1 | import Piscina from '..';
2 | import { cpus } from 'os';
3 | import { test } from 'tap';
4 | import { resolve } from 'path';
5 |
6 | test('will start with minThreads and max out at maxThreads', async ({ equal, rejects }) => {
7 | const pool = new Piscina({
8 | filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js'),
9 | minThreads: 2,
10 | maxThreads: 4
11 | });
12 | equal(pool.threads.length, 2);
13 | rejects(pool.runTask('while(true) {}'));
14 | equal(pool.threads.length, 2);
15 | rejects(pool.runTask('while(true) {}'));
16 | equal(pool.threads.length, 2);
17 | rejects(pool.runTask('while(true) {}'));
18 | equal(pool.threads.length, 3);
19 | rejects(pool.runTask('while(true) {}'));
20 | equal(pool.threads.length, 4);
21 | rejects(pool.runTask('while(true) {}'));
22 | equal(pool.threads.length, 4);
23 | await pool.destroy();
24 | });
25 |
26 | test('low maxThreads sets minThreads', async ({ equal }) => {
27 | const pool = new Piscina({
28 | filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js'),
29 | maxThreads: 1
30 | });
31 | equal(pool.threads.length, 1);
32 | equal(pool.options.minThreads, 1);
33 | equal(pool.options.maxThreads, 1);
34 | });
35 |
36 | test('high minThreads sets maxThreads', {
37 | skip: cpus().length > 8
38 | }, async ({ equal }) => {
39 | const pool = new Piscina({
40 | filename: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/eval.js'),
41 | minThreads: 16
42 | });
43 | equal(pool.threads.length, 16);
44 | equal(pool.options.minThreads, 16);
45 | equal(pool.options.maxThreads, 16);
46 | });
47 |
48 | test('conflicting min/max threads is error', async ({ throws }) => {
49 | throws(() => new Piscina({
50 | minThreads: 16,
51 | maxThreads: 8
52 | }), /options.minThreads and options.maxThreads must not conflict/);
53 | });