1 | # [6.1.0](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/6.0.0...6.1.0) (2021-11-08)
2 |
3 |
4 | ### Bug Fixes
5 |
6 | * fix payload encoding for v3 clients ([ed50fc3](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/ed50fc346b9c58459bf4e6fe5c45e8d34faac8da))
7 |
8 |
9 | ### Features
10 |
11 | * add an implementation based on uWebSockets.js ([271e2df](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/271e2df94d39bbd13c33cab98cdd5915f9d28536))
12 |
13 |
14 | ### Performance Improvements
15 |
16 | * refresh ping timer ([#628](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/issues/628)) ([37474c7](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/37474c7e67be7c5f25f9ca2d4ea99f3a256bd2de))
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 | ## [6.0.1](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/6.0.0...6.0.1) (2021-11-06)
21 |
22 |
23 | ### Bug Fixes
24 |
25 | * fix payload encoding for v3 clients ([3f42262](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/3f42262fd27a77a7383cdbb44ede7c6211a9782b))
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 | # [6.0.0](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/5.2.0...6.0.0) (2021-10-08)
30 |
31 | The codebase was migrated to TypeScript ([c0d6eaa](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/c0d6eaa1ba1291946dc8425d5f533d5f721862dd))
32 |
33 | An ES module wrapper was also added ([401f4b6](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/401f4b60693fb6702c942692ce42e5bb701d81d7)).
34 |
35 | Please note that the communication protocol was not updated, so a v5 client will be able to reach a v6 server (and vice-versa).
36 |
37 | Reference: https://github.com/socketio/engine.io-protocol
38 |
40 |
41 | - the default export was removed, so the following code won't work anymore:
42 |
43 | ```js
44 | const eioServer = require("engine.io")(httpServer);
45 | ```
46 |
47 | Please use this instead:
48 |
49 | ```js
50 | const { Server } = require("engine.io");
51 | const eioServer = new Server(httpServer);
52 | ```
53 |
54 | ### Dependencies
55 |
56 | `ws` version: `~8.2.3` (bumped from `~7.4.2`)
57 |
58 | # [5.2.0](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/5.1.1...5.2.0) (2021-08-29)
59 |
60 | No change on the server-side, this matches the client release.
61 |
62 |
63 | ## [5.1.1](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/5.1.0...5.1.1) (2021-05-16)
64 |
65 |
66 | ### Bug Fixes
67 |
68 | * properly close the websocket connection upon handshake error ([4360686](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/43606865e5299747cbb31f3ed9baf4567502a879))
69 |
70 |
71 | # [5.1.0](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/5.0.0...5.1.0) (2021-05-04)
72 |
73 |
74 | ### Features
75 |
76 | * add a "connection_error" event ([7096e98](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/7096e98a02295a62c8ea2aa56461d4875887092d))
77 | * add the "initial_headers" and "headers" events ([2527543](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/252754353a0e88eb036ebb3082e9d6a9a5f497db))
78 |
79 |
80 | ### Performance Improvements
81 |
82 | * **websocket:** add a "wsPreEncoded" writing option ([7706b12](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/7706b123df914777d19c8179b45ab6932f82916c))
83 | * **websocket:** fix write back-pressure ([#618](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/issues/618)) ([ad5306a](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/ad5306aeaedf06ac7a49f791e1b76e55c35a564e))
84 |
85 |
86 | # [5.0.0](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/4.1.1...5.0.0) (2021-03-10)
87 |
88 |
89 | ### Bug Fixes
90 |
91 | * set default protocol version to 3 ([#616](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/issues/616)) ([868d891](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/868d89111de0ab5bd0e147ecaff7983afbf5d087))
92 |
93 |
94 | ### Features
95 |
96 | * increase the default value of pingTimeout ([5a7fa13](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/5a7fa132c442bc1e7eefa1cf38168ee951575ded))
97 | * remove dynamic require() with wsEngine ([edb7343](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/edb734316f143bf0f1bbc344e966d18e2676b934))
98 |
99 |
101 |
102 | * the syntax of the "wsEngine" option is updated
103 |
104 | Before:
105 |
106 | ```js
107 | const eioServer = require("engine.io")(httpServer, {
108 | wsEngine: "eiows"
109 | });
110 | ```
111 |
112 | After:
113 |
114 | ```js
115 | const eioServer = require("engine.io")(httpServer, {
116 | wsEngine: require("eiows").Server
