1 |
2 | var assert = require('assert');
3 | var CE = require('../');
4 |
5 | describe('CustomEvent', function () {
6 |
7 | describe('new CustomEvent()', function () {
8 |
9 | it('should create a `CustomEvent` instance', function () {
10 | var e = new CE('cat');
11 |
12 | assert.equal(e.type, 'cat');
13 | assert.equal(e.bubbles, false);
14 | assert.equal(e.cancelable, false);
15 | assert.equal(e.detail, undefined);
16 | });
17 |
18 | it('should create a `CustomEvent` instance with a `details` object', function () {
19 | var e = new CE('meow', { detail: { foo: 'bar' } });
20 |
21 | assert.equal(e.type, 'meow');
22 | assert.equal(e.bubbles, false);
23 | assert.equal(e.cancelable, false);
24 | assert.equal(e.detail.foo, 'bar');
25 | });
26 |
27 | it('should create a `CustomEvent` instance with a `bubbles` boolean', function () {
28 | var e = new CE('purr', { bubbles: true });
29 |
30 | assert.equal(e.type, 'purr');
31 | assert.equal(e.bubbles, true);
32 | assert.equal(e.cancelable, false);
33 | assert.equal(e.detail, undefined);
34 | });
35 |
36 | it('should create a `CustomEvent` instance with a `cancelable` boolean', function () {
37 | var e = new CE('scratch', { cancelable: true });
38 |
39 | assert.equal(e.type, 'scratch');
40 | assert.equal(e.bubbles, false);
41 | assert.equal(e.cancelable, true);
42 | assert.equal(e.detail, undefined);
43 | });
44 |
45 | it('should create a `CustomEvent` instance that is dispatchable', function (done) {
46 | var e = new CE('claw', {
47 | bubbles: true,
48 | cancelable: true,
49 | detail: { canhaz: 'cheeseburger' }
50 | });
51 |
52 | function onclaw (ev) {
53 | if (!ev) ev = window.event;
54 | assert.equal(e.bubbles, true);
55 | assert.equal(e.cancelable, true);
56 | assert.equal(e.detail.canhaz, 'cheeseburger');
57 | done();
58 | }
59 |
60 | if (document.body.dispatchEvent) {
61 | document.body.addEventListener('claw', onclaw, false);
62 | document.body.dispatchEvent(e);
63 | } else {
64 | // IE <= 8 will only allow us to fire "known" event names,
65 | // so we need to fire "click" instead of "claw :\
66 | document.body.attachEvent('onclick', onclaw);
67 |
68 | // need to fire event in a separate tick for some reason…
69 | setTimeout(function () {
70 | e.type = 'click';
71 | e.eventName = 'click';
72 | e.eventType = 'click';
73 |
74 | document.body.fireEvent('onclick', e);
75 | }, 50);
76 | }
77 | });
78 |
79 | });
80 |
81 | });