1 | # ora
2 |
3 | > Elegant terminal spinner
4 |
5 | <p align="center">
6 | <br>
7 | <img src="screenshot.svg" width="500">
8 | <br>
9 | </p>
10 |
11 | ## Install
12 |
13 | ```
14 | $ npm install ora
15 | ```
16 |
17 | ## Usage
18 |
19 | ```js
20 | const ora = require('ora');
21 |
22 | const spinner = ora('Loading unicorns').start();
23 |
24 | setTimeout(() => {
25 | spinner.color = 'yellow';
26 | spinner.text = 'Loading rainbows';
27 | }, 1000);
28 | ```
29 |
30 | ## API
31 |
32 | ### ora(text)
33 | ### ora(options)
34 |
35 | If a string is provided, it is treated as a shortcut for [`options.text`](#text).
36 |
37 | #### options
38 |
39 | Type: `object`
40 |
41 | ##### text
42 |
43 | Type: `string`
44 |
45 | Text to display after the spinner.
46 |
47 | ##### prefixText
48 |
49 | Type: `string | () => string`
50 |
51 | Text or a function that returns text to display before the spinner. No prefix text will be displayed if set to an empty string.
52 |
53 | ##### spinner
54 |
55 | Type: `string | object`\
56 | Default: `'dots'` <img src="screenshot-spinner.gif" width="14">
57 |
58 | Name of one of the [provided spinners](https://github.com/sindresorhus/cli-spinners/blob/main/spinners.json). See `example.js` in this repo if you want to test out different spinners. On Windows, it will always use the `line` spinner as the Windows command-line doesn't have proper Unicode support.
59 |
60 | Or an object like:
61 |
62 | ```js
63 | {
64 | interval: 80, // Optional
65 | frames: ['-', '+', '-']
66 | }
67 | ```
68 |
69 | ##### color
70 |
71 | Type: `string`\
72 | Default: `'cyan'`\
73 | Values: `'black' | 'red' | 'green' | 'yellow' | 'blue' | 'magenta' | 'cyan' | 'white' | 'gray'`
74 |
75 | Color of the spinner.
76 |
77 | ##### hideCursor
78 |
79 | Type: `boolean`\
80 | Default: `true`
81 |
82 | Set to `false` to stop Ora from hiding the cursor.
83 |
84 | ##### indent
85 |
86 | Type: `number`\
87 | Default: `0`
88 |
89 | Indent the spinner with the given number of spaces.
90 |
91 | ##### interval
92 |
93 | Type: `number`\
94 | Default: Provided by the spinner or `100`
95 |
96 | Interval between each frame.
97 |
98 | Spinners provide their own recommended interval, so you don't really need to specify this.
99 |
100 | ##### stream
101 |
102 | Type: `stream.Writable`\
103 | Default: `process.stderr`
104 |
105 | Stream to write the output.
106 |
107 | You could for example set this to `process.stdout` instead.
108 |
109 | ##### isEnabled
110 |
111 | Type: `boolean`
112 |
113 | Force enable/disable the spinner. If not specified, the spinner will be enabled if the `stream` is being run inside a TTY context (not spawned or piped) and/or not in a CI environment.
114 |
115 | Note that `{isEnabled: false}` doesn't mean it won't output anything. It just means it won't output the spinner, colors, and other ansi escape codes. It will still log text.
116 |
117 | ##### isSilent
118 |
119 | Type: `boolean`\
120 | Default: `false`
121 |
122 | Disable the spinner and all log text. All output is suppressed and `isEnabled` will be considered `false`.
123 |
124 | ##### discardStdin
125 |
126 | Type: `boolean`\
127 | Default: `true`
128 |
129 | Discard stdin input (except Ctrl+C) while running if it's TTY. This prevents the spinner from twitching on input, outputting broken lines on <kbd>Enter</kbd> key presses, and prevents buffering of input while the spinner is running.
130 |
131 | This has no effect on Windows as there's no good way to implement discarding stdin properly there.
132 |
133 | ### Instance
134 |
135 | #### .start(text?)
136 |
137 | Start the spinner. Returns the instance. Set the current text if `text` is provided.
138 |
139 | #### .stop()
140 |
141 | Stop and clear the spinner. Returns the instance.
142 |
143 | #### .succeed(text?)
