1 | <div align="center">
2 | <a href="https://colord.omgovich.ru/">
3 | <img src="assets/logo.png" width="280" height="210" alt="colord" />
4 | </a>
5 | </div>
6 |
7 | <div align="center">
8 | <a href="https://npmjs.org/package/colord">
9 | <img alt="npm" src="https://img.shields.io/npm/v/colord.svg?labelColor=dd3a5e&color=6ead0a" />
10 | </a>
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13 | </a>
14 | <a href="https://codecov.io/gh/omgovich/colord">
15 | <img alt="coverage" src="https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/omgovich/colord.svg?labelColor=dd3a5e&color=6ead0a" />
16 | </a>
17 | <a href="https://npmjs.org/package/colord">
18 | <img alt="no dependencies" src="https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/dependency-count/colord?labelColor=dd3a5e&color=6ead0a" />
19 | </a>
20 | <a href="https://npmjs.org/package/colord">
21 | <img alt="types included" src="https://badgen.net/npm/types/colord?labelColor=dd3a5e&color=6ead0a" />
22 | </a>
23 | </div>
24 |
25 | <div align="center">
26 | <strong>Colord</strong> is a tiny yet powerful tool for high-performance color manipulations and conversions.
27 | </div>
28 |
29 | ## Features
30 |
31 | - 📦 **Small**: Just **1.7 KB** gzipped ([3x+ lighter](#benchmarks) than **color** and **tinycolor2**)
32 | - 🚀 **Fast**: [3x+ faster](#benchmarks) than **color** and **tinycolor2**
33 | - 😍 **Simple**: Chainable API and familiar patterns
34 | - 💪 **Immutable**: No need to worry about data mutations
35 | - 🛡 **Bulletproof**: Written in strict TypeScript and has 100% test coverage
36 | - 🗂 **Typed**: Ships with [types included](#types)
37 | - 🏗 **Extendable**: Built-in [plugin system](#plugins) to add new functionality
38 | - 📚 **CSS-compliant**: Strictly follows CSS Color Level specifications
39 | - 👫 **Works everywhere**: Supports all browsers and Node.js
40 | - 💨 **Dependency-free**
41 |
42 | <div><img src="assets/divider.png" width="838" alt="---" /></div>
43 |
44 | ## Benchmarks
45 |
46 | | Library | <nobr>Operations/sec</nobr> | Size<br /> (minified) | Size<br /> (gzipped) | Dependencies | Type declarations |
47 | | ----------------------------- | ----------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
48 | | <nobr><b>colord 👑</b></nobr> | <nobr><b>3,524,989</b></nobr> | [![](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/min/colord?color=6ead0a&label=)](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=colord) | [![](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/minzip/colord?color=6ead0a&label=)](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=colord) | [![](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/dependency-count/colord?color=6ead0a&label=)](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=colord) | [![](https://badgen.net/npm/types/colord?color=6ead0a&label=)](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=colord) |
49 | | color | 744,263 | [![](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/min/color?color=red&label=)](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=color) | [![](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/minzip/color?color=red&label=)](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=color) | [![](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/dependency-count/color?color=red&label=)](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=color) | [![](https://badgen.net/npm/types/color?color=e6591d&label=)](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=color) |
50 | | tinycolor2 | 971,312 | [![](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/min/tinycolor2?color=red&label=)](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=tinycolor2) | [![](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/minzip/tinycolor2?color=red&label=)](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=tinycolor2) | [![](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/dependency-count/tinycolor2?color=6ead0a&label=)](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=tinycolor2) | [![](https://badgen.net/npm/types/tinycolor2?color=e6591d&label=)](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=tinycolor2) |
51 | | ac-colors | 660,722 | [![](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/min/ac-colors?color=e6591d&label=)](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=ac-colors) | [![](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/minzip/ac-colors?color=e6591d&label=)](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=ac-colors) | [![](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/dependency-count/ac-colors?color=6ead0a&label=)](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=ac-colors) | [![](https://badgen.net/npm/types/ac-colors?color=red&label=)](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=ac-colors) |
52 | | chroma-js | 962,967 | [![](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/min/chroma-js?color=red&label=)](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=chroma-js) | [![](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/minzip/chroma-js?color=red&label=)](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=chroma-js) | [![](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/dependency-count/chroma-js?color=red&label=)](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=chroma-js) | [![](https://badgen.net/npm/types/chroma-js?color=e6591d&label=)](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=chroma-js) |
53 |
54 | The performance results were generated on a MBP 2019, 2,6 GHz Intel Core i7 by running `npm run benchmark` in the library folder. See [tests/benchmark.ts](https://github.com/omgovich/colord/blob/master/tests/benchmark.ts).
55 |
56 | <div><img src="assets/divider.png" width="838" alt="---" /></div>
57 |
58 | ## Getting Started
59 |
60 | ```
61 | npm i colord
62 | ```
63 |
64 | ```js
65 | import { colord } from "colord";
66 |
67 | colord("#ff0000").grayscale().alpha(0.25).toRgbString(); // "rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.25)"
68 | colord("rgb(192, 192, 192)").isLight(); // true
69 | colord("hsl(0, 50%, 50%)").darken(0.25).toHex(); // "#602020"
70 | ```
71 |
72 | <div><img src="assets/divider.png" width="838" alt="---" /></div>
73 |
74 | ## Supported Color Models
75 |
76 | - Hexadecimal strings (including 3, 4 and 8 digit notations)
77 | - RGB strings and objects
78 | - HSL strings and objects
79 | - HSV objects
80 | - Color names ([via plugin](#plugins))
81 | - HWB objects and strings ([via plugin](#plugins))
82 | - CMYK objects and strings ([via plugin](#plugins))
83 | - LCH objects and strings ([via plugin](#plugins))
84 | - LAB objects ([via plugin](#plugins))
85 | - XYZ objects ([via plugin](#plugins))
86 |
87 | <div><img src="assets/divider.png" width="838" alt="---" /></div>
88 |
89 | ## API
90 |
91 | ### Color parsing
92 |
93 | <details>
94 | <summary><b><code>colord(input)</code></b></summary>
95 |
96 | Parses the given input and creates a new Colord instance. String parsing strictly conforms to [CSS Color Level Specifications](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#color-type).
