1 | # fastq
2 |
3 | ![ci][ci-url]
4 | [![npm version][npm-badge]][npm-url]
5 | [![Dependency Status][david-badge]][david-url]
6 |
7 | Fast, in memory work queue.
8 |
9 | Benchmarks (1 million tasks):
10 |
11 | * setImmediate: 812ms
12 | * fastq: 854ms
13 | * async.queue: 1298ms
14 | * neoAsync.queue: 1249ms
15 |
16 | Obtained on node 12.16.1, on a dedicated server.
17 |
18 | If you need zero-overhead series function call, check out
19 | [fastseries](http://npm.im/fastseries). For zero-overhead parallel
20 | function call, check out [fastparallel](http://npm.im/fastparallel).
21 |
22 | [![js-standard-style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/feross/standard/master/badge.png)](https://github.com/feross/standard)
23 |
24 | * <a href="#install">Installation</a>
25 | * <a href="#usage">Usage</a>
26 | * <a href="#api">API</a>
27 | * <a href="#license">Licence & copyright</a>
28 |
29 | ## Install
30 |
31 | `npm i fastq --save`
32 |
33 | ## Usage (callback API)
34 |
35 | ```js
36 | 'use strict'
37 |
38 | const queue = require('fastq')(worker, 1)
39 |
40 | queue.push(42, function (err, result) {
41 | if (err) { throw err }
42 | console.log('the result is', result)
43 | })
44 |
45 | function worker (arg, cb) {
46 | cb(null, arg * 2)
47 | }
48 | ```
49 |
50 | ## Usage (promise API)
51 |
52 | ```js
53 | const queue = require('fastq').promise(worker, 1)
54 |
55 | async function worker (arg) {
56 | return arg * 2
57 | }
58 |
59 | async function run () {
60 | const result = await queue.push(42)
61 | console.log('the result is', result)
62 | }
63 |
64 | run()
65 | ```
66 |
67 | ### Setting "this"
68 |
69 | ```js
70 | 'use strict'
71 |
72 | const that = { hello: 'world' }
73 | const queue = require('fastq')(that, worker, 1)
74 |
75 | queue.push(42, function (err, result) {
76 | if (err) { throw err }
77 | console.log(this)
78 | console.log('the result is', result)
79 | })
80 |
81 | function worker (arg, cb) {
82 | console.log(this)
83 | cb(null, arg * 2)
84 | }
85 | ```
86 |
87 | ### Using with TypeScript (callback API)
88 |
89 | ```ts
90 | 'use strict'
91 |
92 | import * as fastq from "fastq";
93 | import type { queue, done } from "fastq";
94 |
95 | type Task = {
96 | id: number
97 | }
98 |
99 | const q: queue<Task> = fastq(worker, 1)
100 |
101 | q.push({ id: 42})
102 |
103 | function worker (arg: Task, cb: done) {
104 | console.log(arg.id)
105 | cb(null)
106 | }
107 | ```
108 |
109 | ### Using with TypeScript (promise API)
110 |
111 | ```ts
112 | 'use strict'
113 |
114 | import * as fastq from "fastq";
115 | import type { queueAsPromised } from "fastq";
116 |
117 | type Task = {
118 | id: number
119 | }
120 |
121 | const q: queueAsPromised<Task> = fastq.promise(asyncWorker, 1)
122 |
123 | q.push({ id: 42}).catch((err) => console.error(err))
124 |
125 | async function asyncWorker (arg: Task): Promise<void> {
126 | // No need for a try-catch block, fastq handles errors automatically
127 | console.log(arg.id)
128 | }
129 | ```
130 |
131 | ## API
132 |
133 | * <a href="#fastqueue"><code>fastqueue()</code></a>
134 | * <a href="#push"><code>queue#<b>push()</b></code></a>
135 | * <a href="#unshift"><code>queue#<b>unshift()</b></code></a>
136 | * <a href="#pause"><code>queue#<b>pause()</b></code></a>
137 | * <a href="#resume"><code>queue#<b>resume()</b></code></a>
138 | * <a href="#idle"><code>queue#<b>idle()</b></code></a>
139 | * <a href="#length"><code>queue#<b>length()</b></code></a>
140 | * <a href="#getQueue"><code>queue#<b>getQueue()</b></code></a>
141 | * <a href="#kill"><code>queue#<b>kill()</b></code></a>
142 | * <a href="#killAndDrain"><code>queue#<b>killAndDrain()</b></code></a>
143 | * <a href="#error"><code>queue#<b>error()</b></code></a>
144 | * <a href="#concurrency"><code>queue#<b>concurrency</b></code></a>
145 | * <a href="#drain"><code>queue#<b>drain</b></code></a>
146 | * <a href="#empty"><code>queue#<b>empty</b></code></a>
147 | * <a href="#saturated"><code>queue#<b>saturated</b></code></a>
148 | * <a href="#promise"><code>fastqueue.promise()</code></a>
149 |
150 | -------------------------------------------------------
151 | <a name="fastqueue"></a>
152 | ### fastqueue([that], worker, concurrency)
153 |
154 | Creates a new queue.
155 |
156 | Arguments:
157 |
158 | * `that`, optional context of the `worker` function.
159 | * `worker`, worker function, it would be called with `that` as `this`,
160 | if that is specified.
