1 | # 5.0.0
2 |
3 | - Allow escaped dot within class name.
4 | - Update PostCSS to 7.0.7 (patch)
5 |
6 | # 5.0.0-rc.4
7 |
8 | - Fixed and issue where comments immediately after an insensitive
9 | (in attribute) were not parsed correctly.
10 | - Updated `cssesc` to 2.0.0 (major).
11 | - Removed outdated integration tests.
12 | - Added tests for custom selectors, tags with attributes, the universal
13 | selector with pseudos, and tokens after combinators.
14 |
15 | # 5.0.0-rc.1
16 |
17 | To ease adoption of the v5.0 release, we have relaxed the node version
18 | check performed by npm at installation time to allow for node 4, which
19 | remains officially unsupported, but likely to continue working for the
20 | time being.
21 |
22 | # 5.0.0-rc.0
23 |
24 | This release has **BREAKING CHANGES** that were required to fix regressions
25 | in 4.0.0 and to make the Combinator Node API consistent for all combinator
26 | types. Please read carefully.
27 |
28 | ## Summary of Changes
29 |
30 | * The way a descendent combinator that isn't a single space character (E.g. `.a .b`) is stored in the AST has changed.
31 | * Named Combinators (E.g. `.a /for/ .b`) are now properly parsed as a combinator.
32 | * It is now possible to look up a node based on the source location of a character in that node and to query nodes if they contain some character.
33 | * Several bug fixes that caused the parser to hang and run out of memory when a `/` was encountered have been fixed.
34 | * The minimum supported version of Node is now `v6.0.0`.
35 |
36 | ### Changes to the Descendent Combinator
37 |
38 | In prior releases, the value of a descendant combinator with multiple spaces included all the spaces.
39 |
40 | * `.a .b`: Extra spaces are now stored as space before.
41 | - Old & Busted:
42 | - `combinator.value === " "`
43 | - New hotness:
44 | - `combinator.value === " " && combinator.spaces.before === " "`
45 | * `.a /*comment*/.b`: A comment at the end of the combinator causes extra space to become after space.
46 | - Old & Busted:
47 | - `combinator.value === " "`
48 | - `combinator.raws.value === " /*comment/"`
49 | - New hotness:
50 | - `combinator.value === " "`
51 | - `combinator.spaces.after === " "`
52 | - `combinator.raws.spaces.after === " /*comment*/"`
53 | * `.a<newline>.b`: whitespace that doesn't start or end with a single space character is stored as a raw value.
54 | - Old & Busted:
55 | - `combinator.value === "\n"`
56 | - `combinator.raws.value === undefined`
57 | - New hotness:
58 | - `combinator.value === " "`
59 | - `combinator.raws.value === "\n"`
60 |
61 | ### Support for "Named Combinators"
62 |
63 | Although, nonstandard and unlikely to ever become a standard, combinators like `/deep/` and `/for/` are now properly supported.
64 |
65 | Because they've been taken off the standardization track, there is no spec-official name for combinators of the form `/<ident>/`. However, I talked to [Tab Atkins](https://twitter.com/tabatkins) and we agreed to call them "named combinators" so now they are called that.
66 |
67 | Before this release such named combinators were parsed without intention and generated three nodes of type `"tag"` where the first and last nodes had a value of `"/"`.
68 |
69 | * `.a /for/ .b` is parsed as a combinator.
70 | - Old & Busted:
71 | - `root.nodes[0].nodes[1].type === "tag"`
72 | - `root.nodes[0].nodes[1].value === "/"`
73 | - New hotness:
74 | - `root.nodes[0].nodes[1].type === "combinator"`
75 | - `root.nodes[0].nodes[1].value === "/for/"`
76 | * `.a /F\6fR/ .b` escapes are handled and uppercase is normalized.
77 | - Old & Busted:
78 | - `root.nodes[0].nodes[2].type === "tag"`
79 | - `root.nodes[0].nodes[2].value === "F\\6fR"`
80 | - New hotness:
81 | - `root.nodes[0].nodes[1].type === "combinator"`
82 | - `root.nodes[0].nodes[1].value === "/for/"`
83 | - `root.nodes[0].nodes[1].raws.value === "/F\\6fR/"`
84 |
85 | ### Source position checks and lookups
86 |
87 | A new API was added to look up a node based on the source location.
