1 | 'use strict';
2 |
3 | function _interopDefault (ex) { return (ex && (typeof ex === 'object') && 'default' in ex) ? ex['default'] : ex; }
4 |
5 | var postcss = _interopDefault(require('postcss'));
6 | var valueParser = _interopDefault(require('postcss-values-parser'));
7 |
8 | // return whether a node is a valid comma
9 | var getComma = (node => Object(node).type === 'comma');
10 |
11 | const imageSetFunctionMatchRegExp = /^(-webkit-)?image-set$/i; // return a valid image
12 |
13 | var getImage = (node => // <url> | <image()> | <cross-fade()> | <gradient>
14 | // the image-set() function can not be nested inside of itself
15 | Object(node).type === 'func' && /^(cross-fade|image|(repeating-)?(conic|linear|radial)-gradient|url)$/i.test(node.value) && !(node.parent.parent && node.parent.parent.type === 'func' && imageSetFunctionMatchRegExp.test(node.parent.parent.value)) ? String(node) : Object(node).type === 'string' ? node.value : false);
16 |
17 | const dpiRatios = {
18 | dpcm: 2.54,
19 | dpi: 1,
20 | dppx: 96,
21 | x: 96
22 | }; // return a valid @media rule
23 |
24 | var getMedia = ((node, mediasByDpr) => {
25 | if (Object(node).type === 'number' && node.unit in dpiRatios) {
26 | // calculate min-device-pixel-ratio and min-resolution
27 | const dpi = Number(node.value) * dpiRatios[node.unit.toLowerCase()];
28 | const dpr = Math.floor(dpi / dpiRatios.x * 100) / 100;
29 |
30 | if (dpi in mediasByDpr) {
31 | return false;
32 | } else {
33 | const media = mediasByDpr[dpi] = postcss.atRule({
34 | name: 'media',
35 | params: `(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: ${dpr}), (min-resolution: ${dpi}dpi)`
36 | });
37 | return media;
38 | }
39 | } else {
40 | return false;
41 | }
42 | });
43 |
44 | var handleInvalidation = ((opts, message, word) => {
45 | if (opts.oninvalid === 'warn') {
46 | opts.decl.warn(opts.result, message, {
47 | word: String(word)
48 | });
49 | } else if (opts.oninvalid === 'throw') {
50 | throw opts.decl.error(message, {
51 | word: String(word)
52 | });
53 | }
54 | });
55 |
56 | var processImageSet = ((imageSetOptionNodes, decl, opts) => {
57 | const parent = decl.parent;
58 | const mediasByDpr = {};
59 | let length = imageSetOptionNodes.length;
60 | let index = -1;
61 |
62 | while (index < length) {
63 | const _ref = [index < 0 ? true : getComma(imageSetOptionNodes[index]), getImage(imageSetOptionNodes[index + 1]), getMedia(imageSetOptionNodes[index + 2], mediasByDpr)],
64 | comma = _ref[0],
65 | value = _ref[1],
66 | media = _ref[2]; // handle invalidations
67 |
68 | if (!comma) {
69 | return handleInvalidation(opts, 'unexpected comma', imageSetOptionNodes[index]);
70 | } else if (!value) {
71 | return handleInvalidation(opts, 'unexpected image', imageSetOptionNodes[index + 1]);
72 | } else if (!media) {
73 | return handleInvalidation(opts, 'unexpected resolution', imageSetOptionNodes[index + 2]);
74 | } // prepare @media { decl: <image> }
75 |
76 |
77 | const parentClone = parent.clone().removeAll();
78 | const declClone = decl.clone({
79 | value
80 | });
81 | parentClone.append(declClone);
82 | media.append(parentClone);
83 | index += 3;
84 | }
85 |
86 | const medias = Object.keys(mediasByDpr).sort((a, b) => a - b).map(params => mediasByDpr[params]); // conditionally prepend previous siblings
87 |
88 | if (medias.length) {
89 | const firstDecl = medias[0].nodes[0].nodes[0];
90 |
91 | if (medias.length === 1) {
92 | decl.value = firstDecl.value;
93 | } else {
94 | const siblings = parent.nodes;
95 | const previousSiblings = siblings.slice(0, siblings.indexOf(decl)).concat(firstDecl);
96 |
97 | if (previousSiblings.length) {
98 | const parentClone = parent.cloneBefore().removeAll();
99 | parentClone.append(previousSiblings);
100 | } // prepend any @media { decl: <image> } rules
101 |
102 |
103 | parent.before(medias.slice(1)); // conditionally remove the current rule
104 |
105 | if (!opts.preserve) {
106 | decl.remove(); // and then conditionally remove its parent
107 |
108 | if (!parent.nodes.length) {
109 | parent.remove();
110 | }
111 | }
112 | }
113 | }
114 | });
115 |
116 | const imageSetValueMatchRegExp = /(^|[^\w-])(-webkit-)?image-set\(/;
117 | const imageSetFunctionMatchRegExp$1 = /^(-webkit-)?image-set$/i;
118 | var index = postcss.plugin('postcss-image-set-function', opts => {
119 | // prepare options
120 | const preserve = 'preserve' in Object(opts) ? Boolean(opts.preserve) : true;
121 | const oninvalid = 'oninvalid' in Object(opts) ? opts.oninvalid : 'ignore';
122 | return (root, result) => {
123 | // for every declaration
124 | root.walkDecls(decl => {
125 | const value = decl.value; // if a declaration likely uses an image-set() function
126 |
127 | if (imageSetValueMatchRegExp.test(value)) {
128 | const valueAST = valueParser(value).parse(); // process every image-set() function
129 |
130 | valueAST.walkType('func', node => {
131 | if (imageSetFunctionMatchRegExp$1.test(node.value)) {
132 | processImageSet(node.nodes.slice(1, -1), decl, {
133 | decl,
134 | oninvalid,
135 | preserve,
136 | result
137 | });
138 | }
139 | });
140 | }
141 | });
142 | };
143 | });
144 |
145 | module.exports = index;
146 | //# sourceMappingURL=index.cjs.js.map