97 |
98 | ```js
99 | import { colord } from "colord";
100 |
101 | // String input examples
102 | colord("#FFF");
103 | colord("#ffffff");
104 | colord("#ffffffff");
105 | colord("rgb(255, 255, 255)");
106 | colord("rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)");
107 | colord("rgba(100% 100% 100% / 50%)");
108 | colord("hsl(90, 100%, 100%)");
109 | colord("hsla(90, 100%, 100%, 0.5)");
110 | colord("hsla(90deg 100% 100% / 50%)");
111 | colord("tomato"); // requires "names" plugin
112 |
113 | // Object input examples
114 | colord({ r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 });
115 | colord({ r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: 1 });
116 | colord({ h: 360, s: 100, l: 100 });
117 | colord({ h: 360, s: 100, l: 100, a: 1 });
118 | colord({ h: 360, s: 100, v: 100 });
119 | colord({ h: 360, s: 100, v: 100, a: 1 });
120 | ```
121 |
122 | Check out the ["Plugins"](#plugins) section for more input format examples.
123 |
124 | </details>
125 |
126 | <details>
127 | <summary><b><code>getFormat(input)</code></b></summary>
128 |
129 | Returns a color model name for the input passed to the function. Uses the same parsing system as `colord` function.
130 |
131 | ```js
132 | import { getFormat } from "colord";
133 |
134 | getFormat("#aabbcc"); // "hex"
135 | getFormat({ r: 13, g: 237, b: 162, a: 0.5 }); // "rgb"
136 | getFormat("hsl(180deg, 50%, 50%)"); // "hsl"
137 | getFormat("WUT?"); // undefined
138 | ```
139 |
140 | </details>
141 |
142 | ### Color conversion
143 |
144 | <details>
145 | <summary><b><code>.toHex()</code></b></summary>
146 |
147 | Returns the [hexadecimal representation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value#rgb_colors) of a color. When the alpha channel value of the color is less than 1, it outputs `#rrggbbaa` format instead of `#rrggbb`.
148 |
149 | ```js
150 | colord("rgb(0, 255, 0)").toHex(); // "#00ff00"
151 | colord({ h: 300, s: 100, l: 50 }).toHex(); // "#ff00ff"
152 | colord({ r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: 0 }).toHex(); // "#ffffff00"
153 | ```
154 |
155 | </details>
156 |
157 | <details>
158 | <summary><b><code>.toRgb()</code></b></summary>
159 |
160 | ```js
161 | colord("#ff0000").toRgb(); // { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1 }
162 | colord({ h: 180, s: 100, l: 50, a: 0.5 }).toRgb(); // { r: 0, g: 255, b: 255, a: 0.5 }
163 | ```
164 |
165 | </details>
166 |
167 | <details>
168 | <summary><b><code>.toRgbString()</code></b></summary>
169 |
170 | ```js
171 | colord("#ff0000").toRgbString(); // "rgb(255, 0, 0)"
172 | colord({ h: 180, s: 100, l: 50, a: 0.5 }).toRgbString(); // "rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.5)"
173 | ```
174 |
175 | </details>
176 |
177 | <details>
178 | <summary><b><code>.toHsl()</code></b></summary>
179 |
180 | Converts a color to [HSL color space](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV) and returns an object.
181 |
182 | ```js
183 | colord("#ffff00").toHsl(); // { h: 60, s: 100, l: 50, a: 1 }
184 | colord("rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.5) ").toHsl(); // { h: 240, s: 100, l: 50, a: 0.5 }
185 | ```
186 |
187 | </details>
188 |
189 | <details>
190 | <summary><b><code>.toHslString()</code></b></summary>
191 |
192 | Converts a color to [HSL color space](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV) and expresses it through the [functional notation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value#hsl_colors).
193 |
194 | ```js
195 | colord("#ffff00").toHslString(); // "hsl(60, 100%, 50%)"
196 | colord("rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.5)").toHslString(); // "hsla(240, 100%, 50%, 0.5)"
197 | ```
198 |
199 | </details>
200 |
201 | <details>
202 | <summary><b><code>.toHsv()</code></b></summary>
203 |
204 | Converts a color to [HSV color space](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV) and returns an object.
205 |
206 | ```js
207 | colord("#ffff00").toHsv(); // { h: 60, s: 100, v: 100, a: 1 }
208 | colord("rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.5) ").toHsv(); // { h: 180, s: 100, v: 100, a: 1 }
209 | ```
210 |
211 | </details>
212 |
213 | <details>
214 | <summary><b><code>.toName(options?)</code></b> (<b>names</b> plugin)</summary>
215 |
216 | Converts a color to a [CSS keyword](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value#color_keywords). Returns `undefined` if the color is not specified in the specs.
217 |
218 | ```js
219 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
220 | import namesPlugin from "colord/plugins/names";
221 |
222 | extend([namesPlugin]);
223 |
224 | colord("#ff6347").toName(); // "tomato"
225 | colord("#00ffff").toName(); // "cyan"
226 | colord("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)").toName(); // "transparent"
227 |
228 | colord("#fe0000").toName(); // undefined (the color is not specified in CSS specs)
229 | colord("#fe0000").toName({ closest: true }); // "red" (closest color available)
230 | ```
231 |
232 | </details>
233 |
234 | <details>
235 | <summary><b><code>.toCmyk()</code></b> (<b>cmyk</b> plugin)</summary>
236 |
237 | Converts a color to [CMYK](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CMYK_color_model) color space.