144 |
145 | Stop the spinner, change it to a green `✔` and persist the current text, or `text` if provided. Returns the instance. See the GIF below.
146 |
147 | #### .fail(text?)
148 |
149 | Stop the spinner, change it to a red `✖` and persist the current text, or `text` if provided. Returns the instance. See the GIF below.
150 |
151 | #### .warn(text?)
152 |
153 | Stop the spinner, change it to a yellow `⚠` and persist the current text, or `text` if provided. Returns the instance.
154 |
155 | #### .info(text?)
156 |
157 | Stop the spinner, change it to a blue `ℹ` and persist the current text, or `text` if provided. Returns the instance.
158 |
159 | #### .isSpinning
160 |
161 | A boolean of whether the instance is currently spinning.
162 |
163 | #### .stopAndPersist(options?)
164 |
165 | Stop the spinner and change the symbol or text. Returns the instance. See the GIF below.
166 |
167 | ##### options
168 |
169 | Type: `object`
170 |
171 | ###### symbol
172 |
173 | Type: `string`\
174 | Default: `' '`
175 |
176 | Symbol to replace the spinner with.
177 |
178 | ###### text
179 |
180 | Type: `string`\
181 | Default: Current `'text'`
182 |
183 | Text to be persisted after the symbol
184 |
185 | ###### prefixText
186 |
187 | Type: `string`\
188 | Default: Current `prefixText`
189 |
190 | Text to be persisted before the symbol. No prefix text will be displayed if set to an empty string.
191 |
192 | <img src="screenshot-2.gif" width="480">
193 |
194 | #### .clear()
195 |
196 | Clear the spinner. Returns the instance.
197 |
198 | #### .render()
199 |
200 | Manually render a new frame. Returns the instance.
201 |
202 | #### .frame()
203 |
204 | Get a new frame.
205 |
206 | #### .text
207 |
208 | Change the text after the spinner.
209 |
210 | #### .prefixText
211 |
212 | Change the text before the spinner. No prefix text will be displayed if set to an empty string.
213 |
214 | #### .color
215 |
216 | Change the spinner color.
217 |
218 | #### .spinner
219 |
220 | Change the spinner.
221 |
222 | #### .indent
223 |
224 | Change the spinner indent.
225 |
226 | ### ora.promise(action, text)
227 | ### ora.promise(action, options)
228 |
229 | Starts a spinner for a promise. The spinner is stopped with `.succeed()` if the promise fulfills or with `.fail()` if it rejects. Returns the spinner instance.
230 |
231 | #### action
232 |
233 | Type: `Promise`
234 |
235 | ## FAQ
236 |
237 | ### How do I change the color of the text?
238 |
239 | Use [Chalk](https://github.com/chalk/chalk):
240 |
241 | ```js
242 | const ora = require('ora');
243 | const chalk = require('chalk');
244 |
245 | const spinner = ora(`Loading ${chalk.red('unicorns')}`).start();
246 | ```
247 |
248 | ### Why does the spinner freeze?
249 |
250 | JavaScript is single-threaded, so synchronous operations blocks the thread, including the spinner animation. Prefer asynchronous operations whenever possible.
251 |
252 | ## Related
253 |
254 | - [cli-spinners](https://github.com/sindresorhus/cli-spinners) - Spinners for use in the terminal
255 | - [listr](https://github.com/SamVerschueren/listr) - Terminal task list
256 | - [CLISpinner](https://github.com/kiliankoe/CLISpinner) - Terminal spinner library for Swift
257 | - [halo](https://github.com/ManrajGrover/halo) - Python port
258 | - [spinners](https://github.com/FGRibreau/spinners) - Terminal spinners for Rust
259 | - [marquee-ora](https://github.com/joeycozza/marquee-ora) - Scrolling marquee spinner for Ora
260 | - [briandowns/spinner](https://github.com/briandowns/spinner) - Terminal spinner/progress indicator for Go
261 | - [tj/go-spin](https://github.com/tj/go-spin) - Terminal spinner package for Go
262 | - [observablehq.com/@victordidenko/ora](https://observablehq.com/@victordidenko/ora) - Ora port to Observable notebooks
263 | - [spinnies](https://github.com/jcarpanelli/spinnies) - Terminal multi-spinner library for Node.js
264 | - [kia](https://github.com/HarryPeach/kia) - Simple terminal spinners for Deno 🦕