1 | # css [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/reworkcss/css.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/reworkcss/css)
2 |
3 | CSS parser / stringifier.
4 |
5 | ## Installation
6 |
7 | $ npm install css
8 |
9 | ## Usage
10 |
11 | ```js
12 | var css = require('css');
13 | var obj = css.parse('body { font-size: 12px; }', options);
14 | css.stringify(obj, options);
15 | ```
16 |
17 | ## API
18 |
19 | ### css.parse(code, [options])
20 |
21 | Accepts a CSS string and returns an AST `object`.
22 |
23 | `options`:
24 |
25 | - silent: silently fail on parse errors.
26 | - source: the path to the file containing `css`. Makes errors and source
27 | maps more helpful, by letting them know where code comes from.
28 |
29 | ### css.stringify(object, [options])
30 |
31 | Accepts an AST `object` (as `css.parse` produces) and returns a CSS string.
32 |
33 | `options`:
34 |
35 | - indent: the string used to indent the output. Defaults to two spaces.
36 | - compress: omit comments and extraneous whitespace.
37 | - sourcemap: return a sourcemap along with the CSS output. Using the `source`
38 | option of `css.parse` is strongly recommended when creating a source map.
39 | Specify `sourcemap: 'generator'` to return the SourceMapGenerator object
40 | instead of serializing the source map.
41 | - inputSourcemaps: (enabled by default, specify `false` to disable) reads any
42 | source maps referenced by the input files when generating the output source
43 | map. When enabled, file system access may be required for reading the
44 | referenced source maps.
45 |
46 | ### Example
47 |
48 | ```js
49 | var ast = css.parse('body { font-size: 12px; }', { source: 'source.css' });
50 |
51 | var css = css.stringify(ast);
52 |
53 | var result = css.stringify(ast, { sourcemap: true });
54 | result.code // string with CSS
55 | result.map // source map object
56 | ```
57 |
58 | ### Errors
59 |
60 | Errors thrown during parsing have the following properties:
61 |
62 | - message: `String`. The full error message with the source position.
63 | - reason: `String`. The error message without position.
64 | - filename: `String` or `undefined`. The value of `options.source` if
65 | passed to `css.parse`. Otherwise `undefined`.
66 | - line: `Integer`.
67 | - column: `Integer`.
68 | - source: `String`. The portion of code that couldn't be parsed.
69 |
70 | When parsing with the `silent` option, errors are listed in the
71 | `parsingErrors` property of the [`stylesheet`](#stylesheet) node instead
72 | of being thrown.
73 |
74 | If you create any errors in plugins such as in
75 | [rework](https://github.com/reworkcss/rework), you __must__ set the same
76 | properties for consistency.
77 |
78 | ## AST
79 |
80 | Interactively explore the AST with <http://iamdustan.com/reworkcss_ast_explorer/>.
81 |
82 | ### Common properties
83 |
84 | All nodes have the following properties.
85 |
86 | #### position
87 |
88 | Information about the position in the source string that corresponds to
89 | the node.
90 |
91 | `Object`:
92 |
93 | - start: `Object`:
94 | - line: `Number`.
95 | - column: `Number`.
96 | - end: `Object`:
97 | - line: `Number`.
98 | - column: `Number`.
99 | - source: `String` or `undefined`. The value of `options.source` if passed to
100 | `css.parse`. Otherwise `undefined`.
101 | - content: `String`. The full source string passed to `css.parse`.
102 |
103 | The line and column numbers are 1-based: The first line is 1 and the first
104 | column of a line is 1 (not 0).
105 |
106 | The `position` property lets you know from which source file the node comes
107 | from (if available), what that file contains, and what part of that file was
108 | parsed into the node.
109 |
110 | #### type
111 |
112 | `String`. The possible values are the ones listed in the Types section below.
113 |
114 | #### parent
115 |
116 | A reference to the parent node, or `null` if the node has no parent.
117 |
118 | ### Types
119 |
120 | The available values of `node.type` are listed below, as well as the available
121 | properties of each node (other than the common properties listed above.)
122 |
123 | #### stylesheet
124 |
125 | The root node returned by `css.parse`.
126 |
127 | - stylesheet: `Object`:
128 | - rules: `Array` of nodes with the types `rule`, `comment` and any of the
129 | at-rule types.
130 | - parsingErrors: `Array` of `Error`s. Errors collected during parsing when
131 | option `silent` is true.
132 |
133 | #### rule
134 |
135 | - selectors: `Array` of `String`s. The list of selectors of the rule, split
136 | on commas. Each selector is trimmed from whitespace and comments.
137 | - declarations: `Array` of nodes with the types `declaration` and `comment`.
