1 | #### 5.2.2
2 |
3 | * 18/10/18
4 | * #109 Remove opencollective dependency.
5 |
6 | #### 5.2.1
7 |
8 | * Delete *bower.json*.
9 |
10 | #### 5.2.0
11 |
12 | * 09/10/18
13 | * #63 Allow negative argument for `round`.
14 | * #107 `sqrt` of large number.
15 |
16 | #### 5.1.2
17 |
18 | * 24/05/18
19 | * #95 Add `browser` field to *package.json*.
20 | * Restore named export to enable `import {Big}`.
21 |
22 | #### 5.1.1
23 |
24 | * 22/05/18
25 | * #95 Remove named export.
26 |
27 | #### 5.1.0
28 |
29 | * 22/05/18
30 | * Amend *.mjs* exports.
31 | * Remove extension from `main` field in *package.json*.
32 |
33 | #### 5.0.3
34 |
35 | * 23/10/17
36 | * #89 Optimisation of internal `round` function.
37 |
38 | #### 5.0.2
39 |
40 | * 13/10/17
41 | * Update *README.md*.
42 |
43 | #### 5.0.1
44 |
45 | * 13/10/17
46 | * Correct `Big.version` number.
47 |
48 | #### 5.0.0
49 |
50 | * 13/10/17
51 | * Return `-0` from `valueOf` for negative zero.
52 | * Refactor the methods which return a string.
53 | * Amend error messaging.
54 | * Update API document and change its colour scheme.
55 | * Add `Big.version`.
56 | * Remove bitcoin address.
57 |
58 | #### 4.0.2
59 |
60 | * 28/09/17
61 | * Add *big.mjs* for use with Node.js with `--experimental-modules` flag.
62 |
63 | #### 4.0.0
64 |
65 | * 27/09/17
66 | * Rename `Big.E_POS` to `Big.PE`, `Big.E_NEG` to `Big.NE`.
67 | * Refactor error messaging.
68 | * Throw if `null` is passed to `toFixed` etc.
69 |
70 | #### 3.2.0
71 |
72 | * 14/09/17 Aid ES6 import.
73 |
74 | #### 3.1.3
75 |
76 | * Minor documentation updates.
77 |
78 | #### 3.1.2
79 |
80 | * README typo.
81 |
82 | #### 3.1.1
83 |
84 | * API documentation update, including FAQ additions.
85 |
86 | #### 3.1.0
87 |
88 | * Renamed and exposed `TO_EXP_NEG` and `TO_EXP_POS` as `Big.E_NEG` and `Big.E_POS`.
89 |
90 | #### 3.0.2
91 |
92 | * Remove *.npmignore*, use `files` field in *package.json* instead.
93 |
94 | #### 3.0.1
95 |
96 | * Added `sub`, `add` and `mul` aliases.
97 | * Clean-up after lint.
98 |
99 | #### 3.0.0
100 |
101 | * 10/12/14 Added [multiple constructor functionality](http://mikemcl.github.io/big.js/#faq).
102 | * No breaking changes or other additions, but a major code reorganisation, so *v3* seemed appropiate.
103 |
104 | #### 2.5.2
105 |
106 | * 1/11/14 Added bower.json.
107 |
108 | #### 2.5.1
109 |
110 | * 8/06/14 Amend README requires.
111 |
112 | #### 2.5.0
113 |
114 | * 26/01/14 Added `toJSON` method so serialization uses `toString`.
115 |
116 | #### 2.4.1
117 |
118 | * 17/10/13 Conform signed zero to IEEEE 754 (2008).
119 |
120 | #### 2.4.0
121 |
122 | * 19/09/13 Throw instances of `Error`.
123 |
124 | #### 2.3.0
125 |
126 | * 16/09/13 Added `cmp` method.
127 |
128 | #### 2.2.0
129 |
130 | * 11/07/13 Added 'round up' mode.
131 |
132 | #### 2.1.0
133 |
134 | * 26/06/13 Allow e.g. `.1` and `2.`.
135 |
136 | #### 2.0.0
137 |
138 | * 12/05/13 Added `abs` method and replaced `cmp` with `eq`, `gt`, `gte`, `lt`, and `lte` methods.
139 |
140 | #### 1.0.1
141 |
142 | * Changed default value of MAX_DP to 1E6
143 |
144 | #### 1.0.0
145 |
146 | * 7/11/2012 Initial release