1 | #!/usr/bin/env node
2 |
3 | const usage = () => `
4 | usage: mkdirp [DIR1,DIR2..] {OPTIONS}
5 |
6 | Create each supplied directory including any necessary parent directories
7 | that don't yet exist.
8 |
9 | If the directory already exists, do nothing.
10 |
11 | OPTIONS are:
12 |
13 | -m<mode> If a directory needs to be created, set the mode as an octal
14 | --mode=<mode> permission string.
15 |
16 | -v --version Print the mkdirp version number
17 |
18 | -h --help Print this helpful banner
19 |
20 | -p --print Print the first directories created for each path provided
21 |
22 | --manual Use manual implementation, even if native is available
23 | `
24 |
25 | const dirs = []
26 | const opts = {}
27 | let print = false
28 | let dashdash = false
29 | let manual = false
30 | for (const arg of process.argv.slice(2)) {
31 | if (dashdash)
32 | dirs.push(arg)
33 | else if (arg === '--')
34 | dashdash = true
35 | else if (arg === '--manual')
36 | manual = true
37 | else if (/^-h/.test(arg) || /^--help/.test(arg)) {
38 | console.log(usage())
39 | process.exit(0)
40 | } else if (arg === '-v' || arg === '--version') {
41 | console.log(require('../package.json').version)
42 | process.exit(0)
43 | } else if (arg === '-p' || arg === '--print') {
44 | print = true
45 | } else if (/^-m/.test(arg) || /^--mode=/.test(arg)) {
46 | const mode = parseInt(arg.replace(/^(-m|--mode=)/, ''), 8)
47 | if (isNaN(mode)) {
48 | console.error(`invalid mode argument: ${arg}\nMust be an octal number.`)
49 | process.exit(1)
50 | }
51 | opts.mode = mode
52 | } else
53 | dirs.push(arg)
54 | }
55 |
56 | const mkdirp = require('../')
57 | const impl = manual ? mkdirp.manual : mkdirp
58 | if (dirs.length === 0)
59 | console.error(usage())
60 |
61 | Promise.all(dirs.map(dir => impl(dir, opts)))
62 | .then(made => print ? made.forEach(m => m && console.log(m)) : null)
63 | .catch(er => {
64 | console.error(er.message)
65 | if (er.code)
66 | console.error(' code: ' + er.code)
67 | process.exit(1)
68 | })