1 | # ES Module Lexer
2 |
3 | [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url]
4 |
5 | A JS module syntax lexer used in [es-module-shims](https://github.com/guybedford/es-module-shims).
6 |
7 | Outputs the list of exports and locations of import specifiers, including dynamic import and import meta handling.
8 |
9 | A very small single JS file (4KiB gzipped) that includes inlined Web Assembly for very fast source analysis of ECMAScript module syntax only.
10 |
11 | For an example of the performance, Angular 1 (720KiB) is fully parsed in 5ms, in comparison to the fastest JS parser, Acorn which takes over 100ms.
12 |
13 | _Comprehensively handles the JS language grammar while remaining small and fast. - ~10ms per MB of JS cold and ~5ms per MB of JS warm, [see benchmarks](#benchmarks) for more info._
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15 | ### Usage
16 |
17 | ```
18 | npm install es-module-lexer
19 | ```
20 |
21 | For use in CommonJS:
22 |
23 | ```js
24 | const { init, parse } = require('es-module-lexer');
25 |
26 | (async () => {
27 | // either await init, or call parse asynchronously
28 | // this is necessary for the Web Assembly boot
29 | await init;
30 |
31 | const [imports, exports] = parse('export var p = 5');
32 | exports[0] === 'p';
33 | })();
34 | ```
35 |
36 | An ES module version is also available:
37 |
38 | ```js
39 | import { init, parse } from 'es-module-lexer';
40 |
41 | (async () => {
42 | await init;
43 |
44 | const source = `
45 | import { name } from 'mod';
46 | import json from './json.json' assert { type: 'json' }
47 | export var p = 5;
48 | export function q () {
49 |
50 | };
51 |
52 | // Comments provided to demonstrate edge cases
53 | import /*comment!*/ ('asdf', { assert: { type: 'json' }});
54 | import /*comment!*/.meta.asdf;
55 | `;
56 |
57 | const [imports, exports] = parse(source, 'optional-sourcename');
58 |
59 | // Returns "mod"
60 | imports[0].n
61 | source.substring(imports[0].s, imports[0].e);
62 | // "s" = start
63 | // "e" = end
64 |
65 | // Returns "import { name } from 'mod'"
66 | source.substring(imports[0].ss, imports[0].se);
67 | // "ss" = statement start
68 | // "se" = statement end
69 |
70 | // Returns "{ type: 'json' }"
71 | source.substring(imports[1].a, imports[1].se);
72 | // "a" = assert
73 |
74 | // Returns "p,q"
75 | exports.toString();
76 |
77 | // Dynamic imports are indicated by imports[2].d > -1
78 | // In this case the "d" index is the start of the dynamic import
79 | // Returns true
80 | imports[2].d > -1;
81 |
82 | // Returns "asdf"
83 | imports[2].n
84 | // Returns "'asdf'"
85 | source.substring(imports[2].s, imports[2].e);
86 | // Returns "import /*comment!*/ ("
87 | source.substring(imports[2].d, imports[2].s);
88 | // Returns "import /*comment!*/ ('asdf', { assert: { type: 'json' } })"
89 | source.substring(imports[2].d, imports[2].se + 1);
90 | // Returns "{ assert: { type: 'json' } }"
91 | source.substring(imports[2].a, imports[2].e);
92 | // ss is the same as d
93 | // as, ae not used for dynamic imports
94 |
95 | // import.meta is indicated by imports[2].d === -2
96 | // Returns true
97 | imports[2].d === -2;
98 | // Returns "import /*comment!*/.meta"
99 | source.substring(imports[2].s, imports[2].e);
100 | })();
101 | ```
102 |
103 | ### Escape Sequences
104 |
105 | To handle escape sequences in specifier strings, the `.n` field of imported specifiers will be provided where possible.
106 |
107 | For dynamic import expressions, this field will be empty if not a valid JS string.
108 |
109 | ### Facade Detection
110 |
111 | Facade modules that only use import / export syntax can be detected via the third return value:
112 |
113 | ```js
114 | const [,, facade] = parse(`
115 | export * from 'external';
116 | import * as ns from 'external2';
117 | export { a as b } from 'external3';
118 | export { ns };
119 | `);
120 | facade === true;
121 | ```
122 |
123 | ### Environment Support
124 |
125 | Node.js 10+, and [all browsers with Web Assembly support](https://caniuse.com/#feat=wasm).
126 |
127 | ### Grammar Support
128 |
129 | * Token state parses all line comments, block comments, strings, template strings, blocks, parens and punctuators.
130 | * Division operator / regex token ambiguity is handled via backtracking checks against punctuator prefixes, including closing brace or paren backtracking.
131 | * Always correctly parses valid JS source, but may parse invalid JS source without errors.
132 |
133 | ### Limitations
134 |
135 | The lexing approach is designed to deal with the full language grammar including RegEx / division operator ambiguity through backtracking and paren / brace tracking.
136 |
137 | The only limitation to the reduced parser is that the "exports" list may not correctly gather all export identifiers in the following edge cases:
138 |
139 | ```js
140 | // Only "a" is detected as an export, "q" isn't
141 | export var a = 'asdf', q = z;
142 |
143 | // "b" is not detected as an export
144 | export var { a: b } = asdf;
145 | ```
146 |
147 | The above cases are handled gracefully in that the lexer will keep going fine, it will just not properly detect the export names above.
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149 | ### Benchmarks
150 |
151 | Benchmarks can be run with `npm run bench`.
152 |
153 | Current results:
154 |
155 | ```
156 | Module load time
157 | > 7ms
158 | Cold Run, All Samples
159 | test/samples/*.js (3057 KiB)
160 | > 33ms
161 |
162 | Warm Runs (average of 25 runs)
163 | test/samples/angular.js (719 KiB)
164 | > 4.08ms
165 | test/samples/angular.min.js (188 KiB)
166 | > 2.08ms
167 | test/samples/d3.js (491 KiB)
168 | > 4.72ms
169 | test/samples/d3.min.js (274 KiB)
170 | > 3ms
171 | test/samples/magic-string.js (34 KiB)
172 | > 0.04ms
173 | test/samples/magic-string.min.js (20 KiB)
174 | > 0ms
175 | test/samples/rollup.js (902 KiB)
176 | > 8.16ms
177 | test/samples/rollup.min.js (429 KiB)
178 | > 4.28ms
179 |
180 | Warm Runs, All Samples (average of 25 runs)
181 | test/samples/*.js (3057 KiB)
182 | > 25.68ms
183 | ```
184 |
185 | ### Building
186 |
187 | To build download the WASI SDK from https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-sdk/releases.
188 |
189 | The Makefile assumes the existence of "wasi-sdk-11.0" and "wabt" (optional) as sibling folders to this project.
190 |
191 | The build through the Makefile is then run via `make lib/lexer.wasm`, which can also be triggered via `npm run build-wasm` to create `dist/lexer.js`.
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193 | On Windows it may be preferable to use the Linux subsystem.
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195 | After the Web Assembly build, the CJS build can be triggered via `npm run build`.
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197 | ### License
198 |
199 | MIT
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201 | [travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/guybedford/es-module-lexer
202 | [travis-image]: https://travis-ci.org/guybedford/es-module-lexer.svg?branch=master
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