88 |
89 | ```js
90 | const selectorParser = require("postcss-selector-parser");
91 | // You can find the most specific node for any given character
92 | let combinator = selectorParser.astSync(".a > .b").atPosition(1,4);
93 | combinator.toString() === " > ";
94 | // You can check if a node includes a specific character
95 | // Whitespace surrounding the node that is owned by that node
96 | // is included in the check.
97 | [2,3,4,5,6].map(column => combinator.isAtPosition(1, column));
98 | // => [false, true, true, true, false]
99 | ```
100 |
101 | # 4.0.0
102 |
103 | This release has **BREAKING CHANGES** that were required to fix bugs regarding values with escape sequences. Please read carefully.
104 |
105 | * **Identifiers with escapes** - CSS escape sequences are now hidden from the public API by default.
106 | The normal value of a node like a class name or ID, or an aspect of a node such as attribute
107 | selector's value, is unescaped. Escapes representing Non-ascii characters are unescaped into
108 | unicode characters. For example: `bu\tton, .\31 00, #i\2764\FE0Fu, [attr="value is \"quoted\""]`
109 | will parse respectively to the values `button`, `100`, `i❤️u`, `value is "quoted"`.
110 | The original escape sequences for these values can be found in the corresponding property name
111 | in `node.raws`. Where possible, deprecation warnings were added, but the nature
112 | of escape handling makes it impossible to detect what is escaped or not. Our expectation is
113 | that most users are neither expecting nor handling escape sequences in their use of this library,
114 | and so for them, this is a bug fix. Users who are taking care to handle escapes correctly can
115 | now update their code to remove the escape handling and let us do it for them.
116 |
117 | * **Mutating values with escapes** - When you make an update to a node property that has escape handling
118 | The value is assumed to be unescaped, and any special characters are escaped automatically and
119 | the corresponding `raws` value is immediately updated. This can result in changes to the original
120 | escape format. Where the exact value of the escape sequence is important there are methods that
121 | allow both values to be set in conjunction. There are a number of new convenience methods for
122 | manipulating values that involve escapes, especially for attributes values where the quote mark
123 | is involved. See https://github.com/postcss/postcss-selector-parser/pull/133 for an extensive
124 | write-up on these changes.
125 |
126 |
127 | **Upgrade/API Example**
128 |
129 | In `3.x` there was no unescape handling and internal consistency of several properties was the caller's job to maintain. It was very easy for the developer
130 | to create a CSS file that did not parse correctly when some types of values
131 | were in use.
132 |
133 | ```js
134 | const selectorParser = require("postcss-selector-parser");
135 | let attr = selectorParser.attribute({attribute: "id", operator: "=", value: "a-value"});
136 | attr.value; // => "a-value"
137 | attr.toString(); // => [id=a-value]
138 | // Add quotes to an attribute's value.
139 | // All these values have to be set by the caller to be consistent:
140 | // no internal consistency is maintained.
141 | attr.raws.unquoted = attr.value
142 | attr.value = "'" + attr.value + "'";
143 | attr.value; // => "'a-value'"
144 | attr.quoted = true;
145 | attr.toString(); // => "[id='a-value']"
146 | ```
147 |
148 | In `4.0` there is a convenient API for setting and mutating values
149 | that may need escaping. Especially for attributes.
150 |
151 | ```js
152 | const selectorParser = require("postcss-selector-parser");
153 |
154 | // The constructor requires you specify the exact escape sequence
155 | let className = selectorParser.className({value: "illegal class name", raws: {value: "illegal\\ class\\ name"}});
156 | className.toString(); // => '.illegal\\ class\\ name'
157 |
158 | // So it's better to set the value as a property
159 | className = selectorParser.className();
160 | // Most properties that deal with identifiers work like this
161 | className.value = "escape for me";
162 | className.value; // => 'escape for me'
163 | className.toString(); // => '.escape\\ for\\ me'
164 |
165 | // emoji and all non-ascii are escaped to ensure it works in every css file.
166 | className.value = "😱🦄😍";
167 | className.value; // => '😱🦄😍'
168 | className.toString(); // => '.\\1F631\\1F984\\1F60D'
169 |
170 | // you can control the escape sequence if you want, or do bad bad things
171 | className.setPropertyAndEscape('value', 'xxxx', 'yyyy');
172 | className.value; // => "xxxx"
173 | className.toString(); // => ".yyyy"
174 |
175 | // Pass a value directly through to the css output without escaping it.
