1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | # Copyright (c) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
3 | # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4 | # found in the LICENSE file.
5 |
6 | """gyptest.py -- test runner for GYP tests."""
7 |
8 | from __future__ import print_function
9 |
10 | import argparse
11 | import os
12 | import platform
13 | import subprocess
14 | import sys
15 | import time
16 |
17 |
18 | def is_test_name(f):
19 | return f.startswith("gyptest") and f.endswith(".py")
20 |
21 |
22 | def find_all_gyptest_files(directory):
23 | result = []
24 | for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
25 | result.extend([os.path.join(root, f) for f in files if is_test_name(f)])
26 | result.sort()
27 | return result
28 |
29 |
30 | def main(argv=None):
31 | if argv is None:
32 | argv = sys.argv
33 |
34 | parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
35 | parser.add_argument("-a", "--all", action="store_true", help="run all tests")
36 | parser.add_argument("-C", "--chdir", action="store", help="change to directory")
37 | parser.add_argument(
38 | "-f",
39 | "--format",
40 | action="store",
41 | default="",
42 | help="run tests with the specified formats",
43 | )
44 | parser.add_argument(
45 | "-G",
46 | "--gyp_option",
47 | action="append",
48 | default=[],
49 | help="Add -G options to the gyp command line",
50 | )
51 | parser.add_argument(
52 | "-l", "--list", action="store_true", help="list available tests and exit"
53 | )
54 | parser.add_argument(
55 | "-n",
56 | "--no-exec",
57 | action="store_true",
58 | help="no execute, just print the command line",
59 | )
60 | parser.add_argument(
61 | "--path", action="append", default=[], help="additional $PATH directory"
62 | )
63 | parser.add_argument(
64 | "-q",
65 | "--quiet",
66 | action="store_true",
67 | help="quiet, don't print anything unless there are failures",
68 | )
69 | parser.add_argument(
70 | "-v",
71 | "--verbose",
72 | action="store_true",
73 | help="print configuration info and test results.",
74 | )
75 | parser.add_argument("tests", nargs="*")
76 | args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
77 |
78 | if args.chdir:
79 | os.chdir(args.chdir)
80 |
81 | if args.path:
82 | extra_path = [os.path.abspath(p) for p in args.path]
83 | extra_path = os.pathsep.join(extra_path)
84 | os.environ["PATH"] = extra_path + os.pathsep + os.environ["PATH"]
85 |
86 | if not args.tests:
87 | if not args.all:
88 | sys.stderr.write("Specify -a to get all tests.\n")
89 | return 1
90 | args.tests = ["test"]
91 |
92 | tests = []
93 | for arg in args.tests:
94 | if os.path.isdir(arg):
95 | tests.extend(find_all_gyptest_files(os.path.normpath(arg)))
96 | else:
97 | if not is_test_name(os.path.basename(arg)):
98 | print(arg, "is not a valid gyp test name.", file=sys.stderr)
99 | sys.exit(1)
100 | tests.append(arg)
101 |
102 | if args.list:
103 | for test in tests:
104 | print(test)
105 | sys.exit(0)
106 |
107 | os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = os.path.abspath("test/lib")
108 |
109 | if args.verbose:
110 | print_configuration_info()
111 |
112 | if args.gyp_option and not args.quiet:
113 | print("Extra Gyp options: %s\n" % args.gyp_option)
114 |
115 | if args.format:
116 | format_list = args.format.split(",")
117 | else:
118 | format_list = {
119 | "aix5": ["make"],
120 | "freebsd7": ["make"],
121 | "freebsd8": ["make"],
122 | "openbsd5": ["make"],
123 | "cygwin": ["msvs"],
124 | "win32": ["msvs", "ninja"],
125 | "linux": ["make", "ninja"],
126 | "linux2": ["make", "ninja"],
127 | "linux3": ["make", "ninja"],
128 | # TODO: Re-enable xcode-ninja.