238 |
239 | ```js
240 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
241 | import cmykPlugin from "colord/plugins/cmyk";
242 |
243 | extend([cmykPlugin]);
244 |
245 | colord("#ffffff").toCmyk(); // { c: 0, m: 0, y: 0, k: 0, a: 1 }
246 | colord("#555aaa").toCmyk(); // { c: 50, m: 47, y: 0, k: 33, a: 1 }
247 | ```
248 |
249 | </details>
250 |
251 | <details>
252 | <summary><b><code>.toCmykString()</code></b> (<b>cmyk</b> plugin)</summary>
253 |
254 | Converts a color to color space.
255 |
256 | Converts a color to [CMYK](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CMYK_color_model) color space and expresses it through the [functional notation](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#device-cmyk)
257 |
258 | ```js
259 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
260 | import cmykPlugin from "colord/plugins/cmyk";
261 |
262 | extend([cmykPlugin]);
263 |
264 | colord("#99ffff").toCmykString(); // "device-cmyk(40% 0% 0% 0%)"
265 | colord("#00336680").toCmykString(); // "device-cmyk(100% 50% 0% 60% / 0.5)"
266 | ```
267 |
268 | </details>
269 |
270 | <details>
271 | <summary><b><code>.toHwb()</code></b> (<b>hwb</b> plugin)</summary>
272 |
273 | Converts a color to [HWB (Hue-Whiteness-Blackness)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HWB_color_model) color space.
274 |
275 | ```js
276 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
277 | import hwbPlugin from "colord/plugins/hwb";
278 |
279 | extend([hwbPlugin]);
280 |
281 | colord("#ffffff").toHwb(); // { h: 0, w: 100, b: 0, a: 1 }
282 | colord("#555aaa").toHwb(); // { h: 236, w: 33, b: 33, a: 1 }
283 | ```
284 |
285 | </details>
286 |
287 | <details>
288 | <summary><b><code>.toHwbString()</code></b> (<b>hwb</b> plugin)</summary>
289 |
290 | Converts a color to [HWB (Hue-Whiteness-Blackness)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HWB_color_model) color space and expresses it through the [functional notation](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#the-hwb-notation).
291 |
292 | ```js
293 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
294 | import hwbPlugin from "colord/plugins/hwb";
295 |
296 | extend([hwbPlugin]);
297 |
298 | colord("#999966").toHwbString(); // "hwb(60 40% 40%)"
299 | colord("#99ffff").toHwbString(); // "hwb(180 60% 0%)"
300 | colord("#003366").alpha(0.5).toHwbString(); // "hwb(210 0% 60% / 0.5)"
301 | ```
302 |
303 | </details>
304 |
305 | <details>
306 | <summary><b><code>.toLab()</code></b> (<b>lab</b> plugin)</summary>
307 |
308 | Converts a color to [CIE LAB](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIELAB_color_space) color space. The conversion logic is ported from [CSS Color Module Level 4 Specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#color-conversion-code).
309 |
310 | ```js
311 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
312 | import labPlugin from "colord/plugins/lab";
313 |
314 | extend([labPlugin]);
315 |
316 | colord("#ffffff").toLab(); // { l: 100, a: 0, b: 0, alpha: 1 }
317 | colord("#33221180").toLab(); // { l: 14.89, a: 5.77, b: 14.41, alpha: 0.5 }
318 | ```
319 |
320 | </details>
321 |
322 | <details>
323 | <summary><b><code>.toLch()</code></b> (<b>lch</b> plugin)</summary>
324 |
325 | Converts a color to [CIE LCH](https://lea.verou.me/2020/04/lch-colors-in-css-what-why-and-how/) color space. The conversion logic is ported from [CSS Color Module Level 4 Specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#color-conversion-code).
326 |
327 | ```js
328 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
329 | import lchPlugin from "colord/plugins/lch";
330 |
331 | extend([lchPlugin]);
332 |
333 | colord("#ffffff").toLch(); // { l: 100, c: 0, h: 0, a: 1 }
334 | colord("#213b0b").toLch(); // { l: 21.85, c: 31.95, h: 127.77, a: 1 }
335 | ```
336 |
337 | </details>
338 |
339 | <details>
340 | <summary><b><code>.toLchString()</code></b> (<b>lch</b> plugin)</summary>
341 |
342 | Converts a color to [CIE LCH](https://lea.verou.me/2020/04/lch-colors-in-css-what-why-and-how/) color space and expresses it through the [functional notation](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#specifying-lab-lch).
343 |
344 | ```js
345 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
346 | import lchPlugin from "colord/plugins/lch";
347 |
348 | extend([lchPlugin]);
349 |
350 | colord("#ffffff").toLchString(); // "lch(100% 0 0)"
351 | colord("#213b0b").alpha(0.5).toLchString(); // "lch(21.85% 31.95 127.77 / 0.5)"
352 | ```
353 |
354 | </details>
355 |
356 | <details>
357 | <summary><b><code>.toXyz()</code></b> (<b>xyz</b> plugin)</summary>
358 |
359 | Converts a color to [CIE XYZ](https://www.sttmedia.com/colormodel-xyz) color space. The conversion logic is ported from [CSS Color Module Level 4 Specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#color-conversion-code).
360 |
361 | ```js
362 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
363 | import xyzPlugin from "colord/plugins/xyz";
364 |
365 | extend([xyzPlugin]);
366 |
367 | colord("#ffffff").toXyz(); // { x: 95.047, y: 100, z: 108.883, a: 1 }
368 | ```
369 |
370 | </details>
371 |
372 | ### Color manipulation
373 |
374 | <details>
375 | <summary><b><code>.alpha(value)</code></b></summary>
376 |
377 | Changes the alpha channel value and returns a new `Colord` instance.
378 |
379 | ```js
380 | colord("rgb(0, 0, 0)").alpha(0.5).toRgbString(); // "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"
381 | ```
382 |
383 | </details>
384 |
385 | <details>
386 | <summary><b><code>.invert()</code></b></summary>
387 |
388 | Creates a new `Colord` instance containing an inverted (opposite) version of the color.
