1 | type browserType = typeof import("./resolve-targets-browser");
2 | type nodeType = typeof import("./resolve-targets");
3 |
4 | // Kind of gross, but essentially asserting that the exports of this module are the same as the
5 | // exports of index-browser, since this file may be replaced at bundle time with index-browser.
6 | ({} as any as browserType as nodeType);
7 |
8 | import type { ValidatedOptions } from "./validation/options";
9 | import path from "path";
10 | import getTargets from "@babel/helper-compilation-targets";
11 |
12 | import type { Targets } from "@babel/helper-compilation-targets";
13 |
14 | export function resolveBrowserslistConfigFile(
15 | browserslistConfigFile: string,
16 | configFileDir: string,
17 | ): string | undefined {
18 | return path.resolve(configFileDir, browserslistConfigFile);
19 | }
20 |
21 | export function resolveTargets(
22 | options: ValidatedOptions,
23 | root: string,
24 | ): Targets {
25 | // todo(flow->ts) remove any and refactor to not assign different types into same variable
26 | let targets: any = options.targets;
27 | if (typeof targets === "string" || Array.isArray(targets)) {
28 | targets = { browsers: targets };
29 | }
30 | if (targets && targets.esmodules) {
31 | targets = { ...targets, esmodules: "intersect" };
32 | }
33 |
34 | const { browserslistConfigFile } = options;
35 | let configFile;
36 | let ignoreBrowserslistConfig = false;
37 | if (typeof browserslistConfigFile === "string") {
38 | configFile = browserslistConfigFile;
39 | } else {
40 | ignoreBrowserslistConfig = browserslistConfigFile === false;
41 | }
42 |
43 | return getTargets(targets, {
44 | ignoreBrowserslistConfig,
45 | configFile,
46 | configPath: root,
47 | browserslistEnv: options.browserslistEnv,
48 | });
49 | }