1 | # CSS Has Pseudo [<img src="http://jonathantneal.github.io/js-logo.svg" alt="" width="90" height="90" align="right">][CSS Has Pseudo]
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6 |
7 | [CSS Has Pseudo] lets you style elements relative to other elements in CSS,
8 | following the [Selectors Level 4] specification.
9 |
10 | ```css
11 | a:has(> img) {
12 | /* style links that contain an image */
13 | }
14 |
15 | h1:has(+ p) {
16 | /* style level 1 headings that are followed by a paragraph */
17 | }
18 |
19 | section:not(:has(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6)) {
20 | /* style sections that don’t contain any heading elements */
21 | }
22 |
23 | body:has(:focus) {
24 | /* style the body if it contains a focused element */
25 | }
26 | ```
27 |
28 | ## Usage
29 |
30 | From the command line, transform CSS files that use `:has` selectors:
31 |
32 | ```bash
33 | npx css-has-pseudo SOURCE.css TRANSFORMED.css
34 | ```
35 |
36 | Next, use your transformed CSS with this script:
37 |
38 | ```html
39 | <link rel="stylesheet" href="TRANSFORMED.css">
40 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/css-has-pseudo/browser"></script>
41 | <script>cssHasPseudo(document)</script>
42 | ```
43 |
44 | That’s it. The script is 765 bytes and works in all browsers, including
45 | Internet Explorer 11. With a [Mutation Observer polyfill], the script will work
46 | down to Internet Explorer 9.
47 |
48 | ## How it works
49 |
50 | The [PostCSS plugin](README-POSTCSS.md) clones rules containing `:has`,
51 | replacing them with an alternative `[:has]` selector.
52 |
53 | ```css
54 | body:has(:focus) {
55 | background-color: yellow;
56 | }
57 |
58 | section:not(:has(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6)) {
59 | background-color: gray;
60 | }
61 |
62 | /* becomes */
63 |
64 | body[\:has\(\:focus\)] {
65 | background-color: yellow;
66 | }
67 |
68 | body:has(:focus) {
69 | background-color: yellow;
70 | }
71 |
72 | section[\:not-has\(h1\,\%20h2\,\%20h3\,\%20h4\,\%20h5\,\%20h6\)] {
73 | background-color: gray;
74 | }
75 |
76 | section:not(:has(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6)) {
77 | background-color: gray;
78 | }
79 | ```
80 |
81 | Next, the [JavaScript library](README-BROWSER.md) adds a `[:has]` attribute to
82 | elements otherwise matching `:has` natively.
83 |
84 | ```html
85 | <body :has(:focus)>
86 | <input value="This element is focused">
87 | </body>
88 | ```
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90 | [cli-img]: https://img.shields.io/travis/csstools/css-has-pseudo/master.svg
91 | [cli-url]: https://travis-ci.org/csstools/css-has-pseudo
92 | [git-img]: https://img.shields.io/badge/support-chat-blue.svg
93 | [git-url]: https://gitter.im/postcss/postcss
94 | [npm-img]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/css-has-pseudo.svg
95 | [npm-url]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/css-has-pseudo
96 |
97 | [CSS Has Pseudo]: https://github.com/csstools/css-has-pseudo
98 | [Mutation Observer polyfill]: https://github.com/webmodules/mutation-observer
99 | [Selectors Level 4]: https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#has-pseudo