389 |
390 | ```js
391 | colord("#ffffff").invert().toHex(); // "#000000"
392 | colord("#aabbcc").invert().toHex(); // "#554433"
393 | ```
394 |
395 | </details>
396 |
397 | <details>
398 | <summary><b><code>.saturate(amount = 0.1)</code></b></summary>
399 |
400 | Increases the [HSL saturation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV) of a color by the given amount.
401 |
402 | ```js
403 | colord("#bf4040").saturate(0.25).toHex(); // "#df2020"
404 | colord("hsl(0, 50%, 50%)").saturate(0.5).toHslString(); // "hsl(0, 100%, 50%)"
405 | ```
406 |
407 | </details>
408 |
409 | <details>
410 | <summary><b><code>.desaturate(amount = 0.1)</code></b></summary>
411 |
412 | Decreases the [HSL saturation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV) of a color by the given amount.
413 |
414 | ```js
415 | colord("#df2020").saturate(0.25).toHex(); // "#bf4040"
416 | colord("hsl(0, 100%, 50%)").saturate(0.5).toHslString(); // "hsl(0, 50%, 50%)"
417 | ```
418 |
419 | </details>
420 |
421 | <details>
422 | <summary><b><code>.grayscale()</code></b></summary>
423 |
424 | Makes a gray color with the same lightness as a source color. Same as calling `desaturate(1)`.
425 |
426 | ```js
427 | colord("#bf4040").grayscale().toHex(); // "#808080"
428 | colord("hsl(0, 100%, 50%)").grayscale().toHslString(); // "hsl(0, 0%, 50%)"
429 | ```
430 |
431 | </details>
432 |
433 | <details>
434 | <summary><b><code>.lighten(amount = 0.1)</code></b></summary>
435 |
436 | Increases the [HSL lightness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV) of a color by the given amount.
437 |
438 | ```js
439 | colord("#000000").lighten(0.5).toHex(); // "#808080"
440 | colord("#223344").lighten(0.3).toHex(); // "#5580aa"
441 | colord("hsl(0, 50%, 50%)").lighten(0.5).toHslString(); // "hsl(0, 50%, 100%)"
442 | ```
443 |
444 | </details>
445 |
446 | <details>
447 | <summary><b><code>.darken(amount = 0.1)</code></b></summary>
448 |
449 | Decreases the [HSL lightness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV) of a color by the given amount.
450 |
451 | ```js
452 | colord("#ffffff").darken(0.5).toHex(); // "#808080"
453 | colord("#5580aa").darken(0.3).toHex(); // "#223344"
454 | colord("hsl(0, 50%, 100%)").lighten(0.5).toHslString(); // "hsl(0, 50%, 50%)"
455 | ```
456 |
457 | </details>
458 |
459 | <details>
460 | <summary><b><code>.hue(value)</code></b></summary>
461 |
462 | Changes the hue value and returns a new `Colord` instance.
463 |
464 | ```js
465 | colord("hsl(90, 50%, 50%)").hue(180).toHslString(); // "hsl(180, 50%, 50%)"
466 | colord("hsl(90, 50%, 50%)").hue(370).toHslString(); // "hsl(10, 50%, 50%)"
467 | ```
468 |
469 | </details>
470 |
471 | <details>
472 | <summary><b><code>.rotate(amount = 15)</code></b></summary>
473 |
474 | Increases the [HSL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV) hue value of a color by the given amount.
475 |
476 | ```js
477 | colord("hsl(90, 50%, 50%)").rotate(90).toHslString(); // "hsl(180, 50%, 50%)"
478 | colord("hsl(90, 50%, 50%)").rotate(-180).toHslString(); // "hsl(270, 50%, 50%)"
479 | ```
480 |
481 | </details>
482 |
483 | <details>
484 | <summary><b><code>.mix(color2, ratio = 0.5)</code></b> (<b>mix</b> plugin)</summary>
485 |
486 | Produces a mixture of two colors and returns the result of mixing them (new Colord instance).
487 |
488 | In contrast to other libraries that perform RGB values mixing, Colord mixes colors through [LAB color space](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIELAB_color_space). This approach produces better results and doesn't have the drawbacks the legacy way has.
489 |
490 | → [Online demo](https://3cg7o.csb.app/)
491 |
492 | ```js
493 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
494 | import mixPlugin from "colord/plugins/mix";
495 |
496 | extend([mixPlugin]);
497 |
498 | colord("#ffffff").mix("#000000").toHex(); // "#777777"
499 | colord("#800080").mix("#dda0dd").toHex(); // "#af5cae"
500 | colord("#cd853f").mix("#eee8aa", 0.6).toHex(); // "#e3c07e"
501 | colord("#008080").mix("#808000", 0.35).toHex(); // "#50805d"
502 | ```
503 |
504 | </details>
505 |
506 | <details>
507 | <summary><b><code>.tints(count = 5)</code></b> (<b>mix</b> plugin)</summary>
508 |
509 | Provides functionality to generate [tints](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tints_and_shades) of a color. Returns an array of `Colord` instances, including the original color.
510 |
511 | ```js
512 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
513 | import mixPlugin from "colord/plugins/mix";
514 |
515 | extend([mixPlugin]);
516 |
517 | const color = colord("#ff0000");
518 | color.tints(3).map((c) => c.toHex()); // ["#ff0000", "#ff9f80", "#ffffff"];
519 | ```
520 |
521 | </details>
522 |
523 | <details>
524 | <summary><b><code>.shades(count = 5)</code></b> (<b>mix</b> plugin)</summary>
525 |
526 | Provides functionality to generate [shades](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tints_and_shades) of a color. Returns an array of `Colord` instances, including the original color.