117 | });
118 | ```
119 |
120 |
121 | ## [4.1.1](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/4.1.0...4.1.1) (2021-02-02)
122 |
123 |
124 | ### Bug Fixes
125 |
126 | * do not reset the ping timer after upgrade ([ff2b8ab](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/ff2b8aba48ebcb0de5626d3b76fddc94c398395f)), closes [/github.com/socketio/socket.io-client-swift/pull/1309#issuecomment-768475704](https://github.com//github.com/socketio/socket.io-client-swift/pull/1309/issues/issuecomment-768475704)
127 |
128 |
129 | # [4.1.0](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/4.0.6...4.1.0) (2021-01-14)
130 |
131 |
132 | ### Features
133 |
134 | * add support for v3.x clients ([663d326](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/663d326d18de598318bd2120b2b70cd51adf8955))
135 |
136 |
137 | ## [4.0.6](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/4.0.5...4.0.6) (2021-01-04)
138 |
139 |
140 | ### Bug Fixes
141 |
142 | * correctly pass the options when using the Server constructor ([#610](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/issues/610)) ([cec2750](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/cec27502f5b55c8a2ff289db34019629bf6a97ca))
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 | # [3.5.0](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/3.4.2...3.5.0) (2020-12-30)
147 |
148 |
149 | ### Features
150 |
151 | * add support for all cookie options ([19cc582](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/19cc58264a06dca47ed401fbaca32dcdb80a903b)), closes [/github.com/jshttp/cookie#options-1](https://github.com//github.com/jshttp/cookie/issues/options-1)
152 | * disable perMessageDeflate by default ([5ad2736](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/5ad273601eb66c7b318542f87026837bf9dddd21))
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 | ## [4.0.5](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/4.0.4...4.0.5) (2020-12-07)
157 |
158 | No change on the server-side, this matches the client release.
159 |
160 | ## [4.0.4](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/4.0.3...4.0.4) (2020-11-17)
161 |
162 | No change on the server-side, this matches the client release.
163 |
164 | ## [4.0.3](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/4.0.2...4.0.3) (2020-11-17)
165 |
166 | No change on the server-side, this matches the client release.
167 |
168 | ## [4.0.2](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/4.0.1...4.0.2) (2020-11-09)
169 |
170 |
171 | ### Bug Fixes
172 |
173 | * add extension in the package.json main entry ([#608](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/issues/608)) ([17b8c2f](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/17b8c2f199e7a307b6d6294b8599abacb3ec56e7))
174 |
175 |
176 | ## [4.0.1](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/4.0.0...4.0.1) (2020-10-21)
177 |
178 |
179 | ### Bug Fixes
180 |
181 | * do not overwrite CORS headers upon error ([fe093ba](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/fe093bae1adce99e01dfdd3ce7542957785098b5))
182 |
183 |
184 |
185 | # [4.0.0](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/v4.0.0-alpha.1...4.0.0) (2020-09-10)
186 |
187 | More details about this release in the blog post: https://socket.io/blog/engine-io-4-release/
188 |
189 | ### Bug Fixes
190 |
191 | * ignore errors when forcefully closing the socket ([#601](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/issues/601)) ([dcdbccb](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/dcdbccb3dd8a7b7db057d23925356034fcd35d48))
192 | * remove implicit require of uws ([82cdca2](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/82cdca23bab0ed69b61b60961900d456a3065e6a))
193 |
194 |
195 | ### Features
196 |
197 | * disable perMessageDeflate by default ([078527a](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/078527a384b70dc46d99083fa218be5d45213e51))
198 |
199 | #### Links
200 |
201 | - Diff: [v4.0.0-alpha.1...4.0.0](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/v4.0.0-alpha.1...4.0.0)
202 | - Full diff: [3.4.0...4.0.0](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/3.4.0...4.0.0)
203 | - Client release: [4.0.0](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io-client/releases/tag/4.0.0)
204 | - ws version: [^7.1.2](https://github.com/websockets/ws/releases/tag/7.1.2)
205 |
206 |
207 | ## [3.4.2](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/3.4.1...3.4.2) (2020-06-04)
208 |
209 |
210 | ### Bug Fixes
211 |
