1 | # is What? 🙉
2 |
3 | Very simple & small JS type check functions. It's fully TypeScript supported!
4 |
5 | ```
6 | npm i is-what
7 | ```
8 |
9 | Or for deno available at: `"deno.land/x/is_what"`
10 |
11 | ## Motivation
12 |
13 | I built is-what because the existing solutions were all too complex or too poorly built.
14 |
15 | I was looking for:
16 | - A simple way to check any kind of type (including non-primitives)
17 | - Be able to check if an object is a plain object `{}` or a special object (like a class instance) ‼️
18 | - Let TypeScript automatically know what type a value is when checking
19 |
20 | And that's exactly what `is-what` is! (what a great wordplay 😃)
21 |
22 | ## Usage
23 |
24 | is-what is really easy to use, and most functions work just like you'd expect.
25 |
26 | ```js
27 | // import functions you want to use like so:
28 | import { isString, isDate, isPlainObject } from 'is-what'
29 | ```
30 |
31 | 1. First I'll go over the simple functions available. Only `isNumber` and `isDate` have special treatment.
32 | 2. After that I'll talk about working with Objects (plain objects vs class instances etc.).
33 | 3. Lastly I'll talk about TypeScript implementation
34 |
35 | ### Simple type check functions
36 |
37 | ```js
38 | // strings
39 | isString('') // true
40 | isEmptyString('') // true
41 | isFullString('') // false
42 |
43 | // numbers
44 | isNumber(0) // true
45 | isNumber(NaN) // false
46 |
47 | // dates
48 | isDate(new Date()) // true
49 | isDate(new Date('invalid date')) // false
50 |
51 | // others
52 | isBoolean(false) // true
53 | isFunction(function () {}) // true
54 | isArray([]) // true
55 | isUndefined(undefined) // true
56 | isNull(null) // true
57 | isRegExp(/\s/gi) // true
58 | isSymbol(Symbol()) // true
59 | isBlob(new Blob()) // true
60 | isFile(new File([''], '', { type: 'text/html' })) // true
61 |
62 | // primitives
63 | isPrimitive('') // true
64 | // true for any of: boolean, null, undefined, number, string, symbol
65 | ```
66 |
67 | ### Getting and checking for specific types
68 |
69 | You can check for specific types with `getType` and `isType`:
70 |
71 | ```js
72 | import { getType, isType } from 'is-what'
73 |
74 | getType('') // returns 'String'
75 | // pass a Type as second param:
76 | isType('', String) // returns true
77 | ```
78 |
79 | ### isPlainObject vs isAnyObject
80 |
81 | Checking for a JavaScript object can be really difficult. In JavaScript you can create classes that will behave just like JavaScript objects but might have completely different prototypes. With is-what I went for this classification:
82 |
83 | - `isPlainObject` will only return `true` on plain JavaScript objects and not on classes or others
84 | - `isAnyObject` will be more loose and return `true` on regular objects, classes, etc.
85 |
86 | ```js
87 | // define a plain object
88 | const plainObject = {hello: 'I am a good old object.'}
89 |
90 | // define a special object
91 | class SpecialObject {
92 | constructor (somethingSpecial) {
93 | this.speciality = somethingSpecial
94 | }
95 | }
96 | const specialObject = new SpecialObject('I am a special object! I am a class instance!!!')
97 |
98 | // check the plain object
99 | isPlainObject(plainObject) // returns true
100 | isAnyObject(plainObject) // returns true
101 | getType(plainObject) // returns 'Object'
102 |
103 | // check the special object
104 | isPlainObject(specialObject) // returns false !!!!!!!!!
105 | isAnyObject(specialObject) // returns true
106 | getType(specialObject) // returns 'Object'
107 | ```
108 |
109 | > Please note that `isPlainObject` will only return `true` for normal plain JavaScript objects.
110 |
111 | ## TypeScript
112 |
113 | is-what makes TypeScript know the type during if statements. This means that a check returns the type of the payload for TypeScript users.
114 |
115 | ```ts
116 | function isNumber (payload: any): payload is number {
117 | // return boolean
118 | }
119 | // As you can see above, all functions return a boolean for JavaScript, but pass the payload type to TypeScript.
120 |
121 | // usage example:
122 | function fn (payload: string | number): number {
123 | if (isNumber(payload)) {
124 | // ↑ TypeScript already knows payload is a number here!
125 | return payload
126 | }
127 | return 0
128 | }
129 | ```
130 |
131 | `isPlainObject` and `isAnyObject` with TypeScript will declare the payload to be an object type with any props:
132 |
133 | ```ts
134 | function isPlainObject (payload: any): payload is {[key: string]: any}
135 | function isAnyObject (payload: any): payload is {[key: string]: any}
136 | // The reason to return `{[key: string]: any}` is to be able to do
137 | if (isPlainObject(payload) && payload.id) return payload.id
138 | // if isPlainObject() would return `payload is object` then it would give an error at `payload.id`
139 | ```
140 |
141 | ### isObjectLike
142 |
143 | If you want more control over which kind of objects are allowed you can use `isObjectLike<T>`:
144 |
145 | ```ts
146 | import { isObjectLike } from 'is-what'
147 | // usage examples:
148 | isObjectLike<{specificKey: string}>(payload)
149 | isObjectLike<object>(payload)
150 | // you can pass a specific type for TS to check on.
151 | ```
152 |
153 | `isObjectLike<T>` works like this under the hood:
154 |
155 | ```ts
156 | function isObjectLike<T extends object> (payload: any): payload is T {
157 | return isAnyObject(payload)
158 | }
159 | ```
160 |
161 | ## Meet the family
162 |
163 | - [is-what 🙉](https://github.com/mesqueeb/is-what)
164 | - [merge-anything 🥡](https://github.com/mesqueeb/merge-anything)
165 | - [filter-anything ⚔️](https://github.com/mesqueeb/filter-anything)
166 | - [find-and-replace-anything 🎣](https://github.com/mesqueeb/find-and-replace-anything)
167 | - [compare-anything 🛰](https://github.com/mesqueeb/compare-anything)
168 | - [copy-anything 🎭](https://github.com/mesqueeb/copy-anything)
169 | - [flatten-anything 🏏](https://github.com/mesqueeb/flatten-anything)
170 |
171 | ## Source code
172 |
173 | It's litterally just these functions:
174 |
175 | ```js
176 | function getType (payload) {
177 | return Object.prototype.toString.call(payload).slice(8, -1)
178 | }
179 | function isUndefined (payload) {
180 | return getType(payload) === 'Undefined'
181 | }
182 | function isString (payload) {
183 | return getType(payload) === 'String'
184 | }
185 | function isAnyObject (payload) {
186 | return getType(payload) === 'Object'
187 | }
188 | // etc...
189 | ```
190 |
191 | See the full source code [here](https://github.com/mesqueeb/is-what/blob/master/src/index.ts).