1 | # PostCSS Preset Env [<img src="https://postcss.github.io/postcss/logo.svg" alt="PostCSS" width="90" height="90" align="right">][postcss]
2 |
3 | [![NPM Version][npm-img]][npm-url]
4 | [![Build Status][cli-img]][cli-url]
5 | [![Support Chat][git-img]][git-url]
6 |
7 | [PostCSS Preset Env] lets you convert modern CSS into something most browsers
8 | can understand, determining the polyfills you need based on your targeted
9 | browsers or runtime environments.
10 |
11 | ```bash
12 | npm install postcss-preset-env
13 | ```
14 |
15 | ```pcss
16 | @custom-media --viewport-medium (width <= 50rem);
17 | @custom-selector :--heading h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6;
18 |
19 | :root {
20 | --mainColor: #12345678;
21 | }
22 |
23 | body {
24 | color: var(--mainColor);
25 | font-family: system-ui;
26 | overflow-wrap: break-word;
27 | }
28 |
29 | :--heading {
30 | background-image: image-set(url(img/heading.png) 1x, url(img/heading@2x.png) 2x);
31 |
32 | @media (--viewport-medium) {
33 | margin-block: 0;
34 | }
35 | }
36 |
37 | a {
38 | color: rgb(0 0 100% / 90%);
39 |
40 | &:hover {
41 | color: rebeccapurple;
42 | }
43 | }
44 |
45 | /* becomes */
46 |
47 | :root {
48 | --mainColor: rgba(18, 52, 86, 0.47059);
49 | }
50 |
51 | body {
52 | color: rgba(18, 52, 86, 0.47059);
53 | color: var(--mainColor);
54 | font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Droid Sans, Helvetica Neue;
55 | word-wrap: break-word;
56 | }
57 |
58 | h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
59 | background-image: url(img/heading.png);
60 | }
61 |
62 | @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) {
63 | h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
64 | background-image: url(img/heading@2x.png)
65 | }
66 | }
67 |
68 | @media (max-width: 50rem) {
69 | h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
70 | margin-top: 0;
71 | margin-bottom: 0;
72 | }
73 | }
74 |
75 | a {
76 | color: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.9)
77 | }
78 |
79 | a:hover {
80 | color: #639;
81 | }
82 | ```
83 |
84 | Without any configuration options, [PostCSS Preset Env] enables **Stage 2**
85 | features and supports **all** browsers.
86 |
87 | [![Transform with Preset Env][readme-transform-with-preset-env-img]][readme-transform-with-preset-env-url]
88 | [![Style with Preset Env][readme-style-with-preset-env-img]][readme-style-with-preset-env-url]
89 |
90 | ## Usage
91 |
92 | Add [PostCSS Preset Env] to your project:
93 |
94 | ```bash
95 | npm install postcss-preset-env --save-dev
96 | ```
97 |
98 | Use [PostCSS Preset Env] to process your CSS:
99 |
100 | ```js
101 | const postcssPresetEnv = require('postcss-preset-env');
102 |
103 | postcssPresetEnv.process(YOUR_CSS /*, processOptions, pluginOptions */);
104 | ```
105 |
106 | Or use it as a [PostCSS] plugin:
107 |
108 | ```js
109 | const postcss = require('postcss');
110 | const postcssPresetEnv = require('postcss-preset-env');
111 |
112 | postcss([
113 | postcssPresetEnv(/* pluginOptions */)
114 | ]).process(YOUR_CSS /*, processOptions */);
115 | ```
116 |
117 | [PostCSS Preset Env] runs in all Node environments, with special instructions for:
118 |
119 | | [Node](INSTALL.md#node) | [PostCSS CLI](INSTALL.md#postcss-cli) | [Webpack](INSTALL.md#webpack) | [Create React App](INSTALL.md#create-react-app) | [Gulp](INSTALL.md#gulp) | [Grunt](INSTALL.md#grunt) |
120 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
121 |
122 | ## Options
123 |
124 | ### stage
125 |
126 | The `stage` option determines which CSS features to polyfill, based upon their
127 | stability in the process of becoming implemented web standards.
128 |
129 | ```js
130 | postcssPresetEnv({ stage: 0 })
131 | ```
132 |
133 | The `stage` can be `0` (experimental) through `4` (stable), or `false`. Setting
134 | `stage` to `false` will disable every polyfill. Doing this would only be useful
135 | if you intended to exclusively use the [`features`](#features) option.
136 |
137 | Without any configuration options, [PostCSS Preset Env] enables **Stage 2**
138 | features.