527 |
528 | ```js
529 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
530 | import mixPlugin from "colord/plugins/mix";
531 |
532 | extend([mixPlugin]);
533 |
534 | const color = colord("#ff0000");
535 | color.shades(3).map((c) => c.toHex()); // ["#ff0000", "#7a1b0b", "#000000"];
536 | ```
537 |
538 | </details>
539 |
540 | <details>
541 | <summary><b><code>.tones(count = 5)</code></b> (<b>mix</b> plugin)</summary>
542 |
543 | Provides functionality to generate [tones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tints_and_shades) of a color. Returns an array of `Colord` instances, including the original color.
544 |
545 | ```js
546 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
547 | import mixPlugin from "colord/plugins/mix";
548 |
549 | extend([mixPlugin]);
550 |
551 | const color = colord("#ff0000");
552 | color.tones(3).map((c) => c.toHex()); // ["#ff0000", "#c86147", "#808080"];
553 | ```
554 |
555 | </details>
556 |
557 | <details>
558 | <summary><b><code>.harmonies(type = "complementary")</code></b> (<b>harmonies</b> plugin)</summary>
559 |
560 | Provides functionality to generate [harmony colors](<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harmony_(color)>). Returns an array of `Colord` instances.
561 |
562 | ```js
563 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
564 | import harmoniesPlugin from "colord/plugins/harmonies";
565 |
566 | extend([harmoniesPlugin]);
567 |
568 | const color = colord("#ff0000");
569 | color.harmonies("analogous").map((c) => c.toHex()); // ["#ff0080", "#ff0000", "#ff8000"]
570 | color.harmonies("complementary").map((c) => c.toHex()); // ["#ff0000", "#00ffff"]
571 | color.harmonies("double-split-complementary").map((c) => c.toHex()); // ["#ff0080", "#ff0000", "#ff8000", "#00ff80", "#0080ff"]
572 | color.harmonies("rectangle").map((c) => c.toHex()); // ["#ff0000", "#ffff00", "#00ffff", "#0000ff"]
573 | color.harmonies("split-complementary").map((c) => c.toHex()); // ["#ff0000", "#00ff80", "#0080ff"]
574 | color.harmonies("tetradic").map((c) => c.toHex()); // ["#ff0000", "#80ff00", "#00ffff", "#8000ff"]
575 | color.harmonies("triadic").map((c) => c.toHex()); // ["#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff"]
576 | ```
577 |
578 | </details>
579 |
580 | ### Color analysis
581 |
582 | <details>
583 | <summary><b><code>.isValid()</code></b></summary>
584 |
585 | Returns a boolean indicating whether or not an input has been parsed successfully.
586 | Note: If parsing is unsuccessful, Colord defaults to black (does not throws an error).
587 |
588 | ```js
589 | colord("#ffffff").isValid(); // true
590 | colord("#wwuutt").isValid(); // false
591 | colord("abracadabra").isValid(); // false
592 | colord({ r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }).isValid(); // true
593 | colord({ r: 0, g: 0, v: 0 }).isValid(); // false
594 | ```
595 |
596 | </details>
597 |
598 | <details>
599 | <summary><b><code>.isEqual(color2)</code></b></summary>
600 |
601 | Determines whether two values are the same color.
602 |
603 | ```js
604 | colord("#000000").isEqual("rgb(0, 0, 0)"); // true
605 | colord("#000000").isEqual("rgb(255, 255, 255)"); // false
606 | ```
607 |
608 | </details>
609 |
610 | <details>
611 | <summary><b><code>.alpha()</code></b></summary>
612 |
613 | ```js
614 | colord("#ffffff").alpha(); // 1
615 | colord("rgba(50, 100, 150, 0.5)").alpha(); // 0.5
616 | ```
617 |
618 | </details>
619 |
620 | <details>
621 | <summary><b><code>.hue()</code></b></summary>
622 |
623 | ```js
624 | colord("hsl(90, 50%, 50%)").hue(); // 90
625 | colord("hsl(-10, 50%, 50%)").hue(); // 350
626 | ```
627 |
628 | </details>
629 |
630 | <details>
631 | <summary><b><code>.brightness()</code></b></summary>
632 |
633 | Returns the brightness of a color (from 0 to 1). The calculation logic is modified from [Web Content Accessibility Guidelines](https://www.w3.org/TR/AERT/#color-contrast).
634 |
635 | ```js
636 | colord("#000000").brightness(); // 0
637 | colord("#808080").brightness(); // 0.5
638 | colord("#ffffff").brightness(); // 1
639 | ```
640 |
641 | </details>
642 |
643 | <details>
644 | <summary><b><code>.isLight()</code></b></summary>
645 |
646 | Same as calling `brightness() >= 0.5`.
647 |
648 | ```js
649 | colord("#111111").isLight(); // false
650 | colord("#aabbcc").isLight(); // true
651 | colord("#ffffff").isLight(); // true
652 | ```
653 |
654 | </details>
655 |
656 | <details>
657 | <summary><b><code>.isDark()</code></b></summary>
658 |
659 | Same as calling `brightness() < 0.5`.
660 |
661 | ```js
662 | colord("#111111").isDark(); // true
663 | colord("#aabbcc").isDark(); // false
664 | colord("#ffffff").isDark(); // false
665 | ```
666 |
667 | </details>
668 |
669 | <details>
670 | <summary><b><code>.luminance()</code></b> (<b>a11y</b> plugin)</summary>
671 |
672 | Returns the relative luminance of a color, normalized to 0 for darkest black and 1 for lightest white as defined by [WCAG 2.0](https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#relativeluminancedef).
673 |
674 | ```js
675 | colord("#000000").luminance(); // 0
676 | colord("#808080").luminance(); // 0.22
677 | colord("#ccddee").luminance(); // 0.71
678 | colord("#ffffff").luminance(); // 1
679 | ```
680 |
681 | </details>
682 |
683 | <details>
684 | <summary><b><code>.contrast(color2 = "#FFF")</code></b> (<b>a11y</b> plugin)</summary>
685 |
686 | Calculates a contrast ratio for a color pair. This luminance difference is expressed as a ratio ranging from 1 (e.g. white on white) to 21 (e.g., black on a white). [WCAG Accessibility Level AA requires](https://webaim.org/articles/contrast/) a ratio of at least 4.5 for normal text and 3 for large text.