176 | className.setPropertyWithoutEscape('value', '$REPLACE_ME$');
177 | className.value; // => "$REPLACE_ME$"
178 | className.toString(); // => ".$REPLACE_ME$"
179 |
180 | // The biggest changes are to the Attribute class
181 | // passing quoteMark explicitly is required to avoid a deprecation warning.
182 | let attr = selectorParser.attribute({attribute: "id", operator: "=", value: "a-value", quoteMark: null});
183 | attr.toString(); // => "[id=a-value]"
184 | // Get the value with quotes on it and any necessary escapes.
185 | // This is the same as reading attr.value in 3.x.
186 | attr.getQuotedValue(); // => "a-value";
187 | attr.quoteMark; // => null
188 |
189 | // Add quotes to an attribute's value.
190 | attr.quoteMark = "'"; // This is all that's required.
191 | attr.toString(); // => "[id='a-value']"
192 | attr.quoted; // => true
193 | // The value is still the same, only the quotes have changed.
194 | attr.value; // => a-value
195 | attr.getQuotedValue(); // => "'a-value'";
196 |
197 | // deprecated assignment, no warning because there's no escapes
198 | attr.value = "new-value";
199 | // no quote mark is needed so it is removed
200 | attr.getQuotedValue(); // => "new-value";
201 |
202 | // deprecated assignment,
203 | attr.value = "\"a 'single quoted' value\"";
204 | // > (node:27859) DeprecationWarning: Assigning an attribute a value containing characters that might need to be escaped is deprecated. Call attribute.setValue() instead.
205 | attr.getQuotedValue(); // => '"a \'single quoted\' value"';
206 | // quote mark inferred from first and last characters.
207 | attr.quoteMark; // => '"'
208 |
209 | // setValue takes options to make manipulating the value simple.
210 | attr.setValue('foo', {smart: true});
211 | // foo doesn't require any escapes or quotes.
212 | attr.toString(); // => '[id=foo]'
213 | attr.quoteMark; // => null
214 |
215 | // An explicit quote mark can be specified
216 | attr.setValue('foo', {quoteMark: '"'});
217 | attr.toString(); // => '[id="foo"]'
218 |
219 | // preserves quote mark by default
220 | attr.setValue('bar');
221 | attr.toString(); // => '[id="bar"]'
222 | attr.quoteMark = null;
223 | attr.toString(); // => '[id=bar]'
224 |
225 | // with no arguments, it preserves quote mark even when it's not a great idea
226 | attr.setValue('a value \n that should be quoted');
227 | attr.toString(); // => '[id=a\\ value\\ \\A\\ that\\ should\\ be\\ quoted]'
228 |
229 | // smart preservation with a specified default
230 | attr.setValue('a value \n that should be quoted', {smart: true, preferCurrentQuoteMark: true, quoteMark: "'"});
231 | // => "[id='a value \\A that should be quoted']"
232 | attr.quoteMark = '"';
233 | // => '[id="a value \\A that should be quoted"]'
234 |
235 | // this keeps double quotes because it wants to quote the value and the existing value has double quotes.
236 | attr.setValue('this should be quoted', {smart: true, preferCurrentQuoteMark: true, quoteMark: "'"});
237 | // => '[id="this should be quoted"]'
238 |
239 | // picks single quotes because the value has double quotes
240 | attr.setValue('a "double quoted" value', {smart: true, preferCurrentQuoteMark: true, quoteMark: "'"});
241 | // => "[id='a "double quoted" value']"
242 |
243 | // setPropertyAndEscape lets you do anything you want. Even things that are a bad idea and illegal.
244 | attr.setPropertyAndEscape('value', 'xxxx', 'the password is 42');
245 | attr.value; // => "xxxx"
246 | attr.toString(); // => "[id=the password is 42]"
247 |
248 | // Pass a value directly through to the css output without escaping it.
249 | attr.setPropertyWithoutEscape('value', '$REPLACEMENT$');
250 | attr.value; // => "$REPLACEMENT$"
251 | attr.toString(); // => "[id=$REPLACEMENT$]"
252 | ```
253 |
254 | # 3.1.2
255 |
256 | * Fix: Removed dot-prop dependency since it's no longer written in es5.