139 |
140 | ### features
141 |
142 | The `features` option enables or disables specific polyfills by ID. Passing
143 | `true` to a specific feature ID will enable its polyfill, while passing `false`
144 | will disable it.
145 |
146 | ```js
147 | postcssPresetEnv({
148 | /* use stage 3 features + css nesting rules */
149 | stage: 3,
150 | features: {
151 | 'nesting-rules': true
152 | }
153 | })
154 | ```
155 |
156 | Passing an object to a specific feature ID will both enable and configure it.
157 |
158 | ```js
159 | postcssPresetEnv({
160 | /* use stage 3 features + css color-mod (warning on unresolved) */
161 | stage: 3,
162 | features: {
163 | 'color-mod-function': { unresolved: 'warn' }
164 | }
165 | })
166 | ```
167 |
168 | Any polyfills not explicitly enabled or disabled through `features` are
169 | determined by the [`stage`](#stage) option.
170 |
171 | ### browsers
172 |
173 | The `browsers` option determines which polyfills are required based upon the
174 | browsers you are supporting.
175 |
176 | [PostCSS Preset Env] supports any standard [browserslist] configuration, which
177 | can be a `.browserslistrc` file, a `browserslist` key in `package.json`, or
178 | `browserslist` environment variables.
179 |
180 | The `browsers` option should only be used when a standard browserslist
181 | configuration is not available.
182 |
183 | ```js
184 | postcssPresetEnv({ browsers: 'last 2 versions' })
185 | ```
186 |
187 | If not valid browserslist configuration is specified, the
188 | [default browserslist query](https://github.com/browserslist/browserslist#queries)
189 | will be used.
190 |
191 | ### insertBefore / insertAfter
192 |
193 | The `insertBefore` and `insertAfter` keys allow you to insert other PostCSS
194 | plugins into the chain. This is only useful if you are also using sugary
195 | PostCSS plugins that must execute before or after certain polyfills.
196 | Both `insertBefore` and `insertAfter` support chaining one or multiple plugins.
197 |
198 | ```js
199 | import postcssSimpleVars from 'postcss-simple-vars';
200 |
201 | postcssPresetEnv({
202 | insertBefore: {
203 | 'all-property': postcssSimpleVars
204 | }
205 | })
206 | ```
207 |
208 | ### autoprefixer
209 |
210 | [PostCSS Preset Env] includes [autoprefixer] and [`browsers`](#browsers) option
211 | will be passed to it automatically.
212 |
213 | Specifying the `autoprefixer` option enables passing
214 | [additional options](https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer#options)
215 | into [autoprefixer].
216 |
217 | ```js
218 | postcssPresetEnv({
219 | autoprefixer: { grid: true }
220 | })
221 | ```
222 |
223 | Passing `autoprefixer: false` disables autoprefixer.
224 |
225 | ### preserve
226 |
227 | The `preserve` option determines whether all plugins should receive a
228 | `preserve` option, which may preserve or remove otherwise-polyfilled CSS. By
229 | default, this option is not configured.
230 |
231 | ```js
232 | postcssPresetEnv({
233 | preserve: false // instruct all plugins to omit pre-polyfilled CSS
234 | });
235 | ```
236 |
237 | ### importFrom
238 |
239 | The `importFrom` option specifies sources where variables like Custom Media,
240 | Custom Properties, Custom Selectors, and Environment Variables can be imported
241 | from, which might be CSS, JS, and JSON files, functions, and directly passed
242 | objects.
243 |
244 | ```js
245 | postcssPresetEnv({
246 | /*
247 | @custom-media --small-viewport (max-width: 30em);
248 | @custom-selector :--heading h1, h2, h3;
249 | :root { --color: red; }
250 | */
251 | importFrom: 'path/to/file.css'
252 | });
253 | ```
254 |
255 | Multiple sources can be passed into this option, and they will be parsed in the
256 | order they are received. JavaScript files, JSON files, functions, and objects
257 | will use different namespaces to import different kinds of variables.
