1 | # dom-serializer [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/cheeriojs/dom-serializer.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/cheeriojs/dom-serializer)
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3 | Renders a [domhandler](https://github.com/fb55/domhandler) DOM node or an array of domhandler DOM nodes to a string.
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5 | ```js
6 | import render from "dom-serializer";
7 |
8 | // OR
9 |
10 | const render = require("dom-serializer").default;
11 | ```
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13 | # API
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15 | ## `render`
16 |
17 | ▸ **render**(`node`: Node \| Node[], `options?`: [_Options_](#Options)): _string_
18 |
19 | Renders a DOM node or an array of DOM nodes to a string.
20 |
21 | Can be thought of as the equivalent of the `outerHTML` of the passed node(s).
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23 | #### Parameters:
24 |
25 | | Name | Type | Default value | Description |
26 | | :-------- | :--------------------------------- | :------------ | :----------------------------- |
27 | | `node` | Node \| Node[] | - | Node to be rendered. |
28 | | `options` | [_DomSerializerOptions_](#Options) | {} | Changes serialization behavior |
29 |
30 | **Returns:** _string_
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32 | ## Options
33 |
34 | ### `decodeEntities`
35 |
36 | • `Optional` **decodeEntities**: _boolean_
37 |
38 | Encode characters that are either reserved in HTML or XML, or are outside of the ASCII range.
39 |
40 | **`default`** true
41 |
42 | ---
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44 | ### `emptyAttrs`
45 |
46 | • `Optional` **emptyAttrs**: _boolean_
47 |
48 | Print an empty attribute's value.
49 |
50 | **`default`** xmlMode
51 |
52 | **`example`** With <code>emptyAttrs: false</code>: <code><input checked></code>
53 |
54 | **`example`** With <code>emptyAttrs: true</code>: <code><input checked=""></code>
55 |
56 | ---
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58 | ### `selfClosingTags`
59 |
60 | • `Optional` **selfClosingTags**: _boolean_
61 |
62 | Print self-closing tags for tags without contents.
63 |
64 | **`default`** xmlMode
65 |
66 | **`example`** With <code>selfClosingTags: false</code>: <code><foo></foo></code>
67 |
68 | **`example`** With <code>selfClosingTags: true</code>: <code><foo /></code>
69 |
70 | ---
71 |
72 | ### `xmlMode`
73 |
74 | • `Optional` **xmlMode**: _boolean_ \| _"foreign"_
75 |
76 | Treat the input as an XML document; enables the `emptyAttrs` and `selfClosingTags` options.
77 |
78 | If the value is `"foreign"`, it will try to correct mixed-case attribute names.
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80 | **`default`** false
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82 | ---
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84 | ## Ecosystem
85 |
86 | | Name | Description |
87 | | ------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
88 | | [htmlparser2](https://github.com/fb55/htmlparser2) | Fast & forgiving HTML/XML parser |
89 | | [domhandler](https://github.com/fb55/domhandler) | Handler for htmlparser2 that turns documents into a DOM |
90 | | [domutils](https://github.com/fb55/domutils) | Utilities for working with domhandler's DOM |
91 | | [css-select](https://github.com/fb55/css-select) | CSS selector engine, compatible with domhandler's DOM |
92 | | [cheerio](https://github.com/cheeriojs/cheerio) | The jQuery API for domhandler's DOM |
93 | | [dom-serializer](https://github.com/cheeriojs/dom-serializer) | Serializer for domhandler's DOM |
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95 | ---
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