1 | NOTE: The default branch has been renamed!
2 | master is now named main
3 |
4 | If you have a local clone, you can update it by running:
5 |
6 | ```shell
7 | git branch -m master main
8 | git fetch origin
9 | git branch -u origin/main main
10 | ```
11 |
12 | # **node-addon-api module**
13 | This module contains **header-only C++ wrapper classes** which simplify
14 | the use of the C based [Node-API](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/docs/api/n-api.html)
15 | provided by Node.js when using C++. It provides a C++ object model
16 | and exception handling semantics with low overhead.
17 |
18 | There are three options for implementing addons: Node-API, nan, or direct
19 | use of internal V8, libuv and Node.js libraries. Unless there is a need for
20 | direct access to functionality which is not exposed by Node-API as outlined
21 | in [C/C++ addons](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/docs/api/addons.html)
22 | in Node.js core, use Node-API. Refer to
23 | [C/C++ addons with Node-API](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/docs/api/n-api.html)
24 | for more information on Node-API.
25 |
26 | Node-API is an ABI stable C interface provided by Node.js for building native
27 | addons. It is independent from the underlying JavaScript runtime (e.g. V8 or ChakraCore)
28 | and is maintained as part of Node.js itself. It is intended to insulate
29 | native addons from changes in the underlying JavaScript engine and allow
30 | modules compiled for one version to run on later versions of Node.js without
31 | recompilation.
32 |
33 | The `node-addon-api` module, which is not part of Node.js, preserves the benefits
34 | of the Node-API as it consists only of inline code that depends only on the stable API
35 | provided by Node-API. As such, modules built against one version of Node.js
36 | using node-addon-api should run without having to be rebuilt with newer versions
37 | of Node.js.
38 |
39 | It is important to remember that *other* Node.js interfaces such as
40 | `libuv` (included in a project via `#include <uv.h>`) are not ABI-stable across
41 | Node.js major versions. Thus, an addon must use Node-API and/or `node-addon-api`
42 | exclusively and build against a version of Node.js that includes an
43 | implementation of Node-API (meaning an active LTS version of Node.js) in
44 | order to benefit from ABI stability across Node.js major versions. Node.js
45 | provides an [ABI stability guide][] containing a detailed explanation of ABI
46 | stability in general, and the Node-API ABI stability guarantee in particular.
47 |
48 | As new APIs are added to Node-API, node-addon-api must be updated to provide
49 | wrappers for those new APIs. For this reason node-addon-api provides
50 | methods that allow callers to obtain the underlying Node-API handles so
51 | direct calls to Node-API and the use of the objects/methods provided by
52 | node-addon-api can be used together. For example, in order to be able
53 | to use an API for which the node-addon-api does not yet provide a wrapper.
54 |
55 | APIs exposed by node-addon-api are generally used to create and
56 | manipulate JavaScript values. Concepts and operations generally map
57 | to ideas specified in the **ECMA262 Language Specification**.
58 |
59 | The [Node-API Resource](https://nodejs.github.io/node-addon-examples/) offers an
60 | excellent orientation and tips for developers just getting started with Node-API
61 | and node-addon-api.
62 |
63 | - **[Setup](#setup)**
64 | - **[API Documentation](#api)**
65 | - **[Examples](#examples)**
66 | - **[Tests](#tests)**
67 | - **[More resource and info about native Addons](#resources)**
68 | - **[Badges](#badges)**
69 | - **[Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)**
70 | - **[Contributors](#contributors)**
71 | - **[License](#license)**
72 |
73 | ## **Current version: 3.2.1**
74 |
75 | (See [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md) for complete Changelog)
76 |
77 | [![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/node-addon-api.png?downloads=true&downloadRank=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/node-addon-api/) [![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm-dl/node-addon-api.png?months=6&height=1)](https://nodei.co/npm/node-addon-api/)
78 |
79 | <a name="setup"></a>
80 |
81 | node-addon-api is based on [Node-API](https://nodejs.org/api/n-api.html) and supports using different Node-API versions.
82 | This allows addons built with it to run with Node.js versions which support the targeted Node-API version.
83 | **However** the node-addon-api support model is to support only the active LTS Node.js versions. This means that
84 | every year there will be a new major which drops support for the Node.js LTS version which has gone out of service.
85 |
86 | The oldest Node.js version supported by the current version of node-addon-api is Node.js 10.x.
87 |
88 | ## Setup
89 | - [Installation and usage](doc/setup.md)
90 | - [node-gyp](doc/node-gyp.md)
91 | - [cmake-js](doc/cmake-js.md)
92 | - [Conversion tool](doc/conversion-tool.md)
93 | - [Checker tool](doc/checker-tool.md)
94 | - [Generator](doc/generator.md)
95 | - [Prebuild tools](doc/prebuild_tools.md)
96 |
97 | <a name="api"></a>
98 |
99 | ### **API Documentation**
100 |
101 | The following is the documentation for node-addon-api.