687 |
688 | ```js
689 | colord("#000000").contrast(); // 21 (black on white)
690 | colord("#ffffff").contrast("#000000"); // 21 (white on black)
691 | colord("#777777").contrast(); // 4.47 (gray on white)
692 | colord("#ff0000").contrast(); // 3.99 (red on white)
693 | colord("#0000ff").contrast("#ff000"); // 2.14 (blue on red)
694 | ```
695 |
696 | </details>
697 |
698 | <details>
699 | <summary><b><code>.isReadable(color2 = "#FFF", options?)</code></b> (<b>a11y</b> plugin)</summary>
700 |
701 | Checks that a background and text color pair is readable according to [WCAG 2.0 Contrast and Color Requirements](https://webaim.org/articles/contrast/).
702 |
703 | ```js
704 | colord("#000000").isReadable(); // true (normal black text on white bg conforms to WCAG AA)
705 | colord("#777777").isReadable(); // false (normal gray text on white bg conforms to WCAG AA)
706 | colord("#ffffff").isReadable("#000000"); // true (normal white text on black bg conforms to WCAG AA)
707 | colord("#e60000").isReadable("#ffff47"); // true (normal red text on yellow bg conforms to WCAG AA)
708 | colord("#e60000").isReadable("#ffff47", { level: "AAA" }); // false (normal red text on yellow bg does not conform to WCAG AAA)
709 | colord("#e60000").isReadable("#ffff47", { level: "AAA", size: "large" }); // true (large red text on yellow bg conforms to WCAG AAA)
710 | ```
711 |
712 | </details>
713 |
714 | <details>
715 | <summary><b><code>.delta(color2 = "#FFF")</code></b> (<b>lab</b> plugin)</summary>
716 |
717 | Calculates the perceived color difference between two colors.
718 | The difference calculated according to [Delta E2000](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_difference#CIEDE2000).
719 | The return value is `0` if the colors are equal, `1` if they are entirely different.
720 |
721 | ```js
722 | colord("#3296fa").delta("#197dc8"); // 0.099
723 | colord("#faf0c8").delta("#ffffff"); // 0.148
724 | colord("#afafaf").delta("#b4b4b4"); // 0.014
725 | colord("#000000").delta("#ffffff"); // 1
726 | ```
727 |
728 | </details>
729 |
730 | ### Color utilities
731 |
732 | <details>
733 | <summary><b><code>random()</code></b></summary>
734 |
735 | Returns a new Colord instance with a random color value inside.
736 |
737 | ```js
738 | import { random } from "colord";
739 |
740 | random().toHex(); // "#01c8ec"
741 | random().alpha(0.5).toRgb(); // { r: 13, g: 237, b: 162, a: 0.5 }
742 | ```
743 |
744 | </details>
745 |
746 | <details>
747 | <summary><b><code>.minify(options?)</code></b></summary>
748 |
749 | Converts a color to its shortest string representation.
750 |
751 | ```js
752 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
753 | import minifyPlugin from "colord/plugins/minify";
754 |
755 | extend([minifyPlugin]);
756 |
757 | colord("black").minify(); // "#000"
758 | colord("#112233").minify(); // "#123"
759 | colord("darkgray").minify(); // "#a9a9a9"
760 | colord("rgba(170,170,170,0.4)").minify(); // "hsla(0,0%,67%,.4)"
761 | colord("rgba(170,170,170,0.4)").minify({ alphaHex: true }); // "#aaa6"
762 | ```
763 |
764 | | Option | Default | Description |
765 | | ------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
766 | | `hex` | `true` | Enable `#rrggbb` and `#rgb` notations |
767 | | `alphaHex` | `false` | Enable `#rrggbbaa` and `#rgba` notations |
768 | | `rgb` | `true` | Enable `rgb()` and `rgba()` functional notations |
769 | | `hsl` | `true` | Enable `hsl()` and `hsla()` functional notations |
770 | | `name` | `false` | Enable CSS color keywords. Requires `names` plugin installed |
771 | | `transparent` | `false` | Enable `"transparent"` color keyword |
772 |
773 | </details>
774 |
775 | <div><img src="assets/divider.png" width="838" alt="---" /></div>
776 |
777 | ## Plugins
778 |
779 | **Colord** has a built-in plugin system that allows new features and functionality to be easily added.
780 |
781 | <details>
782 | <summary><b><code>a11y</code> (Accessibility)</b> <i>0.38 KB</i></summary>
783 |
784 | Adds accessibility and color contrast utilities working according to [Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0](https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/).
785 |
786 | ```js
787 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
788 | import a11yPlugin from "colord/plugins/a11y";
789 |
790 | extend([a11yPlugin]);
791 |
792 | colord("#000000").luminance(); // 0
793 | colord("#ccddee").luminance(); // 0.71
794 | colord("#ffffff").luminance(); // 1
795 |
796 | colord("#000000").contrast(); // 21 (black on white)
797 | colord("#ffffff").contrast("#000000"); // 21 (white on black)
798 | colord("#0000ff").contrast("#ff000"); // 2.14 (blue on red)
799 |
800 | colord("#000000").isReadable(); // true (black on white)
801 | colord("#ffffff").isReadable("#000000"); // true (white on black)
802 | colord("#777777").isReadable(); // false (gray on white)
803 | colord("#e60000").isReadable("#ffff47"); // true (normal red text on yellow bg conforms to WCAG AA)
804 | colord("#e60000").isReadable("#ffff47", { level: "AAA" }); // false (normal red text on yellow bg does not conform to WCAG AAA)
805 | colord("#e60000").isReadable("#ffff47", { level: "AAA", size: "large" }); // true (large red text on yellow bg conforms to WCAG AAA)
806 | ```
807 |
808 | </details>
809 |
810 | <details>
811 | <summary><b><code>cmyk</code> (CMYK color space)</b> <i>0.6 KB</i></summary>
812 |
813 | Adds support of [CMYK](https://www.sttmedia.com/colormodel-cmyk) color model.
