1 | # Autoprefixer [![Cult Of Martians][cult-img]][cult]
2 |
3 | <img align="right" width="94" height="71"
4 | src="http://postcss.github.io/autoprefixer/logo.svg"
5 | title="Autoprefixer logo by Anton Lovchikov">
6 |
7 | [PostCSS] plugin to parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values
8 | from [Can I Use]. It is [recommended] by Google and used in Twitter and Alibaba.
9 |
10 | Write your CSS rules without vendor prefixes (in fact, forget about them
11 | entirely):
12 |
13 | ```css
14 | ::placeholder {
15 | color: gray;
16 | }
17 |
18 | .image {
19 | background-image: url(image@1x.png);
20 | }
21 | @media (min-resolution: 2dppx) {
22 | .image {
23 | background-image: url(image@2x.png);
24 | }
25 | }
26 | ```
27 |
28 | Autoprefixer will use the data based on current browser popularity and property
29 | support to apply prefixes for you. You can try the [interactive demo]
30 | of Autoprefixer.
31 |
32 | ```css
33 | ::-moz-placeholder {
34 | color: gray;
35 | }
36 | :-ms-input-placeholder {
37 | color: gray;
38 | }
39 | ::-ms-input-placeholder {
40 | color: gray;
41 | }
42 | ::placeholder {
43 | color: gray;
44 | }
45 |
46 | .image {
47 | background-image: url(image@1x.png);
48 | }
49 | @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
50 | (min-resolution: 2dppx) {
51 | .image {
52 | background-image: url(image@2x.png);
53 | }
54 | }
55 | ```
56 |
57 | Twitter account for news and releases: [@autoprefixer].
58 |
59 | <a href="https://evilmartians.com/?utm_source=autoprefixer">
60 | <img src="https://evilmartians.com/badges/sponsored-by-evil-martians.svg" alt="Sponsored by Evil Martians" width="236" height="54">
61 | </a>
62 |
63 | [interactive demo]: https://autoprefixer.github.io/
64 | [@autoprefixer]: https://twitter.com/autoprefixer
65 | [recommended]: https://developers.google.com/web/tools/setup/setup-buildtools#dont_trip_up_with_vendor_prefixes
66 | [Can I Use]: https://caniuse.com/
67 | [cult-img]: http://cultofmartians.com/assets/badges/badge.svg
68 | [PostCSS]: https://github.com/postcss/postcss
69 | [cult]: http://cultofmartians.com/tasks/autoprefixer-grid.html
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71 |
72 | ## Docs
73 | Read **[full docs](https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer#readme)** on GitHub.