212 | * remove explicit require of uws ([85e544a](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/85e544afd95a5890761a613263a5eba0c9a18a93))
213 |
214 | #### Links
215 |
216 | - Diff: [3.4.1...3.4.2](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/3.4.1...3.4.2)
217 | - Client release: -
218 | - ws version: [^7.1.2](https://github.com/websockets/ws/releases/tag/7.1.2)
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 | ## [3.4.1](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/3.4.0...3.4.1) (2020-04-17)
223 |
224 |
225 | ### Bug Fixes
226 |
227 | * ignore errors when forcefully closing the socket ([da851ec](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/da851ec4ec89d96df2ee5c711f328b5d795423e9))
228 | * use SameSite=Strict by default ([001ca62](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/001ca62cc4a8f511f3b2fbd9e4493ad274a6a0e5))
229 |
230 | #### Links
231 |
232 | - Diff: [3.4.0...3.4.1](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/3.4.0...3.4.1)
233 | - Client release: [3.4.1](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io-client/releases/tag/3.4.1)
234 | - ws version: [^7.1.2](https://github.com/websockets/ws/releases/tag/7.1.2)
235 |
236 |
237 |
238 | # [4.0.0-alpha.1](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/v4.0.0-alpha.0...v4.0.0-alpha.1) (2020-02-12)
239 |
240 | #### Links
241 |
242 | - Diff: [v4.0.0-alpha.0...v4.0.0-alpha.1](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io-client/compare/v4.0.0-alpha.0...v4.0.0-alpha.1)
243 | - Client release: [v4.0.0-alpha.1](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io-client/releases/tag/v4.0.0-alpha.1)
244 | - ws version: [^7.1.2](https://github.com/websockets/ws/releases/tag/7.1.2)
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 | # [4.0.0-alpha.0](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/compare/3.4.0...v4.0.0-alpha.0) (2020-02-12)
249 |
250 |
251 | ### Features
252 |
253 | * decrease the default value of maxHttpBufferSize ([734f9d1](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/734f9d1268840722c41219e69eb58318e0b2ac6b))
254 | * disable cookie by default and add sameSite attribute ([a374471](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/a374471d06e3681a769766a1d068898182f9305f)), closes [/github.com/jshttp/cookie#options-1](https://github.com//github.com/jshttp/cookie/issues/options-1)
255 | * generateId method can now return a Promise ([f3c291f](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/f3c291fa613a9d50c924d74293035737fdace4f2))
256 | * reverse the ping-pong mechanism ([31ff875](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/31ff87593f231b86dc47ec5761936439ebd53c20))
257 | * use the cors module to handle cross-origin requests ([61b9492](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io/commit/61b949259ed966ef6fc8bfd61f14d1a2ef06d319))
258 |
259 |
261 |
262 | * the handlePreflightRequest option is removed by the change.
263 |
264 | Before:
265 |
266 | ```
267 | new Server({
268 | handlePreflightRequest: (req, res) => {
269 | res.writeHead(200, {
270 | "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": 'https://example.com',
271 | "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": 'GET',
272 | "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": 'Authorization',
273 | "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": true
274 | });
275 | res.end();
276 | }
277 | })
278 | ```
279 |
280 | After:
281 |
282 | ```
283 | new Server({
284 | cors: {
285 | origin: "https://example.com",
286 | methods: ["GET"],
287 | allowedHeaders: ["Authorization"],
288 | credentials: true
289 | }
290 | })
291 | ```
292 | * the syntax has changed from
293 |
294 | ```
295 | new Server({
296 | cookieName: "test",
297 | cookieHttpOnly: false,
298 | cookiePath: "/custom"
299 | })
300 | ```
301 |
302 | to
303 |
304 | ```
305 | new Server({
306 | cookie: {
307 | name: "test",
308 | httpOnly: false,
309 | path: "/custom"
310 | }
311 | })
312 | ```
313 |
314 | All other options (domain, maxAge, sameSite, ...) are now supported.
315 |
316 | * v3.x clients will not be able to connect anymore (they will send a ping packet and timeout while waiting for a pong packet).
317 |
318 | #### Links
319 |
320 | - Diff: [3.4.0...v4.0.0-alpha.0](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io-client/compare/3.4.0...v4.0.0-alpha.0)
321 | - Client release: [v4.0.0-alpha.0](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io-client/releases/tag/v4.0.0-alpha.0)
322 | - ws version: [^7.1.2](https://github.com/websockets/ws/releases/tag/7.1.2)
323 |