102 |
103 | - [Full Class Hierarchy](doc/hierarchy.md)
104 | - [Addon Structure](doc/addon.md)
105 | - Data Types:
106 | - [Env](doc/env.md)
107 | - [CallbackInfo](doc/callbackinfo.md)
108 | - [Reference](doc/reference.md)
109 | - [Value](doc/value.md)
110 | - [Name](doc/name.md)
111 | - [Symbol](doc/symbol.md)
112 | - [String](doc/string.md)
113 | - [Number](doc/number.md)
114 | - [Date](doc/date.md)
115 | - [BigInt](doc/bigint.md)
116 | - [Boolean](doc/boolean.md)
117 | - [External](doc/external.md)
118 | - [Object](doc/object.md)
119 | - [Array](doc/array.md)
120 | - [ObjectReference](doc/object_reference.md)
121 | - [PropertyDescriptor](doc/property_descriptor.md)
122 | - [Function](doc/function.md)
123 | - [FunctionReference](doc/function_reference.md)
124 | - [ObjectWrap](doc/object_wrap.md)
125 | - [ClassPropertyDescriptor](doc/class_property_descriptor.md)
126 | - [Buffer](doc/buffer.md)
127 | - [ArrayBuffer](doc/array_buffer.md)
128 | - [TypedArray](doc/typed_array.md)
129 | - [TypedArrayOf](doc/typed_array_of.md)
130 | - [DataView](doc/dataview.md)
131 | - [Error Handling](doc/error_handling.md)
132 | - [Error](doc/error.md)
133 | - [TypeError](doc/type_error.md)
134 | - [RangeError](doc/range_error.md)
135 | - [Object Lifetime Management](doc/object_lifetime_management.md)
136 | - [HandleScope](doc/handle_scope.md)
137 | - [EscapableHandleScope](doc/escapable_handle_scope.md)
138 | - [Memory Management](doc/memory_management.md)
139 | - [Async Operations](doc/async_operations.md)
140 | - [AsyncWorker](doc/async_worker.md)
141 | - [AsyncContext](doc/async_context.md)
142 | - [AsyncWorker Variants](doc/async_worker_variants.md)
143 | - [Thread-safe Functions](doc/threadsafe.md)
144 | - [ThreadSafeFunction](doc/threadsafe_function.md)
145 | - [TypedThreadSafeFunction](doc/typed_threadsafe_function.md)
146 | - [Promises](doc/promises.md)
147 | - [Version management](doc/version_management.md)
148 |
149 | <a name="examples"></a>
150 |
151 | ### **Examples**
152 |
153 | Are you new to **node-addon-api**? Take a look at our **[examples](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples)**
154 |
155 | - **[Hello World](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples/tree/HEAD/1_hello_world/node-addon-api)**
156 | - **[Pass arguments to a function](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples/tree/HEAD/2_function_arguments/node-addon-api)**
157 | - **[Callbacks](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples/tree/HEAD/3_callbacks/node-addon-api)**
158 | - **[Object factory](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples/tree/HEAD/4_object_factory/node-addon-api)**
159 | - **[Function factory](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples/tree/HEAD/5_function_factory/node-addon-api)**
160 | - **[Wrapping C++ Object](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples/tree/HEAD/6_object_wrap/node-addon-api)**
161 | - **[Factory of wrapped object](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples/tree/HEAD/7_factory_wrap/node-addon-api)**
162 | - **[Passing wrapped object around](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples/tree/HEAD/8_passing_wrapped/node-addon-api)**
163 |
164 | <a name="tests"></a>
165 |
166 | ### **Tests**
167 |
168 | To run the **node-addon-api** tests do:
169 |
170 | ```
171 | npm install
172 | npm test
173 | ```
174 |
175 | To avoid testing the deprecated portions of the API run
176 | ```
177 | npm install
178 | npm test --disable-deprecated
179 | ```
180 |
181 | To run the tests targeting a specific version of Node-API run
182 | ```
183 | npm install
184 | export NAPI_VERSION=X
185 | npm test --NAPI_VERSION=X
186 | ```
187 |
188 | where X is the version of Node-API you want to target.
189 |
190 | ### **Debug**
191 |
192 | To run the **node-addon-api** tests with `--debug` option:
193 |
194 | ```
195 | npm run-script dev
196 | ```
197 |
198 | If you want faster build, you might use the following option:
199 |
200 | ```
201 | npm run-script dev:incremental
202 | ```
203 |
204 | Take a look and get inspired by our **[test suite](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/tree/HEAD/test)**
205 |
206 | ### **Benchmarks**
207 |
208 | You can run the available benchmarks using the following command:
209 |
210 | ```
211 | npm run-script benchmark
212 | ```
213 |
214 | See [benchmark/README.md](benchmark/README.md) for more details about running and adding benchmarks.
