | // of the selectors contain pseudo-classes not recognized in all browsers. If a browser encounters
51 | // an unknown pseudo-class it will discard the entire rule set.
52 | $fill-dedupe: 0;
53 |
54 | // Applies a floating label above the form field control itself.
55 | @mixin _label-floating($font-scale, $infix-padding, $infix-margin-top) {
56 | transform: translateY(-$infix-margin-top - $infix-padding + $fill-dedupe)
57 | scale($font-scale);
58 | width: private.private-div(100%, $font-scale) + $fill-dedupe;
59 |
60 | $fill-dedupe: $fill-dedupe + 0.00001 !global;
61 | }
62 |
63 | @mixin fill-typography($config-or-theme) {
64 | $config: typography.private-typography-to-2014-config(
65 | theming.get-typography-config($config-or-theme));
66 | // The unit-less line-height from the font config.
67 | $line-height: typography-utils.line-height($config, input);
68 | // The amount to scale the font for the floating label and subscript.
69 | $subscript-font-scale: 0.75;
70 | // The padding on top of the infix.
71 | $infix-padding-top: 0.25em;
72 | // The padding below the infix.
73 | $infix-padding-bottom: 0.75em;
74 | // The margin applied to the form-field-infix to reserve space for the floating label.
75 | $infix-margin-top:
76 | $subscript-font-scale * typography-utils.private-coerce-unitless-to-em($line-height);
77 | // The amount we offset the label from the input text in the fill appearance.
78 | $fill-appearance-label-offset: -0.5em;
79 |
80 | .mat-form-field-appearance-fill {
81 | .mat-form-field-infix {
82 | padding: $infix-padding-top 0 $infix-padding-bottom 0;
83 | }
84 |
85 | .mat-form-field-label {
86 | top: $infix-margin-top + $infix-padding-top;
87 | margin-top: $fill-appearance-label-offset;
88 | }
89 |
90 | &.mat-form-field-can-float {
91 | &.mat-form-field-should-float .mat-form-field-label,
92 | .mat-input-server:focus + .mat-form-field-label-wrapper .mat-form-field-label {
93 | @include _label-floating(
94 | $subscript-font-scale, $infix-padding-top + $fill-appearance-label-offset,
95 | $infix-margin-top);
96 | }
97 |
98 | // Server-side rendered matInput with a label attribute but label not shown
99 | // (used as a pure CSS stand-in for mat-form-field-should-float).
100 | .mat-input-server[label]:not(:label-shown) + .mat-form-field-label-wrapper
101 | .mat-form-field-label {
102 | @include _label-floating(
103 | $subscript-font-scale, $infix-padding-top + $fill-appearance-label-offset,
104 | $infix-margin-top);
105 | }
106 | }
107 | }
108 | }
109 |
110 | @mixin private-form-field-fill-density($config-or-theme) {}
111 |
112 | @mixin fill-theme($theme-or-color-config) {
113 | $theme: theming.private-legacy-get-theme($theme-or-color-config);
114 | @include theming.private-check-duplicate-theme-styles($theme, 'mat-form-field-fill') {
115 | $color: theming.get-color-config($theme);
116 | $density: theming.get-density-config($theme);
117 | $typography: theming.get-typography-config($theme);
118 |
119 | @if $color != null {
120 | @include fill-color($color);
121 | }
122 | @if $density != null {
123 | @include private-form-field-fill-density($density);
124 | }
125 | @if $typography != null {
126 | @include fill-typography($typography);
127 | }
128 | }
129 | }