257 |
258 | # 3.1.1
259 |
260 | * Fix: typescript definitions weren't in the published package.
261 |
262 | # 3.1.0
263 |
264 | * Fixed numerous bugs in attribute nodes relating to the handling of comments
265 | and whitespace. There's significant changes to `attrNode.spaces` and `attrNode.raws` since the `3.0.0` release.
266 | * Added `Attribute#offsetOf(part)` to get the offset location of
267 | attribute parts like `"operator"` and `"value"`. This is most
268 | often added to `Attribute#sourceIndex` for error reporting.
269 |
270 | # 3.0.0
271 |
272 | ## Breaking changes
273 |
274 | * Some tweaks to the tokenizer/attribute selector parsing mean that whitespace
275 | locations might be slightly different to the 2.x code.
276 | * Better attribute selector parsing with more validation; postcss-selector-parser
277 | no longer uses regular expressions to parse attribute selectors.
278 | * Added an async API (thanks to @jacobp100); the default `process` API is now
279 | async, and the sync API is now accessed through `processSync` instead.
280 | * `process()` and `processSync()` now return a string instead of the Processor
281 | instance.
282 | * Tweaks handling of Less interpolation (thanks to @jwilsson).
283 | * Removes support for Node 0.12.
284 |
285 | ## Other changes
286 |
287 | * `ast()` and `astSync()` methods have been added to the `Processor`. These
288 | return the `Root` node of the selectors after processing them.
289 | * `transform()` and `transformSync()` methods have been added to the
290 | `Processor`. These return the value returned by the processor callback
291 | after processing the selectors.
292 | * Set the parent when inserting a node (thanks to @chriseppstein).
293 | * Correctly adjust indices when using insertBefore/insertAfter (thanks to @tivac).
294 | * Fixes handling of namespaces with qualified tag selectors.
295 | * `process`, `ast` and `transform` (and their sync variants) now accept a
296 | `postcss` rule node. When provided, better errors are generated and selector
297 | processing is automatically set back to the rule selector (unless the `updateSelector` option is set to `false`.)
298 | * Now more memory efficient when tokenizing selectors.
299 |
300 | ### Upgrade hints
301 |
302 | The pattern of:
303 |
304 | `rule.selector = processor.process(rule.selector).result.toString();`
305 |
306 | is now:
307 |
308 | `processor.processSync(rule)`
309 |
310 | # 2.2.3
311 |
312 | * Resolves an issue where the parser would not reduce multiple spaces between an
313 | ampersand and another simple selector in lossy mode (thanks to @adam-26).
314 |
315 | # 2.2.2
316 |
317 | * No longer hangs on an unescaped semicolon; instead the parser will throw
318 | an exception for these cases.
319 |
320 | # 2.2.1
321 |
322 | * Allows a consumer to specify whitespace tokens when creating a new Node
323 | (thanks to @Semigradsky).
324 |
325 | # 2.2.0
326 |
327 | * Added a new option to normalize whitespace when parsing the selector string
328 | (thanks to @adam-26).
329 |
330 | # 2.1.1
331 |
332 | * Better unquoted value handling within attribute selectors
333 | (thanks to @evilebottnawi).
334 |
335 | # 2.1.0
336 |
337 | * Added: Use string constants for all node types & expose them on the main
338 | parser instance (thanks to @Aweary).
339 |
340 | # 2.0.0
341 |
342 | This release contains the following breaking changes:
343 |
344 | * Renamed all `eachInside` iterators to `walk`. For example, `eachTag` is now
345 | `walkTags`, and `eachInside` is now `walk`.
346 | * Renamed `Node#removeSelf()` to `Node#remove()`.
347 | * Renamed `Container#remove()` to `Container#removeChild()`.
348 | * Renamed `Node#raw` to `Node#raws` (thanks to @davidtheclark).
349 | * Now parses `&` as the *nesting* selector, rather than a *tag* selector.
350 | * Fixes misinterpretation of Sass interpolation (e.g. `#{foo}`) as an
351 | id selector (thanks to @davidtheclark).
352 |
353 | and;
354 |
355 | * Fixes parsing of attribute selectors with equals signs in them
356 | (e.g. `[data-attr="foo=bar"]`) (thanks to @montmanu).
