1 | @use 'sass:map';
2 | @use '../core/theming/palette';
3 | @use '../core/theming/theming';
4 | @use '../core/style/private';
5 | @use '../core/style/form-common';
6 | @use '../core/typography/typography';
7 | @use '../core/typography/typography-utils';
8 | @use '../core/style/vendor-prefixes';
9 |
10 |
11 | @mixin color($config-or-theme) {
12 | $config: theming.get-color-config($config-or-theme);
13 | $primary: map.get($config, primary);
14 | $accent: map.get($config, accent);
15 | $warn: map.get($config, warn);
16 | $foreground: map.get($config, foreground);
17 |
18 | .mat-form-field-type-mat-native-select .mat-form-field-infix::after {
19 | color: theming.get-color-from-palette($foreground, secondary-text);
20 | }
21 |
22 | .mat-input-element:disabled,
23 | .mat-form-field-type-mat-native-select.mat-form-field-disabled .mat-form-field-infix::after {
24 | color: theming.get-color-from-palette($foreground, disabled-text);
25 | }
26 |
27 | .mat-input-element {
28 | caret-color: theming.get-color-from-palette($primary, text);
29 |
30 | @include vendor-prefixes.input-placeholder {
31 | color: form-common.private-control-placeholder-color($config);
32 | }
33 |
34 | // On dark themes we set the native `select` color to some shade of white,
35 | // however the color propagates to all of the `option` elements, which are
36 | // always on a white background inside the dropdown, causing them to blend in.
37 | // Since we can't change background of the dropdown, we need to explicitly
38 | // reset the color of the options to something dark.
39 | @if (map.get($config, is-dark)) {
40 | option {
41 | color: palette.$dark-primary-text;
42 | }
43 |
44 | option:disabled {
45 | color: palette.$dark-disabled-text;
46 | }
47 | }
48 | }
49 |
50 | .mat-form-field.mat-accent .mat-input-element {
51 | caret-color: theming.get-color-from-palette($accent, text);
52 | }
53 |
54 | .mat-form-field.mat-warn .mat-input-element,
55 | .mat-form-field-invalid .mat-input-element {
56 | caret-color: theming.get-color-from-palette($warn, text);
57 | }
58 |
59 | .mat-form-field-type-mat-native-select.mat-form-field-invalid .mat-form-field-infix::after {
60 | color: theming.get-color-from-palette($warn, text);
61 | }
62 | }
63 |
64 | @mixin typography($config-or-theme) {
65 | $config: typography.private-typography-to-2014-config(
66 | theming.get-typography-config($config-or-theme));
67 | // The unit-less line-height from the font config.
68 | $line-height: typography-utils.line-height($config, input);
69 |
70 | // The amount of space between the top of the line and the top of the actual text
71 | // (as a fraction of the font-size).
72 | $line-spacing: private.private-div($line-height - 1, 2);
73 |
74 | // <input> elements seem to have their height set slightly too large on Safari causing the text to
75 | // be misaligned w.r.t. the placeholder. Adding this margin corrects it.
76 | input.mat-input-element {
77 | margin-top: typography-utils.private-coerce-unitless-to-em(-$line-spacing);
78 | }
79 | }
80 |
81 | @mixin _density($config-or-theme) {}
82 |
83 | @mixin theme($theme-or-color-config) {
84 | $theme: theming.private-legacy-get-theme($theme-or-color-config);
85 | @include theming.private-check-duplicate-theme-styles($theme, 'mat-input') {
86 | $color: theming.get-color-config($theme);
87 | $density: theming.get-density-config($theme);
88 | $typography: theming.get-typography-config($theme);
89 |
90 | @if $color != null {
91 | @include color($color);
92 | }
93 | @if $density != null {
94 | @include _density($density);
95 | }
96 | @if $typography != null {
97 | @include typography($typography);
98 | }
99 | }
100 | }