1 | import {Options as FastGlobOptions, Entry as FastGlobEntry} from 'fast-glob';
2 |
3 | declare namespace globby {
4 | type ExpandDirectoriesOption =
5 | | boolean
6 | | readonly string[]
7 | | {files?: readonly string[]; extensions?: readonly string[]};
8 |
9 | type Entry = FastGlobEntry;
10 |
11 | interface GlobbyOptions extends FastGlobOptions {
12 | /**
13 | If set to `true`, `globby` will automatically glob directories for you. If you define an `Array` it will only glob files that matches the patterns inside the `Array`. You can also define an `Object` with `files` and `extensions` like in the example below.
14 |
15 | Note that if you set this option to `false`, you won't get back matched directories unless you set `onlyFiles: false`.
16 |
17 | @default true
18 |
19 | @example
20 | ```
21 | import globby = require('globby');
22 |
23 | (async () => {
24 | const paths = await globby('images', {
25 | expandDirectories: {
26 | files: ['cat', 'unicorn', '*.jpg'],
27 | extensions: ['png']
28 | }
29 | });
30 |
31 | console.log(paths);
32 | //=> ['cat.png', 'unicorn.png', 'cow.jpg', 'rainbow.jpg']
33 | })();
34 | ```
35 | */
36 | readonly expandDirectories?: ExpandDirectoriesOption;
37 |
38 | /**
39 | Respect ignore patterns in `.gitignore` files that apply to the globbed files.
40 |
41 | @default false
42 | */
43 | readonly gitignore?: boolean;
44 | }
45 |
46 | interface GlobTask {
47 | readonly pattern: string;
48 | readonly options: GlobbyOptions;
49 | }
50 |
51 | interface GitignoreOptions {
52 | readonly cwd?: string;
53 | readonly ignore?: readonly string[];
54 | }
55 |
56 | type FilterFunction = (path: string) => boolean;
57 | }
58 |
59 | interface Gitignore {
60 | /**
61 | @returns A filter function indicating whether a given path is ignored via a `.gitignore` file.
62 | */
63 | sync: (options?: globby.GitignoreOptions) => globby.FilterFunction;
64 |
65 | /**
66 | `.gitignore` files matched by the ignore config are not used for the resulting filter function.
67 |
68 | @returns A filter function indicating whether a given path is ignored via a `.gitignore` file.
69 |
70 | @example
71 | ```
72 | import {gitignore} from 'globby';
73 |
74 | (async () => {
75 | const isIgnored = await gitignore();
76 | console.log(isIgnored('some/file'));
77 | })();
78 | ```
79 | */
80 | (options?: globby.GitignoreOptions): Promise<globby.FilterFunction>;
81 | }
82 |
83 | declare const globby: {
84 | /**
85 | Find files and directories using glob patterns.
86 |
87 | Note that glob patterns can only contain forward-slashes, not backward-slashes, so if you want to construct a glob pattern from path components, you need to use `path.posix.join()` instead of `path.join()`.
88 |
89 | @param patterns - See the supported [glob patterns](https://github.com/sindresorhus/globby#globbing-patterns).
90 | @param options - See the [`fast-glob` options](https://github.com/mrmlnc/fast-glob#options-3) in addition to the ones in this package.
91 | @returns The matching paths.
92 | */
93 | sync: ((
94 | patterns: string | readonly string[],
95 | options: globby.GlobbyOptions & {objectMode: true}
96 | ) => globby.Entry[]) & ((
97 | patterns: string | readonly string[],
98 | options?: globby.GlobbyOptions
99 | ) => string[]);
100 |
101 | /**
102 | Find files and directories using glob patterns.
103 |
104 | Note that glob patterns can only contain forward-slashes, not backward-slashes, so if you want to construct a glob pattern from path components, you need to use `path.posix.join()` instead of `path.join()`.
105 |
106 | @param patterns - See the supported [glob patterns](https://github.com/sindresorhus/globby#globbing-patterns).
107 | @param options - See the [`fast-glob` options](https://github.com/mrmlnc/fast-glob#options-3) in addition to the ones in this package.
108 | @returns The stream of matching paths.
109 |
110 | @example
111 | ```
112 | import globby = require('globby');
113 |
114 | (async () => {
115 | for await (const path of globby.stream('*.tmp')) {
116 | console.log(path);
117 | }
118 | })();
119 | ```
120 | */
121 | stream: (
122 | patterns: string | readonly string[],
123 | options?: globby.GlobbyOptions
124 | ) => NodeJS.ReadableStream;
125 |
126 | /**
127 | Note that you should avoid running the same tasks multiple times as they contain a file system cache. Instead, run this method each time to ensure file system changes are taken into consideration.
128 |
129 | @param patterns - See the supported [glob patterns](https://github.com/sindresorhus/globby#globbing-patterns).
130 | @param options - See the [`fast-glob` options](https://github.com/mrmlnc/fast-glob#options-3) in addition to the ones in this package.
131 | @returns An object in the format `{pattern: string, options: object}`, which can be passed as arguments to [`fast-glob`](https://github.com/mrmlnc/fast-glob). This is useful for other globbing-related packages.
132 | */
133 | generateGlobTasks: (
134 | patterns: string | readonly string[],
135 | options?: globby.GlobbyOptions
136 | ) => globby.GlobTask[];
137 |
138 | /**
139 | Note that the options affect the results.
140 |
141 | This function is backed by [`fast-glob`](https://github.com/mrmlnc/fast-glob#isdynamicpatternpattern-options).
142 |
143 | @param patterns - See the supported [glob patterns](https://github.com/sindresorhus/globby#globbing-patterns).
144 | @param options - See the [`fast-glob` options](https://github.com/mrmlnc/fast-glob#options-3).
145 | @returns Whether there are any special glob characters in the `patterns`.
146 | */
147 | hasMagic: (
148 | patterns: string | readonly string[],
149 | options?: FastGlobOptions
150 | ) => boolean;
151 |
152 | readonly gitignore: Gitignore;
153 |
154 | (
155 | patterns: string | readonly string[],
156 | options: globby.GlobbyOptions & {objectMode: true}
157 | ): Promise<globby.Entry[]>;
158 |
159 | /**
160 | Find files and directories using glob patterns.
161 |
162 | Note that glob patterns can only contain forward-slashes, not backward-slashes, so if you want to construct a glob pattern from path components, you need to use `path.posix.join()` instead of `path.join()`.
163 |
164 | @param patterns - See the supported [glob patterns](https://github.com/sindresorhus/globby#globbing-patterns).
165 | @param options - See the [`fast-glob` options](https://github.com/mrmlnc/fast-glob#options-3) in addition to the ones in this package.
166 | @returns The matching paths.
167 |
168 | @example
169 | ```
170 | import globby = require('globby');
171 |
172 | (async () => {
173 | const paths = await globby(['*', '!cake']);
174 |
175 | console.log(paths);
176 | //=> ['unicorn', 'rainbow']
177 | })();
178 | ```
179 | */
180 | (
181 | patterns: string | readonly string[],
182 | options?: globby.GlobbyOptions
183 | ): Promise<string[]>;
184 | };
185 |
186 | export = globby;