1 | import { MessageChannel } from 'worker_threads';
2 | import Piscina from '..';
3 | import { test } from 'tap';
4 | import { resolve } from 'path';
5 |
6 | test('postTask() can transfer ArrayBuffer instances', async ({ equal }) => {
7 | const pool = new Piscina({
8 | filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/simple-isworkerthread.ts')
9 | });
10 |
11 | const ab = new ArrayBuffer(40);
12 | await pool.runTask({ ab }, [ab]);
13 | equal(pool.completed, 1);
14 | equal(ab.byteLength, 0);
15 | });
16 |
17 | test('postTask() can transfer ArrayBuffer instances', async ({ equal }) => {
18 | const pool = new Piscina({
19 | filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/simple-isworkerthread.ts')
20 | });
21 |
22 | const ab = new ArrayBuffer(40);
23 | await pool.run({ ab }, { transferList: [ab] });
24 | equal(pool.completed, 1);
25 | equal(ab.byteLength, 0);
26 | });
27 |
28 | test('postTask() cannot clone build-in objects', async ({ rejects }) => {
29 | const pool = new Piscina({
30 | filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/simple-isworkerthread.ts')
31 | });
32 |
33 | const obj = new MessageChannel().port1;
34 | rejects(pool.runTask({ obj }));
35 | });
36 |
37 | test('postTask() resolves with a rejection when the handler rejects', async ({ rejects }) => {
38 | const pool = new Piscina({
39 | filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js')
40 | });
41 |
42 | rejects(pool.runTask('Promise.reject(new Error("foo"))'), /foo/);
43 | });
44 |
45 | test('postTask() resolves with a rejection when the handler throws', async ({ rejects }) => {
46 | const pool = new Piscina({
47 | filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js')
48 | });
49 |
50 | rejects(pool.runTask('throw new Error("foo")'), /foo/);
51 | });
52 |
53 | test('postTask() validates transferList', async ({ rejects }) => {
54 | const pool = new Piscina({
55 | filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js')
56 | });
57 |
58 | rejects(pool.runTask('0', 42 as any),
59 | /transferList argument must be an Array/);
60 |
61 | rejects(pool.run('0', { transferList: 42 as any }),
62 | /transferList argument must be an Array/);
63 | });
64 |
65 | test('postTask() validates filename', async ({ rejects }) => {
66 | const pool = new Piscina({
67 | filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js')
68 | });
69 |
70 | rejects(pool.runTask('0', [], 42 as any),
71 | /filename argument must be a string/);
72 |
73 | rejects(pool.run('0', { filename: 42 as any }),
74 | /filename argument must be a string/);
75 | });
76 |
77 | test('postTask() validates name', async ({ rejects }) => {
78 | const pool = new Piscina({
79 | filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js')
80 | });
81 |
82 | rejects(pool.run('0', { name: 42 as any }),
83 | /name argument must be a string/);
84 | });
85 |
86 | test('postTask() validates abortSignal', async ({ rejects }) => {
87 | const pool = new Piscina({
88 | filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js')
89 | });
90 |
91 | rejects(pool.runTask('0', [], undefined, 42 as any),
92 | /signal argument must be an object/);
93 |
94 | rejects(pool.run('0', { signal: 42 as any }),
95 | /signal argument must be an object/);
96 | });
97 |
98 | test('Piscina emits drain', async ({ ok }) => {
99 | const pool = new Piscina({
100 | filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js')
101 | });
102 |
103 | let drained = false;
104 | pool.on('drain', () => {
105 | drained = true;
106 | });
107 |
108 | await Promise.all([pool.runTask('123'), pool.runTask('123')]);
109 |
110 | ok(drained);
111 | });
112 |
113 | test('Piscina can use async loaded workers', async ({ equal }) => {
114 | const pool = new Piscina({
115 | filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval-async.js')
116 | });
117 | equal(await pool.runTask('1'), 1);
118 | });
119 |
120 | test('Piscina can use async loaded esm workers', {}, async ({ equal }) => {
121 | const pool = new Piscina({
122 | filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/esm-async.mjs')
123 | });
124 | equal(await pool.runTask('1'), 1);
125 | });
126 |
127 | test('Piscina.run options is correct type', async ({ rejects }) => {
128 | const pool = new Piscina({
129 | filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js')
130 | });
131 |
132 | rejects(pool.run(42, 1 as any), /options must be an object/);
133 | });