161 | * `concurrency`, number of concurrent tasks that could be executed in
162 | parallel.
163 |
164 | -------------------------------------------------------
165 | <a name="push"></a>
166 | ### queue.push(task, done)
167 |
168 | Add a task at the end of the queue. `done(err, result)` will be called
169 | when the task was processed.
170 |
171 | -------------------------------------------------------
172 | <a name="unshift"></a>
173 | ### queue.unshift(task, done)
174 |
175 | Add a task at the beginning of the queue. `done(err, result)` will be called
176 | when the task was processed.
177 |
178 | -------------------------------------------------------
179 | <a name="pause"></a>
180 | ### queue.pause()
181 |
182 | Pause the processing of tasks. Currently worked tasks are not
183 | stopped.
184 |
185 | -------------------------------------------------------
186 | <a name="resume"></a>
187 | ### queue.resume()
188 |
189 | Resume the processing of tasks.
190 |
191 | -------------------------------------------------------
192 | <a name="idle"></a>
193 | ### queue.idle()
194 |
195 | Returns `false` if there are tasks being processed or waiting to be processed.
196 | `true` otherwise.
197 |
198 | -------------------------------------------------------
199 | <a name="length"></a>
200 | ### queue.length()
201 |
202 | Returns the number of tasks waiting to be processed (in the queue).
203 |
204 | -------------------------------------------------------
205 | <a name="getQueue"></a>
206 | ### queue.getQueue()
207 |
208 | Returns all the tasks be processed (in the queue). Returns empty array when there are no tasks
209 |
210 | -------------------------------------------------------
211 | <a name="kill"></a>
212 | ### queue.kill()
213 |
214 | Removes all tasks waiting to be processed, and reset `drain` to an empty
215 | function.
216 |
217 | -------------------------------------------------------
218 | <a name="killAndDrain"></a>
219 | ### queue.killAndDrain()
220 |
221 | Same than `kill` but the `drain` function will be called before reset to empty.
222 |
223 | -------------------------------------------------------
224 | <a name="error"></a>
225 | ### queue.error(handler)
226 |
227 | Set a global error handler. `handler(err, task)` will be called
228 | when any of the tasks return an error.
229 |
230 | -------------------------------------------------------
231 | <a name="concurrency"></a>
232 | ### queue.concurrency
233 |
234 | Property that returns the number of concurrent tasks that could be executed in
235 | parallel. It can be altered at runtime.
236 |
237 | -------------------------------------------------------
238 | <a name="drain"></a>
239 | ### queue.drain
240 |
241 | Function that will be called when the last
242 | item from the queue has been processed by a worker.
243 | It can be altered at runtime.
244 |
245 | -------------------------------------------------------
246 | <a name="empty"></a>
247 | ### queue.empty
248 |
249 | Function that will be called when the last
250 | item from the queue has been assigned to a worker.
251 | It can be altered at runtime.
252 |
253 | -------------------------------------------------------
254 | <a name="saturated"></a>
255 | ### queue.saturated
256 |
257 | Function that will be called when the queue hits the concurrency
258 | limit.
259 | It can be altered at runtime.
260 |
261 | -------------------------------------------------------
262 | <a name="promise"></a>
263 | ### fastqueue.promise([that], worker(arg), concurrency)
264 |
265 | Creates a new queue with `Promise` apis. It also offers all the methods
266 | and properties of the object returned by [`fastqueue`](#fastqueue) with the modified
267 | [`push`](#pushPromise) and [`unshift`](#unshiftPromise) methods.
268 |
269 | Node v10+ is required to use the promisified version.
270 |
271 | Arguments:
272 | * `that`, optional context of the `worker` function.
273 | * `worker`, worker function, it would be called with `that` as `this`,
274 | if that is specified. It MUST return a `Promise`.
275 | * `concurrency`, number of concurrent tasks that could be executed in
276 | parallel.
277 |
278 | <a name="pushPromise"></a>
279 | #### queue.push(task) => Promise
280 |
281 | Add a task at the end of the queue. The returned `Promise` will be fulfilled (rejected)
282 | when the task is completed successfully (unsuccessfully).
283 |
284 | This promise could be ignored as it will not lead to a `'unhandledRejection'`.
285 |
286 | <a name="unshiftPromise"></a>
287 | #### queue.unshift(task) => Promise
288 |
289 | Add a task at the beginning of the queue. The returned `Promise` will be fulfilled (rejected)
290 | when the task is completed successfully (unsuccessfully).
291 |
292 | This promise could be ignored as it will not lead to a `'unhandledRejection'`.
293 |
294 | <a name="drained"></a>
295 | #### queue.drained() => Promise
296 |
297 | Wait for the queue to be drained. The returned `Promise` will be resolved when all tasks in the queue have been processed by a worker.
298 |
299 | This promise could be ignored as it will not lead to a `'unhandledRejection'`.
300 |
301 | ## License
302 |
303 | ISC
304 |
305 | [ci-url]: https://github.com/mcollina/fastq/workflows/ci/badge.svg
306 | [npm-badge]: https://badge.fury.io/js/fastq.svg
307 | [npm-url]: https://badge.fury.io/js/fastq
308 | [david-badge]: https://david-dm.org/mcollina/fastq.svg
309 | [david-url]: https://david-dm.org/mcollina/fastq