1 | # figures [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/sindresorhus/figures.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/sindresorhus/figures)
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3 | > Unicode symbols with Windows CMD fallbacks
4 |
5 | [![](screenshot.png)](index.js)
6 |
7 | [*and more...*](index.js)
8 |
9 | Windows CMD only supports a [limited character set](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_page_437).
10 |
11 | ## Install
12 |
13 | ```
14 | $ npm install figures
15 | ```
16 |
17 | ## Usage
18 |
19 | See the [source](index.js) for supported symbols.
20 |
21 | ```js
22 | const figures = require('figures');
23 |
24 | console.log(figures('✔︎ check'));
25 | // On non-Windows OSes: ✔︎ check
26 | // On Windows: √ check
27 |
28 | console.log(figures.tick);
29 | // On non-Windows OSes: ✔︎
30 | // On Windows: √
31 |
32 | console.log(figures.main.tick);
33 | // On all OSes: ✔︎
34 |
35 | console.log(figures.windows.tick);
36 | // On all OSes: √
37 | ```
38 |
39 | ## API
40 |
41 | ### figures(string)
42 |
43 | Returns the input with replaced fallback Unicode symbols on Windows.
44 |
45 | All the below [figures](#figures) are attached to the main export as shown in the example above.
46 |
47 | #### string
48 |
49 | Type: `string`
50 |
51 | String where the Unicode symbols will be replaced with fallback symbols depending on the OS.
52 |
53 | ### figures.main
54 |
55 | Symbols to use when not running on Windows.
56 |
57 | ### figures.windows
58 |
59 | Symbols to use when running on Windows.
60 |
61 |
62 | ## Figures
63 |
64 | | Name | Non-Windows | Windows |
65 | | ------------------ | :---------: | :-----: |
66 | | tick | ✔ | √ |
67 | | cross | ✖ | × |
68 | | star | ★ | * |
69 | | square | ▇ | █ |
70 | | squareSmall | ◻ | [ ] |
71 | | squareSmallFilled | ◼ | [█] |
72 | | play | ▶ | ► |
73 | | circle | ◯ | ( ) |
74 | | circleFilled | ◉ | (*) |
75 | | circleDotted | ◌ | ( ) |
76 | | circleDouble | ◎ | ( ) |
77 | | circleCircle | ⓞ | (○) |
78 | | circleCross | ⓧ | (×) |
79 | | circlePipe | Ⓘ | (│) |
80 | | circleQuestionMark | ?⃝ | (?) |
81 | | bullet | ● | * |
82 | | dot | ․ | . |
83 | | line | ─ | ─ |
84 | | ellipsis | … | ... |
85 | | pointer | ❯ | > |
86 | | pointerSmall | › | » |
87 | | info | ℹ | i |
88 | | warning | ⚠ | ‼ |
89 | | hamburger | ☰ | ≡ |
90 | | smiley | ㋡ | ☺ |
91 | | mustache | ෴ | ┌─┐ |
92 | | heart | ♥ | ♥ |
93 | | nodejs | ⬢ | ♦ |
94 | | arrowUp | ↑ | ↑ |
95 | | arrowDown | ↓ | ↓ |
96 | | arrowLeft | ← | ← |
97 | | arrowRight | → | → |
98 | | radioOn | ◉ | (*) |
99 | | radioOff | ◯ | ( ) |
100 | | checkboxOn | ☒ | [×] |
101 | | checkboxOff | ☐ | [ ] |
102 | | checkboxCircleOn | ⓧ | (×) |
103 | | checkboxCircleOff | Ⓘ | ( ) |
104 | | questionMarkPrefix | ?⃝ | ? |
105 | | oneHalf | ½ | 1/2 |
106 | | oneThird | ⅓ | 1/3 |
107 | | oneQuarter | ¼ | 1/4 |
108 | | oneFifth | ⅕ | 1/5 |
109 | | oneSixth | ⅙ | 1/6 |
110 | | oneSeventh | ⅐ | 1/7 |
111 | | oneEighth | ⅛ | 1/8 |
112 | | oneNinth | ⅑ | 1/9 |
113 | | oneTenth | ⅒ | 1/10 |
114 | | twoThirds | ⅔ | 2/3 |
115 | | twoFifths | ⅖ | 2/5 |
116 | | threeQuarters | ¾ | 3/4 |
117 | | threeFifths | ⅗ | 3/5 |
118 | | threeEighths | ⅜ | 3/8 |
119 | | fourFifths | ⅘ | 4/5 |
120 | | fiveSixths | ⅚ | 5/6 |
121 | | fiveEighths | ⅝ | 5/8 |
122 | | sevenEighths | ⅞ | 7/8 |
123 |
124 |
125 | ## Related
126 |
127 | - [log-symbols](https://github.com/sindresorhus/log-symbols) - Colored symbols for various log levels
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129 | ---
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134 | </b>
135 | <br>
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138 | </sub>
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