258 |
259 | ```js
260 | postcssPresetEnv({
261 | importFrom: [
262 | /*
263 | @custom-media --small-viewport (max-width: 30em);
264 | @custom-selector :--heading h1, h2, h3;
265 | :root { --color: red; }
266 | */
267 | 'path/to/file.css',
268 |
269 | /* module.exports = {
270 | customMedia: { '--small-viewport': '(max-width: 30em)' },
271 | customProperties: { '--color': 'red' },
272 | customSelectors: { ':--heading': 'h1, h2, h3' },
273 | environmentVariables: { '--branding-padding': '20px' }
274 | } */
275 | 'and/then/this.js',
276 |
277 | /* {
278 | "custom-media": { "--small-viewport": "(max-width: 30em)" }
279 | "custom-properties": { "--color": "red" },
280 | "custom-selectors": { ":--heading": "h1, h2, h3" },
281 | "environment-variables": { "--branding-padding": "20px" }
282 | } */
283 | 'and/then/that.json',
284 |
285 | {
286 | customMedia: { '--small-viewport': '(max-width: 30em)' },
287 | customProperties: { '--color': 'red' },
288 | customSelectors: { ':--heading': 'h1, h2, h3' },
289 | environmentVariables: { '--branding-padding': '20px' }
290 | },
291 | () => {
292 | const customMedia = { '--small-viewport': '(max-width: 30em)' };
293 | const customProperties = { '--color': 'red' };
294 | const customSelectors = { ':--heading': 'h1, h2, h3' };
295 | const environmentVariables = { '--branding-padding': '20px' };
296 |
297 | return { customMedia, customProperties, customSelectors, environmentVariables };
298 | }
299 | ]
300 | });
301 | ```
302 |
303 | ### exportTo
304 |
305 | The `exportTo` option specifies destinations where variables like Custom Media,
306 | Custom Properties, Custom Selectors, and Environment Variables can be exported
307 | to, which might be CSS, JS, and JSON files, functions, and directly passed
308 | objects.
309 |
310 | ```js
311 | postcssPresetEnv({
312 | /*
313 | @custom-media --small-viewport (max-width: 30em);
314 | @custom-selector :--heading h1, h2, h3;
315 | :root { --color: red; }
316 | */
317 | exportTo: 'path/to/file.css'
318 | });
319 | ```
320 |
321 | Multiple destinations can be passed into this option as well, and they will be
322 | parsed in the order they are received. JavaScript files, JSON files, and
323 | objects will use different namespaces to import different kinds of variables.
324 |
325 | ```js
326 | const cachedObject = {};
327 |
328 | postcssPresetEnv({
329 | exportTo: [
330 | /*
331 | @custom-media --small-viewport (max-width: 30em);
332 | @custom-selector :--heading h1, h2, h3;
333 | :root { --color: red; }
334 | */
335 | 'path/to/file.css',
336 |
337 | /* module.exports = {
338 | customMedia: { '--small-viewport': '(max-width: 30em)' },
339 | customProperties: { '--color': 'red' },
340 | customSelectors: { ':--heading': 'h1, h2, h3' },
341 | environmentVariables: { '--branding-padding': '20px' }
342 | } */
343 | 'and/then/this.js',
344 |
345 | /* {
346 | "custom-media": { "--small-viewport": "(max-width: 30em)" }
347 | "custom-properties": { "--color": "red" },
348 | "custom-selectors": { ":--heading": "h1, h2, h3" },
349 | "environment-variables": { "--branding-padding": "20px" }
350 | } */
351 | 'and/then/that.json',
352 |
353 | cachedObject,
354 | variables => {
355 | if ('customProperties' in variables) {
356 | // do something special with customProperties
357 | }
358 |
359 | Object.assign(cachedObject, variables);
360 | }
361 | ]
362 | });
363 | ```
364 |
365 | [cli-img]: https://img.shields.io/travis/csstools/postcss-preset-env/master.svg
366 | [cli-url]: https://travis-ci.org/csstools/postcss-preset-env
367 | [git-img]: https://img.shields.io/badge/support-chat-blue.svg
368 | [git-url]: https://gitter.im/postcss/postcss
369 | [npm-img]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/postcss-preset-env.svg
370 | [npm-url]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/postcss-preset-env
371 |
372 | [autoprefixer]: https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer
373 | [browserslist]: https://github.com/browserslist/browserslist#readme
374 | [caniuse]: https://caniuse.com/
375 | [cssdb]: https://cssdb.org/
376 | [PostCSS]: https://github.com/postcss/postcss
377 | [PostCSS Preset Env]: https://github.com/csstools/postcss-preset-env
378 | [readme-style-with-preset-env-img]: https://csstools.github.io/postcss-preset-env/readme-style-with-preset-env.svg
379 | [readme-style-with-preset-env-url]: https://codepen.io/pen?template=OZRovK
380 | [readme-transform-with-preset-env-img]: https://csstools.github.io/postcss-preset-env/readme-transform-with-preset-env.svg
381 | [readme-transform-with-preset-env-url]: https://csstools.github.io/postcss-preset-env/