215 |
216 | <a name="resources"></a>
217 |
218 | ### **More resource and info about native Addons**
219 | - **[C++ Addons](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/docs/api/addons.html)**
220 | - **[Node-API](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/docs/api/n-api.html)**
221 | - **[Node-API - Next Generation Node API for Native Modules](https://youtu.be/-Oniup60Afs)**
222 | - **[How We Migrated Realm JavaScript From NAN to Node-API](https://developer.mongodb.com/article/realm-javascript-nan-to-n-api)**
223 |
224 | As node-addon-api's core mission is to expose the plain C Node-API as C++
225 | wrappers, tools that facilitate n-api/node-addon-api providing more
226 | convenient patterns on developing a Node.js add-ons with n-api/node-addon-api
227 | can be published to NPM as standalone packages. It is also recommended to tag
228 | such packages with `node-addon-api` to provide more visibility to the community.
229 |
230 | Quick links to NPM searches: [keywords:node-addon-api](https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=keywords%3Anode-addon-api).
231 |
232 | <a name="other-bindings"></a>
233 |
234 | ### **Other bindings**
235 |
236 | - **[napi-rs](https://napi.rs)** - (`Rust`)
237 |
238 | <a name="badges"></a>
239 |
240 | ### **Badges**
241 |
242 | The use of badges is recommended to indicate the minimum version of Node-API
243 | required for the module. This helps to determine which Node.js major versions are
244 | supported. Addon maintainers can consult the [Node-API support matrix][] to determine
245 | which Node.js versions provide a given Node-API version. The following badges are
246 | available:
247 |
248 | ![Node-API v1 Badge](https://github.com/nodejs/abi-stable-node/blob/doc/assets/Node-API%20v1%20Badge.svg)
249 | ![Node-API v2 Badge](https://github.com/nodejs/abi-stable-node/blob/doc/assets/Node-API%20v2%20Badge.svg)
250 | ![Node-API v3 Badge](https://github.com/nodejs/abi-stable-node/blob/doc/assets/Node-API%20v3%20Badge.svg)
251 | ![Node-API v4 Badge](https://github.com/nodejs/abi-stable-node/blob/doc/assets/Node-API%20v4%20Badge.svg)
252 | ![Node-API v5 Badge](https://github.com/nodejs/abi-stable-node/blob/doc/assets/Node-API%20v5%20Badge.svg)
253 | ![Node-API v6 Badge](https://github.com/nodejs/abi-stable-node/blob/doc/assets/Node-API%20v6%20Badge.svg)
254 | ![Node-API v7 Badge](https://github.com/nodejs/abi-stable-node/blob/doc/assets/Node-API%20v7%20Badge.svg)
255 | ![Node-API v8 Badge](https://github.com/nodejs/abi-stable-node/blob/doc/assets/Node-API%20v8%20Badge.svg)
256 | ![Node-API Experimental Version Badge](https://github.com/nodejs/abi-stable-node/blob/doc/assets/Node-API%20Experimental%20Version%20Badge.svg)
257 |
258 | ## **Contributing**
259 |
260 | We love contributions from the community to **node-addon-api**!
261 | See [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for more details on our philosophy around extending this module.
262 |
263 | <a name="contributors"></a>
264 |
265 | ## Team members
266 |
267 | ### Active
268 | | Name | GitHub Link |
269 | | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
270 | | Anna Henningsen | [addaleax](https://github.com/addaleax) |
271 | | Chengzhong Wu | [legendecas](https://github.com/legendecas) |
272 | | Gabriel Schulhof | [gabrielschulhof](https://github.com/gabrielschulhof) |
273 | | Jim Schlight | [jschlight](https://github.com/jschlight) |
274 | | Michael Dawson | [mhdawson](https://github.com/mhdawson) |
275 | | Kevin Eady | [KevinEady](https://github.com/KevinEady)
276 | | Nicola Del Gobbo | [NickNaso](https://github.com/NickNaso) |
277 |
278 | ### Emeritus
279 | | Name | GitHub Link |
280 | | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
281 | | Arunesh Chandra | [aruneshchandra](https://github.com/aruneshchandra) |
282 | | Benjamin Byholm | [kkoopa](https://github.com/kkoopa) |
283 | | Jason Ginchereau | [jasongin](https://github.com/jasongin) |
284 | | Hitesh Kanwathirtha | [digitalinfinity](https://github.com/digitalinfinity) |
285 | | Sampson Gao | [sampsongao](https://github.com/sampsongao) |
286 | | Taylor Woll | [boingoing](https://github.com/boingoing) |
287 |
288 | <a name="license"></a>
289 |
290 | Licensed under [MIT](./LICENSE.md)
291 |
292 | [ABI stability guide]: https://nodejs.org/en/docs/guides/abi-stability/
293 | [Node-API support matrix]: https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/docs/api/n-api.html#n_api_n_api_version_matrix