357 | * Adds `quoted` and `raw.unquoted` properties to attribute nodes
358 | (thanks to @davidtheclark).
359 |
360 | # 1.3.3
361 |
362 | * Fixes an infinite loop on `)` and `]` tokens when they had no opening pairs.
363 | Now postcss-selector-parser will throw when it encounters these lone tokens.
364 |
365 | # 1.3.2
366 |
367 | * Now uses plain integers rather than `str.charCodeAt(0)` for compiled builds.
368 |
369 | # 1.3.1
370 |
371 | * Update flatten to v1.x (thanks to @shinnn).
372 |
373 | # 1.3.0
374 |
375 | * Adds a new node type, `String`, to fix a crash on selectors such as
376 | `foo:bar("test")`.
377 |
378 | # 1.2.1
379 |
380 | * Fixes a crash when the parser encountered a trailing combinator.
381 |
382 | # 1.2.0
383 |
384 | * A more descriptive error is thrown when the parser expects to find a
385 | pseudo-class/pseudo-element (thanks to @ashelley).
386 | * Adds support for line/column locations for selector nodes, as well as a
387 | `Node#sourceIndex` method (thanks to @davidtheclark).
388 |
389 | # 1.1.4
390 |
391 | * Fixes a crash when a selector started with a `>` combinator. The module will
392 | now no longer throw if a selector has a leading/trailing combinator node.
393 |
394 | # 1.1.3
395 |
396 | * Fixes a crash on `@` tokens.
397 |
398 | # 1.1.2
399 |
400 | * Fixes an infinite loop caused by using parentheses in a non-pseudo element
401 | context.
402 |
403 | # 1.1.1
404 |
405 | * Fixes a crash when a backslash ended a selector string.
406 |
407 | # 1.1.0
408 |
409 | * Adds support for replacing multiple nodes at once with `replaceWith`
410 | (thanks to @jonathantneal).
411 | * Parser no longer throws on sequential IDs and trailing commas, to support
412 | parsing of selector hacks.
413 |
414 | # 1.0.1
415 |
416 | * Fixes using `insertAfter` and `insertBefore` during iteration.
417 |
418 | # 1.0.0
419 |
420 | * Adds `clone` and `replaceWith` methods to nodes.
421 | * Adds `insertBefore` and `insertAfter` to containers.
422 | * Stabilises API.
423 |
424 | # 0.0.5
425 |
426 | * Fixes crash on extra whitespace inside a pseudo selector's parentheses.
427 | * Adds sort function to the container class.
428 | * Enables the parser to pass its input through without transforming.
429 | * Iteration-safe `each` and `eachInside`.
430 |
431 | # 0.0.4
432 |
433 | * Tidy up redundant duplication.
434 | * Fixes a bug where the parser would loop infinitely on universal selectors
435 | inside pseudo selectors.
436 | * Adds `length` getter and `eachInside`, `map`, `reduce` to the container class.
437 | * When a selector has been removed from the tree, the root node will no longer
438 | cast it to a string.
439 | * Adds node type iterators to the container class (e.g. `eachComment`).
440 | * Adds filter function to the container class.
441 | * Adds split function to the container class.
442 | * Create new node types by doing `parser.id(opts)` etc.
443 | * Adds support for pseudo classes anywhere in the selector.
444 |
445 | # 0.0.3
446 |
447 | * Adds `next` and `prev` to the node class.
448 | * Adds `first` and `last` getters to the container class.
449 | * Adds `every` and `some` iterators to the container class.
450 | * Add `empty` alias for `removeAll`.
451 | * Combinators are now types of node.
452 | * Fixes the at method so that it is not an alias for `index`.
453 | * Tidy up creation of new nodes in the parser.
454 | * Refactors how namespaces are handled for consistency & less redundant code.
455 | * Refactors AST to use `nodes` exclusively, and eliminates excessive nesting.
456 | * Fixes nested pseudo parsing.
457 | * Fixes whitespace parsing.
458 |
459 | # 0.0.2
460 |
461 | * Adds support for namespace selectors.
462 | * Adds support for selectors joined by escaped spaces - such as `.\31\ 0`.
463 |
464 | # 0.0.1
465 |
466 | * Initial release.