138 |
139 | #### declaration
140 |
141 | - property: `String`. The property name, trimmed from whitespace and
142 | comments. May not be empty.
143 | - value: `String`. The value of the property, trimmed from whitespace and
144 | comments. Empty values are allowed.
145 |
146 | #### comment
147 |
148 | A rule-level or declaration-level comment. Comments inside selectors,
149 | properties and values etc. are lost.
150 |
151 | - comment: `String`. The part between the starting `/*` and the ending `*/`
152 | of the comment, including whitespace.
153 |
154 | #### charset
155 |
156 | The `@charset` at-rule.
157 |
158 | - charset: `String`. The part following `@charset `.
159 |
160 | #### custom-media
161 |
162 | The `@custom-media` at-rule.
163 |
164 | - name: `String`. The `--`-prefixed name.
165 | - media: `String`. The part following the name.
166 |
167 | #### document
168 |
169 | The `@document` at-rule.
170 |
171 | - document: `String`. The part following `@document `.
172 | - vendor: `String` or `undefined`. The vendor prefix in `@document`, or
173 | `undefined` if there is none.
174 | - rules: `Array` of nodes with the types `rule`, `comment` and any of the
175 | at-rule types.
176 |
177 | #### font-face
178 |
179 | The `@font-face` at-rule.
180 |
181 | - declarations: `Array` of nodes with the types `declaration` and `comment`.
182 |
183 | #### host
184 |
185 | The `@host` at-rule.
186 |
187 | - rules: `Array` of nodes with the types `rule`, `comment` and any of the
188 | at-rule types.
189 |
190 | #### import
191 |
192 | The `@import` at-rule.
193 |
194 | - import: `String`. The part following `@import `.
195 |
196 | #### keyframes
197 |
198 | The `@keyframes` at-rule.
199 |
200 | - name: `String`. The name of the keyframes rule.
201 | - vendor: `String` or `undefined`. The vendor prefix in `@keyframes`, or
202 | `undefined` if there is none.
203 | - keyframes: `Array` of nodes with the types `keyframe` and `comment`.
204 |
205 | #### keyframe
206 |
207 | - values: `Array` of `String`s. The list of “selectors” of the keyframe rule,
208 | split on commas. Each “selector” is trimmed from whitespace.
209 | - declarations: `Array` of nodes with the types `declaration` and `comment`.
210 |
211 | #### media
212 |
213 | The `@media` at-rule.
214 |
215 | - media: `String`. The part following `@media `.
216 | - rules: `Array` of nodes with the types `rule`, `comment` and any of the
217 | at-rule types.
218 |
219 | #### namespace
220 |
221 | The `@namespace` at-rule.
222 |
223 | - namespace: `String`. The part following `@namespace `.
224 |
225 | #### page
226 |
227 | The `@page` at-rule.
228 |
229 | - selectors: `Array` of `String`s. The list of selectors of the rule, split
230 | on commas. Each selector is trimmed from whitespace and comments.
231 | - declarations: `Array` of nodes with the types `declaration` and `comment`.
232 |
233 | #### supports
234 |
235 | The `@supports` at-rule.
236 |
237 | - supports: `String`. The part following `@supports `.
238 | - rules: `Array` of nodes with the types `rule`, `comment` and any of the
239 | at-rule types.
240 |
241 | ### Example
242 |
243 | CSS:
244 |
245 | ```css
246 | body {
247 | background: #eee;
248 | color: #888;
249 | }
250 | ```
251 |
252 | Parse tree:
253 |
254 | ```json
255 | {
256 | "type": "stylesheet",
257 | "stylesheet": {
258 | "rules": [
259 | {
260 | "type": "rule",
261 | "selectors": [
262 | "body"
263 | ],
264 | "declarations": [
265 | {
266 | "type": "declaration",
267 | "property": "background",
268 | "value": "#eee",
269 | "position": {
270 | "start": {
271 | "line": 2,
272 | "column": 3
273 | },
274 | "end": {
275 | "line": 2,
276 | "column": 19
277 | }
278 | }
279 | },
280 | {
281 | "type": "declaration",
282 | "property": "color",
283 | "value": "#888",
284 | "position": {
285 | "start": {
286 | "line": 3,
287 | "column": 3
288 | },
289 | "end": {
290 | "line": 3,
291 | "column": 14
292 | }
293 | }
294 | }
295 | ],
296 | "position": {
297 | "start": {
298 | "line": 1,
299 | "column": 1
300 | },
301 | "end": {
302 | "line": 4,
303 | "column": 2
304 | }
305 | }
306 | }
307 | ]
308 | }
309 | }
310 | ```
311 |
312 | ## License
313 |
314 | MIT