814 |
815 | ```js
816 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
817 | import cmykPlugin from "colord/plugins/cmyk";
818 |
819 | extend([cmykPlugin]);
820 |
821 | colord("#ffffff").toCmyk(); // { c: 0, m: 0, y: 0, k: 0, a: 1 }
822 | colord("#999966").toCmykString(); // "device-cmyk(0% 0% 33% 40%)"
823 | colord({ c: 0, m: 0, y: 0, k: 100, a: 1 }).toHex(); // "#000000"
824 | colord("device-cmyk(0% 61% 72% 0% / 50%)").toHex(); // "#ff634780"
825 | ```
826 |
827 | </details>
828 |
829 | <details>
830 | <summary><b><code>harmonies</code> (Color harmonies)</b> <i>0.15 KB</i></summary>
831 |
832 | Provides functionality to generate [harmony colors](<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harmony_(color)>).
833 |
834 | ```js
835 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
836 | import harmonies from "colord/plugins/harmonies";
837 |
838 | extend([harmonies]);
839 |
840 | const color = colord("#ff0000");
841 | color.harmonies("analogous").map((c) => c.toHex()); // ["#ff0080", "#ff0000", "#ff8000"]
842 | color.harmonies("complementary").map((c) => c.toHex()); // ["#ff0000", "#00ffff"]
843 | color.harmonies("double-split-complementary").map((c) => c.toHex()); // ["#ff0080", "#ff0000", "#ff8000", "#00ff80", "#0080ff"]
844 | color.harmonies("rectangle").map((c) => c.toHex()); // ["#ff0000", "#ffff00", "#00ffff", "#0000ff"]
845 | color.harmonies("split-complementary").map((c) => c.toHex()); // ["#ff0000", "#00ff80", "#0080ff"]
846 | color.harmonies("tetradic").map((c) => c.toHex()); // ["#ff0000", "#80ff00", "#00ffff", "#8000ff"]
847 | color.harmonies("triadic").map((c) => c.toHex()); // ["#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff"]
848 | ```
849 |
850 | </details>
851 |
852 | <details>
853 | <summary><b><code>hwb</code> (HWB color model)</b> <i>0.8 KB</i></summary>
854 |
855 | Adds support of [Hue-Whiteness-Blackness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HWB_color_model) color model.
856 |
857 | ```js
858 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
859 | import hwbPlugin from "colord/plugins/hwb";
860 |
861 | extend([hwbPlugin]);
862 |
863 | colord("#999966").toHwb(); // { h: 60, w: 40, b: 40, a: 1 }
864 | colord("#003366").toHwbString(); // "hwb(210 0% 60%)"
865 |
866 | colord({ h: 60, w: 40, b: 40 }).toHex(); // "#999966"
867 | colord("hwb(210 0% 60% / 50%)").toHex(); // "#00336680"
868 | ```
869 |
870 | </details>
871 |
872 | <details>
873 | <summary><b><code>lab</code> (CIE LAB color space)</b> <i>1.4 KB</i></summary>
874 |
875 | Adds support of [CIE LAB](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIELAB_color_space) color model. The conversion logic is ported from [CSS Color Module Level 4 Specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#color-conversion-code).
876 |
877 | Also plugin provides `.delta` method for [perceived color difference calculations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_difference#CIEDE2000).
878 |
879 | ```js
880 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
881 | import labPlugin from "colord/plugins/lab";
882 |
883 | extend([labPlugin]);
884 |
885 | colord({ l: 53.24, a: 80.09, b: 67.2 }).toHex(); // "#ff0000"
886 | colord("#ffffff").toLab(); // { l: 100, a: 0, b: 0, alpha: 1 }
887 |
888 | colord("#afafaf").delta("#b4b4b4"); // 0.014
889 | colord("#000000").delta("#ffffff"); // 1
890 | ```
891 |
892 | </details>
893 |
894 | <details>
895 | <summary><b><code>lch</code> (CIE LCH color space)</b> <i>1.3 KB</i></summary>
896 |
897 | Adds support of [CIE LCH](https://lea.verou.me/2020/04/lch-colors-in-css-what-why-and-how/) color space. The conversion logic is ported from [CSS Color Module Level 4 Specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#color-conversion-code).
898 |
899 | ```js
900 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
901 | import lchPlugin from "colord/plugins/lch";
902 |
903 | extend([lchPlugin]);
904 |
905 | colord({ l: 100, c: 0, h: 0 }).toHex(); // "#ffffff"
906 | colord("lch(48.25% 30.07 196.38)").toHex(); // "#008080"
907 |
908 | colord("#646464").toLch(); // { l: 42.37, c: 0, h: 0, a: 1 }
909 | colord("#646464").alpha(0.5).toLchString(); // "lch(42.37% 0 0 / 0.5)"
910 | ```
911 |
912 | </details>
913 |
914 | <details>
915 | <summary><b><code>minify</code> (Color string minification)</b> <i>0.5 KB</i></summary>
916 |
917 | A plugin adding color string minification utilities.
918 |
919 | ```js
920 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
921 | import minifyPlugin from "colord/plugins/minify";
922 |
923 | extend([minifyPlugin]);
924 |
925 | colord("black").minify(); // "#000"
926 | colord("#112233").minify(); // "#123"
927 | colord("darkgray").minify(); // "#a9a9a9"
928 | colord("rgba(170,170,170,0.4)").minify(); // "hsla(0,0%,67%,.4)"
929 | colord("rgba(170,170,170,0.4)").minify({ alphaHex: true }); // "#aaa6"
930 | ```
931 |
932 | </details>
933 |
934 | <details>
935 | <summary><b><code>mix</code> (Color mixing)</b> <i>0.96 KB</i></summary>
936 |
937 | A plugin adding color mixing utilities.