129 | # https://bugs.chromium.org/p/gyp/issues/detail?id=530
130 | # 'darwin': ['make', 'ninja', 'xcode', 'xcode-ninja'],
131 | "darwin": ["make", "ninja", "xcode"],
132 | }[sys.platform]
133 |
134 | gyp_options = []
135 | for option in args.gyp_option:
136 | gyp_options += ["-G", option]
137 |
138 | runner = Runner(format_list, tests, gyp_options, args.verbose)
139 | runner.run()
140 |
141 | if not args.quiet:
142 | runner.print_results()
143 |
144 | if runner.failures:
145 | return 1
146 | else:
147 | return 0
148 |
149 |
150 | def print_configuration_info():
151 | print("Test configuration:")
152 | if sys.platform == "darwin":
153 | sys.path.append(os.path.abspath("test/lib"))
154 | import TestMac
155 |
156 | print(" Mac %s %s" % (platform.mac_ver()[0], platform.mac_ver()[2]))
157 | print(" Xcode %s" % TestMac.Xcode.Version())
158 | elif sys.platform == "win32":
159 | sys.path.append(os.path.abspath("pylib"))
160 | import gyp.MSVSVersion
161 |
162 | print(" Win %s %s\n" % platform.win32_ver()[0:2])
163 | print(" MSVS %s" % gyp.MSVSVersion.SelectVisualStudioVersion().Description())
164 | elif sys.platform in ("linux", "linux2"):
165 | print(" Linux %s" % " ".join(platform.linux_distribution()))
166 | print(" Python %s" % platform.python_version())
167 | print(" PYTHONPATH=%s" % os.environ["PYTHONPATH"])
168 | print()
169 |
170 |
171 | class Runner(object):
172 | def __init__(self, formats, tests, gyp_options, verbose):
173 | self.formats = formats
174 | self.tests = tests
175 | self.verbose = verbose
176 | self.gyp_options = gyp_options
177 | self.failures = []
178 | self.num_tests = len(formats) * len(tests)
179 | num_digits = len(str(self.num_tests))
180 | self.fmt_str = "[%%%dd/%%%dd] (%%s) %%s" % (num_digits, num_digits)
181 | self.isatty = sys.stdout.isatty() and not self.verbose
182 | self.env = os.environ.copy()
183 | self.hpos = 0
184 |
185 | def run(self):
186 | run_start = time.time()
187 |
188 | i = 1
189 | for fmt in self.formats:
190 | for test in self.tests:
191 | self.run_test(test, fmt, i)
192 | i += 1
193 |
194 | if self.isatty:
195 | self.erase_current_line()
196 |
197 | self.took = time.time() - run_start
198 |
199 | def run_test(self, test, fmt, i):
200 | if self.isatty:
201 | self.erase_current_line()
202 |
203 | msg = self.fmt_str % (i, self.num_tests, fmt, test)
204 | self.print_(msg)
205 |
206 | start = time.time()
207 | cmd = [sys.executable, test] + self.gyp_options
208 | self.env["TESTGYP_FORMAT"] = fmt
209 | proc = subprocess.Popen(
210 | cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=self.env
211 | )
212 | proc.wait()
213 | took = time.time() - start
214 |
215 | stdout = proc.stdout.read().decode("utf8")
216 | if proc.returncode == 2:
217 | res = "skipped"
218 | elif proc.returncode:
219 | res = "failed"
220 | self.failures.append("(%s) %s" % (test, fmt))
221 | else:
222 | res = "passed"
223 | res_msg = " %s %.3fs" % (res, took)
224 | self.print_(res_msg)
225 |
226 | if (
227 | stdout
228 | and not stdout.endswith("PASSED\n")
229 | and not (stdout.endswith("NO RESULT\n"))
230 | ):
231 | print()
232 | print("\n".join(" %s" % line for line in stdout.splitlines()))
233 | elif not self.isatty:
234 | print()
235 |
236 | def print_(self, msg):
237 | print(msg, end="")
238 | index = msg.rfind("\n")
239 | if index == -1:
240 | self.hpos += len(msg)
241 | else:
242 | self.hpos = len(msg) - index
243 | sys.stdout.flush()
244 |
245 | def erase_current_line(self):
246 | print("\b" * self.hpos + " " * self.hpos + "\b" * self.hpos, end="")
247 | sys.stdout.flush()
248 | self.hpos = 0
249 |
250 | def print_results(self):
251 | num_failures = len(self.failures)
252 | if num_failures:
253 | print()
254 | if num_failures == 1:
255 | print("Failed the following test:")
256 | else:
257 | print("Failed the following %d tests:" % num_failures)
258 | print("\t" + "\n\t".join(sorted(self.failures)))
259 | print()
260 | print(
261 | "Ran %d tests in %.3fs, %d failed."
262 | % (self.num_tests, self.took, num_failures)
263 | )
264 | print()
265 |
266 |
267 | if __name__ == "__main__":
268 | sys.exit(main())