1 | # enhanced-resolve
2 |
3 | Offers an async require.resolve function. It's highly configurable.
4 |
5 | ## Features
6 |
7 | - plugin system
8 | - provide a custom filesystem
9 | - sync and async node.js filesystems included
10 |
11 | ## Getting Started
12 |
13 | ### Install
14 |
15 | ```sh
16 | # npm
17 | npm install enhanced-resolve
18 | # or Yarn
19 | yarn add enhanced-resolve
20 | ```
21 |
22 | ### Resolve
23 |
24 | There is a Node.js API which allows to resolve requests according to the Node.js resolving rules.
25 | Sync and async APIs are offered. A `create` method allows to create a custom resolve function.
26 |
27 | ```js
28 | const resolve = require("enhanced-resolve");
29 |
30 | resolve("/some/path/to/folder", "module/dir", (err, result) => {
31 | result; // === "/some/path/node_modules/module/dir/index.js"
32 | });
33 |
34 | resolve.sync("/some/path/to/folder", "../../dir");
35 | // === "/some/path/dir/index.js"
36 |
37 | const myResolve = resolve.create({
38 | // or resolve.create.sync
39 | extensions: [".ts", ".js"]
40 | // see more options below
41 | });
42 |
43 | myResolve("/some/path/to/folder", "ts-module", (err, result) => {
44 | result; // === "/some/node_modules/ts-module/index.ts"
45 | });
46 | ```
47 |
48 | ### Creating a Resolver
49 |
50 | The easiest way to create a resolver is to use the `createResolver` function on `ResolveFactory`, along with one of the supplied File System implementations.
51 |
52 | ```js
53 | const fs = require("fs");
54 | const { CachedInputFileSystem, ResolverFactory } = require("enhanced-resolve");
55 |
56 | // create a resolver
57 | const myResolver = ResolverFactory.createResolver({
58 | // Typical usage will consume the `fs` + `CachedInputFileSystem`, which wraps Node.js `fs` to add caching.
59 | fileSystem: new CachedInputFileSystem(fs, 4000),
60 | extensions: [".js", ".json"]
61 | /* any other resolver options here. Options/defaults can be seen below */
62 | });
63 |
64 | // resolve a file with the new resolver
65 | const context = {};
66 | const resolveContext = {};
67 | const lookupStartPath = "/Users/webpack/some/root/dir";
68 | const request = "./path/to-look-up.js";
69 | myResolver.resolve({}, lookupStartPath, request, resolveContext, (
70 | err /*Error*/,
71 | filepath /*string*/
72 | ) => {
73 | // Do something with the path
74 | });
75 | ```
76 |
77 | #### Resolver Options
78 |
79 | | Field | Default | Description |
80 | | ---------------- | --------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
81 | | alias | [] | A list of module alias configurations or an object which maps key to value |
82 | | aliasFields | [] | A list of alias fields in description files |
83 | | cachePredicate | function() { return true }; | A function which decides whether a request should be cached or not. An object is passed to the function with `path` and `request` properties. |
84 | | cacheWithContext | true | If unsafe cache is enabled, includes `request.context` in the cache key |
85 | | conditionNames | ["node"] | A list of exports field condition names |
86 | | descriptionFiles | ["package.json"] | A list of description files to read from |
87 | | enforceExtension | false | Enforce that a extension from extensions must be used |
88 | | exportsFields | ["exports"] | A list of exports fields in description files |
89 | | extensions | [".js", ".json", ".node"] | A list of extensions which should be tried for files |
90 | | fileSystem | | The file system which should be used |
91 | | fullySpecified | false | Request passed to resolve is already fully specified and extensions or main files are not resolved for it (they are still resolved for internal requests) |
92 | | mainFields | ["main"] | A list of main fields in description files |
93 | | mainFiles | ["index"] | A list of main files in directories |
94 | | modules | ["node_modules"] | A list of directories to resolve modules from, can be absolute path or folder name |
95 | | plugins | [] | A list of additional resolve plugins which should be applied |
96 | | resolver | undefined | A prepared Resolver to which the plugins are attached |
97 | | resolveToContext | false | Resolve to a context instead of a file |
98 | | preferRelative | false | Prefer to resolve module requests as relative request and fallback to resolving as module |
99 | | preferAbsolute | false | Prefer to resolve server-relative urls as absolute paths before falling back to resolve in roots |
100 | | restrictions | [] | A list of resolve restrictions |
101 | | roots | [] | A list of root paths |
102 | | symlinks | true | Whether to resolve symlinks to their symlinked location |
103 | | unsafeCache | false | Use this cache object to unsafely cache the successful requests |
104 |
105 | ## Plugins
106 |
107 | Similar to `webpack`, the core of `enhanced-resolve` functionality is implemented as individual plugins that are executed using [`tapable`](https://github.com/webpack/tapable).
108 | These plugins can extend the functionality of the library, adding other ways for files/contexts to be resolved.
109 |
110 | A plugin should be a `class` (or its ES5 equivalent) with an `apply` method. The `apply` method will receive a `resolver` instance, that can be used to hook in to the event system.
111 |
112 | ### Plugin Boilerplate
113 |
114 | ```js
115 | class MyResolverPlugin {
116 | constructor(source, target) {
117 | this.source = source;
118 | this.target = target;
119 | }
120 |
121 | apply(resolver) {
122 | const target = resolver.ensureHook(this.target);
123 | resolver
124 | .getHook(this.source)
125 | .tapAsync("MyResolverPlugin", (request, resolveContext, callback) => {
126 | // Any logic you need to create a new `request` can go here
127 | resolver.doResolve(target, request, null, resolveContext, callback);
128 | });
129 | }
130 | }
131 | ```
132 |
133 | Plugins are executed in a pipeline, and register which event they should be executed before/after. In the example above, `source` is the name of the event that starts the pipeline, and `target` is what event this plugin should fire, which is what continues the execution of the pipeline. For an example of how these different plugin events create a chain, see `lib/ResolverFactory.js`, in the `//// pipeline ////` section.
134 |
135 | ## Escaping
136 |
137 | It's allowed to escape `#` as `\0#` to avoid parsing it as fragment.
138 |
139 | enhanced-resolve will try to resolve requests containing `#` as path and as fragment, so it will automatically figure out if `./some#thing` means `.../some.js#thing` or `.../some#thing.js`. When a `#` is resolved as path it will be escaped in the result. Here: `.../some\0#thing.js`.
140 |
141 | ## Tests
142 |
143 | ```javascript
144 | npm test
145 | ```
146 |
147 | [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/webpack/enhanced-resolve.png?branch=main)](http://travis-ci.org/webpack/enhanced-resolve)
148 |
149 | ## Passing options from webpack
150 |
151 | If you are using `webpack`, and you want to pass custom options to `enhanced-resolve`, the options are passed from the `resolve` key of your webpack configuration e.g.:
152 |
153 | ```
154 | resolve: {
155 | extensions: ['.js', '.jsx'],
156 | modules: [path.resolve(__dirname, 'src'), 'node_modules'],
157 | plugins: [new DirectoryNamedWebpackPlugin()]
158 | ...
159 | },
160 | ```
161 |
162 | ## License
163 |
164 | Copyright (c) 2012-2019 JS Foundation and other contributors
165 |
166 | MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)