938 |
939 | In contrast to other libraries that perform RGB values mixing, Colord mixes colors through [LAB color space](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIELAB_color_space). This approach produces better results and doesn't have the drawbacks the legacy way has.
940 |
941 | → [Online demo](https://3cg7o.csb.app/)
942 |
943 | ```js
944 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
945 | import mixPlugin from "colord/plugins/mix";
946 |
947 | extend([mixPlugin]);
948 |
949 | colord("#ffffff").mix("#000000").toHex(); // "#777777"
950 | colord("#800080").mix("#dda0dd").toHex(); // "#af5cae"
951 | colord("#cd853f").mix("#eee8aa", 0.6).toHex(); // "#e3c07e"
952 | colord("#008080").mix("#808000", 0.35).toHex(); // "#50805d"
953 | ```
954 |
955 | Also, the plugin provides special mixtures such as [tints, shades, and tones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tints_and_shades):
956 |
957 | <div align="center">
958 | <img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d6/Tint-tone-shade.svg/320px-Tint-tone-shade.svg.png" alt="tints, shades, and tones mixtures" />
959 | </div>
960 |
961 | ```js
962 | const color = colord("#ff0000");
963 | color.tints(3).map((c) => c.toHex()); // ["#ff0000", "#ff9f80", "#ffffff"];
964 | color.shades(3).map((c) => c.toHex()); // ["#ff0000", "#7a1b0b", "#000000"];
965 | color.tones(3).map((c) => c.toHex()); // ["#ff0000", "#c86147", "#808080"];
966 | ```
967 |
968 | </details>
969 |
970 | <details>
971 | <summary><b><code>names</code> (CSS color keywords)</b> <i>1.45 KB</i></summary>
972 |
973 | Provides options to convert a color into a [CSS color keyword](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value#color_keywords) and vice versa.
974 |
975 | ```js
976 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
977 | import namesPlugin from "colord/plugins/names";
978 |
979 | extend([namesPlugin]);
980 |
981 | colord("tomato").toHex(); // "#ff6347"
982 | colord("#00ffff").toName(); // "cyan"
983 | colord("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)").toName(); // "transparent"
984 | colord("#fe0000").toName(); // undefined (the color is not specified in CSS specs)
985 | colord("#fe0000").toName({ closest: true }); // "red" (closest color)
986 | ```
987 |
988 | </details>
989 |
990 | <details>
991 | <summary><b><code>xyz</code> (CIE XYZ color space)</b> <i>0.7 KB</i></summary>
992 |
993 | Adds support of [CIE XYZ](https://www.sttmedia.com/colormodel-xyz) color model. The conversion logic is ported from [CSS Color Module Level 4 Specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#color-conversion-code).
994 |
995 | ```js
996 | import { colord, extend } from "colord";
997 | import xyzPlugin from "colord/plugins/xyz";
998 |
999 | extend([xyzPlugin]);
1000 |
1001 | colord("#ffffff").toXyz(); // { x: 95.047, y: 100, z: 108.883, a: 1 }
1002 | colord({ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }).toHex(); // "#000000"
1003 | ```
1004 |
1005 | </details>
1006 |
1007 | <div><img src="assets/divider.png" width="838" alt="---" /></div>
1008 |
1009 | ## Types
1010 |
1011 | **Colord** is written in strict TypeScript and ships with types in the library itself — no need for any other install. We provide everything you need in one tiny package.
1012 |
1013 | While not only typing its own functions and variables, **Colord** can also help you type yours. Depending on the color space you are using, you can also import and use the type that is associated with it.
1014 |
1015 | ```ts
1016 | import { RgbColor, RgbaColor, HslColor, HslaColor, HsvColor, HsvaColor } from "colord";
1017 |
1018 | const foo: HslColor = { h: 0, s: 0, l: 0 };
1019 | const bar: RgbColor = { r: 0, g: 0, v: 0 }; // ERROR
1020 | ```
1021 |
1022 | <div><img src="assets/divider.png" width="838" alt="---" /></div>
1023 |
1024 | ## Projects using Colord
1025 |
1026 | - [cssnano](https://github.com/cssnano/cssnano) — the most popular CSS minification tool
1027 | - [Resume.io](https://resume.io/) — online resume builder with over 12,000,000 users worldwide
1028 | - [Leva](https://github.com/pmndrs/leva) — open source extensible GUI panel made for React
1029 | - [Qui Max](https://github.com/Qvant-lab/qui-max) — Vue.js design system and component library
1030 | - and [thousands more](https://github.com/omgovich/colord/network/dependents)...
1031 |
1032 | <div><img src="assets/divider.png" width="838" alt="---" /></div>
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1034 | ## Roadmap
1035 |
1036 | - [x] Parse and convert Hex, RGB(A), HSL(A), HSV(A)
1037 | - [x] Saturate, desaturate, grayscale
1038 | - [x] Trim an input value
1039 | - [x] Clamp input numbers to resolve edge cases (e.g. `rgb(256, -1, 999, 2)`)
1040 | - [x] `brightness`, `isDark`, `isLight`
1041 | - [x] Set and get `alpha`
1042 | - [x] Plugin API
1043 | - [x] 4 and 8 digit Hex
1044 | - [x] `lighten`, `darken`
1045 | - [x] `invert`
1046 | - [x] CSS color names (via plugin)
1047 | - [x] A11y and contrast utils (via plugin)
1048 | - [x] XYZ color space (via plugin)
1049 | - [x] [HWB](https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color/#the-hwb-notation) color space (via plugin)
1050 | - [x] [LAB](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#resolving-lab-lch-values) color space (via plugin)
1051 | - [x] [LCH](https://lea.verou.me/2020/04/lch-colors-in-css-what-why-and-how/) color space (via plugin)
1052 | - [x] Mix colors (via plugin)
1053 | - [x] CMYK color space (via plugin)